Bjørn Erik Pedersen 288c396439
hugolib: Fix some shortcode vs .Content corner cases
This is a follow-up to #4632. There were some assumptions in that implementation that did not hold water in all situations.

This commit simplifies the content lazy initalization making it more robust.

Fixes #4664
2018-04-25 08:56:46 +02:00

759 lines
20 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

// Copyright 2017 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package hugolib
import (
bp ""
// ShortcodeWithPage is the "." context in a shortcode template.
type ShortcodeWithPage struct {
Params interface{}
Inner template.HTML
Page *PageWithoutContent
Parent *ShortcodeWithPage
IsNamedParams bool
// Zero-based oridinal in relation to its parent.
Ordinal int
scratch *Scratch
// Site returns information about the current site.
func (scp *ShortcodeWithPage) Site() *SiteInfo {
return scp.Page.Site
// Ref is a shortcut to the Ref method on Page.
func (scp *ShortcodeWithPage) Ref(ref string) (string, error) {
return scp.Page.Ref(ref)
// RelRef is a shortcut to the RelRef method on Page.
func (scp *ShortcodeWithPage) RelRef(ref string) (string, error) {
return scp.Page.RelRef(ref)
// Scratch returns a scratch-pad scoped for this shortcode. This can be used
// as a temporary storage for variables, counters etc.
func (scp *ShortcodeWithPage) Scratch() *Scratch {
if scp.scratch == nil {
scp.scratch = newScratch()
return scp.scratch
// Get is a convenience method to look up shortcode parameters by its key.
func (scp *ShortcodeWithPage) Get(key interface{}) interface{} {
if scp.Params == nil {
return nil
if reflect.ValueOf(scp.Params).Len() == 0 {
return nil
var x reflect.Value
switch key.(type) {
case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
if reflect.TypeOf(scp.Params).Kind() == reflect.Map {
return "error: cannot access named params by position"
} else if reflect.TypeOf(scp.Params).Kind() == reflect.Slice {
idx := int(reflect.ValueOf(key).Int())
ln := reflect.ValueOf(scp.Params).Len()
if idx > ln-1 {
return ""
x = reflect.ValueOf(scp.Params).Index(idx)
case string:
if reflect.TypeOf(scp.Params).Kind() == reflect.Map {
x = reflect.ValueOf(scp.Params).MapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(key))
if !x.IsValid() {
return ""
} else if reflect.TypeOf(scp.Params).Kind() == reflect.Slice {
if reflect.ValueOf(scp.Params).Len() == 1 && reflect.ValueOf(scp.Params).Index(0).String() == "" {
return nil
return "error: cannot access positional params by string name"
switch x.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
return x.String()
case reflect.Int64, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int:
return x.Int()
return x
// Note - this value must not contain any markup syntax
const shortcodePlaceholderPrefix = "HUGOSHORTCODE"
type shortcode struct {
name string
inner []interface{} // string or nested shortcode
params interface{} // map or array
ordinal int
err error
doMarkup bool
func (sc shortcode) String() string {
// for testing (mostly), so any change here will break tests!
var params interface{}
switch v := sc.params.(type) {
case map[string]string:
// sort the keys so test assertions won't fail
var keys []string
for k := range v {
keys = append(keys, k)
var tmp = make([]string, len(keys))
for i, k := range keys {
tmp[i] = k + ":" + v[k]
params = tmp
// use it as is
params = sc.params
return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%q, %t){%s}",, params, sc.doMarkup, sc.inner)
// We may have special shortcode templates for AMP etc.
// Note that in the below, OutputFormat may be empty.
