Bjørn Erik Pedersen 7285e74090
all: Rework page store, add a dynacache, improve partial rebuilds, and some general spring cleaning
There are some breaking changes in this commit, see #11455.

Closes #11455
Closes #11549

This fixes a set of bugs (see issue list) and it is also paying some technical debt accumulated over the years. We now build with Staticcheck enabled in the CI build.

The performance should be about the same as before for regular sized Hugo sites, but it should perform and scale much better to larger data sets, as objects that uses lots of memory (e.g. rendered Markdown, big JSON files read into maps with transform.Unmarshal etc.) will now get automatically garbage collected if needed. Performance on partial rebuilds when running the server in fast render mode should be the same, but the change detection should be much more accurate.

A list of the notable new features:

* A new dependency tracker that covers (almost) all of Hugo's API and is used to do fine grained partial rebuilds when running the server.
* A new and simpler tree document store which allows fast lookups and prefix-walking in all dimensions (e.g. language) concurrently.
* You can now configure an upper memory limit allowing for much larger data sets and/or running on lower specced PCs.
We have lifted the "no resources in sub folders" restriction for branch bundles (e.g. sections).
Memory Limit
* Hugos will, by default, set aside a quarter of the total system memory, but you can set this via the OS environment variable HUGO_MEMORYLIMIT (in gigabytes). This is backed by a partitioned LRU cache used throughout Hugo. A cache that gets dynamically resized in low memory situations, allowing Go's Garbage Collector to free the memory.

New Dependency Tracker: Hugo has had a rule based coarse grained approach to server rebuilds that has worked mostly pretty well, but there have been some surprises (e.g. stale content). This is now revamped with a new dependency tracker that can quickly calculate the delta given a changed resource (e.g. a content file, template, JS file etc.). This handles transitive relations, e.g. $page -> js.Build -> JS import, or $page1.Content -> render hook -> site.GetPage -> $page2.Title, or $page1.Content -> shortcode -> partial -> site.RegularPages -> $page2.Content -> shortcode ..., and should also handle changes to aggregated values (e.g. site.Lastmod) effectively.

This covers all of Hugo's API with 2 known exceptions (a list that may not be fully exhaustive):

Changes to files loaded with template func os.ReadFile may not be handled correctly. We recommend loading resources with resources.Get
Changes to Hugo objects (e.g. Page) passed in the template context to lang.Translate may not be detected correctly. We recommend having simple i18n templates without too much data context passed in other than simple types such as strings and numbers.
Note that the cachebuster configuration (when A changes then rebuild B) works well with the above, but we recommend that you revise that configuration, as it in most situations should not be needed. One example where it is still needed is with TailwindCSS and using changes to hugo_stats.json to trigger new CSS rebuilds.

Document Store: Previously, a little simplified, we split the document store (where we store pages and resources) in a tree per language. This worked pretty well, but the structure made some operations harder than they needed to be. We have now restructured it into one Radix tree for all languages. Internally the language is considered to be a dimension of that tree, and the tree can be viewed in all dimensions concurrently. This makes some operations re. language simpler (e.g. finding translations is just a slice range), but the idea is that it should also be relatively inexpensive to add more dimensions if needed (e.g. role).

Fixes #10169
Fixes #10364
Fixes #10482
Fixes #10630
Fixes #10656
Fixes #10694
Fixes #10918
Fixes #11262
Fixes #11439
Fixes #11453
Fixes #11457
Fixes #11466
Fixes #11540
Fixes #11551
Fixes #11556
Fixes #11654
Fixes #11661
Fixes #11663
Fixes #11664
Fixes #11669
Fixes #11671
Fixes #11807
Fixes #11808
Fixes #11809
Fixes #11815
Fixes #11840
Fixes #11853
Fixes #11860
Fixes #11883
Fixes #11904
Fixes #7388
Fixes #7425
Fixes #7436
Fixes #7544
Fixes #7882
Fixes #7960
Fixes #8255
Fixes #8307
Fixes #8863
Fixes #8927
Fixes #9192
Fixes #9324
2024-01-27 16:28:14 +01:00

