mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 06:43:39 +00:00
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// Copyright 2015 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package commands defines and implements command-line commands and flags
// used by Hugo. Commands and flags are implemented using Cobra.
package commands
import (
flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"
jww "github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman"
var MainSite *hugolib.Site
// userError is an error used to signal different error situations in command handling.
type commandError struct {
s string
userError bool
func (u commandError) Error() string {
return u.s
func (u commandError) isUserError() bool {
return u.userError
func newUserError(a ...interface{}) commandError {
return commandError{s: fmt.Sprintln(a...), userError: true}
func newUserErrorF(format string, a ...interface{}) commandError {
return commandError{s: fmt.Sprintf(format, a...), userError: true}
func newSystemError(a ...interface{}) commandError {
return commandError{s: fmt.Sprintln(a...), userError: false}
func newSystemErrorF(format string, a ...interface{}) commandError {
return commandError{s: fmt.Sprintf(format, a...), userError: false}
// catch some of the obvious user errors from Cobra.
// We don't want to show the usage message for every error.
// The below may be to generic. Time will show.
var userErrorRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("argument|flag|shorthand")
func isUserError(err error) bool {
if cErr, ok := err.(commandError); ok && cErr.isUserError() {
return true
return userErrorRegexp.MatchString(err.Error())
// HugoCmd is Hugo's root command.
// Every other command attached to HugoCmd is a child command to it.
var HugoCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "hugo",
Short: "hugo builds your site",
Long: `hugo is the main command, used to build your Hugo site.
Hugo is a Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator
built with love by spf13 and friends in Go.
Complete documentation is available at http://gohugo.io/.`,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if err := InitializeConfig(); err != nil {
return err
if buildWatch {
viper.Set("DisableLiveReload", true)
return build()
var hugoCmdV *cobra.Command
// Flags that are to be added to commands.
var (
buildWatch bool
canonifyURLs bool
cleanDestination bool
disableRobotsTXT bool
disableRSS bool
disableSitemap bool
draft bool
forceSync bool
future bool
ignoreCache bool
logging bool
noTimes bool
pluralizeListTitles bool
preserveTaxonomyNames bool
renderToMemory bool // for benchmark testing
uglyURLs bool
verbose bool
verboseLog bool
var (
baseURL string
cacheDir string
cfgFile string
destination string
logFile string
theme string
source string
// Execute adds all child commands to the root command HugoCmd and sets flags appropriately.
func Execute() {
HugoCmd.SilenceUsage = true
if c, err := HugoCmd.ExecuteC(); err != nil {
if isUserError(err) {
// AddCommands adds child commands to the root command HugoCmd.
func AddCommands() {
// initHugoBuilderFlags initializes all common flags, typically used by the
// core build commands, namely hugo itself, server, check and benchmark.
func initHugoBuilderFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) {
// initCoreCommonFlags initializes common flags used by Hugo core commands.
func initCoreCommonFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&cfgFile, "config", "", "config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)")
// Set bash-completion
validConfigFilenames := []string{"json", "js", "yaml", "yml", "toml", "tml"}
cmd.Flags().SetAnnotation("config", cobra.BashCompFilenameExt, validConfigFilenames)
// initHugoBuildCommonFlags initialize common flags related to the Hugo build.
// Called by initHugoBuilderFlags.
func initHugoBuildCommonFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&cleanDestination, "cleanDestinationDir", false, "Remove files from destination not found in static directories")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&draft, "buildDrafts", "D", false, "include content marked as draft")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&future, "buildFuture", "F", false, "include content with publishdate in the future")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&disableRSS, "disableRSS", false, "Do not build RSS files")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&disableSitemap, "disableSitemap", false, "Do not build Sitemap file")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&disableRobotsTXT, "disableRobotsTXT", false, "Do not build Robots TXT file")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&source, "source", "s", "", "filesystem path to read files relative from")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&cacheDir, "cacheDir", "", "", "filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&ignoreCache, "ignoreCache", "", false, "Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&destination, "destination", "d", "", "filesystem path to write files to")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&theme, "theme", "t", "", "theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&uglyURLs, "uglyURLs", false, "if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&canonifyURLs, "canonifyURLs", false, "if true, all relative URLs will be canonicalized using baseURL")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&baseURL, "baseURL", "b", "", "hostname (and path) to the root, e.g. http://spf13.com/")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&nitro.AnalysisOn, "stepAnalysis", false, "display memory and timing of different steps of the program")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&pluralizeListTitles, "pluralizeListTitles", true, "Pluralize titles in lists using inflect")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&preserveTaxonomyNames, "preserveTaxonomyNames", false, `Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")`)
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&forceSync, "forceSyncStatic", "", false, "Copy all files when static is changed.")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&noTimes, "noTimes", "", false, "Don't sync modification time of files")
// Set bash-completion.
