Bjørn Erik Pedersen a985efcecf Fix GetPage on section/bundle name overlaps
In the internal Radix we stored the directory based nodes without a traling slash, e.g. `/blog`.

The original motivation was probably to make it easy to do prefix searching: Give me all ancestors.

This, however have lead to some ambigouty with overlapping directory names.

This particular problem was, however, not possible to work around in an easy way, so from now we store these as `/blog/`.

Fixes #7301
2020-05-24 12:35:45 +02:00

1046 lines
23 KiB

// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
radix ""
// We store the branch nodes in either the `sections` or `taxonomies` tree
// with their path as a key; Unix style slashes, a leading and trailing slash.
// E.g. "/blog/" or "/categories/funny/"
// Pages that belongs to a section are stored in the `pages` tree below
// the section name and a branch separator, e.g. "/blog/__hb_". A page is
// given a key using the path below the section and the base filename with no extension
// with a leaf separator added.
// For bundled pages (/mybundle/, we use the folder name.
// An exmple of a full page key would be "/blog/__hb_page1__hl_"
// Bundled resources are stored in the `resources` having their path prefixed
// with the bundle they belong to, e.g.
// "/blog/__hb_bundle__hl_data.json".
// The weighted taxonomy entries extracted from page front matter are stored in
// the `taxonomyEntries` tree below /plural/term/page-key, e.g.
// "/categories/funny/blog/__hb_bundle__hl_".
const (
cmBranchSeparator = "__hb_"
cmLeafSeparator = "__hl_"
// Used to mark ambigous keys in reverse index lookups.
var ambigousContentNode = &contentNode{}
func newContentMap(cfg contentMapConfig) *contentMap {
m := &contentMap{
cfg: &cfg,
pages: &contentTree{Name: "pages", Tree: radix.New()},
sections: &contentTree{Name: "sections", Tree: radix.New()},
taxonomies: &contentTree{Name: "taxonomies", Tree: radix.New()},
taxonomyEntries: &contentTree{Name: "taxonomyEntries", Tree: radix.New()},
resources: &contentTree{Name: "resources", Tree: radix.New()},
m.pageTrees = []*contentTree{
m.pages, m.sections, m.taxonomies,
m.bundleTrees = []*contentTree{
m.pages, m.sections, m.taxonomies, m.resources,
m.branchTrees = []*contentTree{
m.sections, m.taxonomies,
addToReverseMap := func(k string, n *contentNode, m map[interface{}]*contentNode) {
k = strings.ToLower(k)
existing, found := m[k]
if found && existing != ambigousContentNode {
m[k] = ambigousContentNode
} else if !found {
m[k] = n
m.pageReverseIndex = &contentTreeReverseIndex{
t: []*contentTree{m.pages, m.sections, m.taxonomies},
initFn: func(t *contentTree, m map[interface{}]*contentNode) {
t.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
n := v.(*contentNode)
if n.p != nil && !n.p.File().IsZero() {
meta := n.p.File().FileInfo().Meta()
if meta.Path() != meta.PathFile() {
// Keep track of the original mount source.
mountKey := filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Join(meta.Module(), meta.PathFile()))
addToReverseMap(mountKey, n, m)
k := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimSuffix(path.Base(s), cmLeafSeparator), cmBranchSeparator)
addToReverseMap(k, n, m)
return false
return m
type cmInsertKeyBuilder struct {
m *contentMap
err error
// Builder state
tree *contentTree
baseKey string // Section or page key
key string
func (b cmInsertKeyBuilder) ForPage(s string) *cmInsertKeyBuilder {
//fmt.Println("ForPage:", s, "baseKey:", b.baseKey, "key:", b.key)
baseKey := b.baseKey
b.baseKey = s
if baseKey != "/" {
// Don't repeat the section path in the key.
