// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package hugolib import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "testing" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/loggers" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/config" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/helpers" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/hugofs" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/resources/kinds" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/resources/page" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/htesting" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/deps" qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest" ) func TestPageBundlerBundleInRoot(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() files := ` -- hugo.toml -- baseURL = "https://example.com" disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"] -- content/root/index.md -- --- title: "Root" --- -- layouts/_default/single.html -- Basic: {{ .Title }}|{{ .Kind }}|{{ .BundleType }}|{{ .RelPermalink }}| Tree: Section: {{ .Section }}|CurrentSection: {{ .CurrentSection.RelPermalink }}|Parent: {{ .Parent.RelPermalink }}|FirstSection: {{ .FirstSection.RelPermalink }} ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/root/index.html", "Basic: Root|page|leaf|/root/|", "Tree: Section: |CurrentSection: /|Parent: /|FirstSection: /", ) } func TestPageBundlerShortcodeInBundledPage(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() files := ` -- hugo.toml -- baseURL = "https://example.com" disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"] -- content/section/mybundle/index.md -- --- title: "Mybundle" --- -- content/section/mybundle/p1.md -- --- title: "P1" --- P1 content. {{< myShort >}} -- layouts/_default/single.html -- Bundled page: {{ .RelPermalink}}|{{ with .Resources.Get "p1.md" }}Title: {{ .Title }}|Content: {{ .Content }}{{ end }}| -- layouts/shortcodes/myShort.html -- MyShort. ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/section/mybundle/index.html", "Bundled page: /section/mybundle/|Title: P1|Content:
P1 content.
\nMyShort.", ) } func TestPageBundlerResourceMultipleOutputFormatsWithDifferentPaths(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() files := ` -- hugo.toml -- baseURL = "https://example.com" disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"] [outputformats] [outputformats.cpath] mediaType = "text/html" path = "cpath" -- content/section/mybundle/index.md -- --- title: "My Bundle" outputs: ["html", "cpath"] --- -- content/section/mybundle/hello.txt -- Hello. -- content/section/mybundle/p1.md -- --- title: "P1" --- P1. {{< hello >}} -- layouts/shortcodes/hello.html -- Hello HTML. -- layouts/_default/single.html -- Basic: {{ .Title }}|{{ .Kind }}|{{ .BundleType }}|{{ .RelPermalink }}| Resources: {{ range .Resources }}RelPermalink: {{ .RelPermalink }}|Content: {{ .Content }}|{{ end }}| -- layouts/shortcodes/hello.cpath -- Hello CPATH. -- layouts/_default/single.cpath -- Basic: {{ .Title }}|{{ .Kind }}|{{ .BundleType }}|{{ .RelPermalink }}| Resources: {{ range .Resources }}RelPermalink: {{ .RelPermalink }}|Content: {{ .Content }}|{{ end }}| ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/section/mybundle/index.html", "Basic: My Bundle|page|leaf|/section/mybundle/|", "Resources: RelPermalink: |Content:P1.
\nHello HTML.\n|RelPermalink: /section/mybundle/hello.txt|Content: Hello.||", ) b.AssertFileContent("public/cpath/section/mybundle/index.html", "Basic: My Bundle|page|leaf|/section/mybundle/|\nResources: RelPermalink: |Content:P1.
