--- title: Related description: Returns a collection of pages related to the given page. categories: [] keywords: [] action: related: - methods/page/HeadingsFiltered - functions/collections/KeyVals returnType: page.Pages signatures: - PAGES.Related PAGE - PAGES.Related OPTIONS --- Based on front matter, Hugo uses several factors to identify content related to the given page. Use the default [related content configuration], or tune the results to the desired indices and parameters. See [details]. The argument passed to the `Related` method may be a `Page` or an options map. For example, to pass the current page: {{< code file=layouts/_default/single.html >}} {{ with .Site.RegularPages.Related . | first 5 }}

Related pages:

{{ end }} {{< /code >}} To pass an options map: {{< code file=layouts/_default/single.html >}} {{ $opts := dict "document" . "indices" (slice "tags" "keywords") }} {{ with .Site.RegularPages.Related $opts | first 5 }}

Related pages:

{{ end }} {{< /code >}} ## Options indices : (`slice`) The indices to search within. document : (`page`) The page for which to find related content. Required when specifying an options map. namedSlices : (`slice`) The keywords to search for, expressed as a slice of `KeyValues` using the [`keyVals`] function. [`keyVals`]: /functions/collections/keyvals/ fragments : (`slice`) A list of special keywords that is used for indices configured as type "fragments". This will match the [fragment] identifiers of the documents. A contrived example using all of the above: ```go-html-template {{ $page := . }} {{ $opts := dict "indices" (slice "tags" "keywords") "document" $page "namedSlices" (slice (keyVals "tags" "hugo" "rocks") (keyVals "date" $page.Date)) "fragments" (slice "heading-1" "heading-2") }} ``` [details]: /content-management/related/ [fragment]: /getting-started/glossary/#fragment [related content configuration]: /content-management/related/