{{- /* Renders the given image using the given filter, if any. @param {string} src The path to the image which must be a remote, page, or global resource. @param {string} [filter] The filter to apply to the image (case-insensitive). @param {string} [filterArgs] A comma-delimited list of arguments to pass to the filter. @param {bool} [example=false] If true, renders a before/after example. @param {int} [exampleWidth=384] Image width, in pixels, when rendering a before/after example. @returns {template.HTML} @examples {{< img src="zion-national-park.jpg" >}} {{< img src="zion-national-park.jpg" alt="Zion National Park" >}} {{< img src="zion-national-park.jpg" alt="Zion National Park" filter="grayscale" >}} {{< img src="zion-national-park.jpg" alt="Zion National Park" filter="process" filterArgs="resize 400x webp" >}} {{< img src="zion-national-park.jpg" alt="Zion National Park" filter="colorize" filterArgs="180,50,20" >}} {{< img src="zion-national-park.jpg" alt="Zion National Park" filter="grayscale" example=true >}} {{< img src="zion-national-park.jpg" alt="Zion National Park" filter="grayscale" example=true exampleWidth=400 >}} When using the text filter, provide the arguments in this order: 0. The text 1. The horizontal offset, in pixels, relative to the left of the image (default 20) 2. The vertical offset, in pixels, relative to the top of the image (default 20) 3. The font size in pixels (default 64) 4. The line height (default 1.2) 5. The font color (default #ffffff) {{< img src="images/examples/zion-national-park.jpg" alt="Zion National Park" filter="Text" filterArgs="Zion National Park,25,250,56" example=true >}} When using the padding filter, provide all arguments in this order: 0. Padding top 1. Padding right 2. Padding bottom 3. Padding right 4. Canvas color {{< img src="images/examples/zion-national-park.jpg" alt="Zion National Park" filter="Padding" filterArgs="20,50,20,50,#0705" example=true >}} */}} {{- /* Initialize. */}} {{- $alt := "" }} {{- $src := "" }} {{- $filter := "" }} {{- $filterArgs := slice }} {{- $example := false }} {{- $exampleWidth := 384 }} {{- /* Default values to use with the text filter. */}} {{ $textFilterOpts := dict "xOffset" 20 "yOffset" 20 "fontSize" 64 "lineHeight" 1.2 "fontColor" "#ffffff" "fontPath" "https://github.com/google/fonts/raw/main/ofl/lato/Lato-Regular.ttf" }} {{- /* Get and validate parameters. */}} {{- with .Get "alt" }} {{- $alt = .}} {{- end }} {{- with .Get "src" }} {{- $src = . }} {{- else }} {{- errorf "The %q shortcode requires a file parameter. See %s" .Name .Position }} {{- end }} {{- with .Get "filter" }} {{- $filter = . | lower }} {{- end }} {{- $validFilters := slice "autoorient" "brightness" "colorbalance" "colorize" "contrast" "dither" "gamma" "gaussianblur" "grayscale" "hue" "invert" "none" "opacity" "overlay" "padding" "pixelate" "process" "saturation" "sepia" "sigmoid" "text" "unsharpmask" }} {{- with $filter }} {{- if not (in $validFilters .) }} {{- errorf "The filter passed to the %q shortcode is invalid. The filter must be one of %s. See %s" $.Name (delimit $validFilters ", " ", or ") $.Position }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- with .Get "filterArgs" }} {{- $filterArgs = split . "," }} {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "trim" "." " " }} {{- end }} {{- if in (slice "false" false 0) (.Get "example") }} {{- $example = false }} {{- else if in (slice "true" true 1) (.Get "example")}} {{- $example = true }} {{- end }} {{- with .Get "exampleWidth" }} {{- $exampleWidth = . | int }} {{- end }} {{- /* Get image. */}} {{- $ctx := dict "page" .Page "src" $src "name" .Name "position" .Position }} {{- $i := partial "inline/get-resource.html" $ctx }} {{- /* Resize if rendering before/after examples. */}} {{- if $example }} {{- $i = $i.Resize (printf "%dx" $exampleWidth) }} {{- end }} {{- /* Create filter. */}} {{- $f := "" }} {{- $ctx := dict "filter" $filter "args" $filterArgs "name" .Name "position" .Position }} {{- if eq $filter "autoorient" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 0) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.AutoOrient }} {{- else if eq $filter "brightness" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" -100 "max" 100) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.Brightness (index $filterArgs 0) }} {{- else if eq $filter "colorbalance" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 3) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage red" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" -100 "max" 500) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage green" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 1) "min" -100 "max" 500) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage blue" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 2) "min" -100 "max" 500) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.ColorBalance (index $filterArgs 0) (index $filterArgs 1) (index $filterArgs 2) }} {{- else if eq $filter "colorize" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 3) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "hue" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 360) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "saturation" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 1) "min" 0 "max" 100) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 2) "min" 0 "max" 100) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.Colorize (index $filterArgs 0) (index $filterArgs 1) (index $filterArgs 2) }} {{- else if eq $filter "contrast" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" -100 "max" 100) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.Contrast (index $filterArgs 0) }} {{- else if eq $filter "dither" }} {{- $f = images.Dither }} {{- else if eq $filter "gamma" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "gamma" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 100) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.Gamma (index $filterArgs 0) }} {{- else if eq $filter "gaussianblur" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "sigma" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 1000) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.GaussianBlur (index $filterArgs 0) }} {{- else if eq $filter "grayscale" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 0) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.Grayscale }} {{- else if eq $filter "hue" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "shift" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" -180 "max" 180) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.Hue (index $filterArgs 0) }} {{- else if eq $filter "invert" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 0) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.Invert }} {{- else if eq $filter "opacity" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "opacity" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 1) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.Opacity (index $filterArgs 0) }} {{- else if eq $filter "overlay" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 3) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $ctx := dict "src" (index $filterArgs 0) "name" .Name "position" .Position }} {{- $overlayImg := partial "inline/get-resource.html" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.Overlay $overlayImg (index $filterArgs 1 | float ) (index $filterArgs 2 | float) }} {{- else if eq $filter "padding" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 5) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.Padding (index $filterArgs 0 | int) (index $filterArgs 1 | int) (index $filterArgs 2 | int) (index $filterArgs 3 | int) (index $filterArgs 4) }} {{- else if eq $filter "pixelate" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "size" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 1000) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.Pixelate (index $filterArgs 0) }} {{- else if eq $filter "process" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.Process (index $filterArgs 0) }} {{- else if eq $filter "saturation" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" -100 "max" 500) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.Saturation (index $filterArgs 0) }} {{- else if eq $filter "sepia" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "percentage" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 100) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.Sepia (index $filterArgs 0) }} {{- else if eq $filter "sigmoid" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 2) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "midpoint" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 1) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "factor" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 1) "min" -10 "max" 10) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.Sigmoid (index $filterArgs 0) (index $filterArgs 1) }} {{- else if eq $filter "text" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 1) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $ctx := dict "src" $textFilterOpts.fontPath "name" .Name "position" .Position }} {{- $font := or (partial "inline/get-resource.html" $ctx) }} {{- $fontSize := or (index $filterArgs 3 | int) $textFilterOpts.fontSize }} {{- $lineHeight := math.Max (or (index $filterArgs 4 | float) $textFilterOpts.lineHeight) 1 }} {{- $opts := dict "x" (or (index $filterArgs 1 | int) $textFilterOpts.xOffset) "y" (or (index $filterArgs 2 | int) $textFilterOpts.yOffset) "size" $fontSize "linespacing" (mul (sub $lineHeight 1) $fontSize) "color" (or (index $filterArgs 5) $textFilterOpts.fontColor) "font" $font }} {{- $f = images.Text (index $filterArgs 0) $opts }} {{- else if eq $filter "unsharpmask" }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argsRequired" 3) }} {{- template "validate-arg-count" $ctx }} {{- $filterArgs = apply $filterArgs "float" "." }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "sigma" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 0) "min" 0 "max" 500) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "amount" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 1) "min" 0 "max" 100) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $ctx = merge $ctx (dict "argName" "threshold" "argValue" (index $filterArgs 2) "min" 0 "max" 1) }} {{- template "validate-arg-value" $ctx }} {{- $f = images.UnsharpMask (index $filterArgs 0) (index $filterArgs 1) (index $filterArgs 2) }} {{- end }} {{- /* Apply filter. */}} {{- $fi := $i }} {{- with $f }} {{- $fi = $i.Filter . }} {{- end }} {{- /* Render. */}} {{- if $example }}