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synced 2025-02-14 23:01:24 +00:00
Primary motivation is documentation, but it will also hopefully simplify the code. Also, * Lower case the default output format names; this is in line with the custom ones (map keys) and how it's treated all the places. This avoids doing `stringds.EqualFold` everywhere. Closes #10896 Closes #10620
411 lines
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411 lines
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// Copyright 2023 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package filesystems_test
import (
qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest"
func TestNewBaseFs(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
v := config.New()
themes := []string{"btheme", "atheme"}
workingDir := filepath.FromSlash("/my/work")
v.Set("workingDir", workingDir)
v.Set("contentDir", "content")
v.Set("themesDir", "themes")
v.Set("defaultContentLanguage", "en")
v.Set("theme", themes[:1])
v.Set("publishDir", "public")
afs := afero.NewMemMapFs()
// Write some data to the themes
for _, theme := range themes {
for _, dir := range []string{"i18n", "data", "archetypes", "layouts"} {
base := filepath.Join(workingDir, "themes", theme, dir)
filenameTheme := filepath.Join(base, fmt.Sprintf("theme-file-%s.txt", theme))
filenameOverlap := filepath.Join(base, "f3.txt")
afs.Mkdir(base, 0755)
content := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("content:%s:%s", theme, dir))
afero.WriteFile(afs, filenameTheme, content, 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filenameOverlap, content, 0755)
// Write some files to the root of the theme
base := filepath.Join(workingDir, "themes", theme)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(base, fmt.Sprintf("theme-root-%s.txt", theme)), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("content:%s", theme)), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(base, "file-theme-root.txt"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("content:%s", theme)), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(workingDir, "file-root.txt"), []byte("content-project"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(workingDir, "themes", "btheme", "config.toml"), []byte(`
theme = ["atheme"]
`), 0755)
setConfigAndWriteSomeFilesTo(afs, v, "contentDir", "mycontent", 3)
setConfigAndWriteSomeFilesTo(afs, v, "i18nDir", "myi18n", 4)
setConfigAndWriteSomeFilesTo(afs, v, "layoutDir", "mylayouts", 5)
setConfigAndWriteSomeFilesTo(afs, v, "staticDir", "mystatic", 6)
setConfigAndWriteSomeFilesTo(afs, v, "dataDir", "mydata", 7)
setConfigAndWriteSomeFilesTo(afs, v, "archetypeDir", "myarchetypes", 8)
setConfigAndWriteSomeFilesTo(afs, v, "assetDir", "myassets", 9)
setConfigAndWriteSomeFilesTo(afs, v, "resourceDir", "myrsesource", 10)
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfig(afs, v)
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(afs, conf.BaseConfig())
p, err := paths.New(fs, conf)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
bfs, err := filesystems.NewBase(p, nil)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(bfs, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
root, err := bfs.I18n.Fs.Open("")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
dirnames, err := root.Readdirnames(-1)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(dirnames, qt.DeepEquals, []string{"f1.txt", "f2.txt", "f3.txt", "f4.txt", "f3.txt", "theme-file-btheme.txt", "f3.txt", "theme-file-atheme.txt"})
root, err = bfs.Data.Fs.Open("")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
dirnames, err = root.Readdirnames(-1)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(dirnames, qt.DeepEquals, []string{"f1.txt", "f2.txt", "f3.txt", "f4.txt", "f5.txt", "f6.txt", "f7.txt", "f3.txt", "theme-file-btheme.txt", "f3.txt", "theme-file-atheme.txt"})
checkFileCount(bfs.Layouts.Fs, "", c, 7)
checkFileCount(bfs.Content.Fs, "", c, 3)
checkFileCount(bfs.I18n.Fs, "", c, 8) // 4 + 4 themes
checkFileCount(bfs.Static[""].Fs, "", c, 6)
checkFileCount(bfs.Data.Fs, "", c, 11) // 7 + 4 themes
checkFileCount(bfs.Archetypes.Fs, "", c, 10) // 8 + 2 themes
checkFileCount(bfs.Assets.Fs, "", c, 9)
checkFileCount(bfs.Work, "", c, 90)
c.Assert(bfs.IsData(filepath.Join(workingDir, "mydata", "file1.txt")), qt.Equals, true)
c.Assert(bfs.IsI18n(filepath.Join(workingDir, "myi18n", "file1.txt")), qt.Equals, true)
c.Assert(bfs.IsLayout(filepath.Join(workingDir, "mylayouts", "file1.txt")), qt.Equals, true)
c.Assert(bfs.IsStatic(filepath.Join(workingDir, "mystatic", "file1.txt")), qt.Equals, true)
c.Assert(bfs.IsAsset(filepath.Join(workingDir, "myassets", "file1.txt")), qt.Equals, true)
contentFilename := filepath.Join(workingDir, "mycontent", "file1.txt")
c.Assert(bfs.IsContent(contentFilename), qt.Equals, true)
rel := bfs.RelContentDir(contentFilename)
c.Assert(rel, qt.Equals, "file1.txt")
// Check Work fs vs theme
checkFileContent(bfs.Work, "file-root.txt", c, "content-project")
checkFileContent(bfs.Work, "theme-root-atheme.txt", c, "content:atheme")
// https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/5318
// Check both project and theme.
