// Copyright 2017 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package strings import ( "context" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/deps" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/tpl/internal" ) const name = "strings" func init() { f := func(d *deps.Deps) *internal.TemplateFuncsNamespace { ctx := New(d) ns := &internal.TemplateFuncsNamespace{ Name: name, Context: func(cctx context.Context, args ...any) (any, error) { return ctx, nil }, } ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.Chomp, []string{"chomp"}, [][2]string{ {`{{ chomp "


\n" | safeHTML }}`, `


`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.CountRunes, []string{"countrunes"}, [][2]string{}, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.RuneCount, nil, [][2]string{}, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.CountWords, []string{"countwords"}, [][2]string{}, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.Count, nil, [][2]string{ {`{{ "aabab" | strings.Count "a" }}`, `3`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.Contains, nil, [][2]string{ {`{{ strings.Contains "abc" "b" }}`, `true`}, {`{{ strings.Contains "abc" "d" }}`, `false`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.ContainsAny, nil, [][2]string{ {`{{ strings.ContainsAny "abc" "bcd" }}`, `true`}, {`{{ strings.ContainsAny "abc" "def" }}`, `false`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.FindRE, []string{"findRE"}, [][2]string{ { `{{ findRE "[G|g]o" "Hugo is a static side generator written in Go." 1 }}`, `[go]`, }, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.FindRESubmatch, []string{"findRESubmatch"}, [][2]string{ { `{{ findRESubmatch §§(.+?)§§ §§
  • Foo
  • Bar
  • §§ | print | safeHTML }}`, "[[Foo #foo Foo] [Bar #bar Bar]]", }, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.HasPrefix, []string{"hasPrefix"}, [][2]string{ {`{{ hasPrefix "Hugo" "Hu" }}`, `true`}, {`{{ hasPrefix "Hugo" "Fu" }}`, `false`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.HasSuffix, []string{"hasSuffix"}, [][2]string{ {`{{ hasSuffix "Hugo" "go" }}`, `true`}, {`{{ hasSuffix "Hugo" "du" }}`, `false`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.ToLower, []string{"lower"}, [][2]string{ {`{{ lower "BatMan" }}`, `batman`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.Replace, []string{"replace"}, [][2]string{ { `{{ replace "Batman and Robin" "Robin" "Catwoman" }}`, `Batman and Catwoman`, }, { `{{ replace "aabbaabb" "a" "z" 2 }}`, `zzbbaabb`, }, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.ReplaceRE, []string{"replaceRE"}, [][2]string{ { `{{ replaceRE "a+b" "X" "aabbaabbab" }}`, `XbXbX`, }, { `{{ replaceRE "a+b" "X" "aabbaabbab" 1 }}`, `Xbaabbab`, }, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.SliceString, []string{"slicestr"}, [][2]string{ {`{{ slicestr "BatMan" 0 3 }}`, `Bat`}, {`{{ slicestr "BatMan" 3 }}`, `Man`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.Split, []string{"split"}, [][2]string{}, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.Substr, []string{"substr"}, [][2]string{ {`{{ substr "BatMan" 0 -3 }}`, `Bat`}, {`{{ substr "BatMan" 3 3 }}`, `Man`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.Trim, []string{"trim"}, [][2]string{ {`{{ trim "++Batman--" "+-" }}`, `Batman`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.TrimLeft, nil, [][2]string{ {`{{ "aabbaa" | strings.TrimLeft "a" }}`, `bbaa`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.TrimPrefix, nil, [][2]string{ {`{{ "aabbaa" | strings.TrimPrefix "a" }}`, `abbaa`}, {`{{ "aabbaa" | strings.TrimPrefix "aa" }}`, `bbaa`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.TrimRight, nil, [][2]string{ {`{{ "aabbaa" | strings.TrimRight "a" }}`, `aabb`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.TrimSuffix, nil, [][2]string{ {`{{ "aabbaa" | strings.TrimSuffix "a" }}`, `aabba`}, {`{{ "aabbaa" | strings.TrimSuffix "aa" }}`, `aabb`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.Title, []string{"title"}, [][2]string{ {`{{ title "Bat man" }}`, `Bat Man`}, {`{{ title "somewhere over the rainbow" }}`, `Somewhere Over the Rainbow`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.FirstUpper, nil, [][2]string{ {`{{ "hugo rocks!" | strings.FirstUpper }}`, `Hugo rocks!`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.Truncate, []string{"truncate"}, [][2]string{ {`{{ "this is a very long text" | truncate 10 " ..." }}`, `this is a ...`}, {`{{ "With [Markdown](/markdown) inside." | markdownify | truncate 14 }}`, `With Markdown …`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.Repeat, nil, [][2]string{ {`{{ "yo" | strings.Repeat 4 }}`, `yoyoyoyo`}, }, ) ns.AddMethodMapping(ctx.ToUpper, []string{"upper"}, [][2]string{ {`{{ upper "BatMan" }}`, `BATMAN`}, }, ) return ns } internal.AddTemplateFuncsNamespace(f) }