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synced 2025-03-28 05:24:34 +00:00
The main motivation of this commit is to add a `page.Page` interface to replace the very file-oriented `hugolib.Page` struct. This is all a preparation step for issue #5074, "pages from other data sources". But this also fixes a set of annoying limitations, especially related to custom output formats, and shortcodes. Most notable changes: * The inner content of shortcodes using the `{{%` as the outer-most delimiter will now be sent to the content renderer, e.g. Blackfriday. This means that any markdown will partake in the global ToC and footnote context etc. * The Custom Output formats are now "fully virtualized". This removes many of the current limitations. * The taxonomy list type now has a reference to the `Page` object. This improves the taxonomy template `.Title` situation and make common template constructs much simpler. See #5074 Fixes #5763 Fixes #5758 Fixes #5090 Fixes #5204 Fixes #4695 Fixes #5607 Fixes #5707 Fixes #5719 Fixes #3113 Fixes #5706 Fixes #5767 Fixes #5723 Fixes #5769 Fixes #5770 Fixes #5771 Fixes #5759 Fixes #5776 Fixes #5777 Fixes #5778
305 lines
8.5 KiB
305 lines
8.5 KiB
// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
- Name() => p1.en.md, p1.nn.md
.Open() --- real file name
func TestLanguageContentRoot(t *testing.T) {
assert := require.New(t)
config := `
baseURL = "https://example.org/"
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
contentDir = "content/main"
workingDir = "/my/project"
weight = 10
title = "In English"
languageName = "English"
weight = 20
title = "På Norsk"
languageName = "Norsk"
# This tells Hugo that all content in this directory is in the Norwegian language.
# It does not have to have the "my-page.nn.md" format. It can, but that is optional.
contentDir = "content/norsk"
weight = 30
title = "På Svenska"
languageName = "Svensk"
contentDir = "content/svensk"
pageTemplate := `
title: %s
slug: %s
weight: %d
SVP3-REF: {{< ref path="/sect/page3.md" lang="sv" >}}
SVP3-RELREF: {{< relref path="/sect/page3.md" lang="sv" >}}
pageBundleTemplate := `
title: %s
weight: %d
var contentFiles []string
section := "sect"
var contentRoot = func(lang string) string {
switch lang {
case "nn":
return "content/norsk"
case "sv":
return "content/svensk"
return "content/main"
var contentSectionRoot = func(lang string) string {
return contentRoot(lang) + "/" + section
for _, lang := range []string{"en", "nn", "sv"} {
for j := 1; j <= 10; j++ {
if (lang == "nn" || lang == "en") && j%4 == 0 {
// Skip 4 and 8 for nn
// We also skip it for en, but that is added to the Swedish directory below.
if lang == "sv" && j%5 == 0 {
// Skip 5 and 10 for sv
base := fmt.Sprintf("p-%s-%d", lang, j)
slug := base
langID := ""
if lang == "sv" && j%4 == 0 {
// Put an English page in the Swedish content dir.
langID = ".en"
if lang == "en" && j == 8 {
// This should win over the sv variant above.
langID = ".en"
slug += langID
contentRoot := contentSectionRoot(lang)
filename := filepath.Join(contentRoot, fmt.Sprintf("page%d%s.md", j, langID))
contentFiles = append(contentFiles, filename, fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, slug, slug, j))
// Put common translations in all of them
for i, lang := range []string{"en", "nn", "sv"} {
contentRoot := contentSectionRoot(lang)
slug := fmt.Sprintf("common_%s", lang)
filename := filepath.Join(contentRoot, "common.md")
contentFiles = append(contentFiles, filename, fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, slug, slug, 100+i))
for j, lang2 := range []string{"en", "nn", "sv"} {
filename := filepath.Join(contentRoot, fmt.Sprintf("translated_all.%s.md", lang2))
langSlug := slug + "_translated_all_" + lang2
contentFiles = append(contentFiles, filename, fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, langSlug, langSlug, 200+i+j))
for j, lang2 := range []string{"sv", "nn"} {
if lang == "en" {
filename := filepath.Join(contentRoot, fmt.Sprintf("translated_some.%s.md", lang2))
langSlug := slug + "_translated_some_" + lang2
contentFiles = append(contentFiles, filename, fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, langSlug, langSlug, 300+i+j))
// Add a bundle with some images
for i, lang := range []string{"en", "nn", "sv"} {
