Bjørn Erik Pedersen 0d6e593ffb Fix and add integration test for the Bootstrap SCSS module for both Dart Sass and Libsass
This fixes the reverse filesystem lookup (absolute filename to path relative to the composite filesystem).

The old logic had some assumptions about the locality of the actual files that didn't work in more complex scenarios.

This commit now also adds the popular Bootstrap SCSS Hugo module to the CI build (both for libsass and dartsass transpiler), so we can hopefully avoid similar future breakage.

Fixes #12178
2024-03-01 14:18:52 +01:00

957 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright 2024 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
// Build builds all sites. If filesystem events are provided,
// this is considered to be a potential partial rebuild.
func (h *HugoSites) Build(config BuildCfg, events ...fsnotify.Event) error {
infol := h.Log.InfoCommand("build")
defer loggers.TimeTrackf(infol, time.Now(), nil, "")
defer func() {
if h.Deps == nil {
panic("must have deps")
if !config.NoBuildLock {
unlock, err := h.BaseFs.LockBuild()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to acquire a build lock: %w", err)
defer unlock()
defer func() {
for _, s := range h.Sites {
errCollector := h.StartErrorCollector()
errs := make(chan error)
go func(from, to chan error) {
var errors []error
i := 0
for e := range from {
if i > 50 {
errors = append(errors, e)
to <- h.pickOneAndLogTheRest(errors)
}(errCollector, errs)
if h.Metrics != nil {
h.buildCounters = config.testCounters
if h.buildCounters == nil {
h.buildCounters = &buildCounters{}
// Need a pointer as this may be modified.
conf := &config
if conf.whatChanged == nil {
// Assume everything has changed
conf.whatChanged = &whatChanged{contentChanged: true}
var prepareErr error
if !config.PartialReRender {
prepare := func() error {
init := func(conf *BuildCfg) error {
for _, s := range h.Sites {
if len(events) > 0 {
// Rebuild
if err := h.initRebuild(conf); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initRebuild: %w", err)
} else {
if err := h.initSites(conf); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initSites: %w", err)
return nil
ctx := context.Background()
if err := h.process(ctx, infol, conf, init, events...); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("process: %w", err)
if err := h.assemble(ctx, infol, conf); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("assemble: %w", err)
return nil
if prepareErr = prepare(); prepareErr != nil {
if prepareErr == nil {
if err := h.render(infol, conf); err != nil {
h.SendError(fmt.Errorf("render: %w", err))
if err := h.postRenderOnce(); err != nil {
h.SendError(fmt.Errorf("postRenderOnce: %w", err))
if err := h.postProcess(infol); err != nil {
h.SendError(fmt.Errorf("postProcess: %w", err))
if h.Metrics != nil {
var b bytes.Buffer
h.Log.Printf("\nTemplate Metrics:\n\n")
err := <-errs
if err != nil {
return err
if err := h.fatalErrorHandler.getErr(); err != nil {
return err
errorCount := h.Log.LoggCount(logg.LevelError) + loggers.Log().LoggCount(logg.LevelError)
if errorCount > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("logged %d error(s)", errorCount)
return nil
// Build lifecycle methods below.
// The order listed matches the order of execution.
func (h *HugoSites) initSites(config *BuildCfg) error {
return nil
func (h *HugoSites) initRebuild(config *BuildCfg) error {
if !h.Configs.Base.Internal.Watch {
return errors.New("rebuild called when not in watch mode")
h.pageTrees.treePagesResources.WalkPrefixRaw("", func(key string, n contentNodeI) bool {
return false
for _, s := range h.Sites {
return nil
// process prepares the Sites' sources for a full or partial rebuild.
// This will also parse the source and create all the Page objects.
func (h *HugoSites) process(ctx context.Context, l logg.LevelLogger, config *BuildCfg, init func(config *BuildCfg) error, events ...fsnotify.Event) error {
l = l.WithField("step", "process")
defer loggers.TimeTrackf(l, time.Now(), nil, "")
if len(events) > 0 {
// This is a rebuild
return h.processPartial(ctx, l, config, init, events)
return h.processFull(ctx, l, *config)
// assemble creates missing sections, applies aggregate values (e.g. dates, cascading params),
// removes disabled pages etc.
