{ "title": "Variables", "Pubdate": "2013-07-01" } Hugo makes a set of values available to the templates. Go templates are context based. The following are available in the context for the templates. **.Title** The title for the content.
**.Description** The description for the content.
**.Keywords** The meta keywords for this content.
**.Date** The date the content is published on.
**.Indexes** These will use the field name of the plural form of the index (see tags and categories above)
**.Permalink** The Permanent link for this page.
**.FuzzyWordCount** The approximate number of words in the content.
**.RSSLink** Link to the indexes' rss link
Any value defined in the front matter, including indexes will be made available under `.Params`. Take for example I'm using tags and categories as my indexes. The following would be how I would access them: **.Params.Tags**
Also available is `.Site` which has the following: **.Site.BaseUrl** The base URL for the site as defined in the config.json file.
**.Site.Indexes** The names of the indexes of the site.
**.Site.LastChange** The date of the last change of the most recent content.
**.Site.Recent** Array of all content ordered by Date, newest first