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synced 2025-03-03 16:02:30 +00:00
46 lines
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46 lines
2.2 KiB
{{ define "main" }}
<div class="w-100 ph4 ph5-ns pb5 pb6-ns pt1 pt3-ns ">
<article class="cf pa3 pa4-m pa4-l nested-copy-line-height nested-img">
<h1 class="primary-color-dark">
{{ .Title }}
<div class="nested-copy-line-height">
{{ .Content }}
<section class="flex-ns flex-wrap justify-between w-100 v-top">
{{ range (.Paginate (.Pages | shuffle ) 20).Pages }}
{{template "showcase_items" .}}
{{ end }}
<div class="nested-list-reset nested-links">
{{/* pagination.html: https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/blob/master/tpl/tplimpl/template_embedded.go#L117 */}}
{{ template "_internal/pagination.html" . }}
<div class="dib f3 mt4">The Showcase articles are copyright the content authors. Any open source license will be attached.</div>
{{ end }}
{{define "showcase_items"}}
<a href="{{.Permalink}}" class="b--moon-gray ba bg-animate bg-white db flex-auto-ns hover-bg-near-white mb3 mr3 w-100 w-30-l" style="max-width: 1024px;">
<div class="flex flex-column black h-100 mb2 pa3 pa4-l">
{{ $img := (.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch "*featured*" }}
{{ with $img }}
{{ $big := .Fill "1024x512 top" }}
{{ $small := $big.Resize "512x" }}
<img src=""
data-srcset="{{ $small.RelPermalink }} 1x,
{{ $big.RelPermalink }} 2x" data-bg="{{ $small.RelPermalink }}" class="grow img lazyload" style="display: block; width: 100%; height: auto;" />
<div style="margin-top:auto;">{{/* the margin aligns to the bottom */}}
<h2 class="dib f3 mt4">
{{- .Title -}}