func (h *HugoSites) assemble(ctx context.Context, l logg.LevelLogger, bcfg *BuildCfg) error {
l = l.WithField("step", "assemble")
defer loggers.TimeTrackf(l, time.Now(), nil, "")
if !bcfg.whatChanged.contentChanged {
return nil
assemblers := make([]*sitePagesAssembler, len(h.Sites))
// Changes detected during assembly (e.g. aggregate date changes)
assembleChanges := &whatChanged{
identitySet: make(map[identity.Identity]bool),
for i, s := range h.Sites {
assemblers[i] = &sitePagesAssembler{
Site: s,
watching: s.watching(),
incomingChanges: bcfg.whatChanged,
assembleChanges: assembleChanges,
ctx: ctx,
g, _ := h.workersSite.Start(ctx)
for _, s := range assemblers {
s := s
g.Run(func() error {
return s.assemblePagesStep1(ctx)
if err := g.Wait(); err != nil {
return err
changes := assembleChanges.Changes()
// Changes from the assemble step (e.g. lastMod, cascase) needs a re-calculation
// of what needs to be re-built.
if len(changes) > 0 {
if err := h.resolveAndClearStateForIdentities(ctx, l, nil, changes); err != nil {
return err
h.renderFormats = output.Formats{}
for _, s := range h.Sites {
h.renderFormats = append(h.renderFormats, s.renderFormats...)
for _, s := range assemblers {
if err := s.assemblePagesStep2(); err != nil {
return err
h.renderFormats = output.Formats{}
for _, s := range h.Sites {
h.renderFormats = append(h.renderFormats, s.renderFormats...)
return nil
// render renders the sites.
func (h *HugoSites) render(l logg.LevelLogger, config *BuildCfg) error {
l = l.WithField("step", "render")
start := time.Now()
defer func() {
loggers.TimeTrackf(l, start, h.buildCounters.loggFields(), "")
if _, err := h.init.layouts.Do(context.Background()); err != nil {
return err
siteRenderContext := &siteRenderContext{cfg: config, multihost: h.Configs.IsMultihost}
i := 0
for _, s := range h.Sites {
siteRenderContext.languageIdx = s.languagei
h.currentSite = s
for siteOutIdx, renderFormat := range s.renderFormats {
siteRenderContext.outIdx = siteOutIdx
siteRenderContext.sitesOutIdx = i
select {
case <-h.Done():
return nil
for _, s2 := range h.Sites {
// We render site by site, but since the content is lazily rendered
// and a site can "borrow" content from other sites, every site
// needs this set.
s2.rc = &siteRenderingContext{Format: renderFormat}
if err := s2.preparePagesForRender(s == s2, siteRenderContext.sitesOutIdx); err != nil {
return err
if !config.SkipRender {
ll := l.WithField("substep", "pages").
WithField("site", s.language.Lang).
WithField("outputFormat", renderFormat.Name)
start := time.Now()
if config.PartialReRender {
if err := s.renderPages(siteRenderContext); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := s.render(siteRenderContext); err != nil {
return err
loggers.TimeTrackf(ll, start, nil, "")
return nil
// / postRenderOnce runs some post processing that only needs to be done once, e.g. printing of unused templates.
func (h *HugoSites) postRenderOnce() error {
h.postRenderInit.Do(func() {
conf := h.Configs.Base
if conf.PrintPathWarnings {
// We need to do this before any post processing, as that may write to the same files twice
// and create false positives.
hugofs.WalkFilesystems(h.Fs.PublishDir, func(fs afero.Fs) bool {
if dfs, ok := fs.(hugofs.DuplicatesReporter); ok {
dupes := dfs.ReportDuplicates()
if dupes != "" {
h.Log.Warnln("Duplicate target paths:", dupes)
return false
if conf.PrintUnusedTemplates {
unusedTemplates := h.Tmpl().(tpl.UnusedTemplatesProvider).UnusedTemplates()
for _, unusedTemplate := range unusedTemplates {
h.Log.Warnf("Template %s is unused, source file %s", unusedTemplate.Name(), unusedTemplate.Filename())
return nil
// postProcess runs the post processors, e.g. writing the hugo_stats.json file.
func (h *HugoSites) postProcess(l logg.LevelLogger) error {
l = l.WithField("step", "postProcess")
defer loggers.TimeTrackf(l, time.Now(), nil, "")
// Make sure to write any build stats to disk first so it's available
// to the post processors.
if err := h.writeBuildStats(); err != nil {
return err
// This will only be set when js.Build have been triggered with
// imports that resolves to the project or a module.
