Bjørn Erik Pedersen 12dc9a6e4a deploy: Fix deploy defaults for non-zero flag values (e.g. maxDeletes, invalidateCDN)
This was broken in the config rewrite in Hugo 0.112.0.

The workaround is to be explicit about setting these flag values (even if just using the defaults), e.g.:

hugo deploy --invalidateCDN --maxDeletes 256

Fixes #11127
2023-06-18 19:38:34 +02:00

24 lines
730 B

# Test the deploy command.
hugo deploy -h
stdout 'Deploy your site to a Cloud provider\.'
mkdir mybucket
hugo deploy --target mydeployment --invalidateCDN=false
grep 'hello' mybucket/index.html
replace public/index.html 'hello' 'changed'
hugo deploy --target mydeployment --dryRun
stdout 'Would upload: index.html'
stdout 'Would invalidate CloudFront CDN with ID foobar'
-- hugo.toml --
disableKinds = ["RSS", "sitemap", "robotsTXT", "404", "taxonomy", "term"]
baseURL = ""
name = "myfirst"
name = "mydeployment"
cloudFrontDistributionID = "foobar"
-- public/index.html --