// We will try to look for the most specific shortcode template available.
type scKey struct {
Lang string
OutputFormat string
Suffix string
ShortcodePlaceholder string
func newScKey(m media.Type, shortcodeplaceholder string) scKey {
return scKey{Suffix: m.Suffix, ShortcodePlaceholder: shortcodeplaceholder}
func newScKeyFromLangAndOutputFormat(lang string, o output.Format, shortcodeplaceholder string) scKey {
return scKey{Lang: lang, Suffix: o.MediaType.Suffix, OutputFormat: o.Name, ShortcodePlaceholder: shortcodeplaceholder}
func newDefaultScKey(shortcodeplaceholder string) scKey {
return newScKey(media.HTMLType, shortcodeplaceholder)
type shortcodeHandler struct {
init sync.Once
p *PageWithoutContent
// This is all shortcode rendering funcs for all potential output formats.
contentShortcodes *orderedMap
// This map contains the new or changed set of shortcodes that need
// to be rendered for the current output format.
contentShortcodesDelta *orderedMap
// This maps the shorcode placeholders with the rendered content.
// We will do (potential) partial re-rendering per output format,
// so keep this for the unchanged.
renderedShortcodes map[string]string
// Maps the shortcodeplaceholder with the actual shortcode.
shortcodes *orderedMap
// All the shortcode names in this set.
nameSet map[string]bool
placeholderID int
placeholderFunc func() string
func (s *shortcodeHandler) nextPlaceholderID() int {
return s.placeholderID
func (s *shortcodeHandler) createShortcodePlaceholder() string {
if s.placeholderFunc != nil {
return s.placeholderFunc()
return fmt.Sprintf("HAHA%s-%p-%d-HBHB", shortcodePlaceholderPrefix, s.p.Page, s.nextPlaceholderID())
func newShortcodeHandler(p *Page) *shortcodeHandler {
return &shortcodeHandler{
p: p.withoutContent(),
contentShortcodes: newOrderedMap(),
shortcodes: newOrderedMap(),
nameSet: make(map[string]bool),
renderedShortcodes: make(map[string]string),
// TODO(bep) make it non-global
var isInnerShortcodeCache = struct {
m map[string]bool
}{m: make(map[string]bool)}
// to avoid potential costly look-aheads for closing tags we look inside the template itself
// we could change the syntax to self-closing tags, but that would make users cry
// the value found is cached
func isInnerShortcode(t tpl.TemplateExecutor) (bool, error) {
m, ok := isInnerShortcodeCache.m[t.Name()]
if ok {
return m, nil
defer isInnerShortcodeCache.Unlock()
match, _ := regexp.MatchString("{{.*?\\.Inner.*?}}", t.Tree())
isInnerShortcodeCache.m[t.Name()] = match
return match, nil
func clearIsInnerShortcodeCache() {
defer isInnerShortcodeCache.Unlock()
isInnerShortcodeCache.m = make(map[string]bool)
const innerNewlineRegexp = "\n"
const innerCleanupRegexp = `\A<p>(.*)</p>\n\z`
const innerCleanupExpand = "$1"
func prepareShortcodeForPage(placeholder string, sc *shortcode, parent *ShortcodeWithPage, p *PageWithoutContent) map[scKey]func() (string, error) {
m := make(map[scKey]func() (string, error))
lang := p.Lang()
for _, f := range p.outputFormats {
// The most specific template will win.
key := newScKeyFromLangAndOutputFormat(lang, f, placeholder)
m[key] = func() (string, error) {
return renderShortcode(key, sc, nil, p), nil
return m
func renderShortcode(
tmplKey scKey,
sc *shortcode,
parent *ShortcodeWithPage,
p *PageWithoutContent) string {
tmpl := getShortcodeTemplateForTemplateKey(tmplKey,, p.s.Tmpl)
if tmpl == nil {
p.s.Log.ERROR.Printf("Unable to locate template for shortcode %q in page %q",, p.Path())
return ""
data := &ShortcodeWithPage{Ordinal: sc.ordinal, Params: sc.params, Page: p, Parent: parent}
if sc.params != nil {
data.IsNamedParams = reflect.TypeOf(sc.params).Kind() == reflect.Map
if len(sc.inner) > 0 {
var inner string
for _, innerData := range sc.inner {
switch innerData.(type) {
case string:
inner += innerData.(string)
case *shortcode:
inner += renderShortcode(tmplKey, innerData.(*shortcode), data, p)
p.s.Log.ERROR.Printf("Illegal state on shortcode rendering of %q in page %q. Illegal type in inner data: %s ",, p.Path(), reflect.TypeOf(innerData))
return ""
if sc.doMarkup {
newInner := p.s.ContentSpec.RenderBytes(&helpers.RenderingContext{
Content: []byte(inner), PageFmt: p.determineMarkupType(),
Cfg: p.Language(),
DocumentID: p.UniqueID(),
DocumentName: p.Path(),
Config: p.getRenderingConfig()})
// If the type is “unknown” or “markdown”, we assume the markdown
// generation has been performed. Given the input: `a line`, markdown
// specifies the HTML `<p>a line</p>\n`. When dealing with documents as a
// whole, this is OK. When dealing with an `{{ .Inner }}` block in Hugo,
// this is not so good. This code does two things:
// 1. Check to see if inner has a newline in it. If so, the Inner data is
// unchanged.
