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546 lines
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package hugolib
import (
qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest"
func NewIntegrationTestBuilder(conf IntegrationTestConfig) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
// Code fences.
conf.TxtarString = strings.ReplaceAll(conf.TxtarString, "§§§", "```")
// Multiline strings.
conf.TxtarString = strings.ReplaceAll(conf.TxtarString, "§§", "`")
data := txtar.Parse([]byte(conf.TxtarString))
c, ok := conf.T.(*qt.C)
if !ok {
c = qt.New(conf.T)
if conf.NeedsOsFS {
if !filepath.IsAbs(conf.WorkingDir) {
tempDir, clean, err := htesting.CreateTempDir(hugofs.Os, "hugo-integration-test")
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
conf.WorkingDir = filepath.Join(tempDir, conf.WorkingDir)
if !conf.PrintAndKeepTempDir {
} else {
fmt.Println("\nUsing WorkingDir dir:", conf.WorkingDir)
} else if conf.WorkingDir == "" {
conf.WorkingDir = helpers.FilePathSeparator
return &IntegrationTestBuilder{
Cfg: conf,
C: c,
data: data,
// IntegrationTestBuilder is a (partial) rewrite of sitesBuilder.
// The main problem with the "old" one was that it was that the test data was often a little hidden,
// so it became hard to look at a test and determine what it should do, especially coming back to the
// test after a year or so.
type IntegrationTestBuilder struct {
data *txtar.Archive
fs *hugofs.Fs
H *HugoSites
Cfg IntegrationTestConfig
changedFiles []string
createdFiles []string
removedFiles []string
renamedFiles []string
buildCount int
GCCount int
counters *testCounters
logBuff lockingBuffer
builderInit sync.Once
type lockingBuffer struct {
func (b *lockingBuffer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = b.Buffer.Write(p)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertLogContains(text string) {
s.Assert(s.logBuff.String(), qt.Contains, text)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertLogMatches(expression string) {
re := regexp.MustCompile(expression)
s.Assert(re.MatchString(s.logBuff.String()), qt.IsTrue, qt.Commentf(s.logBuff.String()))
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertBuildCountData(count int) {
s.Assert(s.H.init.data.InitCount(), qt.Equals, count)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertBuildCountGitInfo(count int) {
s.Assert(s.H.init.gitInfo.InitCount(), qt.Equals, count)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertBuildCountLayouts(count int) {
s.Assert(s.H.init.layouts.InitCount(), qt.Equals, count)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertBuildCountTranslations(count int) {
s.Assert(s.H.init.translations.InitCount(), qt.Equals, count)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertFileContent(filename string, matches ...string) {
content := strings.TrimSpace(s.FileContent(filename))
for _, m := range matches {
lines := strings.Split(m, "\n")
for _, match := range lines {
match = strings.TrimSpace(match)
if match == "" || strings.HasPrefix(match, "#") {
s.Assert(content, qt.Contains, match, qt.Commentf(m))
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertFileContentExact(filename string, matches ...string) {
content := s.FileContent(filename)
for _, m := range matches {
s.Assert(content, qt.Contains, m, qt.Commentf(m))
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertDestinationExists(filename string, b bool) {
checker := qt.IsTrue
if !b {
checker = qt.IsFalse
s.Assert(s.destinationExists(filepath.Clean(filename)), checker)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) destinationExists(filename string) bool {
b, err := helpers.Exists(filename, s.fs.PublishDir)
if err != nil {
return b
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertIsFileError(err error) herrors.FileError {
s.Assert(err, qt.ErrorAs, new(herrors.FileError))
