--- aliases: - /doc/redirects/ - /doc/alias/ - /doc/aliases/ date: 2013-07-09 menu: main: parent: extras next: /extras/builders prev: /taxonomies/ordering title: Aliases weight: 10 --- For people migrating existing published content to Hugo, there's a good chance you need a mechanism to handle redirecting old URLs. Luckily, this can be handled easily with aliases in Hugo. ## Example **content/posts/my-awesome-blog-post.md**
    - /posts/my-original-url/
    - /2010/even-earlier-url.html
aliases = [
Now when you go to any of the aliases locations, they will redirect to the page. ## Important Behaviors 1. *Hugo makes no assumptions about aliases. They also don't change based on your UglyUrls setting. You need to provide absolute path to your webroot and the complete filename or directory.* 2. *Aliases are rendered prior to any content and will be overwritten by any content with the same location.*