--- title: path.Join description: Replaces path separators with slashes (`/`), joins the given path elements into a single path, and returns the shortest path name equivalent to the result. categories: [] keywords: [] action: aliases: [] related: - functions/path/Base - functions/path/BaseName - functions/path/Clean - functions/path/Dir - functions/path/Ext - functions/path/Split - functions/urls/JoinPath returnType: string signatures: [path.Join ELEMENT...] aliases: [/functions/path.join] --- See Go's [`path.Join`] and [`path.Clean`] documentation for details. [`path.Clean`]: https://pkg.go.dev/path#Clean [`path.Join`]: https://pkg.go.dev/path#Join ```go-html-template {{ path.Join "partial" "news.html" }} → partial/news.html {{ path.Join "partial/" "news.html" }} → partial/news.html {{ path.Join "foo/bar" "baz" }} → foo/bar/baz {{ path.Join "foo" "bar" "baz" }} → foo/bar/baz {{ path.Join "foo" "" "baz" }} → foo/baz {{ path.Join "foo" "." "baz" }} → foo/baz {{ path.Join "foo" ".." "baz" }} → baz {{ path.Join "/.." "foo" ".." "baz" }} → baz ```