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synced 2025-02-20 15:01:06 +00:00
By using the input map as the basis, which means the hash will not change if we add/rename/remove options. This happened in Hugo 0.99, as we added a new options. This is unortunate. Unfortunately this means that the cache keys for PostCSS will change one more time in 0.100, but will be stable going forward. Note that we have implemented this pattern in all the other resource transformers. Updates #9787
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// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package resources provides template functions for working with resources.
package resources
import (
// New returns a new instance of the resources-namespaced template functions.
func New(deps *deps.Deps) (*Namespace, error) {
if deps.ResourceSpec == nil {
return &Namespace{}, nil
scssClient, err := scss.New(deps.BaseFs.Assets, deps.ResourceSpec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
minifyClient, err := minifier.New(deps.ResourceSpec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Namespace{
deps: deps,
scssClientLibSass: scssClient,
createClient: create.New(deps.ResourceSpec),
bundlerClient: bundler.New(deps.ResourceSpec),
integrityClient: integrity.New(deps.ResourceSpec),
minifyClient: minifyClient,
postcssClient: postcss.New(deps.ResourceSpec),
templatesClient: templates.New(deps.ResourceSpec, deps),
babelClient: babel.New(deps.ResourceSpec),
}, nil
var _ resource.ResourceFinder = (*Namespace)(nil)
// Namespace provides template functions for the "resources" namespace.
type Namespace struct {
deps *deps.Deps
createClient *create.Client
bundlerClient *bundler.Client
scssClientLibSass *scss.Client
integrityClient *integrity.Client
minifyClient *minifier.Client
postcssClient *postcss.Client
babelClient *babel.Client
templatesClient *templates.Client
// The Dart Client requires a os/exec process, so only
// create it if we really need it.
// This is mostly to avoid creating one per site build test.
scssClientDartSassInit sync.Once
scssClientDartSass *dartsass.Client
func (ns *Namespace) getscssClientDartSass() (*dartsass.Client, error) {
var err error
ns.scssClientDartSassInit.Do(func() {
ns.scssClientDartSass, err = dartsass.New(ns.deps.BaseFs.Assets, ns.deps.ResourceSpec)
if err != nil {
return ns.scssClientDartSass, err
// Copy copies r to the new targetPath in s.
func (ns *Namespace) Copy(s any, r resource.Resource) (resource.Resource, error) {
targetPath, err := cast.ToStringE(s)
if err != nil {
return ns.createClient.Copy(r, targetPath)
// Get locates the filename given in Hugo's assets filesystem
// and creates a Resource object that can be used for further transformations.
func (ns *Namespace) Get(filename any) resource.Resource {
filenamestr, err := cast.ToStringE(filename)
if err != nil {
r, err := ns.createClient.Get(filenamestr)
if err != nil {
return r
// GetRemote gets the URL (via HTTP(s)) in the first argument in args and creates Resource object that can be used for
// further transformations.
// A second argument may be provided with an option map.
// Note: This method does not return any error as a second argument,
// for any error situations the error can be checked in .Err.
func (ns *Namespace) GetRemote(args ...any) resource.Resource {
get := func(args ...any) (resource.Resource, error) {
if len(args) < 1 {
return nil, errors.New("must provide an URL")
urlstr, err := cast.ToStringE(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var options map[string]any
if len(args) > 1 {
options, err = maps.ToStringMapE(args[1])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ns.createClient.FromRemote(urlstr, options)
r, err := get(args...)
if err != nil {
switch v := err.(type) {
case *create.HTTPError:
return resources.NewErrorResource(resource.NewResourceError(v, v.Data))
return resources.NewErrorResource(resource.NewResourceError(fmt.Errorf("error calling resources.GetRemote: %w", err), make(map[string]any)))
return r
// GetMatch finds the first Resource matching the given pattern, or nil if none found.
// It looks for files in the assets file system.
// See Match for a more complete explanation about the rules used.
func (ns *Namespace) GetMatch(pattern any) resource.Resource {
patternStr, err := cast.ToStringE(pattern)
if err != nil {
r, err := ns.createClient.GetMatch(patternStr)
if err != nil {
return r
// ByType returns resources of a given resource type (e.g. "image").
func (ns *Namespace) ByType(typ any) resource.Resources {
return ns.createClient.ByType(cast.ToString(typ))
// Match gets all resources matching the given base path prefix, e.g
// "*.png" will match all png files. The "*" does not match path delimiters (/),
// so if you organize your resources in sub-folders, you need to be explicit about it, e.g.:
// "images/*.png". To match any PNG image anywhere in the bundle you can do "**.png", and
// to match all PNG images below the images folder, use "images/**.jpg".
// The matching is case insensitive.
// Match matches by using the files name with path relative to the file system root
// with Unix style slashes (/) and no leading slash, e.g. "images/logo.png".
