// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package hugolib import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "path" "path/filepath" "testing" "time" qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/resources/kinds" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/resources/page" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/deps" ) const pageCollectionsPageTemplate = `--- title: "%s" categories: - Hugo --- # Doc ` func BenchmarkGetPage(b *testing.B) { var ( cfg, fs = newTestCfg() r = rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) ) configs, err := loadTestConfigFromProvider(cfg) if err != nil { b.Fatal(err) } for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { for j := 0; j < 100; j++ { writeSource(b, fs, filepath.Join("content", fmt.Sprintf("sect%d", i), fmt.Sprintf("page%d.md", j)), "CONTENT") } } s := buildSingleSite(b, deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Configs: configs}, BuildCfg{SkipRender: true}) pagePaths := make([]string, b.N) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { pagePaths[i] = fmt.Sprintf("sect%d", r.Intn(10)) } b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { home, _ := s.getPage(nil, "/") if home == nil { b.Fatal("Home is nil") } p, _ := s.getPage(nil, pagePaths[i]) if p == nil { b.Fatal("Section is nil") } } } func createGetPageRegularBenchmarkSite(t testing.TB) *Site { var ( c = qt.New(t) cfg, fs = newTestCfg() ) configs, err := loadTestConfigFromProvider(cfg) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } pc := func(title string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(pageCollectionsPageTemplate, title) } for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { for j := 0; j < 100; j++ { content := pc(fmt.Sprintf("Title%d_%d", i, j)) writeSource(c, fs, filepath.Join("content", fmt.Sprintf("sect%d", i), fmt.Sprintf("page%d.md", j)), content) } } return buildSingleSite(c, deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Configs: configs}, BuildCfg{SkipRender: true}) } func TestBenchmarkGetPageRegular(t *testing.T) { c := qt.New(t) s := createGetPageRegularBenchmarkSite(t) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { pp := path.Join("/", fmt.Sprintf("sect%d", i), fmt.Sprintf("page%d.md", i)) page, _ := s.getPage(nil, pp) c.Assert(page, qt.Not(qt.IsNil), qt.Commentf(pp)) } } func BenchmarkGetPageRegular(b *testing.B) { r := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) b.Run("From root", func(b *testing.B) { s := createGetPageRegularBenchmarkSite(b) c := qt.New(b) pagePaths := make([]string, b.N) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { pagePaths[i] = path.Join(fmt.Sprintf("/sect%d", r.Intn(10)), fmt.Sprintf("page%d.md", r.Intn(100))) } b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { page, _ := s.getPage(nil, pagePaths[i]) c.Assert(page, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) } }) b.Run("Page relative", func(b *testing.B) { s := createGetPageRegularBenchmarkSite(b) c := qt.New(b) allPages := s.RegularPages() pagePaths := make([]string, b.N) pages := make([]page.Page, b.N) for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { pagePaths[i] = fmt.Sprintf("page%d.md", r.Intn(100)) pages[i] = allPages[r.Intn(len(allPages)/3)] } b.ResetTimer() for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { page, _ := s.getPage(pages[i], pagePaths[i]) c.Assert(page, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) } }) } type getPageTest struct { name string kind string context page.Page pathVariants []string expectedTitle string } func (t *getPageTest) check(p page.Page, err error, errorMsg string, c *qt.C) { c.Helper() errorComment := qt.Commentf(errorMsg) switch t.kind { case "Ambiguous": c.Assert(err, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) c.Assert(p, qt.IsNil, errorComment) case "NoPage": c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) c.Assert(p, qt.IsNil, errorComment) default: c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil, errorComment) c.Assert(p, qt.Not(qt.IsNil), errorComment) c.Assert(p.Kind(), qt.Equals, t.kind, errorComment) c.Assert(p.Title(), qt.Equals, t.expectedTitle, errorComment) } } func TestGetPage(t *testing.T) { var ( cfg, fs = newTestCfg() c = qt.New(t) ) configs, err := loadTestConfigFromProvider(cfg) c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) pc := func(title string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(pageCollectionsPageTemplate, title) } for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { for j := 0; j < 10; j++ { content := pc(fmt.Sprintf("Title%d_%d", i, j)) writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", fmt.Sprintf("sect%d", i), fmt.Sprintf("page%d.md", j)), content) } } content := pc("home page") writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "_index.md"), content) content = pc("about page") writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "about.md"), content) content = pc("section 3") writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect3", "_index.md"), content) writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect3", "unique.md"), pc("UniqueBase")) writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect3", "Unique2.md"), pc("UniqueBase2")) content = pc("another sect7") writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect3", "sect7", "_index.md"), content) content = pc("deep page") writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect3", "subsect", "deep.md"), content) // Bundle variants writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect3", "b1", "index.md"), pc("b1 bundle")) writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect3", "index", "index.md"), pc("index bundle")) writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "section_bundle_overlap", "_index.md"), pc("index overlap section")) writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "section_bundle_overlap_bundle", "index.md"), pc("index overlap bundle")) s := buildSingleSite(t, deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Configs: configs}, BuildCfg{SkipRender: true}) sec3, err := s.getPage(nil, "/sect3") c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) c.Assert(sec3, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) tests := []getPageTest{ // legacy content root relative paths {"Root relative, no slash, home", kinds.KindHome, nil, []string{""}, "home page"}, {"Root relative, no slash, root page", kinds.KindPage, nil, []string{"about.md", "ABOUT.md"}, "about page"}, {"Root relative, no slash, section", kinds.KindSection, nil, []string{"sect3"}, "section 3"}, {"Root relative, no slash, section page", kinds.KindPage, nil, []string{"sect3/page1.md"}, "Title3_1"}, {"Root relative, no slash, sub section", kinds.KindSection, nil, []string{"sect3/sect7"}, "another sect7"}, {"Root relative, no slash, nested page", kinds.KindPage, nil, []string{"sect3/subsect/deep.md"}, "deep page"}, {"Root relative, no slash, OS slashes", kinds.KindPage, nil, []string{filepath.FromSlash("sect5/page3.md")}, "Title5_3"}, {"Short ref, unique", kinds.KindPage, nil, []string{"unique.md", "unique"}, "UniqueBase"}, {"Short ref, unique, upper case", kinds.KindPage, nil, []string{"Unique2.md", "unique2.md", "unique2"}, "UniqueBase2"}, {"Short ref, ambiguous", "Ambiguous", nil, []string{"page1.md"}, ""}, // ISSUE: This is an ambiguous ref, but because we have to support the legacy // content root relative paths without a leading slash, the lookup // returns /sect7. This undermines ambiguity detection, but we have no choice. //{"Ambiguous", nil, []string{"sect7"}, ""}, {"Section, ambiguous", kinds.KindSection, nil, []string{"sect7"}, "Sect7s"}, {"Absolute, home", kinds.KindHome, nil, []string{"/", ""}, "home