// Each flag must first be defined before using the SetAnnotation() call.
cmd.Flags().SetAnnotation("source", cobra.BashCompSubdirsInDir, []string{})
cmd.Flags().SetAnnotation("cacheDir", cobra.BashCompSubdirsInDir, []string{})
cmd.Flags().SetAnnotation("destination", cobra.BashCompSubdirsInDir, []string{})
cmd.Flags().SetAnnotation("theme", cobra.BashCompSubdirsInDir, []string{"themes"})
func initBenchmarkBuildingFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) {
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&renderToMemory, "renderToMemory", false, "render to memory (only useful for benchmark testing)")
// init initializes flags.
func init() {
HugoCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "verbose output")
HugoCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&logging, "log", false, "Enable Logging")
HugoCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&logFile, "logFile", "", "Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)")
HugoCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVar(&verboseLog, "verboseLog", false, "verbose logging")
HugoCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&buildWatch, "watch", "w", false, "watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed")
hugoCmdV = HugoCmd
// Set bash-completion
HugoCmd.PersistentFlags().SetAnnotation("logFile", cobra.BashCompFilenameExt, []string{})
func LoadDefaultSettings() {
viper.SetDefault("cleanDestinationDir", false)
viper.SetDefault("Watch", false)
viper.SetDefault("MetaDataFormat", "toml")
viper.SetDefault("DisableRSS", false)
viper.SetDefault("DisableSitemap", false)
viper.SetDefault("DisableRobotsTXT", false)
viper.SetDefault("ContentDir", "content")
viper.SetDefault("LayoutDir", "layouts")
viper.SetDefault("StaticDir", "static")
viper.SetDefault("ArchetypeDir", "archetypes")
viper.SetDefault("PublishDir", "public")
viper.SetDefault("DataDir", "data")
viper.SetDefault("ThemesDir", "themes")
viper.SetDefault("DefaultLayout", "post")
viper.SetDefault("BuildDrafts", false)
viper.SetDefault("BuildFuture", false)
viper.SetDefault("UglyURLs", false)
viper.SetDefault("Verbose", false)
viper.SetDefault("IgnoreCache", false)
viper.SetDefault("CanonifyURLs", false)
viper.SetDefault("RelativeURLs", false)
viper.SetDefault("RemovePathAccents", false)
viper.SetDefault("Taxonomies", map[string]string{"tag": "tags", "category": "categories"})
viper.SetDefault("Permalinks", make(hugolib.PermalinkOverrides, 0))
viper.SetDefault("Sitemap", hugolib.Sitemap{Priority: -1, Filename: "sitemap.xml"})
viper.SetDefault("DefaultExtension", "html")
viper.SetDefault("PygmentsStyle", "monokai")
viper.SetDefault("PygmentsUseClasses", false)
viper.SetDefault("PygmentsCodeFences", false)
viper.SetDefault("PygmentsOptions", "")
viper.SetDefault("DisableLiveReload", false)
viper.SetDefault("PluralizeListTitles", true)
viper.SetDefault("PreserveTaxonomyNames", false)
viper.SetDefault("ForceSyncStatic", false)
viper.SetDefault("FootnoteAnchorPrefix", "")
viper.SetDefault("FootnoteReturnLinkContents", "")
viper.SetDefault("NewContentEditor", "")
viper.SetDefault("Paginate", 10)
viper.SetDefault("PaginatePath", "page")
viper.SetDefault("Blackfriday", helpers.NewBlackfriday())
viper.SetDefault("RSSUri", "index.xml")
viper.SetDefault("SectionPagesMenu", "")
viper.SetDefault("DisablePathToLower", false)
viper.SetDefault("HasCJKLanguage", false)
// InitializeConfig initializes a config file with sensible default configuration flags.
