// Copyright 2020 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package page import ( "path/filepath" "testing" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/hugo" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/loggers" "github.com/gohugoio/hugo/common/maps" qt "github.com/frankban/quicktest" ) func TestPageMatcher(t *testing.T) { c := qt.New(t) developmentTestSite := testSite{h: hugo.NewInfo(testConfig{environment: "development"}, nil)} productionTestSite := testSite{h: hugo.NewInfo(testConfig{environment: "production"}, nil)} p1, p2, p3 := &testPage{path: "/p1", kind: "section", lang: "en", site: developmentTestSite}, &testPage{path: "p2", kind: "page", lang: "no", site: productionTestSite}, &testPage{path: "p3", kind: "page", lang: "en"} c.Run("Matches", func(c *qt.C) { m := PageMatcher{Kind: "section"} c.Assert(m.Matches(p1), qt.Equals, true) c.Assert(m.Matches(p2), qt.Equals, false) m = PageMatcher{Kind: "page"} c.Assert(m.Matches(p1), qt.Equals, false) c.Assert(m.Matches(p2), qt.Equals, true) c.Assert(m.Matches(p3), qt.Equals, true) m = PageMatcher{Kind: "page", Path: "/p2"} c.Assert(m.Matches(p1), qt.Equals, false) c.Assert(m.Matches(p2), qt.Equals, true) c.Assert(m.Matches(p3), qt.Equals, false) m = PageMatcher{Path: "/p*"} c.Assert(m.Matches(p1), qt.Equals, true) c.Assert(m.Matches(p2), qt.Equals, true) c.Assert(m.Matches(p3), qt.Equals, true) m = PageMatcher{Lang: "en"} c.Assert(m.Matches(p1), qt.Equals, true) c.Assert(m.Matches(p2), qt.Equals, false) c.Assert(m.Matches(p3), qt.Equals, true) m = PageMatcher{Environment: "development"} c.Assert(m.Matches(p1), qt.Equals, true) c.Assert(m.Matches(p2), qt.Equals, false) c.Assert(m.Matches(p3), qt.Equals, false) m = PageMatcher{Environment: "production"} c.Assert(m.Matches(p1), qt.Equals, false) c.Assert(m.Matches(p2), qt.Equals, true) c.Assert(m.Matches(p3), qt.Equals, false) }) c.Run("Decode", func(c *qt.C) { var v PageMatcher c.Assert(decodePageMatcher(map[string]any{"kind": "foo"}, &v), qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) c.Assert(decodePageMatcher(map[string]any{"kind": "{foo,bar}"}, &v), qt.Not(qt.IsNil)) c.Assert(decodePageMatcher(map[string]any{"kind": "taxonomy"}, &v), qt.IsNil) c.Assert(decodePageMatcher(map[string]any{"kind": "{taxonomy,foo}"}, &v), qt.IsNil) c.Assert(decodePageMatcher(map[string]any{"kind": "{taxonomy,term}"}, &v), qt.IsNil) c.Assert(decodePageMatcher(map[string]any{"kind": "*"}, &v), qt.IsNil) c.Assert(decodePageMatcher(map[string]any{"kind": "home", "path": filepath.FromSlash("/a/b/**")}, &v), qt.IsNil) c.Assert(v, qt.Equals, PageMatcher{Kind: "home", Path: "/a/b/**"}) }) c.Run("mapToPageMatcherParamsConfig", func(c *qt.C) { fn := func(m map[string]any) PageMatcherParamsConfig { v, err := mapToPageMatcherParamsConfig(m) c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) return v } // Legacy. c.Assert(fn(map[string]any{"_target": map[string]any{"kind": "page"}, "foo": "bar"}), qt.DeepEquals, PageMatcherParamsConfig{ Params: maps.Params{ "foo": "bar", }, Target: PageMatcher{Path: "", Kind: "page", Lang: "", Environment: ""}, }) // Current format. c.Assert(fn(map[string]any{"target": map[string]any{"kind": "page"}, "params": map[string]any{"foo": "bar"}}), qt.DeepEquals, PageMatcherParamsConfig{ Params: maps.Params{ "foo": "bar", }, Target: PageMatcher{Path: "", Kind: "page", Lang: "", Environment: ""}, }) }) } func TestDecodeCascadeConfig(t *testing.T) { c := qt.New(t) in := []map[string]any{ { "params": map[string]any{ "a": "av", }, "target": map[string]any{ "kind": "page", "Environment": "production", }, }, { "params": map[string]any{ "b": "bv", }, "target": map[string]any{ "kind": "page", }, }, } got, err := DecodeCascadeConfig(loggers.NewDefault(), in) c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) c.Assert(got, qt.IsNotNil) c.Assert(got.Config, qt.DeepEquals, map[PageMatcher]maps.Params{ {Path: "", Kind: "page", Lang: "", Environment: ""}: { "b": "bv", }, {Path: "", Kind: "page", Lang: "", Environment: "production"}: { "a": "av", }, }, ) c.Assert(got.SourceStructure, qt.DeepEquals, []PageMatcherParamsConfig{ { Params: maps.Params{"a": string("av")}, Target: PageMatcher{Kind: "page", Environment: "production"}, }, {Params: maps.Params{"b": string("bv")}, Target: PageMatcher{Kind: "page"}}, }) got, err = DecodeCascadeConfig(loggers.NewDefault(), nil) c.Assert(err, qt.IsNil) c.Assert(got, qt.IsNotNil) } type testConfig struct { environment string running bool workingDir string } func (c testConfig) Environment() string { return c.environment } func (c testConfig) Running() bool { return c.running } func (c testConfig) WorkingDir() string { return c.workingDir } func TestIsGlobWithExtension(t *testing.T) { c := qt.New(t) c.Assert(isGlobWithExtension("index.md"), qt.Equals, true) c.Assert(isGlobWithExtension("foo/index.html"), qt.Equals, true) c.Assert(isGlobWithExtension("posts/page"), qt.Equals, false) c.Assert(isGlobWithExtension("pa.th/foo"), qt.Equals, false) c.Assert(isGlobWithExtension(""), qt.Equals, false) c.Assert(isGlobWithExtension("*.md?"), qt.Equals, true) c.Assert(isGlobWithExtension("*.md*"), qt.Equals, true) c.Assert(isGlobWithExtension("posts/*"), qt.Equals, false) c.Assert(isGlobWithExtension("*.md"), qt.Equals, true) }