453 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package page
import (
// PermalinkExpander holds permalin mappings per section.
type PermalinkExpander struct {
// knownPermalinkAttributes maps :tags in a permalink specification to a
// function which, given a page and the tag, returns the resulting string
// to be used to replace that tag.
knownPermalinkAttributes map[string]pageToPermaAttribute
expanders map[string]map[string]func(Page) (string, error)
urlize func(uri string) string
// Time for checking date formats. Every field is different than the
// Go reference time for date formatting. This ensures that formatting this date
// with a Go time format always has a different output than the format itself.
var referenceTime = time.Date(2019, time.November, 9, 23, 1, 42, 1, time.UTC)
// Return the callback for the given permalink attribute and a boolean indicating if the attribute is valid or not.
func (p PermalinkExpander) callback(attr string) (pageToPermaAttribute, bool) {
if callback, ok := p.knownPermalinkAttributes[attr]; ok {
return callback, true
if strings.HasPrefix(attr, "sections[") {
fn := p.toSliceFunc(strings.TrimPrefix(attr, "sections"))
return func(p Page, s string) (string, error) {
return path.Join(fn(p.CurrentSection().SectionsEntries())...), nil
}, true
// Make sure this comes after all the other checks.
if referenceTime.Format(attr) != attr {
return p.pageToPermalinkDate, true
return nil, false
// NewPermalinkExpander creates a new PermalinkExpander configured by the given
// urlize func.
func NewPermalinkExpander(urlize func(uri string) string, patterns map[string]map[string]string) (PermalinkExpander, error) {
p := PermalinkExpander{urlize: urlize}
p.knownPermalinkAttributes = map[string]pageToPermaAttribute{
"year": p.pageToPermalinkDate,
"month": p.pageToPermalinkDate,
"monthname": p.pageToPermalinkDate,
"day": p.pageToPermalinkDate,
"weekday": p.pageToPermalinkDate,
"weekdayname": p.pageToPermalinkDate,
"yearday": p.pageToPermalinkDate,
"section": p.pageToPermalinkSection,
"sections": p.pageToPermalinkSections,
"title": p.pageToPermalinkTitle,
"slug": p.pageToPermalinkSlugElseTitle,
"slugorfilename": p.pageToPermalinkSlugElseFilename,
"filename": p.pageToPermalinkFilename,
p.expanders = make(map[string]map[string]func(Page) (string, error))
for kind, patterns := range patterns {
e, err := p.parse(patterns)
if err != nil {
return p, err
p.expanders[kind] = e
return p, nil
// Expand expands the path in p according to the rules defined for the given key.
// If no rules are found for the given key, an empty string is returned.
func (l PermalinkExpander) Expand(key string, p Page) (string, error) {
expanders, found := l.expanders[p.Kind()]
if !found {
return "", nil
expand, found := expanders[key]
if !found {
return "", nil
return expand(p)
// Allow " " and / to represent the root section.
var sectionCutSet = " /"
func init() {
if string(os.PathSeparator) != "/" {
sectionCutSet += string(os.PathSeparator)
func (l PermalinkExpander) parse(patterns map[string]string) (map[string]func(Page) (string, error), error) {
expanders := make(map[string]func(Page) (string, error))
for k, pattern := range patterns {
k = strings.Trim(k, sectionCutSet)
if !l.validate(pattern) {
return nil, &permalinkExpandError{pattern: pattern, err: errPermalinkIllFormed}
pattern := pattern
matches := attributeRegexp.FindAllStringSubmatch(pattern, -1)
callbacks := make([]pageToPermaAttribute, len(matches))
replacements := make([]string, len(matches))
for i, m := range matches {
replacement := m[0]
attr := replacement[1:]
replacements[i] = replacement
callback, ok := l.callback(attr)
if !ok {
return nil, &permalinkExpandError{pattern: pattern, err: errPermalinkAttributeUnknown}
callbacks[i] = callback
expanders[k] = func(p Page) (string, error) {
if matches == nil {
return pattern, nil
newField := pattern
for i, replacement := range replacements {
attr := replacement[1:]
callback := callbacks[i]
newAttr, err := callback(p, attr)
if err != nil {
return "", &permalinkExpandError{pattern: pattern, err: err}
newField = strings.Replace(newField, replacement, newAttr, 1)
return newField, nil
return expanders, nil
// pageToPermaAttribute is the type of a function which, given a page and a tag
// can return a string to go in that position in the page (or an error)
type pageToPermaAttribute func(Page, string) (string, error)
var attributeRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`:\w+(\[.+?\])?`)
// validate determines if a PathPattern is well-formed
func (l PermalinkExpander) validate(pp string) bool {
if len(pp) == 0 {
return false
fragments := strings.Split(pp[1:], "/")
bail := false
for i := range fragments {
if bail {
return false
if len(fragments[i]) == 0 {
bail = true
matches := attributeRegexp.FindAllStringSubmatch(fragments[i], -1)
if matches == nil {
for _, match := range matches {
k := match[0][1:]
if _, ok := l.callback(k); !ok {
return false
return true
type permalinkExpandError struct {
pattern string
err error
func (pee *permalinkExpandError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("error expanding %q: %s", pee.pattern, pee.err)
var (
errPermalinkIllFormed = errors.New("permalink ill-formed")
errPermalinkAttributeUnknown = errors.New("permalink attribute not recognised")
func (l PermalinkExpander) pageToPermalinkDate(p Page, dateField string) (string, error) {