// 2 If inner does not have a newline, strip the wrapping <p> block and
// the newline. This was previously tricked out by wrapping shortcode
// substitutions in <div>HUGOSHORTCODE-1</div> which prevents the
// generation, but means that you cant use shortcodes inside of
// markdown structures itself (e.g., `[foo]({{% ref %}})`).
switch p.determineMarkupType() {
case "unknown", "markdown":
if match, _ := regexp.MatchString(innerNewlineRegexp, inner); !match {
cleaner, err := regexp.Compile(innerCleanupRegexp)
if err == nil {
newInner = cleaner.ReplaceAll(newInner, []byte(innerCleanupExpand))
// TODO(bep) we may have plain text inner templates.
data.Inner = template.HTML(newInner)
} else {
data.Inner = template.HTML(inner)
return renderShortcodeWithPage(tmpl, data)
// The delta represents new output format-versions of the shortcodes,
// which, combined with the ones that do not have alternative representations,
// builds a complete set ready for a full rebuild of the Page content.
// This method returns false if there are no new shortcode variants in the
// current rendering context's output format. This mean we can safely reuse
// the content from the previous output format, if any.
func (s *shortcodeHandler) updateDelta() bool {
s.init.Do(func() {
s.contentShortcodes = createShortcodeRenderers(s.shortcodes, s.p.withoutContent())
if !s.p.shouldRenderTo(s.p.s.rc.Format) {
// TODO(bep) add test for this re translations
return false
of := s.p.s.rc.Format
contentShortcodes := s.contentShortcodesForOutputFormat(of)
if s.contentShortcodesDelta == nil || s.contentShortcodesDelta.Len() == 0 {
s.contentShortcodesDelta = contentShortcodes
return true
delta := newOrderedMap()
for _, k := range contentShortcodes.Keys() {
if !s.contentShortcodesDelta.Contains(k) {
v, _ := contentShortcodes.Get(k)
delta.Add(k, v)
s.contentShortcodesDelta = delta
return delta.Len() > 0
func (s *shortcodeHandler) clearDelta() {
if s == nil {
s.contentShortcodesDelta = newOrderedMap()
func (s *shortcodeHandler) contentShortcodesForOutputFormat(f output.Format) *orderedMap {
contentShortcodesForOuputFormat := newOrderedMap()
lang := s.p.Lang()
for _, key := range s.shortcodes.Keys() {
shortcodePlaceholder := key.(string)
key := newScKeyFromLangAndOutputFormat(lang, f, shortcodePlaceholder)
renderFn, found := s.contentShortcodes.Get(key)
if !found {
key.OutputFormat = ""
renderFn, found = s.contentShortcodes.Get(key)
// Fall back to HTML
if !found && key.Suffix != "html" {
key.Suffix = "html"
renderFn, found = s.contentShortcodes.Get(key)
if !found {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Shortcode %q could not be found", shortcodePlaceholder))
contentShortcodesForOuputFormat.Add(newScKeyFromLangAndOutputFormat(lang, f, shortcodePlaceholder), renderFn)
return contentShortcodesForOuputFormat
func (s *shortcodeHandler) executeShortcodesForDelta(p *PageWithoutContent) error {
for _, k := range s.contentShortcodesDelta.Keys() {
render := s.contentShortcodesDelta.getShortcodeRenderer(k)
renderedShortcode, err := render()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to execute shortcode in page %q: %s", p.Path(), err)
s.renderedShortcodes[k.(scKey).ShortcodePlaceholder] = renderedShortcode
return nil
func createShortcodeRenderers(shortcodes *orderedMap, p *PageWithoutContent) *orderedMap {
shortcodeRenderers := newOrderedMap()
for _, k := range shortcodes.Keys() {
