{{- /* Renders syntax-highlighted configuration data in JSON, TOML, and YAML formats. @param {string} [config] The section of site.Data.docs.config to render. @param {bool} [copy=true] If true, display a copy to clipboard button. @param {string} [file] The file name to display above the rendered code. @param {bool} [fm=false] If true, render the code as front matter. @param {bool} [skipHeader=false] If false, omit top level key(s) when rendering a section of site.Data.docs.config. @returns {template.HTML} */}} {{- /* Initialize. */}} {{- $config := "" }} {{- $dataKey := "" }} {{- $copy := true }} {{- $file := "" }} {{- $fm := false }} {{- $skipHeader := false }} {{- /* Get parameters. */}} {{- $config = .Get "config" }} {{- $dataKey = .Get "dataKey" }} {{- $file = .Get "file" }} {{- if in (slice "false" false 0) (.Get "copy") }} {{- $copy = false }} {{- else if in (slice "true" true 1) (.Get "copy") }} {{- $copy = true }} {{- end }} {{- if in (slice "false" false 0) (.Get "fm") }} {{- $fm = false }} {{- else if in (slice "true" true 1) (.Get "fm") }} {{- $fm = true }} {{- end }} {{- if in (slice "false" false 0) (.Get "skipHeader") }} {{- $skipHeader = false }} {{- else if in (slice "true" true 1) (.Get "skipHeader") }} {{- $skipHeader = true }} {{- end }} {{- /* Define constants. */}} {{- $delimiters := dict "toml" "+++" "yaml" "---" }} {{- $langs := slice "yaml" "toml" "json" }} {{- $placeHolder := "#-hugo-placeholder-#" }} {{- /* Render. */}} {{- $code := "" }} {{- if $config }} {{- $file = $file | default "hugo" }} {{- $sections := (split $config ".") }} {{- $configSection := index $.Site.Data.docs.config $sections }} {{- $code = dict $sections $configSection }} {{- if $skipHeader }} {{- $code = $configSection }} {{- end }} {{- else if $dataKey }} {{- $file = $file | default $dataKey }} {{- $sections := (split $dataKey ".") }} {{- $code = index $.Site.Data.docs $sections }} {{- else }} {{- $code = $.Inner }} {{- end }} <div class="code relative" {{ with $file }}id="{{ . | urlize }}"{{ end }}> <div class="code-nav flex flex-nowrap items-stretch"> {{- with $file }} <div class="san-serif f6 dib lh-solid pl2 pv2 mr2"> {{ . }}{{ if not $fm }}.{{ end }} </div> {{- end }} {{- range $langs }} <button data-toggle-tab="{{ . }}" class="tab-button {{ cond (eq . "yaml") "active" "" }} ba san-serif f6 dib lh-solid ph2 pv2"> {{ . }} </button> {{- end }} </div> <div class="tab-content"> {{- range $langs }} <div data-pane="{{ . }}" class="code-copy-content nt3 tab-pane {{ cond (eq . "yaml") "active" "" }}"> {{- $hCode := $code | transform.Remarshal . }} {{- if and $fm (in (slice "toml" "yaml") .) }} {{- $hCode = printf "%s\n%s\n%s" $placeHolder $hCode $placeHolder }} {{- end }} {{- $hCode = $hCode | replaceRE `\n+` "\n" }} {{ highlight $hCode . "" | replaceRE $placeHolder (index $delimiters .) | safeHTML }} </div> {{- if $copy }} <button class="needs-js copy copy-toggle bg-accent-color-dark f6 absolute top-0 right-0 lh-solid hover-bg-primary-color-dark bn white ph3 pv2" title="Copy this code to your clipboard." data-clipboard-action="copy" aria-label="copy button"></button> {{- /* Functionality located within filesaver.js The copy here is located in the css with .copy class so it can be replaced with JS on success */}} {{- end }} {{- end }} </div> </div>