mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 17:21:50 +00:00
The org mode renderer supports including other files [1]. We don't want to allow reading of arbitrary files (go-org defaults to ioutil.ReadFile [2]) but want to make use of the FileSystem abstractions hugo provides. For starters we will allow reading from the content directory only [1]: e.g. `#+INCLUDE: ./foo.py src python` includes `foo.py` as a python source block.
802 lines
23 KiB
802 lines
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// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package helpers implements general utility functions that work with
// and on content. The helper functions defined here lay down the
// foundation of how Hugo works with files and filepaths, and perform
// string operations on content.
package helpers
import (
bp "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/bufferpool"
jww "github.com/spf13/jwalterweatherman"
// SummaryDivider denotes where content summarization should end. The default is "<!--more-->".
var SummaryDivider = []byte("<!--more-->")
var (
openingPTag = []byte("<p>")
closingPTag = []byte("</p>")
paragraphIndicator = []byte("<p")
// ContentSpec provides functionality to render markdown content.
type ContentSpec struct {
BlackFriday *BlackFriday
footnoteAnchorPrefix string
footnoteReturnLinkContents string
// SummaryLength is the length of the summary that Hugo extracts from a content.
summaryLength int
BuildFuture bool
BuildExpired bool
BuildDrafts bool
Highlight func(code, lang, optsStr string) (string, error)
defatultPygmentsOpts map[string]string
Cfg config.Provider
// NewContentSpec returns a ContentSpec initialized
// with the appropriate fields from the given config.Provider.
func NewContentSpec(cfg config.Provider) (*ContentSpec, error) {
bf := newBlackfriday(cfg.GetStringMap("blackfriday"))
spec := &ContentSpec{
BlackFriday: bf,
footnoteAnchorPrefix: cfg.GetString("footnoteAnchorPrefix"),
footnoteReturnLinkContents: cfg.GetString("footnoteReturnLinkContents"),
summaryLength: cfg.GetInt("summaryLength"),
BuildFuture: cfg.GetBool("buildFuture"),
BuildExpired: cfg.GetBool("buildExpired"),
BuildDrafts: cfg.GetBool("buildDrafts"),
Cfg: cfg,
// Highlighting setup
options, err := parseDefaultPygmentsOpts(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
spec.defatultPygmentsOpts = options
// Use the Pygmentize on path if present
useClassic := false
h := newHiglighters(spec)
if cfg.GetBool("pygmentsUseClassic") {
if !hasPygments() {
jww.WARN.Println("Highlighting with pygmentsUseClassic set requires Pygments to be installed and in the path")
} else {
useClassic = true
if useClassic {
spec.Highlight = h.pygmentsHighlight
} else {
spec.Highlight = h.chromaHighlight
return spec, nil
// BlackFriday holds configuration values for BlackFriday rendering.
type BlackFriday struct {
Smartypants bool
SmartypantsQuotesNBSP bool
AngledQuotes bool
Fractions bool
HrefTargetBlank bool
NofollowLinks bool
NoreferrerLinks bool
SmartDashes bool
LatexDashes bool
TaskLists bool
PlainIDAnchors bool
Extensions []string
ExtensionsMask []string
SkipHTML bool
// NewBlackfriday creates a new Blackfriday filled with site config or some sane defaults.
