Bjørn Erik Pedersen 241b21b0fd Create a struct with all of Hugo's config options
Primary motivation is documentation, but it will also hopefully simplify the code.


* Lower case the default output format names; this is in line with the custom ones (map keys) and how
it's treated all the places. This avoids doing `stringds.EqualFold` everywhere.

Closes #10896
Closes #10620
2023-05-16 18:01:29 +02:00

419 lines
12 KiB

// Copyright 2023 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package asciidocext converts AsciiDoc to HTML using Asciidoctor
// external binary. The `asciidoc` module is reserved for a future golang
// implementation.
package asciidocext_test
import (
qt ""
func TestAsciidoctorDefaultArgs(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
cfg := config.New()
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfig(afero.NewMemMapFs(), cfg)
p, err := asciidocext.Provider.New(
Conf: conf,
Logger: loggers.NewErrorLogger(),
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
conv, err := p.New(converter.DocumentContext{})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
ac := conv.(*internal.AsciidocConverter)
c.Assert(ac, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
args := ac.ParseArgs(converter.DocumentContext{})
expected := []string{"--no-header-footer"}
c.Assert(args, qt.DeepEquals, expected)
func TestAsciidoctorNonDefaultArgs(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
mconf := markup_config.Default
mconf.AsciidocExt.Backend = "manpage"
mconf.AsciidocExt.NoHeaderOrFooter = false
mconf.AsciidocExt.SafeMode = "safe"
mconf.AsciidocExt.SectionNumbers = true
mconf.AsciidocExt.Verbose = true
mconf.AsciidocExt.Trace = false
mconf.AsciidocExt.FailureLevel = "warn"
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfigSectionFromStruct("markup", mconf)
p, err := asciidocext.Provider.New(
Conf: conf,
Logger: loggers.NewErrorLogger(),
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
conv, err := p.New(converter.DocumentContext{})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
ac := conv.(*internal.AsciidocConverter)
c.Assert(ac, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
args := ac.ParseArgs(converter.DocumentContext{})
expected := []string{"-b", "manpage", "--section-numbers", "--verbose", "--failure-level", "warn", "--safe-mode", "safe"}
c.Assert(args, qt.DeepEquals, expected)
func TestAsciidoctorDisallowedArgs(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
mconf := markup_config.Default
mconf.AsciidocExt.Backend = "disallowed-backend"
mconf.AsciidocExt.Extensions = []string{"./disallowed-extension"}
mconf.AsciidocExt.Attributes = map[string]string{"outdir": "disallowed-attribute"}
mconf.AsciidocExt.SafeMode = "disallowed-safemode"
mconf.AsciidocExt.FailureLevel = "disallowed-failurelevel"
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfigSectionFromStruct("markup", mconf)
p, err := asciidocext.Provider.New(
Conf: conf,
Logger: loggers.NewErrorLogger(),
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
conv, err := p.New(converter.DocumentContext{})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
ac := conv.(*internal.AsciidocConverter)
c.Assert(ac, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
args := ac.ParseArgs(converter.DocumentContext{})
expected := []string{"--no-header-footer"}
c.Assert(args, qt.DeepEquals, expected)
func TestAsciidoctorArbitraryExtension(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
mconf := markup_config.Default
mconf.AsciidocExt.Extensions = []string{"arbitrary-extension"}
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfigSectionFromStruct("markup", mconf)
p, err := asciidocext.Provider.New(
Conf: conf,
Logger: loggers.NewErrorLogger(),
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
conv, err := p.New(converter.DocumentContext{})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
ac := conv.(*internal.AsciidocConverter)
c.Assert(ac, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
args := ac.ParseArgs(converter.DocumentContext{})
expected := []string{"-r", "arbitrary-extension", "--no-header-footer"}
c.Assert(args, qt.DeepEquals, expected)
func TestAsciidoctorDisallowedExtension(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
for _, disallowedExtension := range []string{
`foo-bar\\ `,
} {
mconf := markup_config.Default
mconf.AsciidocExt.Extensions = []string{disallowedExtension}
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfigSectionFromStruct("markup", mconf)
p, err := asciidocext.Provider.New(
Conf: conf,
Logger: loggers.NewErrorLogger(),
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
conv, err := p.New(converter.DocumentContext{})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
ac := conv.(*internal.AsciidocConverter)
c.Assert(ac, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
args := ac.ParseArgs(converter.DocumentContext{})
expected := []string{"--no-header-footer"}
c.Assert(args, qt.DeepEquals, expected)
func TestAsciidoctorWorkingFolderCurrent(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
cfg := config.FromTOMLConfigString(`
workingFolderCurrent = true
trace = false
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfig(afero.NewMemMapFs(), cfg)
p, err := asciidocext.Provider.New(
Conf: conf,
Logger: loggers.NewErrorLogger(),
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
ctx := converter.DocumentContext{Filename: "/tmp/hugo_asciidoc_ddd/docs/chapter2/index.adoc", DocumentName: "chapter2/index.adoc"}
conv, err := p.New(ctx)
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
ac := conv.(*internal.AsciidocConverter)
c.Assert(ac, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
