mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 02:55:31 +00:00
Primary motivation is documentation, but it will also hopefully simplify the code. Also, * Lower case the default output format names; this is in line with the custom ones (map keys) and how it's treated all the places. This avoids doing `stringds.EqualFold` everywhere. Closes #10896 Closes #10620
442 lines
11 KiB
442 lines
11 KiB
// Copyright 2018 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package postcss
import (
const importIdentifier = "@import"
var (
cssSyntaxErrorRe = regexp.MustCompile(`> (\d+) \|`)
shouldImportRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^@import ["'].*["'];?\s*(/\*.*\*/)?$`)
// New creates a new Client with the given specification.
func New(rs *resources.Spec) *Client {
return &Client{rs: rs}
func decodeOptions(m map[string]any) (opts Options, err error) {
if m == nil {
err = mapstructure.WeakDecode(m, &opts)
if !opts.NoMap {
// There was for a long time a discrepancy between documentation and
// implementation for the noMap property, so we need to support both
// camel and snake case.
opts.NoMap = cast.ToBool(m["no-map"])
// Client is the client used to do PostCSS transformations.
type Client struct {
rs *resources.Spec
// Process transforms the given Resource with the PostCSS processor.
func (c *Client) Process(res resources.ResourceTransformer, options map[string]any) (resource.Resource, error) {
return res.Transform(&postcssTransformation{rs: c.rs, optionsm: options})
// Some of the options from https://github.com/postcss/postcss-cli
type Options struct {
// Set a custom path to look for a config file.
Config string
NoMap bool // Disable the default inline sourcemaps
// Enable inlining of @import statements.
// Does so recursively, but currently once only per file;
// that is, it's not possible to import the same file in
// different scopes (root, media query...)
// Note that this import routine does not care about the CSS spec,
// so you can have @import anywhere in the file.
InlineImports bool
// When InlineImports is enabled, we fail the build if an import cannot be resolved.
// You can enable this to allow the build to continue and leave the import statement in place.
// Note that the inline importer does not process url location or imports with media queries,
// so those will be left as-is even without enabling this option.
SkipInlineImportsNotFound bool
// Options for when not using a config file
Use string // List of postcss plugins to use
Parser string // Custom postcss parser
Stringifier string // Custom postcss stringifier
Syntax string // Custom postcss syntax
func (opts Options) toArgs() []string {
var args []string
if opts.NoMap {
args = append(args, "--no-map")
if opts.Use != "" {
args = append(args, "--use")
args = append(args, strings.Fields(opts.Use)...)
if opts.Parser != "" {
args = append(args, "--parser", opts.Parser)
if opts.Stringifier != "" {
args = append(args, "--stringifier", opts.Stringifier)
if opts.Syntax != "" {
args = append(args, "--syntax", opts.Syntax)
return args
type postcssTransformation struct {
optionsm map[string]any
rs *resources.Spec
func (t *postcssTransformation) Key() internal.ResourceTransformationKey {
return internal.NewResourceTransformationKey("postcss", t.optionsm)
// Transform shells out to postcss-cli to do the heavy lifting.
// For this to work, you need some additional tools. To install them globally:
// npm install -g postcss-cli
// npm install -g autoprefixer
func (t *postcssTransformation) Transform(ctx *resources.ResourceTransformationCtx) error {
const binaryName = "postcss"
ex := t.rs.ExecHelper
var configFile string
logger := t.rs.Logger
var options Options
if t.optionsm != nil {
var err error
options, err = decodeOptions(t.optionsm)
if err != nil {
return err
if options.Config != "" {
configFile = options.Config
} else {
configFile = "postcss.config.js"
configFile = filepath.Clean(configFile)
// We need an absolute filename to the config file.
if !filepath.IsAbs(configFile) {
configFile = t.rs.BaseFs.ResolveJSConfigFile(configFile)
if configFile == "" && options.Config != "" {
// Only fail if the user specified config file is not found.
return fmt.Errorf("postcss config %q not found:", options.Config)
var cmdArgs []any
if configFile != "" {
logger.Infoln("postcss: use config file", configFile)
cmdArgs = []any{"--config", configFile}
if optArgs := options.toArgs(); len(optArgs) > 0 {
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, collections.StringSliceToInterfaceSlice(optArgs)...)
var errBuf bytes.Buffer
infoW := loggers.LoggerToWriterWithPrefix(logger.Info(), "postcss")
stderr := io.MultiWriter(infoW, &errBuf)
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, hexec.WithStderr(stderr))
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, hexec.WithStdout(ctx.To))
cmdArgs = append(cmdArgs, hexec.WithEnviron(hugo.GetExecEnviron(t.rs.Cfg.BaseConfig().WorkingDir, t.rs.Cfg, t.rs.BaseFs.Assets.Fs)))
cmd, err := ex.Npx(binaryName, cmdArgs...)