func newBlackfriday(config map[string]interface{}) *BlackFriday {
defaultParam := map[string]interface{}{
"smartypants": true,
"angledQuotes": false,
"smartypantsQuotesNBSP": false,
"fractions": true,
"hrefTargetBlank": false,
"nofollowLinks": false,
"noreferrerLinks": false,
"smartDashes": true,
"latexDashes": true,
"plainIDAnchors": true,
"taskLists": true,
"skipHTML": false,
siteConfig := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range defaultParam {
siteConfig[k] = v
for k, v := range config {
siteConfig[k] = v
combinedConfig := &BlackFriday{}
if err := mapstructure.Decode(siteConfig, combinedConfig); err != nil {
jww.FATAL.Printf("Failed to get site rendering config\n%s", err.Error())
return combinedConfig
var blackfridayExtensionMap = map[string]int{
"noIntraEmphasis": blackfriday.EXTENSION_NO_INTRA_EMPHASIS,
"tables": blackfriday.EXTENSION_TABLES,
"fencedCode": blackfriday.EXTENSION_FENCED_CODE,
"autolink": blackfriday.EXTENSION_AUTOLINK,
"strikethrough": blackfriday.EXTENSION_STRIKETHROUGH,
"laxHtmlBlocks": blackfriday.EXTENSION_LAX_HTML_BLOCKS,
"spaceHeaders": blackfriday.EXTENSION_SPACE_HEADERS,
"hardLineBreak": blackfriday.EXTENSION_HARD_LINE_BREAK,
"tabSizeEight": blackfriday.EXTENSION_TAB_SIZE_EIGHT,
"footnotes": blackfriday.EXTENSION_FOOTNOTES,
"noEmptyLineBeforeBlock": blackfriday.EXTENSION_NO_EMPTY_LINE_BEFORE_BLOCK,
"headerIds": blackfriday.EXTENSION_HEADER_IDS,
"titleblock": blackfriday.EXTENSION_TITLEBLOCK,
"autoHeaderIds": blackfriday.EXTENSION_AUTO_HEADER_IDS,
"backslashLineBreak": blackfriday.EXTENSION_BACKSLASH_LINE_BREAK,
"definitionLists": blackfriday.EXTENSION_DEFINITION_LISTS,
"joinLines": blackfriday.EXTENSION_JOIN_LINES,
var stripHTMLReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("\n", " ", "</p>", "\n", "<br>", "\n", "<br />", "\n")
var mmarkExtensionMap = map[string]int{
"tables": mmark.EXTENSION_TABLES,
"fencedCode": mmark.EXTENSION_FENCED_CODE,
"autolink": mmark.EXTENSION_AUTOLINK,
"laxHtmlBlocks": mmark.EXTENSION_LAX_HTML_BLOCKS,
"spaceHeaders": mmark.EXTENSION_SPACE_HEADERS,
"hardLineBreak": mmark.EXTENSION_HARD_LINE_BREAK,
"footnotes": mmark.EXTENSION_FOOTNOTES,
"headerIds": mmark.EXTENSION_HEADER_IDS,
"autoHeaderIds": mmark.EXTENSION_AUTO_HEADER_IDS,
// StripHTML accepts a string, strips out all HTML tags and returns it.
func StripHTML(s string) string {
// Shortcut strings with no tags in them
if !strings.ContainsAny(s, "<>") {
return s
s = stripHTMLReplacer.Replace(s)
// Walk through the string removing all tags
b := bp.GetBuffer()
defer bp.PutBuffer(b)
var inTag, isSpace, wasSpace bool
for _, r := range s {
if !inTag {
isSpace = false
switch {
case r == '<':
inTag = true
case r == '>':
inTag = false
case unicode.IsSpace(r):
isSpace = true
if !inTag && (!isSpace || (isSpace && !wasSpace)) {
wasSpace = isSpace
return b.String()
// stripEmptyNav strips out empty <nav> tags from content.
func stripEmptyNav(in []byte) []byte {
return bytes.Replace(in, []byte("<nav>\n</nav>\n\n"), []byte(``), -1)
// BytesToHTML converts bytes to type template.HTML.
func BytesToHTML(b []byte) template.HTML {
return template.HTML(string(b))
// getHTMLRenderer creates a new Blackfriday HTML Renderer with the given configuration.
func (c *ContentSpec) getHTMLRenderer(defaultFlags int, ctx *RenderingContext) blackfriday.Renderer {
renderParameters := blackfriday.HtmlRendererParameters{
FootnoteAnchorPrefix: c.footnoteAnchorPrefix,
FootnoteReturnLinkContents: c.footnoteReturnLinkContents,
b := len(ctx.DocumentID) != 0
if ctx.Config == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("RenderingContext of %q doesn't have a config", ctx.DocumentID))
if b && !ctx.Config.PlainIDAnchors {
renderParameters.FootnoteAnchorPrefix = ctx.DocumentID + ":" + renderParameters.FootnoteAnchorPrefix
renderParameters.HeaderIDSuffix = ":" + ctx.DocumentID
htmlFlags := defaultFlags
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_USE_XHTML
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_FOOTNOTE_RETURN_LINKS
if ctx.Config.Smartypants {
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_USE_SMARTYPANTS
if ctx.Config.SmartypantsQuotesNBSP {
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_SMARTYPANTS_QUOTES_NBSP