s = strings.TrimPrefix(s, baseKey)
s = strings.TrimPrefix(s, "/")
switch b.tree {
case b.m.sections:
b.tree = b.m.pages
b.key = baseKey + cmBranchSeparator + s + cmLeafSeparator
case b.m.taxonomies:
b.key = path.Join(baseKey, s)
panic("invalid state")
return &b
func (b cmInsertKeyBuilder) ForResource(s string) *cmInsertKeyBuilder {
//fmt.Println("ForResource:", s, "baseKey:", b.baseKey, "key:", b.key)
baseKey := helpers.AddTrailingSlash(b.baseKey)
s = strings.TrimPrefix(s, baseKey)
switch b.tree {
case b.m.pages:
b.key = b.key + s
case b.m.sections, b.m.taxonomies:
b.key = b.key + cmLeafSeparator + s
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid state: %#v", b.tree))
b.tree = b.m.resources
return &b
func (b *cmInsertKeyBuilder) Insert(n *contentNode) *cmInsertKeyBuilder {
if b.err == nil {
b.tree.Insert(b.Key(), n)
return b
func (b *cmInsertKeyBuilder) Key() string {
switch b.tree {
case b.m.sections, b.m.taxonomies:
return cleanSectionTreeKey(b.key)
return cleanTreeKey(b.key)
func (b *cmInsertKeyBuilder) DeleteAll() *cmInsertKeyBuilder {
if b.err == nil {
return b
func (b *cmInsertKeyBuilder) WithFile(fi hugofs.FileMetaInfo) *cmInsertKeyBuilder {
m := b.m
meta := fi.Meta()
p := cleanTreeKey(meta.Path())
bundlePath := m.getBundleDir(meta)
isBundle := meta.Classifier().IsBundle()
if isBundle {
panic("not implemented")
p, k := b.getBundle(p)
if k == "" {
b.err = errors.Errorf("no bundle header found for %q", bundlePath)
return b
id := k + m.reduceKeyPart(p, fi.Meta().Path())
b.tree = b.m.resources
b.key = id
b.baseKey = p
return b
func (b *cmInsertKeyBuilder) WithSection(s string) *cmInsertKeyBuilder {
s = cleanSectionTreeKey(s)
b.tree = b.m.sections
b.baseKey = s
b.key = s
return b
func (b *cmInsertKeyBuilder) WithTaxonomy(s string) *cmInsertKeyBuilder {
s = cleanSectionTreeKey(s)
b.tree = b.m.taxonomies
b.baseKey = s
b.key = s
return b
// getBundle gets both the key to the section and the prefix to where to store
// this page bundle and its resources.
func (b *cmInsertKeyBuilder) getBundle(s string) (string, string) {
m := b.m
section, _ := m.getSection(s)
p := strings.TrimPrefix(s, section)
bundlePathParts := strings.Split(p, "/")
basePath := section + cmBranchSeparator
// Put it into an existing bundle if found.
for i := len(bundlePathParts) - 2; i >= 0; i-- {
bundlePath := path.Join(bundlePathParts[:i]...)
searchKey := basePath + bundlePath + cmLeafSeparator
if _, found := m.pages.Get(searchKey); found {
return section + bundlePath, searchKey
// Put it into the section bundle.
return section, section + cmLeafSeparator
func (b *cmInsertKeyBuilder) newTopLevel() {
b.key = ""
type contentBundleViewInfo struct {
name viewName
termKey string
termOrigin string
weight int
ref *contentNode
func (c *contentBundleViewInfo) kind() string {
if c.termKey != "" {
return page.KindTaxonomy
return page.KindTaxonomyTerm
func (c *contentBundleViewInfo) sections() []string {
if c.kind() == page.KindTaxonomyTerm {
return []string{}
return []string{, c.termKey}
func (c *contentBundleViewInfo) term() string {
if c.termOrigin != "" {
return c.termOrigin
return c.termKey
type contentMap struct {
cfg *contentMapConfig
// View of regular pages, sections, and taxonomies.
pageTrees contentTrees
// View of pages, sections, taxonomies, and resources.
bundleTrees contentTrees
// View of sections and taxonomies.
branchTrees contentTrees
// Stores page bundles keyed by its path's directory or the base filename,
// e.g. "blog/" => "/blog/post", "blog/post/" => "/blog/post"
// These are the "regular pages" and all of them are bundles.
pages *contentTree
// A reverse index used as a fallback in GetPage.
