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468 lines
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// Copyright 2016 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package create_test
import (
qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest"
// TODO(bep) clean this up. Export the test site builder in Hugolib or something.
func TestNewContentFromFile(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
name string
kind string
path string
expected any
{"Post", "post", "post/sample-1.md", []string{`title = "Post Arch title"`, `test = "test1"`, "date = \"2015-01-12T19:20:04-07:00\""}},
{"Post org-mode", "post", "post/org-1.org", []string{`#+title: ORG-1`}},
{"Post, unknown content filetype", "post", "post/sample-1.pdoc", false},
{"Empty date", "emptydate", "post/sample-ed.md", []string{`title = "Empty Date Arch title"`, `test = "test1"`}},
{"Archetype file not found", "stump", "stump/sample-2.md", []string{`title: "Sample 2"`}}, // no archetype file
{"No archetype", "", "sample-3.md", []string{`title: "Sample 3"`}}, // no archetype
{"Empty archetype", "product", "product/sample-4.md", []string{`title = "SAMPLE-4"`}}, // empty archetype front matter
{"Filenames", "filenames", "content/mypage/index.md", []string{"title = \"INDEX\"\n+++\n\n\nContentBaseName: mypage"}},
{"Branch Name", "name", "content/tags/tag-a/_index.md", []string{"+++\ntitle = 'Tag A'\n+++"}},
{"Lang 1", "lang", "post/lang-1.md", []string{`Site Lang: en|Name: Lang 1|i18n: Hugo Rocks!`}},
{"Lang 2", "lang", "post/lang-2.en.md", []string{`Site Lang: en|Name: Lang 2|i18n: Hugo Rocks!`}},
{"Lang nn file", "lang", "content/post/lang-3.nn.md", []string{`Site Lang: nn|Name: Lang 3|i18n: Hugo Rokkar!`}},
{"Lang nn dir", "lang", "content_nn/post/lang-4.md", []string{`Site Lang: nn|Name: Lang 4|i18n: Hugo Rokkar!`}},
{"Lang en in nn dir", "lang", "content_nn/post/lang-5.en.md", []string{`Site Lang: en|Name: Lang 5|i18n: Hugo Rocks!`}},
{"Lang en default", "lang", "post/my-bundle/index.md", []string{`Site Lang: en|Name: My Bundle|i18n: Hugo Rocks!`}},
{"Lang en file", "lang", "post/my-bundle/index.en.md", []string{`Site Lang: en|Name: My Bundle|i18n: Hugo Rocks!`}},
{"Lang nn bundle", "lang", "content/post/my-bundle/index.nn.md", []string{`Site Lang: nn|Name: My Bundle|i18n: Hugo Rokkar!`}},
{"Site", "site", "content/mypage/index.md", []string{"RegularPages .Site: 10", "RegularPages site: 10"}},
{"Shortcodes", "shortcodes", "shortcodes/go.md", []string{
`title = "GO"`,
"{{< myshortcode >}}",
"{{% myshortcode %}}",
"{{</* comment */>}}\n{{%/* comment */%}}",
}}, // shortcodes
c := qt.New(t)
for i, cas := range cases {
cas := cas
c.Run(cas.name, func(c *qt.C) {
mm := afero.NewMemMapFs()
c.Assert(initFs(mm), qt.IsNil)
cfg, fs := newTestCfg(c, mm)
h, err := hugolib.NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Cfg: cfg, Fs: fs})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
err = create.NewContent(h, cas.kind, cas.path, false)
if b, ok := cas.expected.(bool); ok && !b {
if !b {
c.Assert(err, qt.Not(qt.IsNil))
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
fname := filepath.FromSlash(cas.path)
if !strings.HasPrefix(fname, "content") {
fname = filepath.Join("content", fname)
content := readFileFromFs(c, fs.Source, fname)
for _, v := range cas.expected.([]string) {
found := strings.Contains(content, v)
if !found {
c.Fatalf("[%d] %q missing from output:\n%q", i, v, content)
func TestNewContentFromDir(t *testing.T) {
mm := afero.NewMemMapFs()
c := qt.New(t)
archetypeDir := filepath.Join("archetypes", "my-bundle")
c.Assert(mm.MkdirAll(archetypeDir, 0o755), qt.IsNil)
archetypeThemeDir := filepath.Join("themes", "mytheme", "archetypes", "my-theme-bundle")
c.Assert(mm.MkdirAll(archetypeThemeDir, 0o755), qt.IsNil)
contentFile := `
File: %s
Site Lang: {{ .Site.Language.Lang }}
Name: {{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}
i18n: {{ T "hugo" }}