\nHello CPATH.\n|RelPermalink: /section/mybundle/hello.txt|Content: Hello.||") } func TestPageBundlerMultilingualTextResource(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() files := ` -- hugo.toml -- baseURL = "https://example.com" disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"] defaultContentLanguage = "en" defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true [languages] [languages.en] weight = 1 [languages.en.permalinks] "/" = "/enpages/:slug/" [languages.nn] weight = 2 -- content/mybundle/index.md -- --- title: "My Bundle" --- -- content/mybundle/index.nn.md -- --- title: "My Bundle NN" --- -- content/mybundle/f1.txt -- F1 -- content/mybundle/f2.txt -- F2 -- content/mybundle/f2.nn.txt -- F2 nn. -- layouts/_default/single.html -- {{ .Title }}|{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ .Lang }}| Resources: {{ range .Resources }}RelPermalink: {{ .RelPermalink }}|Content: {{ .Content }}|{{ end }}| ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/en/enpages/my-bundle/index.html", "My Bundle|/en/enpages/my-bundle/|en|\nResources: RelPermalink: /en/enpages/my-bundle/f1.txt|Content: F1|RelPermalink: /en/enpages/my-bundle/f2.txt|Content: F2||") b.AssertFileContent("public/nn/mybundle/index.html", "My Bundle NN|/nn/mybundle/|nn|\nResources: RelPermalink: /en/enpages/my-bundle/f1.txt|Content: F1|RelPermalink: /nn/mybundle/f2.nn.txt|Content: F2 nn.||") } func TestMultilingualDisableLanguage(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() files := ` -- hugo.toml -- baseURL = "https://example.com" disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"] defaultContentLanguage = "en" defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true [languages] [languages.en] weight = 1 [languages.nn] weight = 2 disabled = true -- content/mysect/_index.md -- --- title: "My Sect En" --- -- content/mysect/p1/index.md -- --- title: "P1" --- P1 -- content/mysect/_index.nn.md -- --- title: "My Sect Nn" --- -- content/mysect/p1/index.nn.md -- --- title: "P1nn" --- P1nn -- layouts/index.html -- Len RegularPages: {{ len .Site.RegularPages }}|RegularPages: {{ range site.RegularPages }}{{ .RelPermalink }}: {{ .Title }}|{{ end }}| Len Pages: {{ len .Site.Pages }}| Len Sites: {{ len .Site.Sites }}| -- layouts/_default/single.html -- {{ .Title }}|{{ .Content }}|{{ .Lang }}| ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/en/index.html", "Len RegularPages: 1|") b.AssertFileContent("public/en/mysect/p1/index.html", "P1|P1
\n|en|") b.AssertFileExists("public/public/nn/mysect/p1/index.html", false) b.Assert(len(b.H.Sites), qt.Equals, 1) } func TestPageBundlerHeadless(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() cfg, fs := newTestCfg() c := qt.New(t) workDir := "/work" cfg.Set("workingDir", workDir) cfg.Set("contentDir", "base") cfg.Set("baseURL", "https://example.com") configs, err := loadTestConfigFromProvider(cfg) c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) pageContent := `--- title: "Bundle Galore" slug: s1 date: 2017-01-23 --- TheContent. {{< myShort >}} ` writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join(workDir, "layouts", "_default", "single.html"), "single {{ .Content }}") writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join(workDir, "layouts", "_default", "list.html"), "list") writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join(workDir, "layouts", "shortcodes", "myShort.html"), "SHORTCODE") writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join(workDir, "base", "a", "index.md"), pageContent) writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join(workDir, "base", "a", "l1.png"), "PNG image") writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join(workDir, "base", "a", "l2.png"), "PNG image") writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join(workDir, "base", "b", "index.md"), `--- title: "Headless Bundle in Topless Bar" slug: s2 headless: true date: 2017-01-23 --- TheContent. HEADLESS {{< myShort >}} `) writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join(workDir, "base", "b", "l1.png"), "PNG image") writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join(workDir, "base", "b", "l2.png"), "PNG image") writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join(workDir, "base", "b", "p1.md"), pageContent) s := buildSingleSite(t, deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Configs: configs}, BuildCfg{}) c.Assert(len(s.RegularPages()), qt.Equals, 1) regular := s.getPageOldVersion(kinds.KindPage, "a/index") c.Assert(regular.