--- title: css.Sass description: Transpiles Sass to CSS. categories: [] keywords: [] action: aliases: [toCSS] related: - functions/resources/Fingerprint - functions/resources/Minify - functions/css/PostCSS - functions/resources/PostProcess returnType: resource.Resource signatures: ['css.Sass [OPTIONS] RESOURCE'] toc: true --- {{< new-in 0.128.0 >}} ```go-html-template {{ with resources.Get "sass/main.scss" }} {{ $opts := dict "transpiler" "libsass" "targetPath" "css/style.css" }} {{ with . | toCSS $opts }} {{ if hugo.IsDevelopment }} {{ else }} {{ with . | minify | fingerprint }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} ``` Transpile Sass to CSS using the LibSass transpiler included in Hugo's extended and extended/deploy editions, or [install Dart Sass](#dart-sass) to use the latest features of the Sass language. Sass has two forms of syntax: [SCSS] and [indented]. Hugo supports both. [scss]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/syntax#scss [indented]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/syntax#the-indented-syntax ## Options transpiler : (`string`) The transpiler to use, either `libsass` (default) or `dartsass`. Hugo's extended and extended/deploy editions include the LibSass transpiler. To use the Dart Sass transpiler, see the [installation instructions](#dart-sass) below. targetPath : (`string`) If not set, the transformed resource's target path will be the original path of the asset file with its extension replaced by `.css`. vars : (`map`) A map of key-value pairs that will be available in the `hugo:vars` namespace. Useful for [initializing Sass variables from Hugo templates](https://discourse.gohugo.io/t/42053/). ```scss // LibSass @import "hugo:vars"; // Dart Sass @use "hugo:vars" as v; ``` outputStyle : (`string`) Output styles available to LibSass include `nested` (default), `expanded`, `compact`, and `compressed`. Output styles available to Dart Sass include `expanded` (default) and `compressed`. precision : (`int`) Precision of floating point math. Not applicable to Dart Sass. enableSourceMap : (`bool`) If `true`, generates a source map. sourceMapIncludeSources : (`bool`) If `true`, embeds sources in the generated source map. Not applicable to LibSass. includePaths : (`slice`) A slice of paths, relative to the project root, that the transpiler will use when resolving `@use` and `@import` statements. ```go-html-template {{ $opts := dict "transpiler" "dartsass" "targetPath" "css/style.css" "vars" site.Params.styles "enableSourceMap" (not hugo.IsProduction) "includePaths" (slice "node_modules/bootstrap/scss") }} {{ with resources.Get "sass/main.scss" | toCSS $opts | minify | fingerprint }} {{ end }} ``` silenceDeprecations : (`slice`) {{< new-in 0.139.0 >}} A slice of deprecation IDs to silence. The deprecation IDs are printed to in the warning message, e.g "import" in `WARN Dart Sass: DEPRECATED [import] ...`. This is for Dart Sass only. ## Dart Sass The extended version of Hugo includes [LibSass] to transpile Sass to CSS. In 2020, the Sass team deprecated LibSass in favor of [Dart Sass]. Use the latest features of the Sass language by installing Dart Sass in your development and production environments. ### Installation overview Dart Sass is compatible with Hugo v0.114.0 and later. If you have been using Embedded Dart Sass[^1] with Hugo v0.113.0 and earlier, uninstall Embedded Dart Sass, then install Dart Sass. If you have installed both, Hugo will use Dart Sass. If you install Hugo as a [Snap package] there is no need to install Dart Sass. The Hugo Snap package includes Dart Sass. [^1]: In 2023, the Sass team deprecated Embedded Dart Sass in favor of Dart Sass. ### Installing in a development environment When you install Dart Sass somewhere in your PATH, Hugo will find it. OS|Package manager|Site|Installation :--|:--|:--|:-- Linux|Homebrew|[brew.sh]|`brew install sass/sass/sass` Linux|Snap|[snapcraft.io]|`sudo snap install dart-sass` macOS|Homebrew|[brew.sh]|`brew install sass/sass/sass` Windows|Chocolatey|[chocolatey.org]|`choco install