Bjørn Erik Pedersen bfb9613a14
Add Goldmark as the new default markdown handler
This commit adds the fast and CommonMark compliant Goldmark as the new default markdown handler in Hugo.

If you want to continue using BlackFriday as the default for md/markdown extensions, you can use this configuration:


Fixes #5963
Fixes #1778
Fixes #6355
2019-11-23 14:12:24 +01:00

512 lines
14 KiB

// package highlighting is a extension for the goldmark(
// This extension adds syntax-highlighting to the fenced code blocks using
// chroma(
// TODO(bep) this is a very temporary fork based on
// MIT Licensed, Copyright Yusuke Inuzuka
package temphighlighting
import (
chromahtml ""
// ImmutableAttributes is a read-only interface for ast.Attributes.
type ImmutableAttributes interface {
// Get returns (value, true) if an attribute associated with given
// name exists, otherwise (nil, false)
Get(name []byte) (interface{}, bool)
// GetString returns (value, true) if an attribute associated with given
// name exists, otherwise (nil, false)
GetString(name string) (interface{}, bool)
// All returns all attributes.
All() []ast.Attribute
type immutableAttributes struct {
n ast.Node
func (a *immutableAttributes) Get(name []byte) (interface{}, bool) {
return a.n.Attribute(name)
func (a *immutableAttributes) GetString(name string) (interface{}, bool) {
return a.n.AttributeString(name)
func (a *immutableAttributes) All() []ast.Attribute {
if a.n.Attributes() == nil {
return []ast.Attribute{}
return a.n.Attributes()
// CodeBlockContext holds contextual information of code highlighting.
type CodeBlockContext interface {
// Language returns (language, true) if specified, otherwise (nil, false).
Language() ([]byte, bool)
// Highlighted returns true if this code block can be highlighted, otherwise false.
Highlighted() bool
// Attributes return attributes of the code block.
Attributes() ImmutableAttributes
type codeBlockContext struct {
language []byte
highlighted bool
attributes ImmutableAttributes
func newCodeBlockContext(language []byte, highlighted bool, attrs ImmutableAttributes) CodeBlockContext {
return &codeBlockContext{
language: language,
highlighted: highlighted,
attributes: attrs,
func (c *codeBlockContext) Language() ([]byte, bool) {
if c.language != nil {
return c.language, true
return nil, false
func (c *codeBlockContext) Highlighted() bool {
return c.highlighted
func (c *codeBlockContext) Attributes() ImmutableAttributes {
return c.attributes
// WrapperRenderer renders wrapper elements like div, pre, etc.
type WrapperRenderer func(w util.BufWriter, context CodeBlockContext, entering bool)
// CodeBlockOptions creates Chroma options per code block.
type CodeBlockOptions func(ctx CodeBlockContext) []chromahtml.Option
// Config struct holds options for the extension.
type Config struct {
// Style is a highlighting style.
// Supported styles are defined under
Style string
// FormatOptions is a option related to output formats.
// See for details.
FormatOptions []chromahtml.Option
// CSSWriter is an io.Writer that will be used as CSS data output buffer.
// If WithClasses() is enabled, you can get CSS data corresponds to the style.
CSSWriter io.Writer
// CodeBlockOptions allows set Chroma options per code block.
CodeBlockOptions CodeBlockOptions
// WrapperRendererCodeBlockOptions allows you to change wrapper elements.
WrapperRenderer WrapperRenderer
// NewConfig returns a new Config with defaults.
func NewConfig() Config {
return Config{
Config: html.NewConfig(),
Style: "github",
FormatOptions: []chromahtml.Option{},
CSSWriter: nil,
WrapperRenderer: nil,
CodeBlockOptions: nil,
// SetOption implements renderer.SetOptioner.
func (c *Config) SetOption(name renderer.OptionName, value interface{}) {
switch name {
case optStyle:
c.Style = value.(string)
case optFormatOptions:
if value != nil {
c.FormatOptions = value.([]chromahtml.Option)
case optCSSWriter:
c.CSSWriter = value.(io.Writer)
case optWrapperRenderer:
c.WrapperRenderer = value.(WrapperRenderer)
case optCodeBlockOptions:
c.CodeBlockOptions = value.(CodeBlockOptions)
c.Config.SetOption(name, value)
// Option interface is a functional option interface for the extension.
type Option interface {
// SetHighlightingOption sets given option to the extension.
type withHTMLOptions struct {
value []html.Option
func (o *withHTMLOptions) SetConfig(c *renderer.Config) {
if o.value != nil {
for _, v := range o.value {
func (o *withHTMLOptions) SetHighlightingOption(c *Config) {
if o.value != nil {
for _, v := range o.value {
// WithHTMLOptions is functional option that wraps goldmark HTMLRenderer options.
