# This his the main configuration file. There are also environment specific configuration stored in the /config directory.

baseURL                = "https://gohugo.io/"
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
enableEmoji            = true
ignoreErrors           = ["error-remote-getjson", "error-missing-instagram-accesstoken"]
languageCode           = "en-us"
pluralizeListTitles    = false
timeZone               = "Europe/Oslo"
title                  = "Hugo"

# We do redirects via Netlify's _redirects file, generated by Hugo (see "outputs" below).
disableAliases = true

pagerSize = 100


      keepWhitespace = true

    min = "0.56.0"
    path = "github.com/gohugoio/gohugoioTheme"

  home    = ["HTML", "RSS", "REDIR", "HEADERS"]
  section = ["HTML"]

    delimiter = ""

    mediatype      = "text/netlify"
    baseName       = "_redirects"
    isPlainText    = true
    notAlternative = true
    mediatype      = "text/netlify"
    baseName       = "_headers"
    isPlainText    = true
    notAlternative = true

    dir    = ":cacheDir/:project"
    maxAge = -1
    dir    = ":cacheDir/:project"
    maxAge = -1
    dir    = ":cacheDir/images"
    maxAge = "1440h"
    dir    = ":resourceDir/_gen"
    maxAge = -1
    dir = ":cacheDir/:project"
    maxage = '1h'

  threshold    = 80
  includeNewer = true
  toLower      = false
    name   = "keywords"
    weight = 60
    # Can be used as a front matter slice to link to other page fragments (headings) using their ID.
    # This isn't particular useful in the current docs, but we're planning on getting a auto generated
    # reference section with a better ID setup.
    # For now, we just use it to give pages with same headings some similarity score.
    name                 = "fragmentrefs"
    type                 = "fragments"
    applyFilter          = false
    weight               = 60
    cardinalityThreshold = 50

  # See https://github.com/disintegration/imaging
  # CatmullRom is a sharp bicubic filter which should fit the docs site well with its many screenshots.
  # Note that you can also set this per image processing.
  resampleFilter = "CatmullRom"
  # Default JPEG quality setting. Default is 75.
  quality = 75
  anchor  = "smart"

  category = "categories"

categories = ['commands']
path = '/commands/**'