# Test the hugo server command when adding a front matter error to a content file # and then fixing it. hugo server & waitServer httpget ${HUGOTEST_BASEURL_0}p1/ 'Title: P1' replace $WORK/content/p1/index.md 'title:' 'titlecolon' httpget ${HUGOTEST_BASEURL_0}p1/ 'failed' replace $WORK/content/p1/index.md 'titlecolon' 'title:' httpget ${HUGOTEST_BASEURL_0}p1/ 'Title: P1' stopServer -- hugo.toml -- title = "Hugo Server Test" baseURL = "https://example.org/" disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "term", "sitemap"] -- layouts/index.html -- Title: {{ .Title }}|BaseURL: {{ site.BaseURL }}| -- layouts/_default/single.html -- Title: {{ .Title }}|BaseURL: {{ site.BaseURL }}| -- content/_index.md -- --- title: Hugo Home --- -- content/p1/index.md -- --- title: P1 --- -- content/p2/index.md -- --- title: P2 --- -- static/staticfiles/static.txt -- static