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeDir, "index.md"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf(contentFile, "index.md")), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeDir, "index.nn.md"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf(contentFile, "index.nn.md")), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeDir, "pages", "bio.md"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf(contentFile, "bio.md")), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeDir, "resources", "hugo1.json"), []byte(`hugo1: {{ printf "no template handling in here" }}`), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeDir, "resources", "hugo2.xml"), []byte(`hugo2: {{ printf "no template handling in here" }}`), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeThemeDir, "index.md"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf(contentFile, "index.md")), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeThemeDir, "resources", "hugo1.json"), []byte(`hugo1: {{ printf "no template handling in here" }}`), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(initFs(mm), qt.IsNil)
cfg, fs := newTestCfg(c, mm)
h, err := hugolib.NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Cfg: cfg, Fs: fs})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(len(h.Sites), qt.Equals, 2)
c.Assert(create.NewContent(h, "my-bundle", "post/my-post", false), qt.IsNil)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-post/resources/hugo1.json")), `hugo1: {{ printf "no template handling in here" }}`)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-post/resources/hugo2.xml")), `hugo2: {{ printf "no template handling in here" }}`)
// Content files should get the correct site context.
// TODO(bep) archetype check i18n
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-post/index.md")), `File: index.md`, `Site Lang: en`, `Name: My Post`, `i18n: Hugo Rocks!`)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-post/index.nn.md")), `File: index.nn.md`, `Site Lang: nn`, `Name: My Post`, `i18n: Hugo Rokkar!`)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-post/pages/bio.md")), `File: bio.md`, `Site Lang: en`, `Name: Bio`)
c.Assert(create.NewContent(h, "my-theme-bundle", "post/my-theme-post", false), qt.IsNil)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-theme-post/index.md")), `File: index.md`, `Site Lang: en`, `Name: My Theme Post`, `i18n: Hugo Rocks!`)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-theme-post/resources/hugo1.json")), `hugo1: {{ printf "no template handling in here" }}`)
func TestNewContentFromDirSiteFunction(t *testing.T) {
mm := afero.NewMemMapFs()
c := qt.New(t)
archetypeDir := filepath.Join("archetypes", "my-bundle")
defaultArchetypeDir := filepath.Join("archetypes", "default")
c.Assert(mm.MkdirAll(archetypeDir, 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(mm.MkdirAll(defaultArchetypeDir, 0o755), qt.IsNil)
contentFile := `
File: %s
site RegularPages: {{ len site.RegularPages }}
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeDir, "index.md"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf(contentFile, "index.md")), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(defaultArchetypeDir, "index.md"), []byte("default archetype index.md"), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(initFs(mm), qt.IsNil)
cfg, fs := newTestCfg(c, mm)
h, err := hugolib.NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Cfg: cfg, Fs: fs})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(len(h.Sites), qt.Equals, 2)
c.Assert(create.NewContent(h, "my-bundle", "post/my-post", false), qt.IsNil)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-post/index.md")), `site RegularPages: 10`)
// Default bundle archetype
c.Assert(create.NewContent(h, "", "post/my-post2", false), qt.IsNil)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-post2/index.md")), `default archetype index.md`)
// Regular file with bundle kind.
