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// Copyright 2018 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package pageparser
import (
qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest"
type lexerTest struct {
name string
input string
items []typeText
err error
type typeText struct {
typ ItemType
text string
func nti(tp ItemType, val string) typeText {
return typeText{typ: tp, text: val}
var (
tstJSON = `{ "a": { "b": "\"Hugo\"}" } }`
tstFrontMatterTOML = nti(TypeFrontMatterTOML, "foo = \"bar\"\n")
tstFrontMatterYAML = nti(TypeFrontMatterYAML, "foo: \"bar\"\n")
tstFrontMatterYAMLCRLF = nti(TypeFrontMatterYAML, "foo: \"bar\"\r\n")
tstFrontMatterJSON = nti(TypeFrontMatterJSON, tstJSON+"\r\n")
tstSomeText = nti(tText, "\nSome text.\n")
tstSummaryDivider = nti(TypeLeadSummaryDivider, "<!--more-->\n")
tstNewline = nti(tText, "\n")
tstORG = `
tstFrontMatterORG = nti(TypeFrontMatterORG, tstORG)
var crLfReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("\r", "#", "\n", "$")
// TODO(bep) a way to toggle ORG mode vs the rest.
var frontMatterTests = []lexerTest{
{"empty", "", []typeText{tstEOF}, nil},
{"Byte order mark", "\ufeff\nSome text.\n", []typeText{nti(TypeIgnore, "\ufeff"), tstSomeText, tstEOF}, nil},
{"No front matter", "\nSome text.\n", []typeText{tstSomeText, tstEOF}, nil},
{"YAML front matter", "---\nfoo: \"bar\"\n---\n\nSome text.\n", []typeText{tstFrontMatterYAML, tstSomeText, tstEOF}, nil},
{"YAML empty front matter", "---\n---\n\nSome text.\n", []typeText{nti(TypeFrontMatterYAML, ""), tstSomeText, tstEOF}, nil},
// Note that we keep all bytes as they are, but we need to handle CRLF
{"YAML front matter CRLF", "---\r\nfoo: \"bar\"\r\n---\n\nSome text.\n", []typeText{tstFrontMatterYAMLCRLF, tstSomeText, tstEOF}, nil},
{"TOML front matter", "+++\nfoo = \"bar\"\n+++\n\nSome text.\n", []typeText{tstFrontMatterTOML, tstSomeText, tstEOF}, nil},
{"JSON front matter", tstJSON + "\r\n\nSome text.\n", []typeText{tstFrontMatterJSON, tstSomeText, tstEOF}, nil},
{"ORG front matter", tstORG + "\nSome text.\n", []typeText{tstFrontMatterORG, tstSomeText, tstEOF}, nil},
{"Summary divider ORG", tstORG + "\nSome text.\n# more\nSome text.\n", []typeText{tstFrontMatterORG, tstSomeText, nti(TypeLeadSummaryDivider, "# more\n"), nti(tText, "Some text.\n"), tstEOF}, nil},
{"Summary divider", "+++\nfoo = \"bar\"\n+++\n\nSome text.\n<!--more-->\nSome text.\n", []typeText{tstFrontMatterTOML, tstSomeText, tstSummaryDivider, nti(tText, "Some text.\n"), tstEOF}, nil},
{"Summary divider same line", "+++\nfoo = \"bar\"\n+++\n\nSome text.<!--more-->Some text.\n", []typeText{tstFrontMatterTOML, nti(tText, "\nSome text."), nti(TypeLeadSummaryDivider, "<!--more-->"), nti(tText, "Some text.\n"), tstEOF}, nil},
// https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/5402
{"Summary and shortcode, no space", "+++\nfoo = \"bar\"\n+++\n\nSome text.\n<!--more-->{{< sc1 >}}\nSome text.\n", []typeText{tstFrontMatterTOML, tstSomeText, nti(TypeLeadSummaryDivider, "<!--more-->"), tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstSomeText, tstEOF}, nil},
// https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/5464
{"Summary and shortcode only", "+++\nfoo = \"bar\"\n+++\n{{< sc1 >}}\n<!--more-->\n{{< sc2 >}}", []typeText{tstFrontMatterTOML, tstLeftNoMD, tstSC1, tstRightNoMD, tstNewline, tstSummaryDivider, tstLeftNoMD, tstSC2, tstRightNoMD, tstEOF}, nil},
func TestFrontMatter(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
for i, test := range frontMatterTests {
items, err := collect([]byte(test.input), false, lexIntroSection)
if err != nil {
c.Assert(err, qt.Equals, test.err)
} else {
c.Assert(test.err, qt.IsNil)
if !equal(test.input, items, test.items) {
got := itemsToString(items, []byte(test.input))
expected := testItemsToString(test.items)
c.Assert(got, qt.Equals, expected, qt.Commentf("Test %d: %s", i, test.name))
func itemsToString(items []Item, source []byte) string {
var sb strings.Builder
for i, item := range items {
var s string
if item.Err != nil {
s = item.Err.Error()
} else {
s = string(item.Val(source))
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s\n", item.Type, s))
if i < len(items)-1 {
return crLfReplacer.Replace(sb.String())
func testItemsToString(items []typeText) string {
var sb strings.Builder
for i, item := range items {
sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s\n", item.typ, item.text))
if i < len(items)-1 {
return crLfReplacer.Replace(sb.String())
func collectWithConfig(input []byte, skipFrontMatter bool, stateStart stateFunc, cfg Config) (items []Item, err error) {
l := newPageLexer(input, stateStart, cfg)
iter := NewIterator(l.items)
for {
if l.err != nil {
return nil, l.err
item := iter.Next()
items = append(items, item)
if item.Type == tEOF || item.Type == tError {
func collect(input []byte, skipFrontMatter bool, stateStart stateFunc) (items []Item, err error) {
var cfg Config
return collectWithConfig(input, skipFrontMatter, stateStart, cfg)
func collectStringMain(input string) ([]Item, error) {
return collect([]byte(input), true, lexMainSection)
// no positional checking, for now ...
func equal(source string, got []Item, expect []typeText) bool {
if len(got) != len(expect) {
return false
sourceb := []byte(source)
for k := range got {
g := got[k]
e := expect[k]
if g.Type != e.typ {
return false
var s string
if g.Err != nil {
s = g.Err.Error()
} else {
s = string(g.Val(sourceb))
if s != e.text {
return false
return true