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "/s1/") headless := s.getPageOldVersion(kinds.KindPage, "b/index") c.Assert(headless, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) c.Assert(headless.Title(), qt.Equals, "Headless Bundle in Topless Bar") c.Assert(headless.RelPermalink(), qt.Equals, "") c.Assert(headless.Permalink(), qt.Equals, "") c.Assert(content(headless), qt.Contains, "HEADLESS SHORTCODE") headlessResources := headless.Resources() c.Assert(len(headlessResources), qt.Equals, 3) res := headlessResources.Match("l*") c.Assert(len(res), qt.Equals, 2) pageResource := headlessResources.GetMatch("p*") c.Assert(pageResource, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) p := pageResource.(page.Page) c.Assert(content(p), qt.Contains, "SHORTCODE") c.Assert(p.Name(), qt.Equals, "p1.md") th := newTestHelper(s.conf, s.Fs, t) th.assertFileContent(filepath.FromSlash("public/s1/index.html"), "TheContent") th.assertFileContent(filepath.FromSlash("public/s1/l1.png"), "PNG") th.assertFileNotExist("public/s2/index.html") // But the bundled resources needs to be published th.assertFileContent(filepath.FromSlash("public/s2/l1.png"), "PNG") // No headless bundles here, please. // https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/6492 c.Assert(s.RegularPages(), qt.HasLen, 1) c.Assert(s.Pages(), qt.HasLen, 4) c.Assert(s.home.RegularPages(), qt.HasLen, 1) c.Assert(s.home.Pages(), qt.HasLen, 1) } func TestPageBundlerHeadlessIssue6552(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() b := newTestSitesBuilder(t) b.WithContent("headless/h1/index.md", ` --- title: My Headless Bundle1 headless: true --- `, "headless/h1/p1.md", ` --- title: P1 --- `, "headless/h2/index.md", ` --- title: My Headless Bundle2 headless: true --- `) b.WithTemplatesAdded("index.html", ` {{ $headless1 := .Site.GetPage "headless/h1" }} {{ $headless2 := .Site.GetPage "headless/h2" }} HEADLESS1: {{ $headless1.Title }}|{{ $headless1.RelPermalink }}|{{ len $headless1.Resources }}| HEADLESS2: {{ $headless2.Title }}{{ $headless2.RelPermalink }}|{{ len $headless2.Resources }}| `) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", ` HEADLESS1: My Headless Bundle1||1| HEADLESS2: My Headless Bundle2|0| `) } func TestMultiSiteBundles(t *testing.T) { c := qt.New(t) b := newTestSitesBuilder(t) b.WithConfigFile("toml", ` baseURL = "http://example.com/" defaultContentLanguage = "en" [languages] [languages.en] weight = 10 contentDir = "content/en" [languages.nn] weight = 20 contentDir = "content/nn" `) b.WithContent("en/mybundle/index.md", ` --- headless: true --- `) b.WithContent("nn/mybundle/index.md", ` --- headless: true --- `) b.WithContent("en/mybundle/data.yaml", `data en`) b.WithContent("en/mybundle/forms.yaml", `forms en`) b.WithContent("nn/mybundle/data.yaml", `data nn`) b.WithContent("en/_index.md", ` --- Title: Home --- Home content. `) b.WithContent("en/section-not-bundle/_index.md", ` --- Title: Section Page --- Section content. `) b.WithContent("en/section-not-bundle/single.md", ` --- Title: Section Single Date: 2018-02-01 --- Single content. `) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.AssertFileContent("public/nn/mybundle/data.yaml", "data nn") b.AssertFileContent("public/mybundle/data.yaml", "data en") b.AssertFileContent("public/mybundle/forms.yaml", "forms en") c.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/nn/nn/mybundle/data.yaml"), qt.Equals, false) c.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/en/mybundle/data.yaml"), qt.Equals, false) homeEn := b.H.Sites[0].home c.Assert(homeEn, qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) c.Assert(homeEn.Date().Year(), qt.Equals, 2018) b.AssertFileContent("public/section-not-bundle/index.html", "Section Page", "Content:Section content.
") b.AssertFileContent("public/section-not-bundle/single/index.html", "Section Single", "|Single content.