return herrors.UnwrapFileError(err)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertRenderCountContent(count int) {
s.Assert(s.counters.contentRenderCounter, qt.Equals, uint64(count))
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AssertRenderCountPage(count int) {
s.Assert(s.counters.pageRenderCounter, qt.Equals, uint64(count))
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) Build() *IntegrationTestBuilder {
_, err := s.BuildE()
if s.Cfg.Verbose || err != nil {
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
if s.Cfg.RunGC {
s.GCCount, err = s.H.GC()
return s
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) BuildE() (*IntegrationTestBuilder, error) {
if err := s.initBuilder(); err != nil {
return s, err
err := s.build(s.Cfg.BuildCfg)
return s, err
type IntegrationTestDebugConfig struct {
Out io.Writer
PrintDestinationFs bool
PrintPagemap bool
PrefixDestinationFs string
PrefixPagemap string
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) EditFileReplace(filename string, replacementFunc func(s string) string) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
absFilename := s.absFilename(filename)
b, err := afero.ReadFile(s.fs.Source, absFilename)
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
s.changedFiles = append(s.changedFiles, absFilename)
oldContent := string(b)
s.writeSource(absFilename, replacementFunc(oldContent))
return s
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) EditFiles(filenameContent ...string) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
for i := 0; i < len(filenameContent); i += 2 {
filename, content := filepath.FromSlash(filenameContent[i]), filenameContent[i+1]
absFilename := s.absFilename(filename)
s.changedFiles = append(s.changedFiles, absFilename)
s.writeSource(absFilename, content)
return s
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) AddFiles(filenameContent ...string) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
for i := 0; i < len(filenameContent); i += 2 {
filename, content := filepath.FromSlash(filenameContent[i]), filenameContent[i+1]
absFilename := s.absFilename(filename)
s.createdFiles = append(s.createdFiles, absFilename)
s.writeSource(absFilename, content)
return s
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) RemoveFiles(filenames ...string) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
for _, filename := range filenames {
absFilename := s.absFilename(filename)
s.removedFiles = append(s.removedFiles, absFilename)
s.Assert(s.fs.Source.Remove(absFilename), qt.IsNil)
return s
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) RenameFile(old, new string) *IntegrationTestBuilder {
absOldFilename := s.absFilename(old)
absNewFilename := s.absFilename(new)
s.renamedFiles = append(s.renamedFiles, absOldFilename)
s.createdFiles = append(s.createdFiles, absNewFilename)
s.Assert(s.fs.Source.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(absNewFilename), 0777), qt.IsNil)
s.Assert(s.fs.Source.Rename(absOldFilename, absNewFilename), qt.IsNil)
return s
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) FileContent(filename string) string {
return s.readWorkingDir(s, s.fs, filepath.FromSlash(filename))
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) initBuilder() error {
var initErr error
s.builderInit.Do(func() {
var afs afero.Fs
if s.Cfg.NeedsOsFS {
afs = afero.NewOsFs()
} else {
afs = afero.NewMemMapFs()
if s.Cfg.LogLevel == 0 {
s.Cfg.LogLevel = logg.LevelWarn
isBinaryRe := regexp.MustCompile(`^(.*)(\.png|\.jpg)$`)
const dataSourceFilenamePrefix = "sourcefilename:"
for _, f := range s.data.Files {
filename := filepath.Join(s.Cfg.WorkingDir, f.Name)
data := bytes.TrimSuffix(f.Data, []byte("\n"))
datastr := strings.TrimSpace(string(data))
if strings.HasPrefix(datastr, dataSourceFilenamePrefix) {
// Read from file relative to tue current dir.
