Cameron Moore 592e055f12 Add check-vendor target to Makefile
The check-vendor target will exit with an error if any files in vendor/
differ from what's checked into git.

govendor checksums can get out of sync if extraneous files are in the
local, third-party repo (see kardianos/govendor#129).  govendor also
updates the vendor.json upon "sync."  We can use that quirk to detect
out of sync checksums in CI, so I've added check-vendor to the check
target dependencies.
2017-04-19 18:04:53 +02:00

83 lines
3 KiB

# A Self-Documenting Makefile:
COMMIT_HASH = `git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>/dev/null`
BUILD_DATE = `date +%FT%T%z`
LDFLAGS = -ldflags "-X ${PACKAGE}/hugolib.CommitHash=${COMMIT_HASH} -X ${PACKAGE}/hugolib.BuildDate=${BUILD_DATE}"
NOGI_LDFLAGS = -ldflags "-X ${PACKAGE}/hugolib.BuildDate=${BUILD_DATE}"
.PHONY: vendor docker check fmt lint test test-race vet test-cover-html help
vendor: ## Install govendor and sync Hugo's vendored dependencies
go get
govendor sync ${PACKAGE}
hugo: vendor ## Build hugo binary
go build ${LDFLAGS} ${PACKAGE}
hugo-race: vendor ## Build hugo binary with race detector enabled
go build -race ${LDFLAGS} ${PACKAGE}
install: vendor ## Install hugo binary
go install ${LDFLAGS} ${PACKAGE}
hugo-no-gitinfo: LDFLAGS = ${NOGI_LDFLAGS}
hugo-no-gitinfo: vendor hugo ## Build hugo without git info
docker: ## Build hugo Docker container
docker build -t hugo .
docker rm -f hugo-build || true
docker run --name hugo-build hugo ls /go/bin
docker cp hugo-build:/go/bin/hugo .
docker rm hugo-build
govendor: vendor # Deprecated: use "vendor" target
get: vendor # Deprecated: use "vendor"
gitinfo: hugo # Deprecated: use "hugo" target
install-gitinfo: install # Deprecated: use "install" target
no-git-info: hugo-no-gitinfo # Deprecated: use "hugo-no-gitinfo" target
check: test-race test386 fmt vet check-vendor ## Run tests and linters
test386: ## Run tests in 32-bit mode
GOARCH=386 govendor test +local
test: ## Run tests
govendor test +local
test-race: ## Run tests with race detector
govendor test -race +local
fmt: ## Run gofmt linter
@for d in `govendor list -no-status +local | sed 's/'` ; do \
if [ "`gofmt -l $$d/*.go | tee /dev/stderr`" ]; then \
echo "^ improperly formatted go files" && echo && exit 1; \
fi \
lint: ## Run golint linter
@for d in `govendor list -no-status +local | sed 's/'` ; do \
if [ "`golint $$d | tee /dev/stderr`" ]; then \
echo "^ golint errors!" && echo && exit 1; \
fi \
vet: ## Run go vet linter
@if [ "`govendor vet +local | tee /dev/stderr`" ]; then \
echo "^ go vet errors!" && echo && exit 1; \
test-cover-html: PACKAGES = $(shell govendor list -no-status +local | sed 's/')
test-cover-html: ## Generate test coverage report
echo "mode: count" > coverage-all.out
$(foreach pkg,$(PACKAGES),\
govendor test -coverprofile=coverage.out -covermode=count $(pkg);\
tail -n +2 coverage.out >> coverage-all.out;)
go tool cover -html=coverage-all.out
check-vendor: ## Verify that vendored packages match git HEAD
@git diff-index --quiet HEAD || echo "check-vendor target failed: vendored packages out of sync" && echo && git diff vendor/ && exit 1
@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'