c.Assert(create.NewContent(h, "my-bundle", "post/foo.md", false), qt.IsNil)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/foo.md")), `draft: true`)
// Regular files should fall back to the default archetype (we have no regular file archetype).
c.Assert(create.NewContent(h, "my-bundle", "mypage.md", false), qt.IsNil)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "mypage.md")), `draft: true`)
func TestNewContentFromDirNoSite(t *testing.T) {
mm := afero.NewMemMapFs()
c := qt.New(t)
archetypeDir := filepath.Join("archetypes", "my-bundle")
c.Assert(mm.MkdirAll(archetypeDir, 0o755), qt.IsNil)
archetypeThemeDir := filepath.Join("themes", "mytheme", "archetypes", "my-theme-bundle")
c.Assert(mm.MkdirAll(archetypeThemeDir, 0o755), qt.IsNil)
contentFile := `
File: %s
Name: {{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}
i18n: {{ T "hugo" }}
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeDir, "index.md"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf(contentFile, "index.md")), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeDir, "index.nn.md"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf(contentFile, "index.nn.md")), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeDir, "pages", "bio.md"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf(contentFile, "bio.md")), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeDir, "resources", "hugo1.json"), []byte(`hugo1: {{ printf "no template handling in here" }}`), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeDir, "resources", "hugo2.xml"), []byte(`hugo2: {{ printf "no template handling in here" }}`), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeThemeDir, "index.md"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf(contentFile, "index.md")), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeThemeDir, "resources", "hugo1.json"), []byte(`hugo1: {{ printf "no template handling in here" }}`), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(initFs(mm), qt.IsNil)
cfg, fs := newTestCfg(c, mm)
h, err := hugolib.NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Cfg: cfg, Fs: fs})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(len(h.Sites), qt.Equals, 2)
c.Assert(create.NewContent(h, "my-bundle", "post/my-post", false), qt.IsNil)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-post/resources/hugo1.json")), `hugo1: {{ printf "no template handling in here" }}`)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-post/resources/hugo2.xml")), `hugo2: {{ printf "no template handling in here" }}`)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-post/index.md")), `File: index.md`, `Name: My Post`, `i18n: Hugo Rocks!`)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-post/index.nn.md")), `File: index.nn.md`, `Name: My Post`, `i18n: Hugo Rokkar!`)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-post/pages/bio.md")), `File: bio.md`, `Name: Bio`)
c.Assert(create.NewContent(h, "my-theme-bundle", "post/my-theme-post", false), qt.IsNil)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-theme-post/index.md")), `File: index.md`, `Name: My Theme Post`, `i18n: Hugo Rocks!`)
cContains(c, readFileFromFs(t, fs.Source, filepath.Join("content", "post/my-theme-post/resources/hugo1.json")), `hugo1: {{ printf "no template handling in here" }}`)
func TestNewContentForce(t *testing.T) {
mm := afero.NewMemMapFs()
c := qt.New(t)
archetypeDir := filepath.Join("archetypes", "my-bundle")
c.Assert(mm.MkdirAll(archetypeDir, 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeDir, "index.md"), []byte(""), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join(archetypeDir, "index.nn.md"), []byte(""), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(initFs(mm), qt.IsNil)
cfg, fs := newTestCfg(c, mm)
h, err := hugolib.NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Cfg: cfg, Fs: fs})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(len(h.Sites), qt.Equals, 2)
// from file
c.Assert(create.NewContent(h, "post", "post/my-post.md", false), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(create.NewContent(h, "post", "post/my-post.md", false), qt.IsNotNil)
c.Assert(create.NewContent(h, "post", "post/my-post.md", true), qt.IsNil)
// from dir
c.Assert(create.NewContent(h, "my-bundle", "post/my-post", false), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(create.NewContent(h, "my-bundle", "post/my-post", false), qt.IsNotNil)
c.Assert(create.NewContent(h, "my-bundle", "post/my-post", true), qt.IsNil)
func initFs(fs afero.Fs) error {
perm := os.FileMode(0o755)
var err error
// create directories
dirs := []string{
filepath.Join("themes", "sample", "archetypes"),
for _, dir := range dirs {
err = fs.Mkdir(dir, perm)
if err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
return err
// create some dummy content
for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ {
filename := filepath.Join("content", fmt.Sprintf("page%d.md", i))
afero.WriteFile(fs, filename, []byte(`---
title: Test
`), 0666)
// create archetype files
for _, v := range []struct {
path string
content string
path: filepath.Join("archetypes", "post.md"),
content: "+++\ndate = \"2015-01-12T19:20:04-07:00\"\ntitle = \"Post Arch title\"\ntest = \"test1\"\n+++\n",
path: filepath.Join("archetypes", "post.org"),
content: "#+title: {{ .BaseFileName | upper }}",
path: filepath.Join("archetypes", "name.md"),
content: `+++
title = '{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}'
path: filepath.Join("archetypes", "product.md"),
content: `+++
title = "{{ .BaseFileName | upper }}"
path: filepath.Join("archetypes", "filenames.md"),
content: `...