v := shortcodes.getShortcode(k)
prepared := prepareShortcodeForPage(k.(string), v, nil, p)
for kk, vv := range prepared {
shortcodeRenderers.Add(kk, vv)
return shortcodeRenderers
var errShortCodeIllegalState = errors.New("Illegal shortcode state")
// pageTokens state:
// - before: positioned just before the shortcode start
// - after: shortcode(s) consumed (plural when they are nested)
func (s *shortcodeHandler) extractShortcode(ordinal int, pt *pageTokens, p *PageWithoutContent) (*shortcode, error) {
sc := &shortcode{ordinal: ordinal}
var isInner = false
var currItem item
var cnt = 0
var nestedOrdinal = 0
for {
currItem =
switch currItem.typ {
case tLeftDelimScWithMarkup, tLeftDelimScNoMarkup:
next := pt.peek()
if next.typ == tScClose {
if cnt > 0 {
// nested shortcode; append it to inner content
pt.backup3(currItem, next)
nested, err := s.extractShortcode(nestedOrdinal, pt, p)
if != "" {
s.nameSet[] = true
if err == nil {
sc.inner = append(sc.inner, nested)
} else {
return sc, err
} else {
sc.doMarkup = currItem.typ == tLeftDelimScWithMarkup
case tRightDelimScWithMarkup, tRightDelimScNoMarkup:
// we trust the template on this:
// if there's no inner, we're done
if !isInner {
return sc, nil
case tScClose:
next := pt.peek()
if !isInner {
if next.typ == tError {
// return that error, more specific
return sc, fmt.Errorf("Shortcode '%s' in page '%s' has no .Inner, yet a closing tag was provided", next.val, p.FullFilePath())
if next.typ == tRightDelimScWithMarkup || next.typ == tRightDelimScNoMarkup {
// self-closing
} else {
return sc, nil
case tText:
sc.inner = append(sc.inner, currItem.val)
case tScName: = currItem.val
// We pick the first template for an arbitrary output format
// if more than one. It is "all inner or no inner".
tmpl := getShortcodeTemplateForTemplateKey(scKey{},, p.s.Tmpl)
if tmpl == nil {
return sc, fmt.Errorf("Unable to locate template for shortcode %q in page %q",, p.Path())
var err error
isInner, err = isInnerShortcode(tmpl)
if err != nil {
return sc, fmt.Errorf("Failed to handle template for shortcode %q for page %q: %s",, p.Path(), err)
case tScParam:
if !pt.isValueNext() {
} else if pt.peek().typ == tScParamVal {
// named params
if sc.params == nil {
params := make(map[string]string)
params[currItem.val] =
sc.params = params
} else {
if params, ok := sc.params.(map[string]string); ok {
params[currItem.val] =
} else {
return sc, errShortCodeIllegalState
} else {
// positional params
if sc.params == nil {
var params []string
params = append(params, currItem.val)
sc.params = params
} else {
if params, ok := sc.params.([]string); ok {
params = append(params, currItem.val)
sc.params = params
} else {
return sc, errShortCodeIllegalState
case tError, tEOF:
// handled by caller
break Loop
return sc, nil
func (s *shortcodeHandler) extractShortcodes(stringToParse string, p *PageWithoutContent) (string, error) {
startIdx := strings.Index(stringToParse, "{{")
// short cut for docs with no shortcodes
if startIdx < 0 {
return stringToParse, nil
// the parser takes a string;
// since this is an internal API, it could make sense to use the mutable []byte all the way, but
// it seems that the time isn't really spent in the byte copy operations, and the impl. gets a lot cleaner
pt := &pageTokens{lexer: newShortcodeLexer("parse-page", stringToParse, pos(startIdx))}
result := bp.GetBuffer()
defer bp.PutBuffer(result)
//var result bytes.Buffer
