--- aliases: - /doc/source-directory/ date: 2013-07-01 menu: main: parent: getting started next: /content/organization notoc: true prev: /overview/configuration title: Source Organization weight: 50 --- Hugo takes a single directory and uses it as the input for creating a complete website. The top level of a source directory will typically have the following elements: ▸ archetypes/ ▸ content/ ▸ layouts/ ▸ static/ ▸ themes/ config.toml Learn more about the different directories and what their purpose is * [config](/overview/configuration) * [archetypes](/content/archetypes) * [content](/content/organization) * [layouts](/layout/overview) * [static](/themes/creation#toc_4) * [themes](/themes/overview) ## Example An example directory may look like: . ├── config.toml ├── archetypes | └── default.md ├── content | ├── post | | ├── firstpost.md | | └── secondpost.md | └── quote | | ├── first.md | | └── second.md ├── layouts | ├── _default | | ├── single.html | | └── list.html | ├── partials | | ├── header.html | | └── footer.html | ├── taxonomies | | ├── category.html | | ├── post.html | | ├── quote.html | | └── tag.html | ├── post | | ├── li.html | | ├── single.html | | └── summary.html | ├── quote | | ├── li.html | | ├── single.html | | └── summary.html | ├── shortcodes | | ├── img.html | | ├── vimeo.html | | └── youtube.html | ├── index.html | └── sitemap.xml ├── themes | ├── hyde | └── doc └── static ├── css └── js This directory structure tells us a lot about this site: 1. the website intends to have two different types of content, posts and quotes. 2. It will also apply two different indexes to that content, categories and tags. 3. It will be displaying content in 3 different views, a list, a summary and a full page view.