// A Hugo command that calls initCoreCommonFlags() can pass itself
// as an argument to have its command-line flags processed here.
func InitializeConfig(subCmdVs ...*cobra.Command) error {
// See https://github.com/spf13/viper/issues/73#issuecomment-126970794
if source == "" {
} else {
err := viper.ReadInConfig()
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(viper.ConfigParseError); ok {
return newSystemError(err)
} else {
return newSystemErrorF("Unable to locate Config file. Perhaps you need to create a new site.\n Run `hugo help new` for details. (%s)\n", err)
viper.RegisterAlias("indexes", "taxonomies")
for _, cmdV := range append([]*cobra.Command{hugoCmdV}, subCmdVs...) {
if flagChanged(cmdV.PersistentFlags(), "verbose") {
viper.Set("Verbose", verbose)
if flagChanged(cmdV.PersistentFlags(), "logFile") {
viper.Set("LogFile", logFile)
if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "cleanDestinationDir") {
viper.Set("cleanDestinationDir", cleanDestination)
if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "buildDrafts") {
viper.Set("BuildDrafts", draft)
if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "buildFuture") {
viper.Set("BuildFuture", future)
if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "uglyURLs") {
viper.Set("UglyURLs", uglyURLs)
if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "canonifyURLs") {
viper.Set("CanonifyURLs", canonifyURLs)
if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "disableRSS") {
viper.Set("DisableRSS", disableRSS)
if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "disableSitemap") {
viper.Set("DisableSitemap", disableSitemap)
if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "disableRobotsTXT") {
viper.Set("DisableRobotsTXT", disableRobotsTXT)
if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "pluralizeListTitles") {
viper.Set("PluralizeListTitles", pluralizeListTitles)
if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "preserveTaxonomyNames") {
viper.Set("PreserveTaxonomyNames", preserveTaxonomyNames)
if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "ignoreCache") {
viper.Set("IgnoreCache", ignoreCache)
if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "forceSyncStatic") {
viper.Set("ForceSyncStatic", forceSync)
if flagChanged(cmdV.Flags(), "noTimes") {
viper.Set("NoTimes", noTimes)
if baseURL != "" {
if !strings.HasSuffix(baseURL, "/") {
baseURL = baseURL + "/"
viper.Set("BaseURL", baseURL)
if !viper.GetBool("RelativeURLs") && viper.GetString("BaseURL") == "" {
jww.ERROR.Println("No 'baseurl' set in configuration or as a flag. Features like page menus will not work without one.")
if theme != "" {
viper.Set("theme", theme)
if destination != "" {
viper.Set("PublishDir", destination)
if source != "" {
dir, _ := filepath.Abs(source)
viper.Set("WorkingDir", dir)
} else {
dir, _ := os.Getwd()
viper.Set("WorkingDir", dir)
if cacheDir != "" {
if helpers.FilePathSeparator != cacheDir[len(cacheDir)-1:] {
cacheDir = cacheDir + helpers.FilePathSeparator
isDir, err := helpers.DirExists(cacheDir, hugofs.SourceFs)
if isDir == false {
viper.Set("CacheDir", cacheDir)
} else {
viper.Set("CacheDir", helpers.GetTempDir("hugo_cache", hugofs.SourceFs))
if verboseLog || logging || (viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "") {
if viper.IsSet("LogFile") && viper.GetString("LogFile") != "" {
} else {
} else {
if viper.GetBool("verbose") {
if verboseLog {
jww.INFO.Println("Using config file:", viper.ConfigFileUsed())
themeDir := helpers.GetThemeDir()
if themeDir != "" {
if _, err := os.Stat(themeDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return newSystemError("Unable to find theme Directory:", themeDir)
themeVersionMismatch, minVersion := isThemeVsHugoVersionMismatch()
if themeVersionMismatch {
jww.ERROR.Printf("Current theme does not support Hugo version %s. Minimum version required is %s\n",
helpers.HugoReleaseVersion(), minVersion)
return nil
func flagChanged(flags *flag.FlagSet, key string) bool {
flag := flags.Lookup(key)
if flag == nil {
return false
return flag.Changed
func watchConfig() {
viper.OnConfigChange(func(e fsnotify.Event) {
fmt.Println("Config file changed:", e.Name)
// Force a full rebuild
MainSite = nil
if !viper.GetBool("DisableLiveReload") {
// Will block forever trying to write to a channel that nobody is reading if livereload isn't initialized
func build(watches ...bool) error {
// Hugo writes the output to memory instead of the disk
// This is only used for benchmark testing. Cause the content is only visible
// in memory
if renderToMemory {
hugofs.DestinationFS = new(afero.MemMapFs)
// Rendering to memoryFS, publish to Root regardless of publishDir.
