--- title: Language description: Returns the language object for the given site. categories: [] keywords: [] action: related: - methods/page/language returnType: langs.Language signatures: [SITE.Language] toc: true --- The `Language` method on a `Site` object returns the language object for the given site. The language object points to the language definition in the site configuration. You can also use the `Language` method on a `Page` object. See [details]. ## Methods The examples below assume the following in your site configuration: {{< code-toggle file=hugo >}} [languages.de] languageCode = 'de-DE' languageDirection = 'ltr' languageName = 'Deutsch' weight = 1 {{< /code-toggle >}} ###### Lang (`string`) The language tag as defined by [RFC 5646]. ```go-html-template {{ .Site.Language.Lang }} → de ``` ###### LanguageCode (`string`) The language code from the site configuration. Falls back to `Lang` if not defined. ```go-html-template {{ .Site.Language.LanguageCode }} → de-DE ``` ###### LanguageDirection (`string`) The language direction from the site configuration, either `ltr` or `rtl`. ```go-html-template {{ .Site.Language.LanguageDirection }} → ltr ``` ###### LanguageName (`string`) The language name from the site configuration. ```go-html-template {{ .Site.Language.LanguageName }} → Deutsch ``` ###### Weight (`int`) The language weight from the site configuration which determines its order in the slice of languages returned by the `Languages` method on a `Site` object. ```go-html-template {{ .Site.Language.Weight }} → 1 ``` ## Example Some of the methods above are commonly used in a base template as attributes for the `html` element. ```go-html-template