--- title: absLangURL description: Adds the absolute URL with correct language prefix according to site configuration for multilingual. godocref: date: 2017-02-01 publishdate: 2017-02-01 lastmod: 2017-02-01 categories: [functions] menu: docs: parent: "functions" #tags: [multilingual,i18n,urls] signature: ["absLangURL INPUT"] workson: [] hugoversion: relatedfuncs: [relLangURL] deprecated: false aliases: [] --- Both `absLangURL` and [`relLangURL`](/functions/rellangurl/) are similar to their [`absURL`](/functions/absurl/) and [`relURL`](/functions/relurl) relatives but will add the correct language prefix when the site is configured with more than one language. So for a site `baseURL` set to `http://yoursite.com/hugo/` and the current language is `en`: ```golang {{ "blog/" | absLangURL }} → "http://yoursite.com/hugo/en/blog/" {{ "blog/" | relLangURL }} → "/hugo/en/blog/" ```