- /doc/variables/
- /layout/variables/
date: 2013-07-01
linktitle: Variables
parent: layout
next: /templates/content
prev: /templates/functions
title: Template Variables
weight: 20
Hugo makes a set of values available to the templates. Go templates are context based. The following
are available in the context for the templates.
## Page Variables
The following is a list of most of the accessible variables which can be
defined for a piece of content. Many of these will be defined in the front
matter, content or derived from file location.
**.Title** The title for the content.
**.Content** The content itself, defined below the front matter.
**.Summary** A generated summary of the content for easily showing a snippet in a summary view. Note that the breakpoint can be set manually by inserting <!--more-->
at the appropriate place in the content page.
**.Description** The description for the content.
**.Keywords** The meta keywords for this content.
**.Date** The date the content is associated with.
**.PublishDate** The date the content is published on.
**.Type** The content [type](/content/types/) (e.g. post).
**.Section** The [section](/content/sections/) this content belongs to.
**.Permalink** The Permanent link for this page.
**.RelPermalink** The Relative permanent link for this page.
**.LinkTitle** Access when creating links to this content. Will use linktitle if set in front-matter, else title.
**.Taxonomies** These will use the field name of the plural form of the index (see tags and categories above).
**.RSSLink** Link to the indexes' rss link.
**.TableOfContents** The rendered table of contents for this content.
**.Prev** Pointer to the previous content (based on pub date).
**.Next** Pointer to the following content (based on pub date).
**.PrevInSection** Pointer to the previous content within the same section (based on pub date)
**.NextInSection** Pointer to the following content within the same section (based on pub date)
**.FuzzyWordCount** The approximate number of words in the content.
**.WordCount** The number of words in the content.
**.ReadingTime** The estimated time it takes to read the content in minutes.
**.Weight** Assigned weight (in the front matter) to this content, used in sorting.
**.IsNode** Always false for pages.
**.IsPage** Always true for page.
**.Site** See site variables below.
## Page Params
Any other value defined in the front matter, including indexes will be made available under `.Params`.
Take for example I'm using tags and categories as my indexes. The following would be how I would access them:
**All Params are only accessible using all lowercase characters**
## Node Variables
In Hugo a node is any page not rendered directly by a content file. This
includes indexes, lists and the homepage.
**.Title** The title for the content.
**.Date** The date the content is published on.
**.Permalink** The Permanent link for this node
**.Url** The relative url for this node.
**.Ref(ref)** Returns the permalink for `ref`. See [cross-references]({{% ref "extras/crossreferences.md" %}}). Does not handle in-page fragments correctly.
**.RelRef(ref)** Returns the relative permalink for `ref`. See [cross-references]({{% ref "extras/crossreferences.md" %}}). Does not handle in-page fragments correctly.
**.RSSLink** Link to the indexes' rss link
**.Data** The data specific to this type of node.
**.IsNode** Always true for nodes.
**.IsPage** Always false for nodes.
**.Site** See site variables below
## Site Variables
Also available is `.Site` which has the following:
**.Site.BaseUrl** The base URL for the site as defined in the site configuration file.
**.Site.Taxonomies** The indexes for the entire site.
**.Site.LastChange** The date of the last change of the most recent content.
**.Site.Recent** Array of all content ordered by Date, newest first.
**.Site.Params** A container holding the values from the `params` section of your site configuration file. For example, a TOML config file might look like this:
baseurl = "http://yoursite.example.com/"
description = "Tesla's Awesome Hugo Site"
author = "Nikola Tesla"
**.Site.Sections** Top level directories of the site.
**.Site.Pages** All of the content pages of the site.
**.Site.Files** All of the source files of the site.
**.Site.Menus** All of the menus in the site.
**.Site.Title** A string representing the title of the site.
**.Site.Author** A map of the authors as defined in the site configuration.
**.Site.LanguageCode** A string representing the language as defined in the site configuration.
**.Site.DisqusShortname** A string representing the shortname of the Disqus shortcode as defined in the site configuration.
**.Site.Copyright** A string representing the copyright of your web site as defined in the site configuration.
**.Site.LastChange** A string representing the last time content has been updated.
**.Site.Permalinks** A string to override the default permalink format. Defined in the site configuration.
**.Site.BuildDrafts** A boolean (Default: false) to indicate whether to build drafts. Defined in the site configuration.