title = "{{ .BaseFileName | upper }}"
ContentBaseName: {{ .File.ContentBaseName }}
path: filepath.Join("archetypes", "site.md"),
content: `...
title = "{{ .BaseFileName | upper }}"
Len RegularPages .Site: {{ len .Site.RegularPages }}
Len RegularPages site: {{ len site.RegularPages }}
path: filepath.Join("archetypes", "emptydate.md"),
content: "+++\ndate =\"\"\ntitle = \"Empty Date Arch title\"\ntest = \"test1\"\n+++\n",
path: filepath.Join("archetypes", "lang.md"),
content: `Site Lang: {{ site.Language.Lang }}|Name: {{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}|i18n: {{ T "hugo" }}`,
// #3623x
path: filepath.Join("archetypes", "shortcodes.md"),
content: `+++
title = "{{ .BaseFileName | upper }}"
{{< myshortcode >}}
Some text.
{{% myshortcode %}}
{{</* comment */>}}
{{%/* comment */%}}
} {
f, err := fs.Create(v.path)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
_, err = f.Write([]byte(v.content))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func cContains(c *qt.C, v any, matches ...string) {
for _, m := range matches {
c.Assert(v, qt.Contains, m)
// TODO(bep) extract common testing package with this and some others
func readFileFromFs(t testing.TB, fs afero.Fs, filename string) string {
filename = filepath.FromSlash(filename)
b, err := afero.ReadFile(fs, filename)
if err != nil {
// Print some debug info
root := strings.Split(filename, helpers.FilePathSeparator)[0]
afero.Walk(fs, root, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if info != nil && !info.IsDir() {
fmt.Println(" ", path)
return nil
t.Fatalf("Failed to read file: %s", err)
return string(b)
func newTestCfg(c *qt.C, mm afero.Fs) (config.Provider, *hugofs.Fs) {
cfg := `
theme = "mytheme"
weight = 1
languageName = "English"
weight = 2
languageName = "Nynorsk"
source = 'archetypes'
target = 'archetypes'
source = 'content'
target = 'content'
lang = 'en'
source = 'content_nn'
target = 'content'
lang = 'nn'
if mm == nil {
mm = afero.NewMemMapFs()
mm.MkdirAll(filepath.FromSlash("content_nn"), 0o777)
mm.MkdirAll(filepath.FromSlash("themes/mytheme"), 0o777)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join("i18n", "en.toml"), []byte(`[hugo]
other = "Hugo Rocks!"`), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, filepath.Join("i18n", "nn.toml"), []byte(`[hugo]
other = "Hugo Rokkar!"`), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
c.Assert(afero.WriteFile(mm, "config.toml", []byte(cfg), 0o755), qt.IsNil)
v, _, err := hugolib.LoadConfig(hugolib.ConfigSourceDescriptor{Fs: mm, Filename: "config.toml"})
c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil)
return v, hugofs.NewFrom(mm, v)