// Copyright 2021 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package scss_test import ( "path/filepath" "strings" "testing" qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/htesting" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/hugolib" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/resources/resource_transformers/tocss/scss" ) func TestTransformIncludePaths(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() if !scss.Supports() { t.Skip() } c := qt.New(t) files := ` -- assets/scss/main.scss -- @import "moo"; -- node_modules/foo/_moo.scss -- $moolor: #fff; moo { color: $moolor; } -- config.toml -- -- layouts/index.html -- {{ $cssOpts := (dict "includePaths" (slice "node_modules/foo") ) }} {{ $r := resources.Get "scss/main.scss" | toCSS $cssOpts | minify }} T1: {{ $r.Content }} ` b := hugolib.NewIntegrationTestBuilder( hugolib.IntegrationTestConfig{ T: c, TxtarString: files, NeedsOsFS: true, }).Build() b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", `T1: moo{color:#fff}`) } func TestTransformImportRegularCSS(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() if !scss.Supports() { t.Skip() } c := qt.New(t) files := ` -- assets/scss/_moo.scss -- $moolor: #fff; moo { color: $moolor; } -- assets/scss/another.css -- -- assets/scss/main.scss -- @import "moo"; @import "regular.css"; @import "moo"; @import "another.css"; /* foo */ -- assets/scss/regular.css -- -- config.toml -- -- layouts/index.html -- {{ $r := resources.Get "scss/main.scss" | toCSS }} T1: {{ $r.Content | safeHTML }} ` b := hugolib.NewIntegrationTestBuilder( hugolib.IntegrationTestConfig{ T: c, TxtarString: files, NeedsOsFS: true, }).Build() // LibSass does not support regular CSS imports. There // is an open bug about it that probably will never be resolved. // Hugo works around this by preserving them in place: b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", ` T1: moo { color: #fff; } @import "regular.css"; moo { color: #fff; } @import "another.css"; /* foo */ `) } func TestTransformThemeOverrides(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() if !scss.Supports() { t.Skip() } c := qt.New(t) files := ` -- assets/scss/components/_boo.scss -- $boolor: green; boo { color: $boolor; } -- assets/scss/components/_moo.scss -- $moolor: #ccc; moo { color: $moolor; } -- config.toml -- theme = 'mytheme' -- layouts/index.html -- {{ $cssOpts := (dict "includePaths" (slice "node_modules/foo" ) ) }} {{ $r := resources.Get "scss/main.scss" | toCSS $cssOpts | minify }} T1: {{ $r.Content }} -- themes/mytheme/assets/scss/components/_boo.scss -- $boolor: orange; boo { color: $boolor; } -- themes/mytheme/assets/scss/components/_imports.scss -- @import "moo"; @import "_boo"; @import "_zoo"; -- themes/mytheme/assets/scss/components/_moo.scss -- $moolor: #fff; moo { color: $moolor; } -- themes/mytheme/assets/scss/components/_zoo.scss -- $zoolor: pink; zoo { color: $zoolor; } -- themes/mytheme/assets/scss/main.scss -- @import "components/imports"; ` b := hugolib.NewIntegrationTestBuilder( hugolib.IntegrationTestConfig{ T: c, TxtarString: files, NeedsOsFS: true, }).Build() b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", `T1: moo{color:#ccc}boo{color:green}zoo{color:pink}`) } func TestTransformErrors(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() if !scss.Supports() { t.Skip() } c := qt.New(t) const filesTemplate = ` -- config.toml -- theme = 'mytheme' -- assets/scss/components/_foo.scss -- /* comment line 1 */ $foocolor: #ccc; foo { color: $foocolor; } -- themes/mytheme/assets/scss/main.scss -- /* comment line 1 */ /* comment line 2 */ @import "components/foo"; /* comment line 4 */ $maincolor: #eee; body { color: $maincolor; } -- layouts/index.html -- {{ $cssOpts := dict }} {{ $r := resources.Get "scss/main.scss" | toCSS $cssOpts | minify }} T1: {{ $r.Content }} ` c.Run("error in main", func(c *qt.C) { b, err := hugolib.NewIntegrationTestBuilder( hugolib.IntegrationTestConfig{ T: c, TxtarString: strings.Replace(filesTemplate, "$maincolor: #eee;", "$maincolor #eee;", 1), NeedsOsFS: true, }).BuildE() b.Assert(err, qt.IsNotNil) b.Assert(err.Error(), qt.Contains, filepath.FromSlash(`themes/mytheme/assets/scss/main.scss:6:1": expected ':' after $maincolor in assignment statement`)) fe := b.AssertIsFileError(err) b.Assert(fe.ErrorContext(), qt.IsNotNil) b.Assert(fe.ErrorContext().Lines, qt.DeepEquals, []string{"/* comment line 4 */", "", "$maincolor #eee;", "", "body {"}) b.Assert(fe.ErrorContext().ChromaLexer, qt.Equals, "scss") }) c.Run("error in import", func(c *qt.C) { b, err := hugolib.NewIntegrationTestBuilder( hugolib.IntegrationTestConfig{ T: c, TxtarString: strings.Replace(filesTemplate, "$foocolor: #ccc;", "$foocolor #ccc;", 1), NeedsOsFS: true, }).BuildE() b.Assert(err, qt.IsNotNil) b.Assert(err.Error(), qt.Contains, `assets/scss/components/_foo.scss:2:1": expected ':' after $foocolor in assignment statement`) fe := b.AssertIsFileError(err) b.Assert(fe.ErrorContext(), qt.IsNotNil) b.Assert(fe.ErrorContext().Lines, qt.DeepEquals, []string{"/* comment line 1 */", "$foocolor #ccc;", "", "foo {"}) b.Assert(fe.ErrorContext().ChromaLexer, qt.Equals, "scss") }) } func TestOptionVars(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() if !scss.Supports() { t.Skip() } files := ` -- assets/scss/main.scss -- @import "hugo:vars"; body { body { background: url($image) no-repeat center/cover; font-family: $font; } } p { color: $color1; font-size: var$font_size; } b { color: $color2; } -- layouts/index.html -- {{ $image := "images/hero.jpg" }} {{ $font := "Hugo's New Roman" }} {{ $vars := dict "$color1" "blue" "$color2" "green" "font_size" "24px" "image" $image "font" $font }} {{ $cssOpts := (dict "transpiler" "libsass" "outputStyle" "compressed" "vars" $vars ) }} {{ $r := resources.Get "scss/main.scss" | toCSS $cssOpts }} T1: {{ $r.Content }} ` b := hugolib.NewIntegrationTestBuilder( hugolib.IntegrationTestConfig{ T: t, TxtarString: files, NeedsOsFS: true, }).Build() b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", `T1: body body{background:url(images/hero.jpg) no-repeat center/cover;font-family:Hugo's New Roman}p{color:blue;font-size:var 24px}b{color:green}`) } // Note: This test is more or less duplicated in both of the SCSS packages (libsass and dartsass). func TestBootstrap(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() if !scss.Supports() { t.Skip() } if !htesting.IsCI() { t.Skip("skip (slow) test in non-CI environment") } files := ` -- hugo.toml -- disableKinds = ["term", "taxonomy", "section", "page"] [module] [[module.imports]] path="github.com/gohugoio/hugo-mod-bootstrap-scss/v5" -- go.mod -- module github.com/gohugoio/tests/testHugoModules -- assets/scss/main.scss -- @import "bootstrap/bootstrap"; -- layouts/index.html -- {{ $cssOpts := (dict "transpiler" "libsass" ) }} {{ $r := resources.Get "scss/main.scss" | toCSS $cssOpts }} Styles: {{ $r.RelPermalink }} ` b := hugolib.NewIntegrationTestBuilder( hugolib.IntegrationTestConfig{ T: t, TxtarString: files, NeedsOsFS: true, }).Build() b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", "Styles: /scss/main.css") } func TestRebuildAssetGetMatch(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() if !scss.Supports() { t.Skip() } files := ` -- assets/scss/main.scss -- b { color: red; } -- layouts/index.html -- {{ $r := resources.GetMatch "scss/main.scss" | toCSS }} T1: {{ $r.Content }} ` b := hugolib.NewIntegrationTestBuilder( hugolib.IntegrationTestConfig{ T: t, TxtarString: files, NeedsOsFS: true, Running: true, }).Build() b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", `color: red`) b.EditFiles("assets/scss/main.scss", `b { color: blue; }`).Build() b.AssertFileContent("public/index.html", `color: blue`) }