// There are currently two cases where this is used:
// 1. Short name lookups in ref/relRef, e.g. using only "" without a path.
// 2. Links resolved from a remounted content directory. These are restricted to the same module.
// Both of the above cases can result in ambigous lookup errors.
pageReverseIndex *contentTreeReverseIndex
// Section nodes.
sections *contentTree
// Taxonomy nodes.
taxonomies *contentTree
// Pages in a taxonomy.
taxonomyEntries *contentTree
// Resources stored per bundle below a common prefix, e.g. "/blog/post__hb_".
resources *contentTree
func (m *contentMap) AddFiles(fis ...hugofs.FileMetaInfo) error {
for _, fi := range fis {
if err := m.addFile(fi); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m *contentMap) AddFilesBundle(header hugofs.FileMetaInfo, resources ...hugofs.FileMetaInfo) error {
var (
meta = header.Meta()
classifier = meta.Classifier()
isBranch = classifier == files.ContentClassBranch
bundlePath = m.getBundleDir(meta)
n = m.newContentNodeFromFi(header)
b = m.newKeyBuilder()
section string
if isBranch {
// Either a section or a taxonomy node.
section = bundlePath
if tc := m.cfg.getTaxonomyConfig(section); !tc.IsZero() {
term := strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(section, "/"+tc.plural), "/")
n.viewInfo = &contentBundleViewInfo{
name: tc,
termKey: term,
termOrigin: term,
n.viewInfo.ref = n
} else {
} else {
// A regular page. Attach it to its section.
section, _ = m.getOrCreateSection(n, bundlePath)
b = b.WithSection(section).ForPage(bundlePath).Insert(n)
if m.cfg.isRebuild {
// The resource owner will be either deleted or overwritten on rebuilds,
// but make sure we handle deletion of resources (images etc.) as well.
for _, r := range resources {
rb := b.ForResource(cleanTreeKey(r.Meta().Path()))
rb.Insert(&contentNode{fi: r})
return nil
func (m *contentMap) CreateMissingNodes() error {
// Create missing home and root sections
rootSections := make(map[string]interface{})
trackRootSection := func(s string, b *contentNode) {
parts := strings.Split(s, "/")
if len(parts) > 2 {
root := strings.TrimSuffix(parts[1], cmBranchSeparator)
if root != "" {
if _, found := rootSections[root]; !found {
rootSections[root] = b
m.sections.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
n := v.(*contentNode)
if s == "/" {
return false
trackRootSection(s, n)
return false
m.pages.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
trackRootSection(s, v.(*contentNode))
return false
if _, found := rootSections["/"]; !found {
rootSections["/"] = true
for sect, v := range rootSections {
var sectionPath string
if n, ok := v.(*contentNode); ok && n.path != "" {
sectionPath = n.path
firstSlash := strings.Index(sectionPath, "/")
if firstSlash != -1 {
sectionPath = sectionPath[:firstSlash]
sect = cleanSectionTreeKey(sect)
_, found := m.sections.Get(sect)
if !found {
m.sections.Insert(sect, &contentNode{path: sectionPath})
for _, view := range m.cfg.taxonomyConfig {
s := cleanSectionTreeKey(view.plural)
_, found := m.taxonomies.Get(s)
if !found {
b := &contentNode{
viewInfo: &contentBundleViewInfo{
name: view,
b.viewInfo.ref = b
m.taxonomies.Insert(s, b)
