// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package hugolib import ( "context" "fmt" "path" "strings" "sync" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/herrors" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/hugolib/doctree" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/config" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/tpl" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/resources/kinds" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/resources/page" ) type siteRenderContext struct { cfg *BuildCfg // languageIdx is the zero based index of the site. languageIdx int // Zero based index for all output formats combined. sitesOutIdx int // Zero based index of the output formats configured within a Site. // Note that these outputs are sorted. outIdx int multihost bool } // Whether to render 404.html, robotsTXT.txt and similar. // These are usually rendered once in the root of public. func (s siteRenderContext) shouldRenderStandalonePage(kind string) bool { if s.multihost || kind == kinds.KindSitemap { // 1 per site return s.outIdx == 0 } if kind == kinds.KindStatus404 { // 1 for all output formats return s.outIdx == 0 } // 1 for all sites and output formats. return s.languageIdx == 0 && s.outIdx == 0 } // renderPages renders pages concurrently. func (s *Site) renderPages(ctx *siteRenderContext) error { numWorkers := config.GetNumWorkerMultiplier() results := make(chan error) pages := make(chan *pageState, numWorkers) // buffered for performance errs := make(chan error) go s.errorCollator(results, errs) wg := &sync.WaitGroup{} for i := 0; i < numWorkers; i++ { wg.Add(1) go pageRenderer(ctx, s, pages, results, wg) } cfg := ctx.cfg w := &doctree.NodeShiftTreeWalker[contentNodeI]{ Tree: s.pageMap.treePages, Handle: func(key string, n contentNodeI, match doctree.DimensionFlag) (bool, error) { if p, ok := n.(*pageState); ok { if cfg.shouldRender(p) { select { case <-s.h.Done(): return true, nil default: pages <- p } } } return false, nil }, } if err := w.Walk(context.Background()); err != nil { return err } close(pages) wg.Wait() close(results) err := <-errs if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to render pages: %w", herrors.ImproveRenderErr(err)) } return nil } func pageRenderer( ctx *siteRenderContext, s *Site, pages <-chan *pageState, results chan<- error, wg *sync.WaitGroup, ) { defer wg.Done() for p := range pages { if p.m.isStandalone() && !ctx.shouldRenderStandalonePage(p.Kind()) { continue } if p.m.pageConfig.Build.PublishResources { if err := p.renderResources(); err != nil { s.SendError(p.errorf(err, "failed to render page resources")) continue } } if !p.render { // Nothing more to do for this page. continue } templ, found, err := p.resolveTemplate() if err != nil { s.SendError(p.errorf(err, "failed to resolve template")) continue } if !found { s.Log.Trace( func() string { return fmt.Sprintf("no layout for kind %q found", p.Kind()) }, ) // Don't emit warning for missing 404 etc. pages. if !p.m.isStandalone() { s.logMissingLayout("", p.Layout(), p.Kind(), p.f.Name) } continue } targetPath := p.targetPaths().TargetFilename s.Log.Trace( func() string { return fmt.Sprintf("rendering outputFormat %q kind %q using layout %q to %q", p.pageOutput.f.Name, p.Kind(), templ.Name(), targetPath) }, ) var d any = p switch p.Kind() { case kinds.KindSitemapIndex: d = s.h.Sites } if err := s.renderAndWritePage(&s.PathSpec.ProcessingStats.Pages, "page "+p.Title(), targetPath, p, d, templ); err != nil { results <- err } if p.paginator != nil && p.paginator.current != nil { if err := s.renderPaginator(p, templ); err != nil { results <- err } } } } func (s *Site) logMissingLayout(name, layout, kind, outputFormat string) { log := s.Log.Warn() if name != "" && infoOnMissingLayout[name] { log = s.Log.Info() } errMsg := "You should create a template file which matches Hugo Layouts Lookup Rules for this combination." var args []any msg := "found no layout file for" if outputFormat != "" { msg += " %q" args = append(args, outputFormat) } if layout != "" { msg += " for layout %q" args = append(args, layout) } if kind != "" { msg += " for kind %q" args = append(args, kind) } if name != "" { msg += " for %q" args = append(args, name) } msg += ": " + errMsg log.Logf(msg, args...) } // renderPaginator must be run after the owning Page has been rendered. func (s *Site) renderPaginator(p *pageState, templ tpl.Template) error { paginatePath := s.Conf.Pagination().Path d := p.targetPathDescriptor f := p.outputFormat() d.Type = f if p.paginator.current == nil || p.paginator.current != p.paginator.current.First() { panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid paginator state for %q", p.pathOrTitle())) } if f.IsHTML && !s.Conf.Pagination().DisableAliases { // Write alias for page 1 d.Addends = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%d", paginatePath, 1) targetPaths := page.CreateTargetPaths(d) if err := s.writeDestAlias(targetPaths.TargetFilename, p.Permalink(), f, p); err != nil { return err } } // Render pages for the rest for current := p.paginator.current.Next(); current != nil; current = current.Next() { p.paginator.current = current d.Addends = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%d", paginatePath, current.PageNumber()) targetPaths := page.CreateTargetPaths(d) if err := s.renderAndWritePage( &s.PathSpec.ProcessingStats.PaginatorPages, p.Title(), targetPaths.TargetFilename, p, p, templ); err != nil { return err } } return nil } // renderAliases renders shell pages that simply have a redirect in the header. func (s *Site) renderAliases() error { w := &doctree.NodeShiftTreeWalker[contentNodeI]{ Tree: s.pageMap.treePages, Handle: func(key string, n contentNodeI, match doctree.DimensionFlag) (bool, error) { p := n.(*pageState) // We cannot alias a page that's not rendered. if p.m.noLink() || p.skipRender() { return false, nil } if len(p.Aliases()) == 0 { return false, nil } pathSeen := make(map[string]bool) for _, of := range p.OutputFormats() { if !of.Format.IsHTML { continue } f := of.Format if pathSeen[f.Path] { continue } pathSeen[f.Path] = true plink := of.Permalink() for _, a := range p.Aliases() { isRelative := !strings.HasPrefix(a, "/") if isRelative { // Make alias relative, where "." will be on the // same directory level as the current page. basePath := path.Join(p.targetPaths().SubResourceBaseLink, "..") a = path.Join(basePath, a) } else { // Make sure AMP and similar doesn't clash with regular aliases. a = path.Join(f.Path, a) } if s.conf.C.IsUglyURLSection(p.Section()) && !strings.HasSuffix(a, ".html") { a += ".html" } lang := p.Language().Lang if s.h.Configs.IsMultihost && !strings.HasPrefix(a, "/"+lang) { // These need to be in its language root. a = path.Join(lang, a) } err := s.writeDestAlias(a, plink, f, p) if err != nil { return true, err } } } return false, nil }, } return w.Walk(context.TODO()) } // renderMainLanguageRedirect creates a redirect to the main language home, // depending on if it lives in sub folder (e.g. /en) or not. func (s *Site) renderMainLanguageRedirect() error { if s.h.Conf.IsMultihost() || !(s.h.Conf.DefaultContentLanguageInSubdir() || s.h.Conf.IsMultilingual()) { // No need for a redirect return nil } html, found := s.conf.OutputFormats.Config.GetByName("html") if found { mainLang := s.conf.DefaultContentLanguage if s.conf.DefaultContentLanguageInSubdir { mainLangURL := s.PathSpec.AbsURL(mainLang+"/", false) s.Log.Debugf("Write redirect to main language %s: %s", mainLang, mainLangURL) if err := s.publishDestAlias(true, "/", mainLangURL, html, nil); err != nil { return err } } else { mainLangURL := s.PathSpec.AbsURL("", false) s.Log.Debugf("Write redirect to main language %s: %s", mainLang, mainLangURL) if err := s.publishDestAlias(true, mainLang, mainLangURL, html, nil); err != nil { return err } } } return nil }