if err != nil {
if hexec.IsNotFound(err) {
// This may be on a CI server etc. Will fall back to pre-built assets.
return herrors.ErrFeatureNotAvailable
return err
stdin, err := cmd.StdinPipe()
if err != nil {
return err
src := ctx.From
imp := newImportResolver(
t.rs.Assets.Fs, t.rs.Logger,
if options.InlineImports {
var err error
src, err = imp.resolve()
if err != nil {
return err
go func() {
defer stdin.Close()
io.Copy(stdin, src)
err = cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
if hexec.IsNotFound(err) {
return herrors.ErrFeatureNotAvailable
return imp.toFileError(errBuf.String())
return nil
type fileOffset struct {
Filename string
Offset int
type importResolver struct {
r io.Reader
inPath string
opts Options
contentSeen map[string]bool
linemap map[int]fileOffset
fs afero.Fs
logger loggers.Logger
func newImportResolver(r io.Reader, inPath string, opts Options, fs afero.Fs, logger loggers.Logger) *importResolver {
return &importResolver{
r: r,
inPath: inPath,
fs: fs, logger: logger,
linemap: make(map[int]fileOffset), contentSeen: make(map[string]bool),
opts: opts,
func (imp *importResolver) contentHash(filename string) ([]byte, string) {
b, err := afero.ReadFile(imp.fs, filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, ""
h := sha256.New()
return b, hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil))
func (imp *importResolver) importRecursive(
lineNum int,
content string,
inPath string) (int, string, error) {
basePath := path.Dir(inPath)
var replacements []string
lines := strings.Split(content, "\n")
trackLine := func(i, offset int, line string) {
// TODO(bep) this is not very efficient.
imp.linemap[i+lineNum] = fileOffset{Filename: inPath, Offset: offset}
i := 0
for offset, line := range lines {
lineTrimmed := strings.TrimSpace(line)
column := strings.Index(line, lineTrimmed)
line = lineTrimmed
if !imp.shouldImport(line) {
trackLine(i, offset, line)
} else {
path := strings.Trim(strings.TrimPrefix(line, importIdentifier), " \"';")
filename := filepath.Join(basePath, path)
importContent, hash := imp.contentHash(filename)
if importContent == nil {
if imp.opts.SkipInlineImportsNotFound {
trackLine(i, offset, line)
pos := text.Position{
Filename: inPath,
LineNumber: offset + 1,
ColumnNumber: column + 1,
return 0, "", herrors.NewFileErrorFromFileInPos(fmt.Errorf("failed to resolve CSS @import \"%s\"", filename), pos, imp.fs, nil)
if imp.contentSeen[hash] {
// Just replace the line with an empty string.
replacements = append(replacements, []string{line, ""}...)
trackLine(i, offset, "IMPORT")
imp.contentSeen[hash] = true
// Handle recursive imports.
l, nested, err := imp.importRecursive(i+lineNum, string(importContent), filepath.ToSlash(filename))
if err != nil {
return 0, "", err
trackLine(i, offset, line)
i += l
importContent = []byte(nested)
replacements = append(replacements, []string{line, string(importContent)}...)
if len(replacements) > 0 {
repl := strings.NewReplacer(replacements...)
content = repl.Replace(content)
return i, content, nil
func (imp *importResolver) resolve() (io.Reader, error) {
const importIdentifier = "@import"
content, err := io.ReadAll(imp.r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
contents := string(content)
_, newContent, err := imp.importRecursive(0, contents, imp.inPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return strings.NewReader(newContent), nil
// See https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_import_rule.asp
// We currently only support simple file imports, no urls, no media queries.
// So this is OK:
// @import "navigation.css";
// This is not:
// @import url("navigation.css");
// @import "mobstyle.css" screen and (max-width: 768px);
func (imp *importResolver) shouldImport(s string) bool {
if !strings.HasPrefix(s, importIdentifier) {
return false
if strings.Contains(s, "url(") {
return false
return shouldImportRe.MatchString(s)
func (imp *importResolver) toFileError(output string) error {
output = strings.TrimSpace(loggers.RemoveANSIColours(output))
inErr := errors.New(output)
match := cssSyntaxErrorRe.FindStringSubmatch(output)
if match == nil {
return inErr
lineNum, err := strconv.Atoi(match[1])
if err != nil {
return inErr
file, ok := imp.linemap[lineNum]
if !ok {
return inErr
fi, err := imp.fs.Stat(file.Filename)
if err != nil {
return inErr
meta := fi.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo).Meta()
realFilename := meta.Filename
f, err := meta.Open()
if err != nil {
return inErr
defer f.Close()
ferr := herrors.NewFileErrorFromName(inErr, realFilename)
pos := ferr.Position()
pos.LineNumber = file.Offset + 1
return ferr.UpdatePosition(pos).UpdateContent(f, nil)
//return herrors.NewFileErrorFromFile(inErr, file.Filename, realFilename, hugofs.Os, herrors.SimpleLineMatcher)