// See https://github.com/gobwas/glob for the full rules set.
// It looks for files in the assets file system.
// See Match for a more complete explanation about the rules used.
func (ns *Namespace) Match(pattern any) resource.Resources {
defer herrors.Recover()
patternStr, err := cast.ToStringE(pattern)
if err != nil {
r, err := ns.createClient.Match(patternStr)
if err != nil {
return r
// Concat concatenates a slice of Resource objects. These resources must
// (currently) be of the same Media Type.
func (ns *Namespace) Concat(targetPathIn any, r any) (resource.Resource, error) {
targetPath, err := cast.ToStringE(targetPathIn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var rr resource.Resources
switch v := r.(type) {
case resource.Resources:
rr = v
case resource.ResourcesConverter:
rr = v.ToResources()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("slice %T not supported in concat", r)
if len(rr) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("must provide one or more Resource objects to concat")
return ns.bundlerClient.Concat(targetPath, rr)
// FromString creates a Resource from a string published to the relative target path.
func (ns *Namespace) FromString(targetPathIn, contentIn any) (resource.Resource, error) {
targetPath, err := cast.ToStringE(targetPathIn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
content, err := cast.ToStringE(contentIn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ns.createClient.FromString(targetPath, content)
// ExecuteAsTemplate creates a Resource from a Go template, parsed and executed with
// the given data, and published to the relative target path.
func (ns *Namespace) ExecuteAsTemplate(args ...any) (resource.Resource, error) {
if len(args) != 3 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("must provide targetPath, the template data context and a Resource object")
targetPath, err := cast.ToStringE(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
data := args[1]
r, ok := args[2].(resources.ResourceTransformer)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("type %T not supported in Resource transformations", args[2])
return ns.templatesClient.ExecuteAsTemplate(r, targetPath, data)
// Fingerprint transforms the given Resource with a MD5 hash of the content in
// the RelPermalink and Permalink.
func (ns *Namespace) Fingerprint(args ...any) (resource.Resource, error) {
if len(args) < 1 || len(args) > 2 {
return nil, errors.New("must provide a Resource and (optional) crypto algo")
var algo string
resIdx := 0
if len(args) == 2 {
resIdx = 1
var err error
algo, err = cast.ToStringE(args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
r, ok := args[resIdx].(resources.ResourceTransformer)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%T can not be transformed", args[resIdx])
return ns.integrityClient.Fingerprint(r, algo)
// Minify minifies the given Resource using the MediaType to pick the correct
// minifier.
func (ns *Namespace) Minify(r resources.ResourceTransformer) (resource.Resource, error) {
return ns.minifyClient.Minify(r)
// ToCSS converts the given Resource to CSS. You can optional provide an Options
// object or a target path (string) as first argument.
func (ns *Namespace) ToCSS(args ...any) (resource.Resource, error) {
const (
// Transpiler implementation can be controlled from the client by
// setting the 'transpiler' option.
// Default is currently 'libsass', but that may change.
transpilerDart = "dartsass"
transpilerLibSass = "libsass"
var (
r resources.ResourceTransformer
m map[string]any
targetPath string
err error
ok bool
transpiler = transpilerLibSass
r, targetPath, ok = resourcehelpers.ResolveIfFirstArgIsString(args)
if !ok {
r, m, err = resourcehelpers.ResolveArgs(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if m != nil {
if t, found := m["transpiler"]; found {
switch t {
case transpilerDart, transpilerLibSass:
transpiler = cast.ToString(t)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported transpiler %q; valid values are %q or %q", t, transpilerLibSass, transpilerDart)
if transpiler == transpilerLibSass {
var options scss.Options
if targetPath != "" {
options.TargetPath = helpers.ToSlashTrimLeading(targetPath)
} else if m != nil {
options, err = scss.DecodeOptions(m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ns.scssClientLibSass.ToCSS(r, options)
if m == nil {
m = make(map[string]any)
if targetPath != "" {
m["targetPath"] = targetPath
client, err := ns.getscssClientDartSass()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return client.ToCSS(r, m)
// PostCSS processes the given Resource with PostCSS
func (ns *Namespace) PostCSS(args ...any) (resource.Resource, error) {
r, m, err := resourcehelpers.ResolveArgs(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ns.postcssClient.Process(r, m)
func (ns *Namespace) PostProcess(r resource.Resource) (postpub.PostPublishedResource, error) {
return ns.deps.ResourceSpec.PostProcess(r)
// Babel processes the given Resource with Babel.
func (ns *Namespace) Babel(args ...any) (resource.Resource, error) {
r, m, err := resourcehelpers.ResolveArgs(args)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var options babel.Options
if m != nil {
options, err = babel.DecodeOptions(m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return ns.babelClient.Process(r, options)