--- title: Round description: Returns the result of rounding TIME to the nearest multiple of DURATION since January 1, 0001, 00:00:00 UTC. categories: [] keywords: [] action: related: - functions/time/AsTime - functions/time/ParseDuration - methods/time/Truncate returnType: time.Time signatures: [TIME.Round DURATION] --- The rounding behavior for halfway values is to round up. The `Round` method operates on TIME as an absolute duration since the [zero time]; it does not operate on the presentation form of the time. If DURATION is a multiple of one hour, `Round` may return a time with a non-zero minute, depending on the time zone. ```go-html-template {{ $t := time.AsTime "2023-01-27T23:44:58-08:00" }} {{ $d := time.ParseDuration "1h"}} {{ ($t.Round $d).Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05-00:00" }} → 2023-01-28T00:00:00-00:00 ``` [zero time]: /getting-started/glossary/#zero-time