func WithHTMLOptions(opts ...html.Option) Option {
return &withHTMLOptions{opts}
const optStyle renderer.OptionName = "HighlightingStyle"
var highlightLinesAttrName = []byte("hl_lines")
var styleAttrName = []byte("hl_style")
var nohlAttrName = []byte("nohl")
var linenosAttrName = []byte("linenos")
var linenosTableAttrValue = []byte("table")
var linenosInlineAttrValue = []byte("inline")
var linenostartAttrName = []byte("linenostart")
type withStyle struct {
value string
func (o *withStyle) SetConfig(c *renderer.Config) {
c.Options[optStyle] = o.value
func (o *withStyle) SetHighlightingOption(c *Config) {
c.Style = o.value
// WithStyle is a functional option that changes highlighting style.
func WithStyle(style string) Option {
return &withStyle{style}
const optCSSWriter renderer.OptionName = "HighlightingCSSWriter"
type withCSSWriter struct {
value io.Writer
func (o *withCSSWriter) SetConfig(c *renderer.Config) {
c.Options[optCSSWriter] = o.value
func (o *withCSSWriter) SetHighlightingOption(c *Config) {
c.CSSWriter = o.value
// WithCSSWriter is a functional option that sets io.Writer for CSS data.
func WithCSSWriter(w io.Writer) Option {
return &withCSSWriter{w}
const optWrapperRenderer renderer.OptionName = "HighlightingWrapperRenderer"
type withWrapperRenderer struct {
value WrapperRenderer
func (o *withWrapperRenderer) SetConfig(c *renderer.Config) {
c.Options[optWrapperRenderer] = o.value
func (o *withWrapperRenderer) SetHighlightingOption(c *Config) {
c.WrapperRenderer = o.value
// WithWrapperRenderer is a functional option that sets WrapperRenderer that
// renders wrapper elements like div, pre, etc.
func WithWrapperRenderer(w WrapperRenderer) Option {
return &withWrapperRenderer{w}
const optCodeBlockOptions renderer.OptionName = "HighlightingCodeBlockOptions"
type withCodeBlockOptions struct {
value CodeBlockOptions
func (o *withCodeBlockOptions) SetConfig(c *renderer.Config) {
c.Options[optWrapperRenderer] = o.value
func (o *withCodeBlockOptions) SetHighlightingOption(c *Config) {
c.CodeBlockOptions = o.value
// WithCodeBlockOptions is a functional option that sets CodeBlockOptions that
// allows setting Chroma options per code block.
func WithCodeBlockOptions(c CodeBlockOptions) Option {
return &withCodeBlockOptions{value: c}
const optFormatOptions renderer.OptionName = "HighlightingFormatOptions"
type withFormatOptions struct {
value []chromahtml.Option
func (o *withFormatOptions) SetConfig(c *renderer.Config) {
if _, ok := c.Options[optFormatOptions]; !ok {
c.Options[optFormatOptions] = []chromahtml.Option{}
c.Options[optStyle] = append(c.Options[optFormatOptions].([]chromahtml.Option), o.value...)
func (o *withFormatOptions) SetHighlightingOption(c *Config) {
c.FormatOptions = append(c.FormatOptions, o.value...)
// WithFormatOptions is a functional option that wraps chroma HTML formatter options.
func WithFormatOptions(opts ...chromahtml.Option) Option {
return &withFormatOptions{opts}
// HTMLRenderer struct is a renderer.NodeRenderer implementation for the extension.
type HTMLRenderer struct {
// NewHTMLRenderer builds a new HTMLRenderer with given options and returns it.
func NewHTMLRenderer(opts ...Option) renderer.NodeRenderer {
r := &HTMLRenderer{
Config: NewConfig(),
for _, opt := range opts {
return r
// RegisterFuncs implements NodeRenderer.RegisterFuncs.