var err error
wd, _ := os.Getwd()
filename := filepath.Join(wd, strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(datastr, dataSourceFilenamePrefix)))
data, err = os.ReadFile(filename)
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
} else if isBinaryRe.MatchString(filename) {
var err error
data, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(data))
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
s.Assert(afs.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(filename), 0777), qt.IsNil)
s.Assert(afero.WriteFile(afs, filename, data, 0666), qt.IsNil)
configDir := "config"
if _, err := afs.Stat(filepath.Join(s.Cfg.WorkingDir, "config")); err != nil {
configDir = ""
var flags config.Provider
if s.Cfg.BaseCfg != nil {
flags = s.Cfg.BaseCfg
} else {
flags = config.New()
if s.Cfg.Running {
flags.Set("internal", maps.Params{
"running": s.Cfg.Running,
"watch": s.Cfg.Running,
if s.Cfg.WorkingDir != "" {
flags.Set("workingDir", s.Cfg.WorkingDir)
res, err := allconfig.LoadConfig(
Flags: flags,
ConfigDir: configDir,
Fs: afs,
Logger: loggers.NewDefault(),
Environ: s.Cfg.Environ,
if err != nil {
initErr = err
fs := hugofs.NewFrom(afs, res.LoadingInfo.BaseConfig)
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
depsCfg := deps.DepsCfg{Configs: res, Fs: fs, LogLevel: s.Cfg.LogLevel, LogOut: &s.logBuff}
sites, err := NewHugoSites(depsCfg)
if err != nil {
initErr = err
if sites == nil {
initErr = errors.New("no sites")
s.H = sites
s.fs = fs
if s.Cfg.NeedsNpmInstall {
wd, _ := os.Getwd()
s.Assert(os.Chdir(s.Cfg.WorkingDir), qt.IsNil)
s.C.Cleanup(func() { os.Chdir(wd) })
sc := security.DefaultConfig
sc.Exec.Allow = security.NewWhitelist("npm")
ex := hexec.New(sc)
command, err := ex.New("npm", "install")
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
s.Assert(command.Run(), qt.IsNil)
return initErr
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) absFilename(filename string) string {
filename = filepath.FromSlash(filename)
if filepath.IsAbs(filename) {
return filename
if s.Cfg.WorkingDir != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(filename, s.Cfg.WorkingDir) {
filename = filepath.Join(s.Cfg.WorkingDir, filename)
return filename
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) build(cfg BuildCfg) error {
defer func() {
s.changedFiles = nil
s.createdFiles = nil
s.removedFiles = nil
s.renamedFiles = nil
changeEvents := s.changeEvents()
s.counters = &testCounters{}
cfg.testCounters = s.counters
if s.buildCount > 0 && (len(changeEvents) == 0) {
return nil
err := s.H.Build(cfg, changeEvents...)
if err != nil {
return err
logErrorCount := s.H.NumLogErrors()
if logErrorCount > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("logged %d error(s): %s", logErrorCount, s.logBuff.String())
return nil
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) changeEvents() []fsnotify.Event {
var events []fsnotify.Event
for _, v := range s.removedFiles {
events = append(events, fsnotify.Event{
Name: v,
Op: fsnotify.Remove,
for _, v := range s.renamedFiles {
events = append(events, fsnotify.Event{
Name: v,
Op: fsnotify.Rename,
for _, v := range s.changedFiles {
events = append(events, fsnotify.Event{
Name: v,
Op: fsnotify.Write,
for _, v := range s.createdFiles {
events = append(events, fsnotify.Event{
Name: v,
Op: fsnotify.Create,
return events
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) readWorkingDir(t testing.TB, fs *hugofs.Fs, filename string) string {
return s.readFileFromFs(t, fs.WorkingDirReadOnly, filename)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) readFileFromFs(t testing.TB, fs afero.Fs, filename string) string {
filename = filepath.Clean(filename)
b, err := afero.ReadFile(fs, filename)
if err != nil {
// Print some debug info
hadSlash := strings.HasPrefix(filename, helpers.FilePathSeparator)
start := 0
if hadSlash {
start = 1
end := start + 1
parts := strings.Split(filename, helpers.FilePathSeparator)
if parts[start] == "work" {
s.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
return string(b)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) writeSource(filename, content string) {
s.writeToFs(s.fs.Source, filename, content)
func (s *IntegrationTestBuilder) writeToFs(fs afero.Fs, filename, content string) {
if err := afero.WriteFile(fs, filepath.FromSlash(filename), []byte(content), 0755); err != nil {
s.Fatalf("Failed to write file: %s", err)
type IntegrationTestConfig struct {
T testing.TB
// The files to use on txtar format, see
// https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/exp/cmd/txtar
TxtarString string
// COnfig to use as the base. We will also read the config from the txtar.
BaseCfg config.Provider
// Environment variables passed to the config loader.
Environ []string
// Whether to simulate server mode.
Running bool
// Will print the log buffer after the build
Verbose bool
LogLevel logg.Level
// Whether it needs the real file system (e.g. for js.Build tests).
NeedsOsFS bool
// Whether to run GC after each build.
RunGC bool
// Do not remove the temp dir after the test.
PrintAndKeepTempDir bool
// Whether to run npm install before Build.
NeedsNpmInstall bool
WorkingDir string
BuildCfg BuildCfg