Increases clarity on the different between `section` and `type`.
The current `section` information here is wrong (sections can *not* be specified in front matter). This caused quite the headache. This change fixes this and also adds `type`, since it *can* be specified in front matter.
Some of the thumbnails in Showcase were out of place
because of several irregularly sized thumbnails,
and some of them almost 300KB in filesize.
Resize them all to 600x400 (pixels), and use the `-tn.png`
When necessary, the website snapshot is re-captured using
gnome-web-photo. Then, the following commands (or a combination
thereof) are used to crop and resize the image into a thumbnail,
and to reduce its filesize:
$ convert example.png -crop 900x600+0+0 \
-filter Lanczos2Sharp -distort Resize 600x400 \
$ pngquant --nofs -v --speed 1 --quality 65-80 example-tn.png
$ optipng -o7 -zm1-9 example-tn-or8.png
$ mv example-tn-or8.png example-tn.png
To prevent "Showcase" from becoming "Showcases",
also to have the RSS feed display correct titles,
i.e. "Showcase on" rather than "Showcase on ".
As Hugo now supports more formats thanks to the new "external helpers"
feature recently introduced, and as requested by some people, I added
some lines in the doc:
* basically confirming it actually exists
* how to use it
The documentation for the RSS templating is a little unclear.
Some users may attempt to look for a ```__internal``` directory rather than assume that's the aforementioned "Hugo own template."
Here's my suggestion.
This information was previously scattered around in the forums and
mailing list. Add it to the official docs to make things easier for new
Taxonomy Term pages have variables in addition to those on "node"
pages. Documenting these variables with all the other node variables
makes them easier to find.
Fixes: #1155
Added clarification for RSS doc page.
* a little formatting to make key words jump out
* emphasize that you can create your own
* add how to link to the feed in <head>
* add what .RSSlink does
* added point that a link to an RSS feed should be of type application/rss+xml
Fleshed out aliases section, loading the "redirect" keyword so that it's easier to find. Specifically added a "how aliases work" section.
Added Discourse to comments section.
Fleshed out themes/customizing, because it seems to be the source of a lot of questions on the forum.
Added a bunch of clarifying narrative, looking at the discussion forum for what people are asking about, and what I myself was confused about.
* clearer separation of advantage of each style - server or client side - at the top
* inconsistent newlines (different column widths) so I just removed them from obvious paragraphs
* added that the highlight shortcode is not used for the client-side javascripts
* Hugo is taking crap for Pygments being slow, so tried to emphasize that's it's in Pygment's lap. I got your back, Hugo.
* On client-side added prism example
* More clarity on how the css and js needs to be added to your templates
* Explained how the client-side scripts work
Added bit about how the 404.html page has to be set to load automatically - auto on Github but needs config on other web servers.
Also tweaked the text a little to emphasize it's a node type, and explain a little more about where the 404 template should be saved.
Related to @bjornerik 's answer in this discussion: ... I figured I'd make myself useful and add the reference to the index function, on the go template primer page.
Also, I moved the reference links to the bottom.
A general comment: as good as these docs are, the primer at this point makes some assumptions about audience knowledge, so some might find it lacking. Once I understand better, I might make some more clarifying edits.
A couple of edits to clarify that the layout/partials folder can contain arbitrarily-named subfolders, since I found the examples using ``{{ partial "post/tag/list" . }}`` confusing. Some folders are named specifically to work a certain way with hugo, but although the examples use key functional section and taxonomy names like post and tag, it does not matter what they are called. Hopefully this will help other newbs.
One of the first things that new users have to understand is the
difference between Hugo as a web server and Hugo as a web site
generator. Issue #852 asked for documentation to make that clear.
This patch updates the overview page with that information. It will
seem repetitive to users that understand the difference. Weigh that
against the needs of those that don't.
Reference #852
Adds step-by-step instructions for installing from both brew and
the official tarball. Not sure if steps for installing from source
belong here, so left them out.
The `hugo help` output as shown in
was not yet updated for v0.13. Thanks to @alebaffa for the heads up!
- Clarify that, after using `hugo server`, the bare `hugo` command
need to be run before deployment.
- Add a section on running `hugo` as production web server,
and add links to two blog posts of two Hugo users sharing
their experience.
Partially fixes: #852 and #937
What a pleasant surprise indeed!
How come I have never noticed them before?
And even `.deb` files are provided! How amazing!
Quote from @spf13: "I also think it's the better default
and should continue to be the case going forward."
Also mention the use of `hugo config` to check the current value
of `canonifyurls`, thanks to suggestion by @bep.
- Clarify that Hugo may be built wherever Go is available;
- Add links to Git, Mercurial and Go;
- Unlist Bazaar: No libraries that Hugo depends on use it any more;
- Suggest the user to simply run `make` to build `hugo`
to get `hugo version` to display the commit hash.