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synced 2025-03-14 10:22:50 +00:00
The main motivation of this commit is to add a `page.Page` interface to replace the very file-oriented `hugolib.Page` struct. This is all a preparation step for issue #5074, "pages from other data sources". But this also fixes a set of annoying limitations, especially related to custom output formats, and shortcodes. Most notable changes: * The inner content of shortcodes using the `{{%` as the outer-most delimiter will now be sent to the content renderer, e.g. Blackfriday. This means that any markdown will partake in the global ToC and footnote context etc. * The Custom Output formats are now "fully virtualized". This removes many of the current limitations. * The taxonomy list type now has a reference to the `Page` object. This improves the taxonomy template `.Title` situation and make common template constructs much simpler. See #5074 Fixes #5763 Fixes #5758 Fixes #5090 Fixes #5204 Fixes #4695 Fixes #5607 Fixes #5707 Fixes #5719 Fixes #3113 Fixes #5706 Fixes #5767 Fixes #5723 Fixes #5769 Fixes #5770 Fixes #5771 Fixes #5759 Fixes #5776 Fixes #5777 Fixes #5778
258 lines
11 KiB
258 lines
11 KiB
// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package page
import (
func TestPageTargetPath(t *testing.T) {
pathSpec := newTestPathSpec()
noExtNoDelimMediaType := media.TextType
noExtNoDelimMediaType.Suffixes = []string{}
noExtNoDelimMediaType.Delimiter = ""
// Netlify style _redirects
noExtDelimFormat := output.Format{
Name: "NER",
MediaType: noExtNoDelimMediaType,
BaseName: "_redirects",
for _, langPrefixPath := range []string{"", "no"} {
for _, langPrefixLink := range []string{"", "no"} {
for _, uglyURLs := range []bool{false, true} {
tests := []struct {
name string
d TargetPathDescriptor
expected TargetPaths
{"JSON home", TargetPathDescriptor{Kind: KindHome, Type: output.JSONFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/index.json", SubResourceBaseTarget: "", Link: "/index.json"}},
{"AMP home", TargetPathDescriptor{Kind: KindHome, Type: output.AMPFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/amp/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/amp", Link: "/amp/"}},
{"HTML home", TargetPathDescriptor{Kind: KindHome, BaseName: "_index", Type: output.HTMLFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "", Link: "/"}},
{"Netlify redirects", TargetPathDescriptor{Kind: KindHome, BaseName: "_index", Type: noExtDelimFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/_redirects", SubResourceBaseTarget: "", Link: "/_redirects"}},
{"HTML section list", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindSection,
Sections: []string{"sect1"},
BaseName: "_index",
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/sect1/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/sect1", Link: "/sect1/"}},
{"HTML taxonomy list", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindTaxonomy,
Sections: []string{"tags", "hugo"},
BaseName: "_index",
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/tags/hugo/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/tags/hugo", Link: "/tags/hugo/"}},
{"HTML taxonomy term", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindTaxonomy,
Sections: []string{"tags"},
BaseName: "_index",
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/tags/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/tags", Link: "/tags/"}},
"HTML page", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/a/b",
BaseName: "mypage",
Sections: []string{"a"},
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/a/b/mypage/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/a/b/mypage", Link: "/a/b/mypage/"}},
"HTML page with index as base", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/a/b",
BaseName: "index",
Sections: []string{"a"},
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/a/b/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/a/b", Link: "/a/b/"}},
"HTML page with special chars", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/a/b",
BaseName: "My Page!",
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/a/b/my-page/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/a/b/my-page", Link: "/a/b/my-page/"}},
{"RSS home", TargetPathDescriptor{Kind: "rss", Type: output.RSSFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/index.xml", SubResourceBaseTarget: "", Link: "/index.xml"}},
{"RSS section list", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: "rss",
Sections: []string{"sect1"},
Type: output.RSSFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/sect1/index.xml", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/sect1", Link: "/sect1/index.xml"}},
"AMP page", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/a/b/c",
BaseName: "myamp",
Type: output.AMPFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/amp/a/b/c/myamp/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/amp/a/b/c/myamp", Link: "/amp/a/b/c/myamp/"}},
"AMP page with URL with suffix", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/sect/",
BaseName: "mypage",
URL: "/some/other/url.xhtml",
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/some/other/url.xhtml", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/some/other", Link: "/some/other/url.xhtml"}},
"JSON page with URL without suffix", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/sect/",
BaseName: "mypage",
URL: "/some/other/path/",
