2023-10-20 09:43:56 +02:00

1,019 B
Executable file

title linkTitle description categories keywords menu weight signatures
FromString Resource from string Creates a resource from a string.
asset management
parent weight
hugo-pipes 110
resources.FromString TARGET_PATH CONTENT


It is possible to create a resource directly from the template using resources.FromString which takes two arguments, the target path for the created resource and the given content string.

The result is cached using the target path as the cache key.

The following example creates a resource file containing localized variables for every project's languages.

{{ $string := (printf "var rootURL = '%s'; var apiURL = '%s';" (absURL "/") (.Param "API_URL")) }}
{{ $targetPath := "js/vars.js" }}
{{ $vars := $string | resources.FromString $targetPath }}
{{ $global := resources.Get "js/global.js" | resources.Minify }}

<script src="{{ $vars.Permalink }}"></script>
<script src="{{ $global.Permalink }}"></script>