if ctx.Config.AngledQuotes {
if ctx.Config.Fractions {
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_SMARTYPANTS_FRACTIONS
if ctx.Config.HrefTargetBlank {
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_HREF_TARGET_BLANK
if ctx.Config.NofollowLinks {
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_NOFOLLOW_LINKS
if ctx.Config.NoreferrerLinks {
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_NOREFERRER_LINKS
if ctx.Config.SmartDashes {
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_SMARTYPANTS_DASHES
if ctx.Config.LatexDashes {
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_SMARTYPANTS_LATEX_DASHES
if ctx.Config.SkipHTML {
htmlFlags |= blackfriday.HTML_SKIP_HTML
return &HugoHTMLRenderer{
cs: c,
RenderingContext: ctx,
Renderer: blackfriday.HtmlRendererWithParameters(htmlFlags, "", "", renderParameters),
func getMarkdownExtensions(ctx *RenderingContext) int {
// Default Blackfriday common extensions
commonExtensions := 0 |
blackfriday.EXTENSION_TABLES |
// Extra Blackfriday extensions that Hugo enables by default
flags := commonExtensions |
if ctx.Config == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("RenderingContext of %q doesn't have a config", ctx.DocumentID))
for _, extension := range ctx.Config.Extensions {
if flag, ok := blackfridayExtensionMap[extension]; ok {
flags |= flag
for _, extension := range ctx.Config.ExtensionsMask {
if flag, ok := blackfridayExtensionMap[extension]; ok {
flags &= ^flag
return flags
func (c ContentSpec) markdownRender(ctx *RenderingContext) []byte {
if ctx.RenderTOC {
return blackfriday.Markdown(ctx.Content,
c.getHTMLRenderer(blackfriday.HTML_TOC, ctx),
return blackfriday.Markdown(ctx.Content, c.getHTMLRenderer(0, ctx),
// getMmarkHTMLRenderer creates a new mmark HTML Renderer with the given configuration.
func (c *ContentSpec) getMmarkHTMLRenderer(defaultFlags int, ctx *RenderingContext) mmark.Renderer {
renderParameters := mmark.HtmlRendererParameters{
FootnoteAnchorPrefix: c.footnoteAnchorPrefix,
FootnoteReturnLinkContents: c.footnoteReturnLinkContents,
b := len(ctx.DocumentID) != 0
if ctx.Config == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("RenderingContext of %q doesn't have a config", ctx.DocumentID))
if b && !ctx.Config.PlainIDAnchors {
renderParameters.FootnoteAnchorPrefix = ctx.DocumentID + ":" + renderParameters.FootnoteAnchorPrefix
// renderParameters.HeaderIDSuffix = ":" + ctx.DocumentId
htmlFlags := defaultFlags
return &HugoMmarkHTMLRenderer{
cs: c,
Renderer: mmark.HtmlRendererWithParameters(htmlFlags, "", "", renderParameters),
Cfg: c.Cfg,
func getMmarkExtensions(ctx *RenderingContext) int {
flags := 0
flags |= mmark.EXTENSION_TABLES
flags |= mmark.EXTENSION_SHORT_REF
flags |= mmark.EXTENSION_INCLUDE
if ctx.Config == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("RenderingContext of %q doesn't have a config", ctx.DocumentID))
for _, extension := range ctx.Config.Extensions {
if flag, ok := mmarkExtensionMap[extension]; ok {
flags |= flag
return flags
func (c ContentSpec) mmarkRender(ctx *RenderingContext) []byte {
return mmark.Parse(ctx.Content, c.getMmarkHTMLRenderer(0, ctx),
// ExtractTOC extracts Table of Contents from content.
func ExtractTOC(content []byte) (newcontent []byte, toc []byte) {
if !bytes.Contains(content, []byte("<nav>")) {
return content, nil
origContent := make([]byte, len(content))
copy(origContent, content)
first := []byte(`<nav>
last := []byte(`</ul>
replacement := []byte(`<nav id="TableOfContents">
startOfTOC := bytes.Index(content, first)
peekEnd := len(content)
if peekEnd > 70+startOfTOC {
peekEnd = 70 + startOfTOC
if startOfTOC < 0 {
return stripEmptyNav(content), toc
// Need to peek ahead to see if this nav element is actually the right one.
correctNav := bytes.Index(content[startOfTOC:peekEnd], []byte(`<li><a href="#`))
if correctNav < 0 { // no match found
return content, toc
lengthOfTOC := bytes.Index(content[startOfTOC:], last) + len(last)
endOfTOC := startOfTOC + lengthOfTOC
newcontent = append(content[:startOfTOC], content[endOfTOC:]...)
toc = append(replacement, origContent[startOfTOC+len(first):endOfTOC]...)
// RenderingContext holds contextual information, like content and configuration,
// for a given content rendering.