return nil
func (m *contentMap) getBundleDir(meta hugofs.FileMeta) string {
dir := cleanTreeKey(filepath.Dir(meta.Path()))
switch meta.Classifier() {
case files.ContentClassContent:
return path.Join(dir, meta.TranslationBaseName())
return dir
func (m *contentMap) newContentNodeFromFi(fi hugofs.FileMetaInfo) *contentNode {
return &contentNode{
fi: fi,
path: strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.ToSlash(fi.Meta().Path()), "/"),
func (m *contentMap) getFirstSection(s string) (string, *contentNode) {
s = helpers.AddTrailingSlash(s)
for {
k, v, found := m.sections.LongestPrefix(s)
if !found {
return "", nil
if strings.Count(k, "/") <= 2 {
return k, v.(*contentNode)
s = helpers.AddTrailingSlash(path.Dir(strings.TrimSuffix(s, "/")))
func (m *contentMap) newKeyBuilder() *cmInsertKeyBuilder {
return &cmInsertKeyBuilder{m: m}
func (m *contentMap) getOrCreateSection(n *contentNode, s string) (string, *contentNode) {
level := strings.Count(s, "/")
k, b := m.getSection(s)
mustCreate := false
if k == "" {
mustCreate = true
} else if level > 1 && k == "/" {
// We found the home section, but this page needs to be placed in
// the root, e.g. "/blog", section.
mustCreate = true
if mustCreate {
k = cleanSectionTreeKey(s[:strings.Index(s[1:], "/")+1])
b = &contentNode{
path: n.rootSection(),
m.sections.Insert(k, b)
return k, b
func (m *contentMap) getPage(section, name string) *contentNode {
section = helpers.AddTrailingSlash(section)
key := section + cmBranchSeparator + name + cmLeafSeparator
v, found := m.pages.Get(key)
if found {
return v.(*contentNode)
return nil
func (m *contentMap) getSection(s string) (string, *contentNode) {
s = helpers.AddTrailingSlash(path.Dir(strings.TrimSuffix(s, "/")))
k, v, found := m.sections.LongestPrefix(s)
if found {
return k, v.(*contentNode)
return "", nil
func (m *contentMap) getTaxonomyParent(s string) (string, *contentNode) {
s = helpers.AddTrailingSlash(path.Dir(strings.TrimSuffix(s, "/")))
k, v, found := m.taxonomies.LongestPrefix(s)
if found {
return k, v.(*contentNode)
v, found = m.sections.Get("/")
if found {
return s, v.(*contentNode)
return "", nil
func (m *contentMap) addFile(fi hugofs.FileMetaInfo) error {
b := m.newKeyBuilder()
return b.WithFile(fi).Insert(m.newContentNodeFromFi(fi)).err
func cleanTreeKey(k string) string {
k = "/" + strings.ToLower(strings.Trim(path.Clean(filepath.ToSlash(k)), "./"))
return k
func cleanSectionTreeKey(k string) string {
k = cleanTreeKey(k)
if k != "/" {
k += "/"
return k
func (m *contentMap) onSameLevel(s1, s2 string) bool {
return strings.Count(s1, "/") == strings.Count(s2, "/")
func (m *contentMap) deleteBundleMatching(matches func(b *contentNode) bool) {
// Check sections first
s := m.sections.getMatch(matches)
if s != "" {
s = m.pages.getMatch(matches)
if s != "" {
s = m.resources.getMatch(matches)
if s != "" {
// Deletes any empty root section that's not backed by a content file.
func (m *contentMap) deleteOrphanSections() {
var sectionsToDelete []string
m.sections.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
n := v.(*contentNode)
if != nil {
// Section may be empty, but is backed by a content file.