viper.Set("PublishDir", "/")
if err := copyStatic(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error copying static files to %s: %s", helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("PublishDir")), err)
watch := false
if len(watches) > 0 && watches[0] {
watch = true
if err := buildSite(buildWatch || watch); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error building site: %s", err)
if buildWatch {
jww.FEEDBACK.Println("Watching for changes in", helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("ContentDir")))
jww.FEEDBACK.Println("Press Ctrl+C to stop")
return nil
func getStaticSourceFs() afero.Fs {
source := hugofs.SourceFs
themeDir, err := helpers.GetThemeStaticDirPath()
staticDir := helpers.GetStaticDirPath() + helpers.FilePathSeparator
useTheme := true
useStatic := true
if err != nil {
useTheme = false
} else {
if _, err := source.Stat(themeDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
jww.WARN.Println("Unable to find Theme Static Directory:", themeDir)
useTheme = false
if _, err := source.Stat(staticDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
jww.WARN.Println("Unable to find Static Directory:", staticDir)
useStatic = false
if !useStatic && !useTheme {
return nil
if !useStatic {
jww.INFO.Println(themeDir, "is the only static directory available to sync from")
return afero.NewReadOnlyFs(afero.NewBasePathFs(source, themeDir))
if !useTheme {
jww.INFO.Println(staticDir, "is the only static directory available to sync from")
return afero.NewReadOnlyFs(afero.NewBasePathFs(source, staticDir))
jww.INFO.Println("using a UnionFS for static directory comprised of:")
jww.INFO.Println("Base:", themeDir)
jww.INFO.Println("Overlay:", staticDir)
base := afero.NewReadOnlyFs(afero.NewBasePathFs(hugofs.SourceFs, themeDir))
overlay := afero.NewReadOnlyFs(afero.NewBasePathFs(hugofs.SourceFs, staticDir))
return afero.NewCopyOnWriteFs(base, overlay)
func copyStatic() error {
publishDir := helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("PublishDir")) + helpers.FilePathSeparator
// If root, remove the second '/'
if publishDir == "//" {
publishDir = helpers.FilePathSeparator
// Includes both theme/static & /static
staticSourceFs := getStaticSourceFs()
if staticSourceFs == nil {
jww.WARN.Println("No static directories found to sync")
return nil
syncer := fsync.NewSyncer()
syncer.NoTimes = viper.GetBool("notimes")
syncer.SrcFs = staticSourceFs
syncer.DestFs = hugofs.DestinationFS
// Now that we are using a unionFs for the static directories
// We can effectively clean the publishDir on initial sync
syncer.Delete = viper.GetBool("cleanDestinationDir")
if syncer.Delete {
jww.INFO.Println("removing all files from destination that don't exist in static dirs")
jww.INFO.Println("syncing static files to", publishDir)
// because we are using a baseFs (to get the union right).
// set sync src to root
err := syncer.Sync(publishDir, helpers.FilePathSeparator)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// getDirList provides NewWatcher() with a list of directories to watch for changes.
