func TestStripHTML(t *testing.T) {
type test struct {
input, expected string
data := []test{
strip h1 tag
", "strip h1 tag "},
strip p tag
", " strip p tag \n"},
{" strip br ", " strip br\n"},
{" strip br2 ", " strip br2\n"},
{"This is a\nnewline", "This is a newline"},
for i, d := range data {
output := StripHTML(d.input)
if d.expected != output {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected %q got %q", i, d.expected, output)
func BenchmarkStripHTML(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
func TestStripEmptyNav(t *testing.T) {
cleaned := StripEmptyNav([]byte("do\n\nbedobedo"))
assert.Equal(t, []byte("dobedobedo"), cleaned)
func TestBytesToHTML(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, template.HTML("dobedobedo"), BytesToHTML([]byte("dobedobedo")))
func TestTruncateWordsToWholeSentence(t *testing.T) {
type test struct {
input, expected string
max int
truncated bool
data := []test{
{"a b c", "a b c", 12, false},
{"a b c", "a b c", 3, false},
{"a", "a", 1, false},
{"Hello 中国", "Hello 中", 2, true},
{"Hello 中国", "Hello 中国", 3, false},
{"This is a sentence.", "This is a sentence.", 5, false},
{"This is also a sentence!", "This is also a sentence!", 1, false},
{"To be. Or not to be. That's the question.", "To be.", 1, true},
{" \nThis is not a sentence\n ", "This is not a", 4, true},
for i, d := range data {
output, truncated := TruncateWordsToWholeSentence(strings.Fields(d.input), d.max)
if d.expected != output {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected %q got %q", i, d.expected, output)
if d.truncated != truncated {
t.Errorf("Test %d failed. Expected truncated=%t got %t", i, d.truncated, truncated)