for _, fs := range []afero.Fs{bfs.Archetypes.Fs, bfs.Layouts.Fs} {
for _, filename := range []string{"/f1.txt", "/theme-file-atheme.txt"} {
filename = filepath.FromSlash(filename)
f, err := fs.Open(filename)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
func TestNewBaseFsEmpty(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
afs := afero.NewMemMapFs()
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfig(afs, nil)
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(afs, conf.BaseConfig())
p, err := paths.New(fs, conf)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
bfs, err := filesystems.NewBase(p, nil)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(bfs, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(bfs.Archetypes.Fs, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(bfs.Layouts.Fs, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(bfs.Data.Fs, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(bfs.I18n.Fs, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(bfs.Work, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(bfs.Content.Fs, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(bfs.Static, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
func TestRealDirs(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
v := config.New()
root, themesDir := t.TempDir(), t.TempDir()
v.Set("workingDir", root)
v.Set("themesDir", themesDir)
v.Set("assetDir", "myassets")
v.Set("theme", "mytheme")
afs := hugofs.Os
defer func() {
c.Assert(afs.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(root, "myassets", "scss", "sf1"), 0755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afs.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(root, "myassets", "scss", "sf2"), 0755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afs.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(themesDir, "mytheme", "assets", "scss", "sf2"), 0755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afs.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(themesDir, "mytheme", "assets", "scss", "sf3"), 0755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afs.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(root, "resources"), 0755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afs.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(themesDir, "mytheme", "resources"), 0755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afs.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(root, "myassets", "js", "f2"), 0755), qt.IsNil)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(filepath.Join(root, "myassets", "scss", "sf1", "a1.scss")), []byte("content"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(filepath.Join(root, "myassets", "scss", "sf2", "a3.scss")), []byte("content"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(filepath.Join(root, "myassets", "scss", "a2.scss")), []byte("content"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(filepath.Join(themesDir, "mytheme", "assets", "scss", "sf2", "a3.scss")), []byte("content"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(filepath.Join(themesDir, "mytheme", "assets", "scss", "sf3", "a4.scss")), []byte("content"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(filepath.Join(themesDir, "mytheme", "resources", "t1.txt")), []byte("content"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(filepath.Join(root, "resources", "p1.txt")), []byte("content"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(filepath.Join(root, "resources", "p2.txt")), []byte("content"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(filepath.Join(root, "myassets", "js", "f2", "a1.js")), []byte("content"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(filepath.Join(root, "myassets", "js", "a2.js")), []byte("content"), 0755)
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfig(afs, v)
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(afs, conf.BaseConfig())
p, err := paths.New(fs, conf)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
bfs, err := filesystems.NewBase(p, nil)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(bfs, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
checkFileCount(bfs.Assets.Fs, "", c, 6)
realDirs := bfs.Assets.RealDirs("scss")
c.Assert(len(realDirs), qt.Equals, 2)
c.Assert(realDirs[0], qt.Equals, filepath.Join(root, "myassets/scss"))
c.Assert(realDirs[len(realDirs)-1], qt.Equals, filepath.Join(themesDir, "mytheme/assets/scss"))
func TestStaticFs(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
v := config.New()
workDir := "mywork"
v.Set("workingDir", workDir)
v.Set("themesDir", "themes")
v.Set("staticDir", "mystatic")
v.Set("theme", []string{"t1", "t2"})
afs := afero.NewMemMapFs()
themeStaticDir := filepath.Join(workDir, "themes", "t1", "static")
themeStaticDir2 := filepath.Join(workDir, "themes", "t2", "static")
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(workDir, "mystatic", "f1.txt"), []byte("Hugo Rocks!"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(themeStaticDir, "f1.txt"), []byte("Hugo Themes Rocks!"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(themeStaticDir, "f2.txt"), []byte("Hugo Themes Still Rocks!"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(themeStaticDir2, "f2.txt"), []byte("Hugo Themes Rocks in t2!"), 0755)
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfig(afs, v)
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(afs, conf.BaseConfig())
p, err := paths.New(fs, conf)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
bfs, err := filesystems.NewBase(p, nil)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
sfs := bfs.StaticFs("en")
checkFileContent(sfs, "f1.txt", c, "Hugo Rocks!")