func getDirList() []string {
var a []string
dataDir := helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("DataDir"))
layoutDir := helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("LayoutDir"))
walker := func(path string, fi os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
if path == dataDir && os.IsNotExist(err) {
jww.WARN.Println("Skip DataDir:", err)
return nil
if path == layoutDir && os.IsNotExist(err) {
jww.WARN.Println("Skip LayoutDir:", err)
return nil
jww.ERROR.Println("Walker: ", err)
return nil
if fi.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink == os.ModeSymlink {
link, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(path)
if err != nil {
jww.ERROR.Printf("Cannot read symbolic link '%s', error was: %s", path, err)
return nil
linkfi, err := os.Stat(link)
if err != nil {
jww.ERROR.Printf("Cannot stat '%s', error was: %s", link, err)
return nil
if !linkfi.Mode().IsRegular() {
jww.ERROR.Printf("Symbolic links for directories not supported, skipping '%s'", path)
return nil
if fi.IsDir() {
if fi.Name() == ".git" ||
fi.Name() == "node_modules" || fi.Name() == "bower_components" {
return filepath.SkipDir
a = append(a, path)
return nil
filepath.Walk(dataDir, walker)
filepath.Walk(helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("ContentDir")), walker)
filepath.Walk(helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("LayoutDir")), walker)
filepath.Walk(helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("StaticDir")), walker)
if helpers.ThemeSet() {
filepath.Walk(helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("themesDir")+"/"+viper.GetString("theme")), walker)
return a
func buildSite(watching ...bool) (err error) {
fmt.Println("Started building site")
startTime := time.Now()
if MainSite == nil {
MainSite = new(hugolib.Site)
if len(watching) > 0 && watching[0] {
MainSite.RunMode.Watching = true
err = MainSite.Build()
if err != nil {
return err
jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("in %v ms\n", int(1000*time.Since(startTime).Seconds()))
return nil
func rebuildSite(events []fsnotify.Event) error {
startTime := time.Now()
err := MainSite.ReBuild(events)
if err != nil {
return err
jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("in %v ms\n", int(1000*time.Since(startTime).Seconds()))
return nil
// NewWatcher creates a new watcher to watch filesystem events.
func NewWatcher(port int) error {
if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" {
watcher, err := watcher.New(1 * time.Second)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
if err != nil {
return err
defer watcher.Close()
for _, d := range getDirList() {
if d != "" {
_ = watcher.Add(d)
go func() {
for {
select {
case evs := <-watcher.Events:
jww.INFO.Println("Received System Events:", evs)
staticEvents := []fsnotify.Event{}
dynamicEvents := []fsnotify.Event{}
for _, ev := range evs {
ext := filepath.Ext(ev.Name)
istemp := strings.HasSuffix(ext, "~") ||
(ext == ".swp") ||
(ext == ".swx") ||
(ext == ".tmp") ||
(ext == ".DS_Store") ||
filepath.Base(ev.Name) == "4913" ||
strings.HasPrefix(ext, ".goutputstream") ||
strings.HasSuffix(ext, "jb_old___") ||
strings.HasSuffix(ext, "jb_bak___")
if istemp {
// Sometimes during rm -rf operations a '"": REMOVE' is triggered. Just ignore these
if ev.Name == "" {
// Write and rename operations are often followed by CHMOD.
// There may be valid use cases for rebuilding the site on CHMOD,
// but that will require more complex logic than this simple conditional.
// On OS X this seems to be related to Spotlight, see:
// https://github.com/go-fsnotify/fsnotify/issues/15
// A workaround is to put your site(s) on the Spotlight exception list,
// but that may be a little mysterious for most end users.
// So, for now, we skip reload on CHMOD.
if ev.Op&fsnotify.Chmod == fsnotify.Chmod {
walkAdder := func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if f.IsDir() {
jww.FEEDBACK.Println("adding created directory to watchlist", path)
return nil
// recursively add new directories to watch list
// When mkdir -p is used, only the top directory triggers an event (at least on OSX)
if ev.Op&fsnotify.Create == fsnotify.Create {
if s, err := hugofs.SourceFs.Stat(ev.Name); err == nil && s.Mode().IsDir() {
afero.Walk(hugofs.SourceFs, ev.Name, walkAdder)
isstatic := strings.HasPrefix(ev.Name, helpers.GetStaticDirPath()) || (len(helpers.GetThemesDirPath()) > 0 && strings.HasPrefix(ev.Name, helpers.GetThemesDirPath()))
if isstatic {
staticEvents = append(staticEvents, ev)
} else {
dynamicEvents = append(dynamicEvents, ev)
if len(staticEvents) > 0 {
publishDir := helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("PublishDir")) + helpers.FilePathSeparator
// If root, remove the second '/'
if publishDir == "//" {
publishDir = helpers.FilePathSeparator
jww.FEEDBACK.Println("\nStatic file changes detected")
const layout = "2006-01-02 15:04 -0700"
if viper.GetBool("ForceSyncStatic") {
jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("Syncing all static files\n")
err := copyStatic()
if err != nil {
utils.StopOnErr(err, fmt.Sprintf("Error copying static files to %s", helpers.AbsPathify(viper.GetString("PublishDir"))))
} else {
staticSourceFs := getStaticSourceFs()
if staticSourceFs == nil {
jww.WARN.Println("No static directories found to sync")
syncer := fsync.NewSyncer()
syncer.NoTimes = viper.GetBool("notimes")
syncer.SrcFs = staticSourceFs
syncer.DestFs = hugofs.DestinationFS
// prevent spamming the log on changes
logger := helpers.NewDistinctFeedbackLogger()
for _, ev := range staticEvents {
// Due to our approach of layering both directories and the content's rendered output
// into one we can't accurately remove a file not in one of the source directories.