// a Page contains a Node which provides a field Date, time.Time
switch dateField {
case "year":
return strconv.Itoa(p.Date().Year()), nil
case "month":
return fmt.Sprintf("%02d", int(p.Date().Month())), nil
case "monthname":
return p.Date().Month().String(), nil
case "day":
return fmt.Sprintf("%02d", p.Date().Day()), nil
case "weekday":
return strconv.Itoa(int(p.Date().Weekday())), nil
case "weekdayname":
return p.Date().Weekday().String(), nil
case "yearday":
return strconv.Itoa(p.Date().YearDay()), nil
return p.Date().Format(dateField), nil
// pageToPermalinkTitle returns the URL-safe form of the title
func (l PermalinkExpander) pageToPermalinkTitle(p Page, _ string) (string, error) {
return l.urlize(p.Title()), nil
// pageToPermalinkFilename returns the URL-safe form of the filename
func (l PermalinkExpander) pageToPermalinkFilename(p Page, _ string) (string, error) {
name := l.translationBaseName(p)
if name == "index" {
// Page bundles; the directory name will hopefully have a better name.
dir := strings.TrimSuffix(p.File().Dir(), helpers.FilePathSeparator)
_, name = filepath.Split(dir)
} else if name == "_index" {
return "", nil
return l.urlize(name), nil
// if the page has a slug, return the slug, else return the title
func (l PermalinkExpander) pageToPermalinkSlugElseTitle(p Page, a string) (string, error) {
if p.Slug() != "" {
return l.urlize(p.Slug()), nil
return l.pageToPermalinkTitle(p, a)
// if the page has a slug, return the slug, else return the filename
func (l PermalinkExpander) pageToPermalinkSlugElseFilename(p Page, a string) (string, error) {
if p.Slug() != "" {
return l.urlize(p.Slug()), nil
return l.pageToPermalinkFilename(p, a)
func (l PermalinkExpander) pageToPermalinkSection(p Page, _ string) (string, error) {
return p.Section(), nil
func (l PermalinkExpander) pageToPermalinkSections(p Page, _ string) (string, error) {
return p.CurrentSection().SectionsPath(), nil
func (l PermalinkExpander) translationBaseName(p Page) string {
if p.File() == nil {
return ""
return p.File().TranslationBaseName()
var (
nilSliceFunc = func(s []string) []string {
return nil
allSliceFunc = func(s []string) []string {
return s
// toSliceFunc returns a slice func that slices s according to the cut spec.
// The cut spec must be on form [low:high] (one or both can be omitted),
// also allowing single slice indices (e.g. [2]) and the special [last] keyword
// giving the last element of the slice.
// The returned function will be lenient and not panic in out of bounds situation.
// The current use case for this is to use parts of the sections path in permalinks.
func (l PermalinkExpander) toSliceFunc(cut string) func(s []string) []string {
cut = strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(cut))
if cut == "" {
return allSliceFunc
if len(cut) < 3 || (cut[0] != '[' || cut[len(cut)-1] != ']') {
return nilSliceFunc
toNFunc := func(s string, low bool) func(ss []string) int {
if s == "" {
if low {
return func(ss []string) int {
return 0
} else {
return func(ss []string) int {
return len(ss)
if s == "last" {
return func(ss []string) int {
return len(ss) - 1
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(s)
if n < 0 {
n = 0
return func(ss []string) int {
// Prevent out of bound situations. It would not make
// much sense to panic here.
if n >= len(ss) {
if low {
return -1
return len(ss)
return n
opsStr := cut[1 : len(cut)-1]
opts := strings.Split(opsStr, ":")
if !strings.Contains(opsStr, ":") {
toN := toNFunc(opts[0], true)
return func(s []string) []string {
if len(s) == 0 {
return nil
n := toN(s)
if n < 0 {
return []string{}
v := s[n]
if v == "" {
return nil
return []string{v}
toN1, toN2 := toNFunc(opts[0], true), toNFunc(opts[1], false)
return func(s []string) []string {
if len(s) == 0 {
return nil
n1, n2 := toN1(s), toN2(s)
if n1 < 0 || n2 < 0 {
return []string{}
return s[n1:n2]
var permalinksKindsSupport = []string{kinds.KindPage, kinds.KindSection, kinds.KindTaxonomy, kinds.KindTerm}
// DecodePermalinksConfig decodes the permalinks configuration in the given map
func DecodePermalinksConfig(m map[string]any) (map[string]map[string]string, error) {
permalinksConfig := make(map[string]map[string]string)
permalinksConfig[kinds.KindPage] = make(map[string]string)
permalinksConfig[kinds.KindSection] = make(map[string]string)
permalinksConfig[kinds.KindTaxonomy] = make(map[string]string)
permalinksConfig[kinds.KindTerm] = make(map[string]string)
config := maps.CleanConfigStringMap(m)
for k, v := range config {
switch v := v.(type) {
case string:
// [permalinks]
// key = '...'
// To sucessfully be backward compatible, "default" patterns need to be set for both page and term
permalinksConfig[kinds.KindPage][k] = v
permalinksConfig[kinds.KindTerm][k] = v
case maps.Params:
// [permalinks.key]
// xyz = ???
if hstrings.InSlice(permalinksKindsSupport, k) {
// TODO: warn if we overwrite an already set value
for k2, v2 := range v {
switch v2 := v2.(type) {
case string:
permalinksConfig[k][k2] = v2
return nil, fmt.Errorf("permalinks configuration invalid: unknown value %q for key %q for kind %q", v2, k2, k)
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("permalinks configuration not supported for kind %q, supported kinds are %v", k, permalinksKindsSupport)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("permalinks configuration invalid: unknown value %q for key %q", v, k)
return permalinksConfig, nil