") } func TestBundledResourcesMultilingualDuplicateResourceFiles(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() files := ` -- hugo.toml -- baseURL = "https://example.com/" [markup] [markup.goldmark] duplicateResourceFiles = true [languages] [languages.en] weight = 1 [languages.en.permalinks] "/" = "/enpages/:slug/" [languages.nn] weight = 2 [languages.nn.permalinks] "/" = "/nnpages/:slug/" -- content/mybundle/index.md -- --- title: "My Bundle" --- {{< getresource "f1.txt" >}} {{< getresource "f2.txt" >}} -- content/mybundle/index.nn.md -- --- title: "My Bundle NN" --- {{< getresource "f1.txt" >}} f2.nn.txt is the original name. {{< getresource "f2.nn.txt" >}} {{< getresource "f2.txt" >}} {{< getresource "sub/f3.txt" >}} -- content/mybundle/f1.txt -- F1 en. -- content/mybundle/sub/f3.txt -- F1 en. -- content/mybundle/f2.txt -- F2 en. -- content/mybundle/f2.nn.txt -- F2 nn. -- layouts/shortcodes/getresource.html -- {{ $r := .Page.Resources.Get (.Get 0)}} Resource: {{ (.Get 0) }}|{{ with $r }}{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ .Content }}|{{ else }}Not found.{{ end}} -- layouts/_default/single.html -- {{ .Title }}|{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ .Lang }}|{{ .Content }}| ` b := Test(t, files) // helpers.PrintFs(b.H.Fs.PublishDir, "", os.Stdout) b.AssertFileContent("public/nn/nnpages/my-bundle-nn/index.html", ` My Bundle NN Resource: f1.txt|/nn/nnpages/my-bundle-nn/f1.txt| Resource: f2.txt|/nn/nnpages/my-bundle-nn/f2.nn.txt|F2 nn.| Resource: f2.nn.txt|/nn/nnpages/my-bundle-nn/f2.nn.txt|F2 nn.| Resource: sub/f3.txt|/nn/nnpages/my-bundle-nn/sub/f3.txt|F1 en.| `) b.AssertFileContent("public/enpages/my-bundle/f2.txt", "F2 en.") b.AssertFileContent("public/nn/nnpages/my-bundle-nn/f2.nn.txt", "F2 nn") b.AssertFileContent("public/enpages/my-bundle/index.html", ` Resource: f1.txt|/enpages/my-bundle/f1.txt|F1 en.| Resource: f2.txt|/enpages/my-bundle/f2.txt|F2 en.| `) b.AssertFileContent("public/enpages/my-bundle/f1.txt", "F1 en.") // Should be duplicated to the nn bundle. b.AssertFileContent("public/nn/nnpages/my-bundle-nn/f1.txt", "F1 en.") } // https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/5858 func TestBundledResourcesWhenMultipleOutputFormats(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() files := ` -- hugo.toml -- baseURL = "https://example.org" disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"] disableLiveReload = true [outputs] # This looks odd, but it triggers the behavior in #5858 # The total output formats list gets sorted, so CSS before HTML. home = [ "CSS" ] -- content/mybundle/index.md -- --- title: Page --- -- content/mybundle/data.json -- MyData -- layouts/_default/single.html -- {{ range .Resources }} {{ .ResourceType }}|{{ .Title }}| {{ end }} ` b := TestRunning(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/mybundle/data.json", "MyData") b.EditFileReplaceAll("content/mybundle/data.json", "MyData", "My changed data").Build() b.AssertFileContent("public/mybundle/data.json", "My changed data") } // https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/5858 // https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/issues/4870 func TestBundleSlug(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() c := qt.New(t) const pageTemplate = `--- title: Title slug: %s --- ` b := newTestSitesBuilder(t) b.WithTemplatesAdded("index.html", `{{ range .Site.RegularPages }}|{{ .RelPermalink }}{{ end }}|`) b.WithSimpleConfigFile(). WithContent("about/services1/misc.md", fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, "this-is-the-slug")). WithContent("about/services2/misc/index.md", fmt.Sprintf(pageTemplate, "this-is-another-slug")) b.CreateSites().Build(BuildCfg{}) b.AssertHome( "|/about/services1/this-is-the-slug/|/", "|/about/services2/this-is-another-slug/|") c.