// Write a jsconfig.json file to the project's /asset directory
// to help JS IntelliSense in VS Code etc.
if !h.ResourceSpec.BuildConfig().NoJSConfigInAssets {
handleJSConfig := func(fi os.FileInfo) {
m := fi.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo).Meta()
if !m.IsProject {
if jsConfig := h.ResourceSpec.JSConfigBuilder.Build(m.SourceRoot); jsConfig != nil {
b, err := json.MarshalIndent(jsConfig, "", " ")
if err != nil {
h.Log.Warnf("Failed to create jsconfig.json: %s", err)
} else {
filename := filepath.Join(m.SourceRoot, "jsconfig.json")
if h.Configs.Base.Internal.Running {
h.skipRebuildForFilenames[filename] = true
// Make sure it's written to the OS fs as this is used by
// editors.
if err := afero.WriteFile(hugofs.Os, filename, b, 0o666); err != nil {
h.Log.Warnf("Failed to write jsconfig.json: %s", err)
fi, err := h.BaseFs.Assets.Fs.Stat("")
if err != nil {
if !herrors.IsNotExist(err) {
h.Log.Warnf("Failed to resolve jsconfig.json dir: %s", err)
} else {
var toPostProcess []postpub.PostPublishedResource
for _, r := range h.ResourceSpec.PostProcessResources {
toPostProcess = append(toPostProcess, r)
if len(toPostProcess) == 0 {
// Nothing more to do.
return nil
workers := para.New(config.GetNumWorkerMultiplier())
g, _ := workers.Start(context.Background())
handleFile := func(filename string) error {
content, err := afero.ReadFile(h.BaseFs.PublishFs, filename)
if err != nil {
return err
k := 0
changed := false
for {
l := bytes.Index(content[k:], []byte(postpub.PostProcessPrefix))
if l == -1 {
m := bytes.Index(content[k+l:], []byte(postpub.PostProcessSuffix)) + len(postpub.PostProcessSuffix)
low, high := k+l, k+l+m
field := content[low:high]
forward := l + m
for i, r := range toPostProcess {
if r == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("resource %d to post process is nil", i+1))
v, ok := r.GetFieldString(string(field))
if ok {
content = append(content[:low], append([]byte(v), content[high:]...)...)
changed = true
forward = len(v)
k += forward
if changed {
return afero.WriteFile(h.BaseFs.PublishFs, filename, content, 0o666)
return nil
filenames := h.Deps.BuildState.GetFilenamesWithPostPrefix()
for _, filename := range filenames {
filename := filename
g.Run(func() error {
return handleFile(filename)
// Prepare for a new build.
for _, s := range h.Sites {
s.ResourceSpec.PostProcessResources = make(map[string]postpub.PostPublishedResource)
return g.Wait()
func (h *HugoSites) writeBuildStats() error {
if h.ResourceSpec == nil {
panic("h.ResourceSpec is nil")
if !h.ResourceSpec.BuildConfig().BuildStats.Enabled() {
return nil
htmlElements := &publisher.HTMLElements{}
for _, s := range h.Sites {
stats := s.publisher.PublishStats()
stats := publisher.PublishStats{
HTMLElements: *htmlElements,
var buf bytes.Buffer
enc := json.NewEncoder(&buf)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
err := enc.Encode(stats)
if err != nil {
return err
js := buf.Bytes()
filename := filepath.Join(h.Configs.LoadingInfo.BaseConfig.WorkingDir, files.FilenameHugoStatsJSON)
if existingContent, err := afero.ReadFile(hugofs.Os, filename); err == nil {
// Check if the content has changed.
if bytes.Equal(existingContent, js) {
return nil
// Make sure it's always written to the OS fs.
if err := afero.WriteFile(hugofs.Os, filename, js, 0o666); err != nil {
return err
// Write to the destination as well if it's a in-memory fs.
if !hugofs.IsOsFs(h.Fs.Source) {
if err := afero.WriteFile(h.Fs.WorkingDirWritable, filename, js, 0o666); err != nil {
return err
return nil
type pathChange struct {
// The path to the changed file.
p *paths.Path
// If true, this is a delete operation (a delete or a rename).
delete bool
// If true, this is a directory.
isDir bool
// processPartial prepares the Sites' sources for a partial rebuild.
func (h *HugoSites) processPartial(ctx context.Context, l logg.LevelLogger, config *BuildCfg, init func(config *BuildCfg) error, events []fsnotify.Event) error {
h.Log.Trace(logg.StringFunc(func() string {
var sb strings.Builder
sb.WriteString("File events:\n")
for _, ev := range events {
return sb.String()
events = h.fileEventsFilter(events)
events = h.fileEventsTranslate(events)
logger := h.Log
var (
tmplAdded bool
tmplChanged bool
i18nChanged bool
contentChanged bool
changedPaths := struct {
changedFiles []*paths.Path
changedDirs []*paths.Path
deleted []*paths.Path
removeDuplicatePaths := func(ps []*paths.Path) []*paths.Path {
seen := make(map[string]bool)
var filtered []*paths.Path
for _, p := range ps {
if !seen[p.Path()] {
seen[p.Path()] = true
filtered = append(filtered, p)
return filtered
var (
cacheBusters []func(string) bool
deletedDirs []string
addedContentPaths []*paths.Path
for _, ev := range events {
removed := false
added := false
if ev.Op&fsnotify.Remove == fsnotify.Remove {
removed = true
fi, statErr := h.Fs.Source.Stat(ev.Name)
// Some editors (Vim) sometimes issue only a Rename operation when writing an existing file
// Sometimes a rename operation means that file has been renamed other times it means
// it's been updated.