// By creating you must set the Config, otherwise it will panic.
type RenderingContext struct {
BaseFs *filesystems.BaseFs
Content []byte
PageFmt string
DocumentID string
DocumentName string
Config *BlackFriday
RenderTOC bool
Cfg config.Provider
// RenderBytes renders a []byte.
func (c ContentSpec) RenderBytes(ctx *RenderingContext) []byte {
switch ctx.PageFmt {
return c.markdownRender(ctx)
case "markdown":
return c.markdownRender(ctx)
case "asciidoc":
return getAsciidocContent(ctx)
case "mmark":
return c.mmarkRender(ctx)
case "rst":
return getRstContent(ctx)
case "org":
return orgRender(ctx, c)
case "pandoc":
return getPandocContent(ctx)
// TotalWords counts instance of one or more consecutive white space
// characters, as defined by unicode.IsSpace, in s.
// This is a cheaper way of word counting than the obvious len(strings.Fields(s)).
func TotalWords(s string) int {
n := 0
inWord := false
for _, r := range s {
wasInWord := inWord
inWord = !unicode.IsSpace(r)
if inWord && !wasInWord {
return n
// TruncateWordsByRune truncates words by runes.
func (c *ContentSpec) TruncateWordsByRune(in []string) (string, bool) {
words := make([]string, len(in))
copy(words, in)
count := 0
for index, word := range words {
if count >= c.summaryLength {
return strings.Join(words[:index], " "), true
runeCount := utf8.RuneCountInString(word)
if len(word) == runeCount {
} else if count+runeCount < c.summaryLength {
count += runeCount
} else {
for ri := range word {
if count >= c.summaryLength {
truncatedWords := append(words[:index], word[:ri])
return strings.Join(truncatedWords, " "), true
return strings.Join(words, " "), false
// TruncateWordsToWholeSentence takes content and truncates to whole sentence
// limited by max number of words. It also returns whether it is truncated.
func (c *ContentSpec) TruncateWordsToWholeSentence(s string) (string, bool) {
var (
wordCount = 0
lastWordIndex = -1
for i, r := range s {
if unicode.IsSpace(r) {
lastWordIndex = i
if wordCount >= c.summaryLength {
if lastWordIndex == -1 {
return s, false
endIndex := -1
for j, r := range s[lastWordIndex:] {
if isEndOfSentence(r) {
endIndex = j + lastWordIndex + utf8.RuneLen(r)
if endIndex == -1 {
return s, false
return strings.TrimSpace(s[:endIndex]), endIndex < len(s)
// TrimShortHTML removes the <p>/</p> tags from HTML input in the situation
// where said tags are the only <p> tags in the input and enclose the content
// of the input (whitespace excluded).
func (c *ContentSpec) TrimShortHTML(input []byte) []byte {
first := bytes.Index(input, paragraphIndicator)
last := bytes.LastIndex(input, paragraphIndicator)
if first == last {
input = bytes.TrimSpace(input)
input = bytes.TrimPrefix(input, openingPTag)
input = bytes.TrimSuffix(input, closingPTag)
input = bytes.TrimSpace(input)
return input
func isEndOfSentence(r rune) bool {
return r == '.' || r == '?' || r == '!' || r == '"' || r == '\n'
// Kept only for benchmark.
func (c *ContentSpec) truncateWordsToWholeSentenceOld(content string) (string, bool) {
words := strings.Fields(content)
if c.summaryLength >= len(words) {
return strings.Join(words, " "), false
for counter, word := range words[c.summaryLength:] {
if strings.HasSuffix(word, ".") ||
strings.HasSuffix(word, "?") ||
strings.HasSuffix(word, ".\"") ||
strings.HasSuffix(word, "!") {
upper := c.summaryLength + counter + 1
return strings.Join(words[:upper], " "), (upper < len(words))
return strings.Join(words[:c.summaryLength], " "), true
func getAsciidocExecPath() string {
path, err := exec.LookPath("asciidoc")
if err != nil {
return ""
return path
func getAsciidoctorExecPath() string {
path, err := exec.LookPath("asciidoctor")
if err != nil {
return ""
return path
// HasAsciidoc returns whether Asciidoc or Asciidoctor is installed on this computer.
func HasAsciidoc() bool {
return (getAsciidoctorExecPath() != "" ||
getAsciidocExecPath() != "")
// getAsciidocContent calls asciidoctor or asciidoc as an external helper
// to convert AsciiDoc content to HTML.
func getAsciidocContent(ctx *RenderingContext) []byte {
var isAsciidoctor bool
path := getAsciidoctorExecPath()
if path == "" {
path = getAsciidocExecPath()
if path == "" {
jww.ERROR.Println("asciidoctor / asciidoc not found in $PATH: Please install.\n",
" Leaving AsciiDoc content unrendered.")