page"}, {"Absolute, page", kinds.KindPage, nil, []string{"/about.md", "/about"}, "about page"}, {"Absolute, sect", kinds.KindSection, nil, []string{"/sect3"}, "section 3"}, {"Absolute, page in subsection", kinds.KindPage, nil, []string{"/sect3/page1.md", "/Sect3/Page1.md"}, "Title3_1"}, {"Absolute, section, subsection with same name", kinds.KindSection, nil, []string{"/sect3/sect7"}, "another sect7"}, {"Absolute, page, deep", kinds.KindPage, nil, []string{"/sect3/subsect/deep.md"}, "deep page"}, {"Absolute, page, OS slashes", kinds.KindPage, nil, []string{filepath.FromSlash("/sect5/page3.md")}, "Title5_3"}, // test OS-specific path {"Absolute, unique", kinds.KindPage, nil, []string{"/sect3/unique.md"}, "UniqueBase"}, {"Absolute, unique, case", kinds.KindPage, nil, []string{"/sect3/Unique2.md", "/sect3/unique2.md", "/sect3/unique2", "/sect3/Unique2"}, "UniqueBase2"}, // next test depends on this page existing // {"NoPage", nil, []string{"/unique.md"}, ""}, // ISSUE #4969: this is resolving to /sect3/unique.md {"Absolute, missing page", "NoPage", nil, []string{"/missing-page.md"}, ""}, {"Absolute, missing section", "NoPage", nil, []string{"/missing-section"}, ""}, // relative paths {"Dot relative, home", kinds.KindHome, sec3, []string{".."}, "home page"}, {"Dot relative, home, slash", kinds.KindHome, sec3, []string{"../"}, "home page"}, {"Dot relative about", kinds.KindPage, sec3, []string{"../about.md"}, "about page"}, {"Dot", kinds.KindSection, sec3, []string{"."}, "section 3"}, {"Dot slash", kinds.KindSection, sec3, []string{"./"}, "section 3"}, {"Page relative, no dot", kinds.KindPage, sec3, []string{"page1.md"}, "Title3_1"}, {"Page relative, dot", kinds.KindPage, sec3, []string{"./page1.md"}, "Title3_1"}, {"Up and down another section", kinds.KindPage, sec3, []string{"../sect4/page2.md"}, "Title4_2"}, {"Rel sect7", kinds.KindSection, sec3, []string{"sect7"}, "another sect7"}, {"Rel sect7 dot", kinds.KindSection, sec3, []string{"./sect7"}, "another sect7"}, {"Dot deep", kinds.KindPage, sec3, []string{"./subsect/deep.md"}, "deep page"}, {"Dot dot inner", kinds.KindPage, sec3, []string{"./subsect/../../sect7/page9.md"}, "Title7_9"}, {"Dot OS slash", kinds.KindPage, sec3, []string{filepath.FromSlash("../sect5/page3.md")}, "Title5_3"}, // test OS-specific path {"Dot unique", kinds.KindPage, sec3, []string{"./unique.md"}, "UniqueBase"}, {"Dot sect", "NoPage", sec3, []string{"./sect2"}, ""}, //{"NoPage", sec3, []string{"sect2"}, ""}, // ISSUE: /sect3 page relative query is resolving to /sect2 {"Abs, ignore context, home", kinds.KindHome, sec3, []string{"/"}, "home page"}, {"Abs, ignore context, about", kinds.KindPage, sec3, []string{"/about.md"}, "about page"}, {"Abs, ignore context, page in section", kinds.KindPage, sec3, []string{"/sect4/page2.md"}, "Title4_2"}, {"Abs, ignore context, page subsect deep", kinds.KindPage, sec3, []string{"/sect3/subsect/deep.md"}, "deep page"}, // next test depends on this page existing {"Abs, ignore context, page deep", "NoPage", sec3, []string{"/subsect/deep.md"}, ""}, // Taxonomies {"Taxonomy term", kinds.KindTaxonomy, nil, []string{"categories"}, "Categories"}, {"Taxonomy", kinds.KindTerm, nil, []string{"categories/hugo", "categories/Hugo"}, "Hugo"}, // Bundle variants {"Bundle regular", kinds.KindPage, nil, []string{"sect3/b1", "sect3/b1/index.md", "sect3/b1/index.en.md"}, "b1 bundle"}, {"Bundle index name", kinds.KindPage, nil, []string{"sect3/index/index.md", "sect3/index"}, "index bundle"}, // https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/7301 {"Section and bundle overlap", kinds.KindPage, nil, []string{"section_bundle_overlap_bundle"}, "index overlap bundle"}, } for _, test := range tests { c.Run(test.name, func(c *qt.C) { errorMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Test case %v %v -> %s", test.context, test.pathVariants, test.expectedTitle) // test legacy public Site.GetPage (which does not support page context relative queries) if test.context == nil { for _, ref := range test.pathVariants { args := append([]string{test.kind}, ref) page, err := s.GetPage(args...) test.check(page, err, errorMsg, c) } } // test new internal Site.getPage for _, ref := range test.pathVariants { page2, err := s.getPage(test.context, ref) test.check(page2, err, errorMsg, c) } }) } } // #11664 func TestGetPageIndexIndex(t *testing.T) { files := ` -- hugo.toml -- disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"] -- content/mysect/index/index.md -- --- title: "Mysect Index" --- -- layouts/index.html -- GetPage 1: {{ with site.GetPage "mysect/index/index.md" }}{{ .Title }}|{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ .Path }}{{ end }}| GetPage 2: {{ with site.GetPage "mysect/index" }}{{ .Title }}|{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ .Path }}{{ end }}| ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", "GetPage 1: Mysect Index|/mysect/index/|/mysect/index|", "GetPage 2: Mysect Index|/mysect/index/|/mysect/index|", ) } // https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/6034 func TestGetPageRelative(t *testing.T) { b := newTestSitesBuilder(t) for i, section := range []string{"what", "where", "who"} { isDraft := i == 2 b.WithContent( section+"/_index.md", fmt.Sprintf("---title: %s\n---", section), section+"/members.md", fmt.Sprintf("---title: members %s\ndraft: %t\n---", section, isDraft), ) } b.WithTemplates("_default/list.html", ` {{ with .GetPage "members.md" }} Members: {{ .Title }} {{ else }} NOT FOUND {{ end }} `) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.AssertFileContent("public/what/index.html", `Members: members what`) b.AssertFileContent("public/where/index.html", `Members: members where`) b.AssertFileContent("public/who/index.html", `NOT FOUND`) } func TestGetPageIssue11883(t *testing.T) { files := ` -- hugo.toml -- -- p1/index.md -- --- title: p1 --- -- p1/p1.xyz -- xyz. -- layouts/index.html -- Home. {{ with .Page.GetPage "p1.xyz" }}{{ else }}OK 1{{ end }} {{ with .Site.GetPage "p1.xyz" }}{{ else }}OK 2{{ end }} ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", "Home. OK 1 OK 2") } func TestGetPageIssue12120(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() files := ` -- hugo.toml -- disableKinds = ['home','rss','section','sitemap','taxonomy','term'] -- content/s1/p1/index.md -- --- title: p1 layout: p1 --- -- content/s1/p2.md -- --- title: p2 layout: p2 --- -- layouts/_default/p1.html -- {{ (.GetPage "p2.md").Title }}| -- layouts/_default/p2.html -- {{ (.GetPage "p1").Title }}| ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/s1/p1/index.html", "p2") // failing test b.AssertFileContent("public/s1/p2/index.html", "p1") } func TestGetPageNewsVsTagsNewsIssue12638(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() files := ` -- hugo.toml -- disableKinds = ['rss','section','sitemap'] [taxonomies] tag = "tags" -- content/p1.md -- --- title: p1 tags: [news] --- -- layouts/index.html -- /tags/news: {{ with .Site.GetPage "/tags/news" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| news: {{ with .Site.GetPage "news" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| /news: {{ with .Site.GetPage "/news" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", "/tags/news: News|", "news: News|", "/news: |", ) } func TestGetPageBundleToRegular(t *testing.T) { files := ` -- hugo.toml -- -- content/s1/p1/index.md -- --- title: p1 --- -- content/s1/p2.md -- --- title: p2 --- -- layouts/_default/single.html -- {{ with .GetPage "p2" }} OK: {{ .LinkTitle }} {{ else }} Unable to get p2. {{ end }} ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/s1/p1/index.html", "OK: p2") b.AssertFileContent("public/s1/p2/index.html", "OK: p2") } func TestPageGetPageVariations(t *testing.T) { files := ` -- hugo.toml -- -- content/s1/_index.md -- --- title: s1 section --- -- content/s1/p1/index.md -- --- title: p1 --- -- content/s1/p2.md -- --- title: p2 --- -- content/s2/p3/index.md -- --- title: p3 --- -- content/p2.md -- --- title: p2_root --- -- layouts/index.html -- /s1: {{ with .GetPage "/s1" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| /s1/: {{ with .GetPage "/s1/" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| /s1/p2.md: {{ with .GetPage "/s1/p2.md" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| /s1/p2: {{ with .GetPage "/s1/p2" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| /s1/p1/index.md: {{ with .GetPage "/s1/p1/index.md" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| /s1/p1: {{ with .GetPage "/s1/p1" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| -- layouts/_default/single.html -- ../p2: {{ with .GetPage "../p2" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| ../p2.md: {{ with .GetPage "../p2.md" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| p1/index.md: {{ with .GetPage "p1/index.md" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| ../s2/p3/index.md: {{ with .GetPage "../s2/p3/index.md" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", ` /s1: s1 section| /s1/: s1 section| /s1/p2.md: p2| /s1/p2: p2| /s1/p1/index.md: p1| /s1/p1: p1| `) b.AssertFileContent("public/s1/p1/index.html", ` ../p2: p2_root| ../p2.md: p2| `) b.AssertFileContent("public/s1/p2/index.html", ` ../p2: p2_root| ../p2.md: p2_root| p1/index.md: p1| ../s2/p3/index.md: p3| `) } func TestPageGetPageMountsReverseLookup(t *testing.T) { tempDir := t.TempDir() files := ` -- README.md -- --- title: README --- -- blog/b1.md -- --- title: b1 --- {{< ref "../docs/d1.md" >}} -- blog/b2/index.md -- --- title: b2 --- {{< ref "../../docs/d1.md" >}} -- docs/d1.md -- --- title: d1 --- -- hugo.toml -- baseURL = "https://example.com/" [module] [[module.mounts]] source = "layouts" target = "layouts" [[module.mounts]] source = "README.md" target = "content/_index.md" [[module.mounts]] source = "blog" target = "content/posts" [[module.mounts]] source = "docs" target = "content/mydocs" -- layouts/shortcodes/ref.html -- {{ $ref := .Get 0 }} .Page.GetPage({{ $ref }}).Title: {{ with .Page.GetPage $ref }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| -- layouts/index.html -- Home. /blog/b1.md: {{ with .GetPage "/blog/b1.md" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| /blog/b2/index.md: {{ with .GetPage "/blog/b2/index.md" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| /docs/d1.md: {{ with .GetPage "/docs/d1.md" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| /README.md: {{ with .GetPage "/README.md" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| -- layouts/_default/single.html -- Single. /README.md: {{ with .GetPage "/README.md" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }}| {{ .Content }} ` b := Test(t, files, TestOptWithConfig(func(cfg *IntegrationTestConfig) { cfg.WorkingDir = tempDir })) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", ` /blog/b1.md: b1| /blog/b2/index.md: b2| /docs/d1.md: d1| /README.md: README `, ) b.AssertFileContent("public/mydocs/d1/index.html", `README.md: README|`) b.AssertFileContent("public/posts/b1/index.html", `.Page.GetPage(../docs/d1.md).Title: d1|`) b.AssertFileContent("public/posts/b2/index.html", `.Page.GetPage(../../docs/d1.md).Title: d1|`) } // https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/7016 func TestGetPageMultilingual(t *testing.T) { b := newTestSitesBuilder(t) b.WithConfigFile("yaml", ` baseURL: "http://example.org/" languageCode: "en-us" defaultContentLanguage: ru title: "My New Hugo Site" uglyurls: true