if ev.Op.Has(fsnotify.Rename) {
// If the file is still on disk, it's only been updated, if it's not, it's been moved
if statErr != nil {
removed = true
if ev.Op.Has(fsnotify.Create) {
added = true
isChangedDir := statErr == nil && fi.IsDir()
cpss := h.BaseFs.ResolvePaths(ev.Name)
pss := make([]*paths.Path, len(cpss))
for i, cps := range cpss {
p := cps.Path
if removed && !paths.HasExt(p) {
// Assume this is a renamed/removed directory.
// For deletes, we walk up the tree to find the container (e.g. branch bundle),
// so we will catch this even if it is a file without extension.
// This avoids us walking up to the home page bundle for the common case
// of renaming root sections.
p = p + "/"
deletedDirs = append(deletedDirs, cps.Path)
pss[i] = h.Configs.ContentPathParser.Parse(cps.Component, p)
if added && !isChangedDir && cps.Component == files.ComponentFolderContent {
addedContentPaths = append(addedContentPaths, pss[i])
// Compile cache buster.
np := glob.NormalizePath(path.Join(cps.Component, cps.Path))
g, err := h.ResourceSpec.BuildConfig().MatchCacheBuster(h.Log, np)
if err == nil && g != nil {
cacheBusters = append(cacheBusters, g)
if removed {
changedPaths.deleted = append(changedPaths.deleted, pss...)
} else if isChangedDir {
changedPaths.changedDirs = append(changedPaths.changedDirs, pss...)
} else {
changedPaths.changedFiles = append(changedPaths.changedFiles, pss...)
var (
addedOrChangedContent []pathChange
changes []identity.Identity
// Find the most specific identity possible.
handleChange := func(pathInfo *paths.Path, delete, isDir bool) {
switch pathInfo.Component() {
case files.ComponentFolderContent:
logger.Println("Source changed", pathInfo.Path())
if ids := h.pageTrees.collectAndMarkStaleIdentities(pathInfo); len(ids) > 0 {
changes = append(changes, ids...)
contentChanged = true
if config.RecentlyVisited != nil {
// Fast render mode. Adding them to the visited queue
// avoids rerendering them on navigation.
for _, id := range changes {
if p, ok := id.(page.Page); ok {
if delete {
_, ok := h.pageTrees.treePages.LongestPrefixAll(pathInfo.Base())
if ok {
if pathInfo.IsBundle() {
// Assume directory removed.
h.pageTrees.treePages.DeletePrefixAll(pathInfo.Base() + "/")
h.pageTrees.resourceTrees.DeletePrefixAll(pathInfo.Base() + "/")
} else {
addedOrChangedContent = append(addedOrChangedContent, pathChange{p: pathInfo, delete: delete, isDir: isDir})
case files.ComponentFolderLayouts:
tmplChanged = true
templatePath := pathInfo.TrimLeadingSlash().PathNoLang()
if !h.Tmpl().HasTemplate(templatePath) {
tmplAdded = true
if tmplAdded {
logger.Println("Template added", pathInfo.Path())
// A new template may require a more coarse grained build.
base := pathInfo.Base()
if strings.Contains(base, "_markup") {
// It's hard to determine the exact change set of this,
// so be very coarse grained.
changes = append(changes, identity.GenghisKhan)
if strings.Contains(base, "shortcodes") {
changes = append(changes, identity.NewGlobIdentity(fmt.Sprintf("shortcodes/%s*", pathInfo.BaseNameNoIdentifier())))
} else {
changes = append(changes, pathInfo)
} else {
logger.Println("Template changed", pathInfo.Path())
if templ, found := h.Tmpl().GetIdentity(templatePath); found {
changes = append(changes, templ)
} else {
changes = append(changes, pathInfo)
case files.ComponentFolderAssets:
logger.Println("Asset changed", pathInfo.Path())
var hasID bool
r, _ := h.ResourceSpec.ResourceCache.Get(context.Background(), dynacache.CleanKey(pathInfo.Base()))
identity.WalkIdentitiesShallow(r, func(level int, rid identity.Identity) bool {
hasID = true
changes = append(changes, rid)
return false
if !hasID {
changes = append(changes, pathInfo)
case files.ComponentFolderData:
logger.Println("Data changed", pathInfo.Path())
// This should cover all usage of site.Data.