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/about/services1/this-is-the-slug/index.html"), qt.Equals, true) c.Assert(b.CheckExists("public/about/services2/this-is-another-slug/index.html"), qt.Equals, true) } // See #11663 func TestPageBundlerPartialTranslations(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() files := ` -- hugo.toml -- baseURL = "https://example.com" disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"] defaultContentLanguage = "en" defaultContentLanguageInSubDir = true [languages] [languages.nn] weight = 2 [languages.en] weight = 1 -- content/section/mybundle/index.md -- --- title: "Mybundle" --- -- content/section/mybundle/bundledpage.md -- --- title: "Bundled page en" --- -- content/section/mybundle/bundledpage.nn.md -- --- title: "Bundled page nn" --- -- layouts/_default/single.html -- Bundled page: {{ .RelPermalink}}|Len resources: {{ len .Resources }}| ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/en/section/mybundle/index.html", "Bundled page: /en/section/mybundle/|Len resources: 1|", ) b.AssertFileExists("public/nn/section/mybundle/index.html", false) } // #6208 func TestBundleIndexInSubFolder(t *testing.T) { config := ` baseURL = "https://example.com" ` const pageContent = `--- title: %q --- ` createPage := func(s string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(pageContent, s) } b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithConfigFile("toml", config) b.WithLogger(loggers.NewDefault()) b.WithTemplates("_default/single.html", `{{ range .Resources }} {{ .ResourceType }}|{{ .Title }}| {{ end }} `) b.WithContent("bundle/index.md", createPage("bundle index")) b.WithContent("bundle/p1.md", createPage("bundle p1")) b.WithContent("bundle/sub/p2.md", createPage("bundle sub p2")) b.WithContent("bundle/sub/index.md", createPage("bundle sub index")) b.WithContent("bundle/sub/data.json", "data") b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.AssertFileContent("public/bundle/index.html", ` application|sub/data.json| page|bundle p1| page|bundle sub index| page|bundle sub p2| `) } func TestBundleTransformMany(t *testing.T) { b := newTestSitesBuilder(t).WithSimpleConfigFile().Running() for i := 1; i <= 50; i++ { b.WithContent(fmt.Sprintf("bundle%d/index.md", i), fmt.Sprintf(` --- title: "Page" weight: %d --- `, i)) b.WithSourceFile(fmt.Sprintf("content/bundle%d/data.yaml", i), fmt.Sprintf(`data: v%d`, i)) b.WithSourceFile(fmt.Sprintf("content/bundle%d/data.json", i), fmt.Sprintf(`{ "data": "v%d" }`, i)) b.WithSourceFile(fmt.Sprintf("assets/data%d/data.yaml", i), fmt.Sprintf(`vdata: v%d`, i)) } b.WithTemplatesAdded("_default/single.html", ` {{ $bundleYaml := .Resources.GetMatch "*.yaml" }} {{ $bundleJSON := .Resources.GetMatch "*.json" }} {{ $assetsYaml := resources.GetMatch (printf "data%d/*.yaml" .Weight) }} {{ $data1 := $bundleYaml | transform.Unmarshal }} {{ $data2 := $assetsYaml | transform.Unmarshal }} {{ $bundleFingerprinted := $bundleYaml | fingerprint "md5" }} {{ $assetsFingerprinted := $assetsYaml | fingerprint "md5" }} {{ $jsonMin := $bundleJSON | minify }} {{ $jsonMinMin := $jsonMin | minify }} {{ $jsonMinMinMin := $jsonMinMin | minify }} data content unmarshaled: {{ $data1.data }} data assets content unmarshaled: {{ $data2.vdata }} bundle fingerprinted: {{ $bundleFingerprinted.RelPermalink }} assets fingerprinted: {{ $assetsFingerprinted.RelPermalink }} bundle min min min: {{ $jsonMinMinMin.RelPermalink }} bundle min min key: {{ $jsonMinMin.Key }} `) for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { b.Build(BuildCfg{}) for i := 1; i <= 50; i++ { index := fmt.Sprintf("public/bundle%d/index.html", i) b.AssertFileContent(fmt.Sprintf("public/bundle%d/data.yaml", i), fmt.Sprintf("data: v%d", i)) b.AssertFileContent(index, fmt.Sprintf("data content unmarshaled: v%d", i)) b.AssertFileContent(index, fmt.Sprintf("data assets content unmarshaled: v%d", i)) md5Asset := helpers.MD5String(fmt.Sprintf(`vdata: v%d`, i)) b.AssertFileContent(index, fmt.Sprintf("assets fingerprinted: /data%d/data.%s.yaml", i, md5Asset)) // The original is not used, make sure it's not published. b.Assert(b.CheckExists(fmt.Sprintf("public/data%d/data.yaml", i)), qt.Equals, false) md5Bundle := helpers.MD5String(fmt.Sprintf(`data: v%d`, i)) b.AssertFileContent(index, fmt.Sprintf("bundle fingerprinted: /bundle%d/data.