// the parser is guaranteed to return items in proper order or fail, so …
// … it's safe to keep some "global" state
var currItem item
var currShortcode shortcode
var ordinal int
for {
currItem =
switch currItem.typ {
case tText:
case tLeftDelimScWithMarkup, tLeftDelimScNoMarkup:
// let extractShortcode handle left delim (will do so recursively)
currShortcode, err := s.extractShortcode(ordinal, pt, p)
if != "" {
s.nameSet[] = true
if err != nil {
return result.String(), err
if currShortcode.params == nil {
currShortcode.params = make([]string, 0)
placeHolder := s.createShortcodePlaceholder()
s.shortcodes.Add(placeHolder, currShortcode)
case tEOF:
break Loop
case tError:
err := fmt.Errorf("%s:%d: %s",
p.FullFilePath(), (p.lineNumRawContentStart() + pt.lexer.lineNum() - 1), currItem)
currShortcode.err = err
return result.String(), err
return result.String(), nil
// Replace prefixed shortcode tokens (HUGOSHORTCODE-1, HUGOSHORTCODE-2) with the real content.
// Note: This function will rewrite the input slice.
func replaceShortcodeTokens(source []byte, prefix string, replacements map[string]string) ([]byte, error) {
if len(replacements) == 0 {
return source, nil
sourceLen := len(source)
start := 0
pre := []byte("HAHA" + prefix)
post := []byte("HBHB")
pStart := []byte("<p>")
pEnd := []byte("</p>")
k := bytes.Index(source[start:], pre)
for k != -1 {
j := start + k
postIdx := bytes.Index(source[j:], post)
if postIdx < 0 {
// this should never happen, but let the caller decide to panic or not
return nil, errors.New("illegal state in content; shortcode token missing end delim")
end := j + postIdx + 4
newVal := []byte(replacements[string(source[j:end])])
// Issue #1148: Check for wrapping p-tags <p>
if j >= 3 && bytes.Equal(source[j-3:j], pStart) {
if (k+4) < sourceLen && bytes.Equal(source[end:end+4], pEnd) {
j -= 3
end += 4
// This and other cool slice tricks:
source = append(source[:j], append(newVal, source[end:]...)...)
start = j
k = bytes.Index(source[start:], pre)
return source, nil
func getShortcodeTemplateForTemplateKey(key scKey, shortcodeName string, t tpl.TemplateFinder) *tpl.TemplateAdapter {
defer isInnerShortcodeCache.RUnlock()
var names []string
suffix := strings.ToLower(key.Suffix)
outFormat := strings.ToLower(key.OutputFormat)
lang := strings.ToLower(key.Lang)
if outFormat != "" && suffix != "" {
if lang != "" {
names = append(names, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s.%s", shortcodeName, lang, outFormat, suffix))
names = append(names, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", shortcodeName, outFormat, suffix))
if suffix != "" {
if lang != "" {
names = append(names, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s", shortcodeName, lang, suffix))
names = append(names, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", shortcodeName, suffix))
names = append(names, shortcodeName)
for _, name := range names {
if x := t.Lookup("shortcodes/" + name); x != nil {
return x
if x := t.Lookup("theme/shortcodes/" + name); x != nil {
return x
if x := t.Lookup("_internal/shortcodes/" + name); x != nil {
return x
return nil
func renderShortcodeWithPage(tmpl tpl.Template, data *ShortcodeWithPage) string {
buffer := bp.GetBuffer()
defer bp.PutBuffer(buffer)
err := tmpl.Execute(buffer, data)
if err != nil {
data.Page.s.Log.ERROR.Printf("error processing shortcode %q for page %q: %s", tmpl.Name(), data.Page.Path(), err)
return buffer.String()