// Currently very coarse grained.
changes = append(changes, siteidentities.Data)
case files.ComponentFolderI18n:
logger.Println("i18n changed", pathInfo.Path())
i18nChanged = true
// It's hard to determine the exact change set of this,
// so be very coarse grained for now.
changes = append(changes, identity.GenghisKhan)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown component: %q", pathInfo.Component()))
changedPaths.deleted = removeDuplicatePaths(changedPaths.deleted)
changedPaths.changedFiles = removeDuplicatePaths(changedPaths.changedFiles)
h.Log.Trace(logg.StringFunc(func() string {
var sb strings.Builder
sb.WriteString("Resolved paths:\n")
for _, p := range changedPaths.deleted {
sb.WriteString("path: " + p.Path())
for _, p := range changedPaths.changedFiles {
sb.WriteString("path: " + p.Path())
return sb.String()
for _, deletedDir := range deletedDirs {
prefix := deletedDir + "/"
predicate := func(id identity.Identity) bool {
// This will effectively reset all pages below this dir.
return strings.HasPrefix(paths.AddLeadingSlash(id.IdentifierBase()), prefix)
// Test in both directions.
changes = append(changes, identity.NewPredicateIdentity(
// Is dependent.
// Is dependency.
if len(addedContentPaths) > 0 {
// These content files are new and not in use anywhere.
// To make sure that these gets listed in any site.RegularPages ranges or similar
// we could invalidate everything, but first try to collect a sample set
// from the surrounding pages.
var surroundingIDs []identity.Identity
for _, p := range addedContentPaths {
if ids := h.pageTrees.collectIdentitiesSurrounding(p.Base(), 10); len(ids) > 0 {
surroundingIDs = append(surroundingIDs, ids...)
if len(surroundingIDs) > 0 {
changes = append(changes, surroundingIDs...)
} else {
// No surrounding pages found, so invalidate everything.
changes = append(changes, identity.GenghisKhan)
for _, deleted := range changedPaths.deleted {
handleChange(deleted, true, false)
for _, id := range changedPaths.changedFiles {
handleChange(id, false, false)
for _, id := range changedPaths.changedDirs {
handleChange(id, false, true)
resourceFiles := h.fileEventsContentPaths(addedOrChangedContent)
changed := &whatChanged{
contentChanged: contentChanged,
identitySet: make(identity.Identities),
config.whatChanged = changed
if err := init(config); err != nil {
return err
var cacheBusterOr func(string) bool
if len(cacheBusters) > 0 {
cacheBusterOr = func(s string) bool {
for _, cb := range cacheBusters {
if cb(s) {
return true
return false
// Removes duplicates.
changes = changed.identitySet.AsSlice()
if err := h.resolveAndClearStateForIdentities(ctx, l, cacheBusterOr, changes); err != nil {
return err
if tmplChanged || i18nChanged {
// TODO(bep) we should split this, but currently the loading of i18n and layout files are tied together. See #12048.
if err := loggers.TimeTrackfn(func() (logg.LevelLogger, error) {
// TODO(bep) this could probably be optimized to somehow
// only load the changed templates and its dependencies, but that is non-trivial.
ll := l.WithField("substep", "rebuild templates")
var prototype *deps.Deps
for i, s := range h.Sites {
if err := s.Deps.Compile(prototype); err != nil {
return ll, err
if i == 0 {
prototype = s.Deps
return ll, nil
}); err != nil {
return err
if resourceFiles != nil {
if err := h.processFiles(ctx, l, *config, resourceFiles...); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (h *HugoSites) processFull(ctx context.Context, l logg.LevelLogger, config BuildCfg) (err error) {
if err = h.processFiles(ctx, l, config); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("readAndProcessContent: %w", err)
return err
func (s *HugoSites) processFiles(ctx context.Context, l logg.LevelLogger, buildConfig BuildCfg, filenames ...pathChange) error {
if s.Deps == nil {
panic("nil deps on site")
sourceSpec := source.NewSourceSpec(s.PathSpec, buildConfig.ContentInclusionFilter, s.BaseFs.Content.Fs)
// For inserts, we can pick an arbitrary pageMap.
pageMap := s.Sites[0].pageMap
c := newPagesCollector(ctx, s.h, sourceSpec, s.Log, l, pageMap, filenames)
if err := c.Collect(); err != nil {
return err
return nil