%s.yaml", i, md5Bundle)) b.AssertFileContent(index, fmt.Sprintf("bundle min min min: /bundle%d/data.min.min.min.json", i), fmt.Sprintf("bundle min min key: /bundle%d/data.min.min.json", i), ) b.Assert(b.CheckExists(fmt.Sprintf("public/bundle%d/data.min.min.min.json", i)), qt.Equals, true) b.Assert(b.CheckExists(fmt.Sprintf("public/bundle%d/data.min.json", i)), qt.Equals, false) b.Assert(b.CheckExists(fmt.Sprintf("public/bundle%d/data.min.min.json", i)), qt.Equals, false) } b.EditFiles("assets/data/foo.yaml", "FOO") } } func TestPageBundlerHome(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() c := qt.New(t) workDir, clean, err := htesting.CreateTempDir(hugofs.Os, "hugo-bundler-home") c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) cfg := config.New() cfg.Set("workingDir", workDir) cfg.Set("publishDir", "public") fs := hugofs.NewFromOld(hugofs.Os, cfg) os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(workDir, "content"), 0o777) defer clean() b := newTestSitesBuilder(t) b.Fs = fs b.WithWorkingDir(workDir).WithViper(cfg) b.WithContent("_index.md", "---\ntitle: Home\n---\n") b.WithSourceFile("content/data.json", "DATA") b.WithTemplates("index.html", `Title: {{ .Title }}|First Resource: {{ index .Resources 0 }}|Content: {{ .Content }}`) b.WithTemplates("_default/_markup/render-image.html", `Hook Len Page Resources {{ len .Page.Resources }}`) b.Build(BuildCfg{}) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", ` Title: Home|First Resource: data.json|Content:Hook Len Page Resources 1
`) } func TestHTMLFilesIsue11999(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() files := ` -- hugo.toml -- disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term", "rss", "sitemap", "robotsTXT", "404"] [permalinks] posts = "/myposts/:slugorfilename" -- content/posts/markdown-without-frontmatter.md -- -- content/posts/html-without-frontmatter.html -- hello -- content/posts/html-with-frontmatter.html -- --- title: "HTML with frontmatter" --- hello -- content/posts/html-with-commented-out-frontmatter.html -- hello -- content/posts/markdown-with-frontmatter.md -- --- title: "Markdown" --- -- content/posts/mybundle/index.md -- --- title: My Bundle --- -- content/posts/mybundle/data.txt -- Data.txt -- content/posts/mybundle/html-in-bundle-without-frontmatter.html -- hell -- content/posts/mybundle/html-in-bundle-with-frontmatter.html -- --- title: Hello --- hello -- content/posts/mybundle/html-in-bundle-with-commented-out-frontmatter.html -- hello -- layouts/index.html -- {{ range site.RegularPages }}{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ end }}$ -- layouts/_default/single.html -- {{ .Title }}|{{ .RelPermalink }}Resources: {{ range .Resources }}{{ .Name }}|{{ end }}$ ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", "/myposts/html-with-commented-out-frontmatter/|/myposts/html-without-frontmatter/|/myposts/markdown-without-frontmatter/|/myposts/html-with-frontmatter/|/myposts/markdown-with-frontmatter/|/myposts/mybundle/|$") b.AssertFileContent("public/myposts/mybundle/index.html", "My Bundle|/myposts/mybundle/Resources: html-in-bundle-with-commented-out-frontmatter.html|html-in-bundle-without-frontmatter.html|html-in-bundle-with-frontmatter.html|data.txt|$") b.AssertPublishDir(` index.html myposts/html-with-commented-out-frontmatter myposts/html-with-commented-out-frontmatter/index.html myposts/html-with-frontmatter myposts/html-with-frontmatter/index.html myposts/html-without-frontmatter myposts/html-without-frontmatter/index.html myposts/markdown-with-frontmatter myposts/markdown-with-frontmatter/index.html myposts/markdown-without-frontmatter myposts/markdown-without-frontmatter/index.html myposts/mybundle/data.txt myposts/mybundle/index.html ! myposts/mybundle/html-in-bundle-with-frontmatter.html `) } func TestBundleDuplicatePagesAndResources(t *testing.T) { files := ` -- hugo.toml -- baseURL = "https://example.com" disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"] -- content/mysection/mybundle/index.md -- -- content/mysection/mybundle/index.html -- -- content/mysection/mybundle/p1.md -- -- content/mysection/mybundle/p1.html -- -- content/mysection/mybundle/foo/p1.html -- -- content/mysection/mybundle/data.txt -- Data txt. -- content/mysection/mybundle/data.en.txt -- Data en txt. -- content/mysection/mybundle/data.json -- Data JSON. -- content/mysection/_index.md -- -- content/mysection/_index.html -- -- content/mysection/sectiondata.json -- Secion data JSON. -- content/mysection/sectiondata.txt -- Section data TXT. -- content/mysection/p2.md -- -- content/mysection/p2.html -- -- content/mysection/foo/p2.md -- -- layouts/_default/single.html -- Single:{{ .Title }}|{{ .Path }}|File LogicalName: {{ with .File }}{{ .LogicalName }}{{ end }}||{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ .Kind }}|Resources: {{ range .Resources}}{{ .Name }}: {{ .Content }}|{{ end }}$ -- layouts/_default/list.html -- List: {{ .Title }}|{{ .Path }}|File LogicalName: {{ with .File }}{{ .LogicalName }}{{ end }}|{{ .RelPermalink }}|{{ .Kind }}|Resources: {{ range .Resources}}{{ .Name }}: {{ .Content }}|{{ end }}$ RegularPages: {{ range .RegularPages }}{{ .RelPermalink }}|File LogicalName: {{ with .File }}{{ .LogicalName }}|{{ end }}{{ end }}$ ` b := Test(t, files) // Note that the sort order gives us the most specific data file for the en language (the data.en.json). b.AssertFileContent("public/mysection/mybundle/index.html", `Single:|/mysection/mybundle|File LogicalName: index.md||/mysection/mybundle/|page|Resources: data.en.txt: Data en txt.|data.json: Data JSON.|foo/p1.html: |p1.html: |p1.md: |$`) b.AssertFileContent("public/mysection/index.html", "List: |/mysection|File LogicalName: _index.md|/mysection/|section|Resources: sectiondata.json: Secion data JSON.|sectiondata.txt: Section data TXT.|$", "RegularPages: /mysection/foo/p2/|File LogicalName: p2.md|/mysection/mybundle/|File LogicalName: index.md|/mysection/p2/|File LogicalName: p2.md|$") } func TestBundleResourcesGetMatchOriginalName(t *testing.T) { files := ` -- hugo.toml -- baseURL = "https://example.com" -- content/mybundle/index.md -- -- content/mybundle/f1.en.txt -- F1. -- layouts/_default/single.html -- GetMatch: {{ with .Resources.GetMatch "f1.en.*" }}{{ .Name }}: {{ .Content }}|{{ end }} Match: {{ range .Resources.Match "f1.En.*" }}{{ .Name }}: {{ .Content }}|{{ end }} ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/mybundle/index.html", "GetMatch: f1.en.txt: F1.|", "Match: f1.en.txt: F1.|") } func TestBundleResourcesWhenLanguageVariantIsDraft(t *testing.T) { files := ` -- hugo.toml -- baseURL = "https://example.com" defaultContentLanguage = "en" [languages] [languages.en] weight = 1 [languages.nn] weight = 2 -- content/mybundle/index.en.md -- -- content/mybundle/index.nn.md -- --- draft: true --- -- content/mybundle/f1.en.txt -- F1. -- layouts/_default/single.html -- GetMatch: {{ with .Resources.GetMatch "f1.*" }}{{ .Name }}: {{ .Content }}|{{ end }}$ ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileContent("public/mybundle/index.html", "GetMatch: f1.en.txt: F1.|") } func TestBundleBranchIssue12320(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() files := ` -- hugo.toml -- disableKinds = ['rss','sitemap','taxonomy','term'] defaultContentLanguage = 'en' defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true [languages.en] baseURL = "https://en.example.org/" contentDir = "content/en" [languages.fr] baseURL = "https://fr.example.org/" contentDir = "content/fr" -- content/en/s1/p1.md -- --- title: p1 --- -- content/en/s1/p1.txt -- --- p1.txt --- -- layouts/_default/single.html -- {{ .Title }}| -- layouts/_default/list.html -- {{ .Title }}| ` b := Test(t, files) b.AssertFileExists("public/en/s1/index.html", true) b.AssertFileExists("public/en/s1/p1/index.html", true) b.AssertFileExists("public/en/s1/p1.txt", true) b.AssertFileExists("public/fr/s1/index.html", false) b.AssertFileExists("public/fr/s1/p1/index.html", false) b.AssertFileExists("public/fr/s1/p1.txt", false) // failing test }