// If a file is in the local static dir and also in the theme static dir and we remove
// it from one of those locations we expect it to still exist in the destination
// If Hugo generates a file (from the content dir) over a static file
// the content generated file should take precedence.
// Because we are now watching and handling individual events it is possible that a static
// event that occupies the same path as a content generated file will take precedence
// until a regeneration of the content takes places.
// Hugo assumes that these cases are very rare and will permit this bad behavior
// The alternative is to track every single file and which pipeline rendered it
// and then to handle conflict resolution on every event.
fromPath := ev.Name
// If we are here we already know the event took place in a static dir
relPath, err := helpers.MakeStaticPathRelative(fromPath)
if err != nil {
// Remove || rename is harder and will require an assumption.
// Hugo takes the following approach:
// If the static file exists in any of the static source directories after this event
// Hugo will re-sync it.
// If it does not exist in all of the static directories Hugo will remove it.
// This assumes that Hugo has not generated content on top of a static file and then removed
// the source of that static file. In this case Hugo will incorrectly remove that file
// from the published directory.
if ev.Op&fsnotify.Rename == fsnotify.Rename || ev.Op&fsnotify.Remove == fsnotify.Remove {
if _, err := staticSourceFs.Stat(relPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
// If file doesn't exist in any static dir, remove it
toRemove := filepath.Join(publishDir, relPath)
logger.Println("File no longer exists in static dir, removing", toRemove)
} else if err == nil {
// If file still exists, sync it
logger.Println("Syncing", relPath, "to", publishDir)
if err := syncer.Sync(filepath.Join(publishDir, relPath), relPath); err != nil {
} else {
// For all other event operations Hugo will sync static.
logger.Println("Syncing", relPath, "to", publishDir)
if err := syncer.Sync(filepath.Join(publishDir, relPath), relPath); err != nil {
if !buildWatch && !viper.GetBool("DisableLiveReload") {
// Will block forever trying to write to a channel that nobody is reading if livereload isn't initialized
// force refresh when more than one file
if len(staticEvents) > 0 {
for _, ev := range staticEvents {
path, _ := helpers.MakeStaticPathRelative(ev.Name)
} else {
if len(dynamicEvents) > 0 {
fmt.Print("\nChange detected, rebuilding site\n")
const layout = "2006-01-02 15:04 -0700"
if !buildWatch && !viper.GetBool("DisableLiveReload") {
// Will block forever trying to write to a channel that nobody is reading if livereload isn't initialized
case err := <-watcher.Errors:
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error:", err)
if port > 0 {
if !viper.GetBool("DisableLiveReload") {
http.HandleFunc("/livereload.js", livereload.ServeJS)
http.HandleFunc("/livereload", livereload.Handler)
go serve(port)
return nil
// isThemeVsHugoVersionMismatch returns whether the current Hugo version is
// less than the theme's min_version.
func isThemeVsHugoVersionMismatch() (mismatch bool, requiredMinVersion string) {
if !helpers.ThemeSet() {
themeDir := helpers.GetThemeDir()
fs := hugofs.SourceFs
path := filepath.Join(themeDir, "theme.toml")
exists, err := helpers.Exists(path, fs)
if err != nil || !exists {
f, err := fs.Open(path)
if err != nil {
defer f.Close()
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(f)
if err != nil {
c, err := parser.HandleTOMLMetaData(b)
if err != nil {
config := c.(map[string]interface{})
if minVersion, ok := config["min_version"]; ok {
switch minVersion.(type) {
case float32:
return helpers.HugoVersionNumber < minVersion.(float32), fmt.Sprint(minVersion)
case float64:
return helpers.HugoVersionNumber < minVersion.(float64), fmt.Sprint(minVersion)