sass` Windows|Scoop|[scoop.sh]|`scoop install sass` You may also install [prebuilt binaries] for Linux, macOS, and Windows. Run `hugo env` to list the active transpilers. ### Installing in a production environment For [CI/CD] deployments (e.g., GitHub Pages, GitLab Pages, Netlify, etc.) you must edit the workflow to install Dart Sass before Hugo builds the site[^2]. Some providers allow you to use one of the package managers above, or you can download and extract one of the prebuilt binaries. [^2]: You do not have to do this if (a) you have not modified the assets cache location, and (b) you have not set `useResourceCacheWhen` to `never` in your [site configuration], and (c) you add and commit your resources directory to your repository. #### GitHub Pages To install Dart Sass for your builds on GitHub Pages, add this step to the GitHub Pages workflow file: ```yaml - name: Install Dart Sass run: sudo snap install dart-sass ``` If you are using GitHub Pages for the first time with your repository, GitHub provides a [starter workflow] for Hugo that includes Dart Sass. This is the simplest way to get started. #### GitLab Pages To install Dart Sass for your builds on GitLab Pages, the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file should look something like this: ```yaml variables: HUGO_VERSION: 0.137.1 DART_SASS_VERSION: 1.80.6 GIT_DEPTH: 0 GIT_STRATEGY: clone GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive TZ: America/Los_Angeles image: name: golang:1.20-buster pages: script: # Install Dart Sass - curl -LJO https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/releases/download/${DART_SASS_VERSION}/dart-sass-${DART_SASS_VERSION}-linux-x64.tar.gz - tar -xf dart-sass-${DART_SASS_VERSION}-linux-x64.tar.gz - cp -r dart-sass/* /usr/local/bin - rm -rf dart-sass* # Install Hugo - curl -LJO https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases/download/v${HUGO_VERSION}/hugo_extended_${HUGO_VERSION}_linux-amd64.deb - apt install -y ./hugo_extended_${HUGO_VERSION}_linux-amd64.deb - rm hugo_extended_${HUGO_VERSION}_linux-amd64.deb # Build - hugo --gc --minify artifacts: paths: - public rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH ``` #### Netlify To install Dart Sass for your builds on Netlify, the `netlify.toml` file should look something like this: ```toml [build.environment] HUGO_VERSION = "0.137.1" DART_SASS_VERSION = "1.80.6" TZ = "America/Los_Angeles" [build] publish = "public" command = """\ curl -LJO https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/releases/download/${DART_SASS_VERSION}/dart-sass-${DART_SASS_VERSION}-linux-x64.tar.gz && \ tar -xf dart-sass-${DART_SASS_VERSION}-linux-x64.tar.gz && \ rm dart-sass-${DART_SASS_VERSION}-linux-x64.tar.gz && \ export PATH=/opt/build/repo/dart-sass:$PATH && \ hugo --gc --minify \ """ ``` ### Example To transpile with Dart Sass, set `transpiler` to `dartsass` in the options map passed to `css.Sass`. For example: ```go-html-template {{ with resources.Get "sass/main.scss" }} {{ $opts := dict "transpiler" "dartsass" "targetPath" "css/style.css" }} {{ with . | toCSS $opts }} {{ if hugo.IsDevelopment }} {{ else }} {{ with . | minify | fingerprint }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} ``` ### Miscellaneous If you build Hugo from source and run `mage test -v`, the test will fail if you install Dart Sass as a Snap package. This is due to the Snap package's strict confinement model. [brew.sh]: https://brew.sh/ [chocolatey.org]: https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/sass [ci/cd]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CI/CD [dart sass]: https://sass-lang.com/dart-sass [libsass]: https://sass-lang.com/libsass [prebuilt binaries]: https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/releases/latest [scoop.sh]: https://scoop.sh/#/apps?q=sass [site configuration]: /getting-started/configuration/#configure-build [snap package]: /installation/linux/#snap [snapcraft.io]: https://snapcraft.io/dart-sass [starter workflow]: https://github.com/actions/starter-workflows/blob/main/pages/hugo.yml