args := ac.ParseArgs(ctx)
c.Assert(len(args), qt.Equals, 5)
c.Assert(args[0], qt.Equals, "--base-dir")
c.Assert(filepath.ToSlash(args[1]), qt.Matches, "/tmp/hugo_asciidoc_ddd/docs/chapter2")
c.Assert(args[2], qt.Equals, "-a")
c.Assert(args[3], qt.Matches, `outdir=.*chapter2`)
c.Assert(args[4], qt.Equals, "--no-header-footer")
func TestAsciidoctorWorkingFolderCurrentAndExtensions(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
cfg := config.FromTOMLConfigString(`
backend = "html5s"
workingFolderCurrent = true
trace = false
noHeaderOrFooter = true
extensions = ["asciidoctor-html5s", "asciidoctor-diagram"]
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfig(afero.NewMemMapFs(), cfg)
p, err := asciidocext.Provider.New(
Conf: conf,
Logger: loggers.NewErrorLogger(),
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
conv, err := p.New(converter.DocumentContext{})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
ac := conv.(*internal.AsciidocConverter)
c.Assert(ac, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
args := ac.ParseArgs(converter.DocumentContext{})
c.Assert(len(args), qt.Equals, 11)
c.Assert(args[0], qt.Equals, "-b")
c.Assert(args[1], qt.Equals, "html5s")
c.Assert(args[2], qt.Equals, "-r")
c.Assert(args[3], qt.Equals, "asciidoctor-html5s")
c.Assert(args[4], qt.Equals, "-r")
c.Assert(args[5], qt.Equals, "asciidoctor-diagram")
c.Assert(args[6], qt.Equals, "--base-dir")
c.Assert(args[7], qt.Equals, ".")
c.Assert(args[8], qt.Equals, "-a")
c.Assert(args[9], qt.Contains, "outdir=")
c.Assert(args[10], qt.Equals, "--no-header-footer")
func TestAsciidoctorAttributes(t *testing.T) {
c := qt.New(t)
cfg := config.FromTOMLConfigString(`
trace = false
my-base-url = ""
my-attribute-name = "my value"
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfig(nil, cfg)
p, err := asciidocext.Provider.New(
Conf: conf,
Logger: loggers.NewErrorLogger(),
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
conv, err := p.New(converter.DocumentContext{})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
ac := conv.(*internal.AsciidocConverter)
c.Assert(ac, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
expectedValues := map[string]bool{
"my-base-url=": true,
"my-attribute-name=my value": true,
args := ac.ParseArgs(converter.DocumentContext{})
c.Assert(len(args), qt.Equals, 5)
c.Assert(args[0], qt.Equals, "-a")
c.Assert(expectedValues[args[1]], qt.Equals, true)
c.Assert(args[2], qt.Equals, "-a")
c.Assert(expectedValues[args[3]], qt.Equals, true)
c.Assert(args[4], qt.Equals, "--no-header-footer")
func getProvider(c *qt.C, mConfStr string) converter.Provider {
confStr := `
allow = ['asciidoctor']
confStr += mConfStr
cfg := config.FromTOMLConfigString(confStr)
conf := testconfig.GetTestConfig(nil, cfg)
securityConfig := conf.GetConfigSection("security").(security.Config)
p, err := asciidocext.Provider.New(
Logger: loggers.NewErrorLogger(),
Conf: conf,
Exec: hexec.New(securityConfig),
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
return p
func TestConvert(t *testing.T) {
if !asciidocext.Supports() {
t.Skip("asciidoctor not installed")
c := qt.New(t)
p := getProvider(c, "")
conv, err := p.New(converter.DocumentContext{})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
b, err := conv.Convert(converter.RenderContext{Src: []byte("testContent")})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(string(b.Bytes()), qt.Equals, "<div class=\"paragraph\">\n<p>testContent</p>\n</div>\n")
func TestTableOfContents(t *testing.T) {
if !asciidocext.Supports() {
t.Skip("asciidoctor not installed")
c := qt.New(t)
p := getProvider(c, "")
conv, err := p.New(converter.DocumentContext{})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
r, err := conv.Convert(converter.RenderContext{Src: []byte(`:toc: macro
:toclevels: 4
=== Introduction
== Section 1
=== Section 1.1
==== Section 1.1.1
=== Section 1.2
== Section 2
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
toc, ok := r.(converter.TableOfContentsProvider)
c.Assert(ok, qt.Equals, true)
c.Assert(toc.TableOfContents().Identifiers, qt.DeepEquals, collections.SortedStringSlice{"_introduction", "_section_1", "_section_1_1", "_section_1_1_1", "_section_1_2", "_section_2"})
c.Assert(string(r.Bytes()), qt.Not(qt.Contains), "<div id=\"toc\" class=\"toc\">")
func TestTableOfContentsWithCode(t *testing.T) {
if !asciidocext.Supports() {
t.Skip("asciidoctor not installed")
c := qt.New(t)
p := getProvider(c, "")
conv, err := p.New(converter.DocumentContext{})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
r, err := conv.Convert(converter.RenderContext{Src: []byte(`:toc: auto
== Some ` + "`code`" + ` in the title
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
toc, ok := r.(converter.TableOfContentsProvider)
c.Assert(ok, qt.Equals, true)
c.Assert(toc.TableOfContents().HeadingsMap["_some_code_in_the_title"].Title, qt.Equals, "Some <code>code</code> in the title")
c.Assert(string(r.Bytes()), qt.Not(qt.Contains), "<div id=\"toc\" class=\"toc\">")
func TestTableOfContentsPreserveTOC(t *testing.T) {
if !asciidocext.Supports() {
t.Skip("asciidoctor not installed")
c := qt.New(t)
confStr := `
preserveTOC = true
p := getProvider(c, confStr)
conv, err := p.New(converter.DocumentContext{})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
r, err := conv.Convert(converter.RenderContext{Src: []byte(`:toc:
:idseparator: -
== Some title
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
toc, ok := r.(converter.TableOfContentsProvider)
c.Assert(ok, qt.Equals, true)
c.Assert(toc.TableOfContents().Identifiers, qt.DeepEquals, collections.SortedStringSlice{"some-title"})
c.Assert(string(r.Bytes()), qt.Contains, "<div id=\"toc\" class=\"toc\">")