contentRoot := contentSectionRoot(lang)
slug := fmt.Sprintf("bundle_%s", lang)
filename := filepath.Join(contentRoot, "mybundle", "index.md")
contentFiles = append(contentFiles, filename, fmt.Sprintf(pageBundleTemplate, slug, 400+i))
if lang == "en" {
imageFilename := filepath.Join(contentRoot, "mybundle", "logo.png")
contentFiles = append(contentFiles, imageFilename, "PNG Data")
imageFilename := filepath.Join(contentRoot, "mybundle", "featured.png")
contentFiles = append(contentFiles, imageFilename, fmt.Sprintf("PNG Data for %s", lang))
// Add some bundled pages
contentFiles = append(contentFiles, filepath.Join(contentRoot, "mybundle", "p1.md"), fmt.Sprintf(pageBundleTemplate, slug, 401+i))
contentFiles = append(contentFiles, filepath.Join(contentRoot, "mybundle", "sub", "p1.md"), fmt.Sprintf(pageBundleTemplate, slug, 402+i))
// Add some static files inside the content dir
// https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/5759
for _, lang := range []string{"en", "nn", "sv"} {
contentRoot := contentRoot(lang)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
filename := filepath.Join(contentRoot, "mystatic", fmt.Sprintf("file%d.yaml", i))
contentFiles = append(contentFiles, filename, lang)
b := newTestSitesBuilder(t)
b.WithWorkingDir("/my/project").WithConfigFile("toml", config).WithContent(contentFiles...).CreateSites()
_ = os.Stdout
assert.Equal(3, len(b.H.Sites))
enSite := b.H.Sites[0]
nnSite := b.H.Sites[1]
svSite := b.H.Sites[2]
b.AssertFileContent("/my/project/public/en/mystatic/file1.yaml", "en")
b.AssertFileContent("/my/project/public/nn/mystatic/file1.yaml", "nn")
assert.Equal(12, len(nnSite.RegularPages()))
assert.Equal(13, len(enSite.RegularPages()))
assert.Equal(10, len(svSite.RegularPages()))
svP2, err := svSite.getPageNew(nil, "/sect/page2.md")
nnP2, err := nnSite.getPageNew(nil, "/sect/page2.md")
enP2, err := enSite.getPageNew(nil, "/sect/page2.md")
assert.Equal("en", enP2.Language().Lang)
assert.Equal("sv", svP2.Language().Lang)
assert.Equal("nn", nnP2.Language().Lang)
content, _ := nnP2.Content()
assert.Contains(content, "SVP3-REF: https://example.org/sv/sect/p-sv-3/")
assert.Contains(content, "SVP3-RELREF: /sv/sect/p-sv-3/")
// Test RelRef with and without language indicator.
nn3RefArgs := map[string]interface{}{
"path": "/sect/page3.md",
"lang": "nn",
nnP3RelRef, err := svP2.RelRef(
assert.Equal("/nn/sect/p-nn-3/", nnP3RelRef)
nnP3Ref, err := svP2.Ref(
assert.Equal("https://example.org/nn/sect/p-nn-3/", nnP3Ref)
for i, p := range enSite.RegularPages() {
j := i + 1
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Test %d", j)
assert.Equal("en", p.Language().Lang, msg)
assert.Equal("sect", p.Section())
if j < 9 {
if j%4 == 0 {
assert.Contains(p.Title(), fmt.Sprintf("p-sv-%d.en", i+1), msg)
} else {
assert.Contains(p.Title(), "p-en", msg)
// Check bundles
bundleEn := enSite.RegularPages()[len(enSite.RegularPages())-1]
bundleNn := nnSite.RegularPages()[len(nnSite.RegularPages())-1]
bundleSv := svSite.RegularPages()[len(svSite.RegularPages())-1]
assert.Equal("/en/sect/mybundle/", bundleEn.RelPermalink())
assert.Equal("/sv/sect/mybundle/", bundleSv.RelPermalink())
assert.Equal(4, len(bundleEn.Resources()))
assert.Equal(4, len(bundleNn.Resources()))
assert.Equal(4, len(bundleSv.Resources()))
b.AssertFileContent("/my/project/public/en/sect/mybundle/index.html", "image/png: /en/sect/mybundle/logo.png")
b.AssertFileContent("/my/project/public/nn/sect/mybundle/index.html", "image/png: /nn/sect/mybundle/logo.png")
b.AssertFileContent("/my/project/public/sv/sect/mybundle/index.html", "image/png: /sv/sect/mybundle/logo.png")
b.AssertFileContent("/my/project/public/sv/sect/mybundle/featured.png", "PNG Data for sv")
b.AssertFileContent("/my/project/public/nn/sect/mybundle/featured.png", "PNG Data for nn")
b.AssertFileContent("/my/project/public/en/sect/mybundle/featured.png", "PNG Data for en")
b.AssertFileContent("/my/project/public/en/sect/mybundle/logo.png", "PNG Data")
b.AssertFileContent("/my/project/public/sv/sect/mybundle/logo.png", "PNG Data")
b.AssertFileContent("/my/project/public/nn/sect/mybundle/logo.png", "PNG Data")
nnSect := nnSite.getPage(page.KindSection, "sect")
assert.Equal(12, len(nnSect.Pages()))
nnHome, _ := nnSite.Info.Home()
assert.Equal("/nn/", nnHome.RelPermalink())