Type: output.JSONFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/some/other/path/index.json", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/some/other/path", Link: "/some/other/path/index.json"}},
"JSON page with URL without suffix and no trailing slash", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/sect/",
BaseName: "mypage",
URL: "/some/other/path",
Type: output.JSONFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/some/other/path/index.json", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/some/other/path", Link: "/some/other/path/index.json"}},
"HTML page with URL without suffix and no trailing slash", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/sect/",
BaseName: "mypage",
URL: "/some/other/path",
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/some/other/path/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/some/other/path", Link: "/some/other/path/"}},
"HTML page with expanded permalink", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/a/b",
BaseName: "mypage",
ExpandedPermalink: "/2017/10/my-title/",
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/2017/10/my-title/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/2017/10/my-title", Link: "/2017/10/my-title/"}},
"Paginated HTML home", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindHome,
BaseName: "_index",
Type: output.HTMLFormat,
Addends: "page/3"}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/page/3/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/page/3", Link: "/page/3/"}},
"Paginated Taxonomy list", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindTaxonomy,
BaseName: "_index",
Sections: []string{"tags", "hugo"},
Type: output.HTMLFormat,
Addends: "page/3"}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/tags/hugo/page/3/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/tags/hugo/page/3", Link: "/tags/hugo/page/3/"}},
"Regular page with addend", TargetPathDescriptor{
Kind: KindPage,
Dir: "/a/b",
BaseName: "mypage",
Addends: "c/d/e",
Type: output.HTMLFormat}, TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/a/b/mypage/c/d/e/index.html", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/a/b/mypage/c/d/e", Link: "/a/b/mypage/c/d/e/"}},
for i, test := range tests {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("langPrefixPath=%s,langPrefixLink=%s,uglyURLs=%t,name=%s", langPrefixPath, langPrefixLink, uglyURLs, test.name),
func(t *testing.T) {
test.d.ForcePrefix = true
test.d.PathSpec = pathSpec
test.d.UglyURLs = uglyURLs
test.d.PrefixFilePath = langPrefixPath
test.d.PrefixLink = langPrefixLink
test.d.Dir = filepath.FromSlash(test.d.Dir)
isUgly := uglyURLs && !test.d.Type.NoUgly
expected := test.expected
// TODO(bep) simplify
if test.d.Kind == KindPage && test.d.BaseName == test.d.Type.BaseName {
} else if test.d.Kind == KindHome && test.d.Type.Path != "" {
} else if test.d.Type.MediaType.Suffix() != "" && (!strings.HasPrefix(expected.TargetFilename, "/index") || test.d.Addends != "") && test.d.URL == "" && isUgly {
expected.TargetFilename = strings.Replace(expected.TargetFilename,
"."+test.d.Type.MediaType.Suffix(), 1)
expected.Link = strings.TrimSuffix(expected.Link, "/") + "." + test.d.Type.MediaType.Suffix()
if test.d.PrefixFilePath != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(test.d.URL, "/"+test.d.PrefixFilePath) {
expected.TargetFilename = "/" + test.d.PrefixFilePath + expected.TargetFilename
expected.SubResourceBaseTarget = "/" + test.d.PrefixFilePath + expected.SubResourceBaseTarget
if test.d.PrefixLink != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(test.d.URL, "/"+test.d.PrefixLink) {
expected.Link = "/" + test.d.PrefixLink + expected.Link
expected.TargetFilename = filepath.FromSlash(expected.TargetFilename)
expected.SubResourceBaseTarget = filepath.FromSlash(expected.SubResourceBaseTarget)
pagePath := CreateTargetPaths(test.d)
if !eqTargetPaths(pagePath, expected) {
t.Fatalf("[%d] [%s] targetPath expected\n%#v, got:\n%#v", i, test.name, expected, pagePath)
func TestPageTargetPathPrefix(t *testing.T) {
pathSpec := newTestPathSpec()
tests := []struct {
name string
d TargetPathDescriptor
expected TargetPaths
{"URL set, prefix both, no force", TargetPathDescriptor{Kind: KindPage, Type: output.JSONFormat, URL: "/mydir/my.json", ForcePrefix: false, PrefixFilePath: "pf", PrefixLink: "pl"},
TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/mydir/my.json", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/mydir", SubResourceBaseLink: "/mydir", Link: "/mydir/my.json"}},
{"URL set, prefix both, force", TargetPathDescriptor{Kind: KindPage, Type: output.JSONFormat, URL: "/mydir/my.json", ForcePrefix: true, PrefixFilePath: "pf", PrefixLink: "pl"},
TargetPaths{TargetFilename: "/pf/mydir/my.json", SubResourceBaseTarget: "/pf/mydir", SubResourceBaseLink: "/pl/mydir", Link: "/pl/mydir/my.json"}},
for i, test := range tests {
func(t *testing.T) {
test.d.PathSpec = pathSpec
expected := test.expected
expected.TargetFilename = filepath.FromSlash(expected.TargetFilename)
expected.SubResourceBaseTarget = filepath.FromSlash(expected.SubResourceBaseTarget)
pagePath := CreateTargetPaths(test.d)
if pagePath != expected {
t.Fatalf("[%d] [%s] targetPath expected\n%#v, got:\n%#v", i, test.name, expected, pagePath)
func eqTargetPaths(p1, p2 TargetPaths) bool {
if p1.Link != p2.Link {
return false
if p1.SubResourceBaseTarget != p2.SubResourceBaseTarget {
return false
if p1.TargetFilename != p2.TargetFilename {
return false
return true