return ctx.Content
} else {
isAsciidoctor = true
jww.INFO.Println("Rendering", ctx.DocumentName, "with", path, "...")
args := []string{"--no-header-footer", "--safe"}
if isAsciidoctor {
// asciidoctor-specific arg to show stack traces on errors
args = append(args, "--trace")
args = append(args, "-")
return externallyRenderContent(ctx, path, args)
// HasRst returns whether rst2html is installed on this computer.
func HasRst() bool {
return getRstExecPath() != ""
func getRstExecPath() string {
path, err := exec.LookPath("rst2html")
if err != nil {
path, err = exec.LookPath("rst2html.py")
if err != nil {
return ""
return path
func getPythonExecPath() string {
path, err := exec.LookPath("python")
if err != nil {
path, err = exec.LookPath("python.exe")
if err != nil {
return ""
return path
// getRstContent calls the Python script rst2html as an external helper
// to convert reStructuredText content to HTML.
func getRstContent(ctx *RenderingContext) []byte {
path := getRstExecPath()
if path == "" {
jww.ERROR.Println("rst2html / rst2html.py not found in $PATH: Please install.\n",
" Leaving reStructuredText content unrendered.")
return ctx.Content
jww.INFO.Println("Rendering", ctx.DocumentName, "with", path, "...")
var result []byte
// certain *nix based OSs wrap executables in scripted launchers
// invoking binaries on these OSs via python interpreter causes SyntaxError
// invoke directly so that shebangs work as expected
// handle Windows manually because it doesn't do shebangs
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
python := getPythonExecPath()
args := []string{path, "--leave-comments", "--initial-header-level=2"}
result = externallyRenderContent(ctx, python, args)
} else {
args := []string{"--leave-comments", "--initial-header-level=2"}
result = externallyRenderContent(ctx, path, args)
// TODO(bep) check if rst2html has a body only option.
bodyStart := bytes.Index(result, []byte("<body>\n"))
if bodyStart < 0 {
bodyStart = -7 //compensate for length
bodyEnd := bytes.Index(result, []byte("\n</body>"))
if bodyEnd < 0 || bodyEnd >= len(result) {
bodyEnd = len(result) - 1
if bodyEnd < 0 {
bodyEnd = 0
return result[bodyStart+7 : bodyEnd]
// getPandocContent calls pandoc as an external helper to convert pandoc markdown to HTML.
func getPandocContent(ctx *RenderingContext) []byte {
path, err := exec.LookPath("pandoc")
if err != nil {
jww.ERROR.Println("pandoc not found in $PATH: Please install.\n",
" Leaving pandoc content unrendered.")
return ctx.Content
args := []string{"--mathjax"}
return externallyRenderContent(ctx, path, args)
func orgRender(ctx *RenderingContext, c ContentSpec) []byte {
config := org.New()
config.Log = jww.WARN
config.ReadFile = func(filename string) ([]byte, error) {
return afero.ReadFile(ctx.BaseFs.Content.Fs, filename)
writer := org.NewHTMLWriter()
writer.HighlightCodeBlock = func(source, lang string) string {
highlightedSource, err := c.Highlight(source, lang, "")
if err != nil {
jww.ERROR.Printf("Could not highlight source as lang %s. Using raw source.", lang)
return source
return highlightedSource
html, err := config.Parse(bytes.NewReader(ctx.Content), ctx.DocumentName).Write(writer)
if err != nil {
jww.ERROR.Printf("Could not render org: %s. Using unrendered content.", err)
return ctx.Content
return []byte(html)
func externallyRenderContent(ctx *RenderingContext, path string, args []string) []byte {
content := ctx.Content
cleanContent := bytes.Replace(content, SummaryDivider, []byte(""), 1)
cmd := exec.Command(path, args...)
cmd.Stdin = bytes.NewReader(cleanContent)
var out, cmderr bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &out
cmd.Stderr = &cmderr
err := cmd.Run()
// Most external helpers exit w/ non-zero exit code only if severe, i.e.
// halting errors occurred. -> log stderr output regardless of state of err
for _, item := range strings.Split(cmderr.String(), "\n") {
item := strings.TrimSpace(item)
if item != "" {
jww.ERROR.Printf("%s: %s", ctx.DocumentName, item)
if err != nil {
jww.ERROR.Printf("%s rendering %s: %v", path, ctx.DocumentName, err)
return normalizeExternalHelperLineFeeds(out.Bytes())