func (r *HTMLRenderer) RegisterFuncs(reg renderer.NodeRendererFuncRegisterer) {
reg.Register(ast.KindFencedCodeBlock, r.renderFencedCodeBlock)
func getAttributes(node *ast.FencedCodeBlock, infostr []byte) ImmutableAttributes {
if node.Attributes() != nil {
return &immutableAttributes{node}
if infostr != nil {
attrStartIdx := -1
for idx, char := range infostr {
if char == '{' {
attrStartIdx = idx
if attrStartIdx > 0 {
n := ast.NewTextBlock() // dummy node for storing attributes
attrStr := infostr[attrStartIdx:]
if attrs, hasAttr := parser.ParseAttributes(text.NewReader(attrStr)); hasAttr {
for _, attr := range attrs {
n.SetAttribute(attr.Name, attr.Value)
return &immutableAttributes{n}
return nil
func (r *HTMLRenderer) renderFencedCodeBlock(w util.BufWriter, source []byte, node ast.Node, entering bool) (ast.WalkStatus, error) {
n := node.(*ast.FencedCodeBlock)
if !entering {
return ast.WalkContinue, nil
language := n.Language(source)
chromaFormatterOptions := make([]chromahtml.Option, len(r.FormatOptions))
copy(chromaFormatterOptions, r.FormatOptions)
style := styles.Get(r.Style)
nohl := false
var info []byte
if n.Info != nil {
info = n.Info.Segment.Value(source)
attrs := getAttributes(n, info)
if attrs != nil {
baseLineNumber := 1
if linenostartAttr, ok := attrs.Get(linenostartAttrName); ok {
baseLineNumber = int(linenostartAttr.(float64))
chromaFormatterOptions = append(chromaFormatterOptions, chromahtml.BaseLineNumber(baseLineNumber))
if linesAttr, hasLinesAttr := attrs.Get(highlightLinesAttrName); hasLinesAttr {
if lines, ok := linesAttr.([]interface{}); ok {
var hlRanges [][2]int
for _, l := range lines {
if ln, ok := l.(float64); ok {
hlRanges = append(hlRanges, [2]int{int(ln) + baseLineNumber - 1, int(ln) + baseLineNumber - 1})
if rng, ok := l.([]uint8); ok {
slices := strings.Split(string([]byte(rng)), "-")
lhs, err := strconv.Atoi(slices[0])
if err != nil {
rhs := lhs
if len(slices) > 1 {
rhs, err = strconv.Atoi(slices[1])
if err != nil {
hlRanges = append(hlRanges, [2]int{lhs + baseLineNumber - 1, rhs + baseLineNumber - 1})
chromaFormatterOptions = append(chromaFormatterOptions, chromahtml.HighlightLines(hlRanges))
if styleAttr, hasStyleAttr := attrs.Get(styleAttrName); hasStyleAttr {
styleStr := string([]byte(styleAttr.([]uint8)))
style = styles.Get(styleStr)
if _, hasNohlAttr := attrs.Get(nohlAttrName); hasNohlAttr {
nohl = true
if linenosAttr, ok := attrs.Get(linenosAttrName); ok {
switch v := linenosAttr.(type) {
case bool:
chromaFormatterOptions = append(chromaFormatterOptions, chromahtml.WithLineNumbers(v))
case []uint8:
if v != nil {
chromaFormatterOptions = append(chromaFormatterOptions, chromahtml.WithLineNumbers(true))
if bytes.Equal(v, linenosTableAttrValue) {
chromaFormatterOptions = append(chromaFormatterOptions, chromahtml.LineNumbersInTable(true))
} else if bytes.Equal(v, linenosInlineAttrValue) {
chromaFormatterOptions = append(chromaFormatterOptions, chromahtml.LineNumbersInTable(false))
var lexer chroma.Lexer
if language != nil {
lexer = lexers.Get(string(language))
if !nohl && lexer != nil {
if style == nil {
style = styles.Fallback
var buffer bytes.Buffer
l := n.Lines().Len()
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
line := n.Lines().At(i)
iterator, err := lexer.Tokenise(nil, buffer.String())
if err == nil {
c := newCodeBlockContext(language, true, attrs)
if r.CodeBlockOptions != nil {
chromaFormatterOptions = append(chromaFormatterOptions, r.CodeBlockOptions(c)...)
formatter := chromahtml.New(chromaFormatterOptions...)
if r.WrapperRenderer != nil {
r.WrapperRenderer(w, c, true)
_ = formatter.Format(w, style, iterator) == nil
if r.WrapperRenderer != nil {
r.WrapperRenderer(w, c, false)
if r.CSSWriter != nil {
_ = formatter.WriteCSS(r.CSSWriter, style)
return ast.WalkContinue, nil
var c CodeBlockContext
if r.WrapperRenderer != nil {
c = newCodeBlockContext(language, false, attrs)
r.WrapperRenderer(w, c, true)
} else {
_, _ = w.WriteString("<pre><code")
language := n.Language(source)
if language != nil {
_, _ = w.WriteString(" class=\"language-")
r.Writer.Write(w, language)
_, _ = w.WriteString("\"")
_ = w.WriteByte('>')
l := n.Lines().Len()
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
line := n.Lines().At(i)
r.Writer.RawWrite(w, line.Value(source))
if r.WrapperRenderer != nil {
r.WrapperRenderer(w, c, false)
} else {
_, _ = w.WriteString("</code></pre>\n")
return ast.WalkContinue, nil
type highlighting struct {
options []Option
// Highlighting is a goldmark.Extender implementation.
var Highlighting = &highlighting{
options: []Option{},
// NewHighlighting returns a new extension with given options.
func NewHighlighting(opts ...Option) goldmark.Extender {
return &highlighting{
options: opts,
// Extend implements goldmark.Extender.
func (e *highlighting) Extend(m goldmark.Markdown) {
util.Prioritized(NewHTMLRenderer(e.options...), 200),