return false
if s == "/" || strings.Count(s, "/") > 2 {
return false
prefixBundle := s + cmBranchSeparator
if !(m.sections.hasBelow(s) || m.pages.hasBelow(prefixBundle) || m.resources.hasBelow(prefixBundle)) {
sectionsToDelete = append(sectionsToDelete, s)
return false
for _, s := range sectionsToDelete {
func (m *contentMap) deletePage(s string) {
func (m *contentMap) deleteSectionByPath(s string) {
if !strings.HasSuffix(s, "/") {
panic("section must end with a slash")
if !strings.HasPrefix(s, "/") {
panic("section must start with a slash")
func (m *contentMap) deletePageByPath(s string) {
m.pages.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
fmt.Println("S", s)
return false
func (m *contentMap) deleteTaxonomy(s string) {
func (m *contentMap) reduceKeyPart(dir, filename string) string {
dir, filename = filepath.ToSlash(dir), filepath.ToSlash(filename)
dir, filename = strings.TrimPrefix(dir, "/"), strings.TrimPrefix(filename, "/")
return strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimPrefix(filename, dir), "/")
func (m *contentMap) splitKey(k string) []string {
if k == "" || k == "/" {
return nil
return strings.Split(k, "/")[1:]
func (m *contentMap) testDump() string {
var sb strings.Builder
for i, r := range []*contentTree{m.pages, m.sections, m.resources} {
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Tree %d:\n", i))
r.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
sb.WriteString("\t" + s + "\n")
return false
for i, r := range []*contentTree{m.pages, m.sections} {
r.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
c := v.(*contentNode)
cpToString := func(c *contentNode) string {
var sb strings.Builder
if c.p != nil {
sb.WriteString("|p:" + c.p.Title())
if != nil {
sb.WriteString("|f:" + filepath.ToSlash(
return sb.String()
sb.WriteString(path.Join(m.cfg.lang, r.Name) + s + cpToString(c) + "\n")
resourcesPrefix := s
if i == 1 {
resourcesPrefix += cmLeafSeparator
m.pages.WalkPrefix(s+cmBranchSeparator, func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
sb.WriteString("\t - P: " + filepath.ToSlash((v.(*contentNode).fi.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo)).Meta().Filename()) + "\n")
return false
m.resources.WalkPrefix(resourcesPrefix, func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
sb.WriteString("\t - R: " + filepath.ToSlash((v.(*contentNode).fi.(hugofs.FileMetaInfo)).Meta().Filename()) + "\n")
return false
return false
return sb.String()
type contentMapConfig struct {
lang string
taxonomyConfig []viewName
taxonomyDisabled bool
taxonomyTermDisabled bool
pageDisabled bool
isRebuild bool
func (cfg contentMapConfig) getTaxonomyConfig(s string) (v viewName) {
s = strings.TrimPrefix(s, "/")
if s == "" {
for _, n := range cfg.taxonomyConfig {
if strings.HasPrefix(s, n.plural) {
return n
type contentNode struct {
p *pageState
// Set for taxonomy nodes.
viewInfo *contentBundleViewInfo
// Set if source is a file.
// We will soon get other sources.
fi hugofs.FileMetaInfo
// The source path. Unix slashes. No leading slash.
path string
func (b *contentNode) rootSection() string {
if b.path == "" {
return ""
firstSlash := strings.Index(b.path, "/")
if firstSlash == -1 {
return b.path
return b.path[:firstSlash]
type contentTree struct {
Name string
type contentTrees []*contentTree
func (t contentTrees) DeletePrefix(prefix string) int {
var count int
for _, tree := range t {
tree.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
return false
count += tree.DeletePrefix(prefix)
return count
type contentTreeNodeCallback func(s string, n *contentNode) bool
func newContentTreeFilter(fn func(n *contentNode) bool) contentTreeNodeCallback {
return func(s string, n *contentNode) bool {
return fn(n)
var (
contentTreeNoListAlwaysFilter = func(s string, n *contentNode) bool {
if n.p == nil {
return true
return n.p.m.noListAlways()
contentTreeNoRenderFilter = func(s string, n *contentNode) bool {
if n.p == nil {
return true
return n.p.m.noRender()
func (c *contentTree) WalkQuery(query pageMapQuery, walkFn contentTreeNodeCallback) {
filter := query.Filter
if filter == nil {
filter = contentTreeNoListAlwaysFilter
if query.Prefix != "" {
c.WalkBelow(query.Prefix, func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
n := v.(*contentNode)
if filter != nil && filter(s, n) {
return false
return walkFn(s, n)
c.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
n := v.(*contentNode)
if filter != nil && filter(s, n) {
return false
return walkFn(s, n)
func (c contentTrees) WalkRenderable(fn contentTreeNodeCallback) {
query := pageMapQuery{Filter: contentTreeNoRenderFilter}
for _, tree := range c {
tree.WalkQuery(query, fn)
func (c contentTrees) Walk(fn contentTreeNodeCallback) {
for _, tree := range c {
tree.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
n := v.(*contentNode)
return fn(s, n)
func (c contentTrees) WalkPrefix(prefix string, fn contentTreeNodeCallback) {
for _, tree := range c {
tree.WalkPrefix(prefix, func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
n := v.(*contentNode)
return fn(s, n)
// WalkBelow walks the tree below the given prefix, i.e. it skips the
// node with the given prefix as key.