languages: ru: {} en: {} `) b.WithContent( "docs/1.md", "\n---title: p1\n---", "news/1.md", "\n---title: p1\n---", "news/1.en.md", "\n---title: p1en\n---", "news/about/1.md", "\n---title: about1\n---", "news/about/1.en.md", "\n---title: about1en\n---", ) b.WithTemplates("index.html", ` {{ with site.GetPage "docs/1" }} Docs p1: {{ .Title }} {{ else }} NOT FOUND {{ end }} `) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", `Docs p1: p1`) b.AssertFileContent("public/en/index.html", `NOT FOUND`) } func TestRegularPagesRecursive(t *testing.T) { b := newTestSitesBuilder(t) b.WithConfigFile("yaml", ` baseURL: "http://example.org/" title: "My New Hugo Site" `) b.WithContent( "docs/1.md", "\n---title: docs1\n---", "docs/sect1/_index.md", "\n---title: docs_sect1\n---", "docs/sect1/ps1.md", "\n---title: docs_sect1_ps1\n---", "docs/sect1/ps2.md", "\n---title: docs_sect1_ps2\n---", "docs/sect1/sect1_s2/_index.md", "\n---title: docs_sect1_s2\n---", "docs/sect1/sect1_s2/ps2_1.md", "\n---title: docs_sect1_s2_1\n---", "docs/sect2/_index.md", "\n---title: docs_sect2\n---", "docs/sect2/ps1.md", "\n---title: docs_sect2_ps1\n---", "docs/sect2/ps2.md", "\n---title: docs_sect2_ps2\n---", "news/1.md", "\n---title: news1\n---", ) b.WithTemplates("index.html", ` {{ $sect1 := site.GetPage "sect1" }} Sect1 RegularPagesRecursive: {{ range $sect1.RegularPagesRecursive }}{{ .Kind }}:{{ .RelPermalink}}|{{ end }}|End. `) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", ` Sect1 RegularPagesRecursive: page:/docs/sect1/ps1/|page:/docs/sect1/ps2/|page:/docs/sect1/sect1_s2/ps2_1/||End. `) } func TestRegularPagesRecursiveHome(t *testing.T) { files := ` -- hugo.toml -- -- content/p1.md -- -- content/post/p2.md -- -- layouts/index.html -- RegularPagesRecursive: {{ range .RegularPagesRecursive }}{{ .Kind }}:{{ .RelPermalink}}|{{ end }}|End. ` b := NewIntegrationTestBuilder( IntegrationTestConfig{ T: t, TxtarString: files, }).Build() b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", `RegularPagesRecursive: page:/p1/|page:/post/p2/||End.`) } // Issue #12169. func TestPagesSimilarSectionNames(t *testing.T) { files := ` -- hugo.toml -- -- content/draftsection/_index.md -- --- draft: true --- -- content/draftsection/sub/_index.md --got -- content/draftsection/sub/d1.md -- -- content/s1/_index.md -- -- content/s1/p1.md -- -- content/s1-foo/_index.md -- -- content/s1-foo/p2.md -- -- content/s1-foo/s2/_index.md -- -- content/s1-foo/s2/p3.md -- -- content/s1-foo/s2-foo/_index.md -- -- content/s1-foo/s2-foo/p4.md -- -- layouts/_default/list.html -- {{ .RelPermalink }}: Pages: {{ range .Pages }}{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ end }}$ ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", "/: Pages: /s1-foo/|/s1/|$") b.AssertFileContent("public/s1/index.html", "/s1/: Pages: /s1/p1/|$") b.AssertFileContent("public/s1-foo/index.html", "/s1-foo/: Pages: /s1-foo/p2/|/s1-foo/s2-foo/|/s1-foo/s2/|$") b.AssertFileContent("public/s1-foo/s2/index.html", "/s1-foo/s2/: Pages: /s1-foo/s2/p3/|$") } func TestGetPageContentAdapterBaseIssue12561(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() files := ` -- hugo.toml -- disableKinds = ['rss','section','sitemap','taxonomy','term'] -- layouts/index.html -- Test A: {{ (site.GetPage "/s1/p1").Title }} Test B: {{ (site.GetPage "p1").Title }} Test C: {{ (site.GetPage "/s2/p2").Title }} Test D: {{ (site.GetPage "p2").Title }} -- layouts/_default/single.html -- {{ .Title }} -- content/s1/p1.md -- --- title: p1 --- -- content/s2/_content.gotmpl -- {{ .AddPage (dict "path" "p2" "title" "p2") }} ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileExists("public/s1/p1/index.html", true) b.AssertFileExists("public/s2/p2/index.html", true) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", "Test A: p1", "Test B: p1", "Test C: p2", "Test D: p2", // fails ) }