checkFileContent(sfs, "f2.txt", c, "Hugo Themes Still Rocks!")
func TestStaticFsMultiHost(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
v := config.New()
workDir := "mywork"
v.Set("workingDir", workDir)
v.Set("themesDir", "themes")
v.Set("staticDir", "mystatic")
v.Set("theme", "t1")
v.Set("defaultContentLanguage", "en")
langConfig := map[string]any{
"no": map[string]any{
"staticDir": "static_no",
"baseURL": "https://example.org/no/",
"en": map[string]any{
"baseURL": "https://example.org/en/",
v.Set("languages", langConfig)
afs := afero.NewMemMapFs()
themeStaticDir := filepath.Join(workDir, "themes", "t1", "static")
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(workDir, "mystatic", "f1.txt"), []byte("Hugo Rocks!"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(workDir, "static_no", "f1.txt"), []byte("Hugo Rocks in Norway!"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(themeStaticDir, "f1.txt"), []byte("Hugo Themes Rocks!"), 0755)
afero.WriteFile(afs, filepath.Join(themeStaticDir, "f2.txt"), []byte("Hugo Themes Still Rocks!"), 0755)
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfig(afs, v)
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(afs, conf.BaseConfig())
fmt.Println("IS", conf.IsMultihost())
p, err := paths.New(fs, conf)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
bfs, err := filesystems.NewBase(p, nil)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
enFs := bfs.StaticFs("en")
checkFileContent(enFs, "f1.txt", c, "Hugo Rocks!")
checkFileContent(enFs, "f2.txt", c, "Hugo Themes Still Rocks!")
noFs := bfs.StaticFs("no")
checkFileContent(noFs, "f1.txt", c, "Hugo Rocks in Norway!")
checkFileContent(noFs, "f2.txt", c, "Hugo Themes Still Rocks!")
func TestMakePathRelative(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
v := config.New()
afs := afero.NewMemMapFs()
workDir := "mywork"
v.Set("workingDir", workDir)
c.Assert(afs.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(workDir, "dist", "d1"), 0777), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afs.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(workDir, "static", "d2"), 0777), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afs.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(workDir, "dust", "d2"), 0777), qt.IsNil)
moduleCfg := map[string]any{
"mounts": []any{
"source": "dist",
"target": "static/mydist",
"source": "dust",
"target": "static/foo/bar",
"source": "static",
"target": "static",
v.Set("module", moduleCfg)
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfig(afs, v)
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(afs, conf.BaseConfig())
p, err := paths.New(fs, conf)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
bfs, err := filesystems.NewBase(p, nil)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
sfs := bfs.Static[""]
c.Assert(sfs, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
makeRel := func(s string) string {
r, _ := sfs.MakePathRelative(s)
return r
c.Assert(makeRel(filepath.Join(workDir, "dist", "d1", "foo.txt")), qt.Equals, filepath.FromSlash("mydist/d1/foo.txt"))
c.Assert(makeRel(filepath.Join(workDir, "static", "d2", "foo.txt")), qt.Equals, filepath.FromSlash("d2/foo.txt"))
c.Assert(makeRel(filepath.Join(workDir, "dust", "d3", "foo.txt")), qt.Equals, filepath.FromSlash("foo/bar/d3/foo.txt"))
func checkFileCount(fs afero.Fs, dirname string, c *qt.C, expected int) {
count, _, err := countFilesAndGetFilenames(fs, dirname)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(count, qt.Equals, expected)
func checkFileContent(fs afero.Fs, filename string, c *qt.C, expected ...string) {
b, err := afero.ReadFile(fs, filename)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
content := string(b)
for _, e := range expected {
c.Assert(content, qt.Contains, e)
func countFilesAndGetFilenames(fs afero.Fs, dirname string) (int, []string, error) {
if fs == nil {
return 0, nil, errors.New("no fs")
counter := 0
var filenames []string
wf := func(path string, info hugofs.FileMetaInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !info.IsDir() {
if info.Name() != "." {
name := info.Name()
name = strings.Replace(name, filepath.FromSlash("/my/work"), "WORK_DIR", 1)
filenames = append(filenames, name)
return nil
w := hugofs.NewWalkway(hugofs.WalkwayConfig{Fs: fs, Root: dirname, WalkFn: wf})
if err := w.Walk(); err != nil {
return -1, nil, err
return counter, filenames, nil
func setConfigAndWriteSomeFilesTo(fs afero.Fs, v config.Provider, key, val string, num int) {
workingDir := v.GetString("workingDir")
v.Set(key, val)
fs.Mkdir(val, 0755)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
filename := filepath.Join(workingDir, val, fmt.Sprintf("f%d.txt", i+1))
afero.WriteFile(fs, filename, []byte(fmt.Sprintf("content:%s:%d", key, i+1)), 0755)