func (c *contentTree) WalkBelow(prefix string, fn radix.WalkFn) {
c.Tree.WalkPrefix(prefix, func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
if s == prefix {
return false
return fn(s, v)
func (c *contentTree) getMatch(matches func(b *contentNode) bool) string {
var match string
c.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
n, ok := v.(*contentNode)
if !ok {
return false
if matches(n) {
match = s
return true
return false
return match
func (c *contentTree) hasBelow(s1 string) bool {
var t bool
c.WalkBelow(s1, func(s2 string, v interface{}) bool {
t = true
return true
return t
func (c *contentTree) printKeys() {
c.Walk(func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
return false
func (c *contentTree) printKeysPrefix(prefix string) {
c.WalkPrefix(prefix, func(s string, v interface{}) bool {
return false
// contentTreeRef points to a node in the given tree.
type contentTreeRef struct {
m *pageMap
t *contentTree
n *contentNode
key string
func (c *contentTreeRef) getCurrentSection() (string, *contentNode) {
if c.isSection() {
return c.key, c.n
return c.getSection()
func (c *contentTreeRef) isSection() bool {
return c.t == c.m.sections
func (c *contentTreeRef) getSection() (string, *contentNode) {
if c.t == c.m.taxonomies {
return c.m.getTaxonomyParent(c.key)
return c.m.getSection(c.key)
func (c *contentTreeRef) getPages() page.Pages {
var pas page.Pages
Prefix: c.key + cmBranchSeparator,
Filter: c.n.p.m.getListFilter(true),
func(c *contentNode) {
pas = append(pas, c.p)
return pas
func (c *contentTreeRef) getPagesRecursive() page.Pages {
var pas page.Pages
query := pageMapQuery{
Filter: c.n.p.m.getListFilter(true),
query.Prefix = c.key
c.m.collectPages(query, func(c *contentNode) {
pas = append(pas, c.p)
return pas
func (c *contentTreeRef) getPagesAndSections() page.Pages {
var pas page.Pages
query := pageMapQuery{
Filter: c.n.p.m.getListFilter(true),
Prefix: c.key,
c.m.collectPagesAndSections(query, func(c *contentNode) {
pas = append(pas, c.p)
return pas
func (c *contentTreeRef) getSections() page.Pages {
var pas page.Pages
query := pageMapQuery{
Filter: c.n.p.m.getListFilter(true),
Prefix: c.key,
c.m.collectSections(query, func(c *contentNode) {
pas = append(pas, c.p)
return pas
type contentTreeReverseIndex struct {
t []*contentTree
m map[interface{}]*contentNode
init sync.Once
initFn func(*contentTree, map[interface{}]*contentNode)
func (c *contentTreeReverseIndex) Get(key interface{}) *contentNode {
c.init.Do(func() {
c.m = make(map[interface{}]*contentNode)
for _, tree := range c.t {
c.initFn(tree, c.m)
return c.m[key]