- changed preposition into intended infinitive for syntactical clarity
- removed "easily" as it doesn't describe anything technical and is
confusing (which is why the author may have used a preposition)
All config variables starts with low-case and uses camelCase.
If there is abbreviation at the beginning of the name, the whole
abbreviation will be written in low-case.
If there is abbreviation at the end of the name, the
whole abbreviation will be written in upper-case.
For example, rssURI.
* Fall back to default language on missing translation file
* Add a i18n-warnings build flag
* If that flag is set, print a parseable and greppable string on missing translation strings
See #2303
The current "rendering language" is needed outside of Site. This commit moves the Language type to the helpers package, and then used to get correct correct language configuration in the markdownify template func.
This commit also adds two new template funcs: relLangURL and absLangURL.
See #2309
And in the same go adjusted some minor parts of the language API:
Add LanguagePrefix alias to Node and rename the Multilingual config section to Languages.
See #2309
* support to render:
* content/post/whatever.en.md to /en/2015/12/22/whatever/index.html
* content/post/whatever.fr.md to /fr/2015/12/22/whatever/index.html
* gets enabled when `Multilingual:` is specified in config.
* support having language switchers in templates, that know
where the translated page is (with .Page.Translations)
(when you're on /en/about/, you can have a "Francais" link pointing to
* all translations are in the `.Page.Translations` map, including the current one.
* easily tweak themes to support Multilingual mode
* renders in a single swift, no need for two config files.
Adds a couple of variables useful for multilingual sites
Adds documentation (content/multilingual.md)
Added language prefixing for all URL generation/permalinking see in the
code base.
Implements i18n. Leverages the great github.com/nicksnyder/go-i18n lib.. thanks Nick.
* Adds "i18n" and "T" template functions..
Increases clarity on the different between `section` and `type`.
The current `section` information here is wrong (sections can *not* be specified in front matter). This caused quite the headache. This change fixes this and also adds `type`, since it *can* be specified in front matter.
As Hugo now supports more formats thanks to the new "external helpers"
feature recently introduced, and as requested by some people, I added
some lines in the doc:
* basically confirming it actually exists
* how to use it
* Add meta author, description and generator tags
* Add Hugo version beside the logo and in the footer
* Suggest the user to run `go get -u -v` to update dependencies
* Requires Go 1.3+ rather than Go 1.1+
* Improve rendering/formatting in some places
* Add trailing slash to URLs where appropriate
* GitHub redirects all http requests to https, update accordingly
Hopefully making them more semantic and easier to read,
though it is raw HTML so it is slightly more work to maintain.
Also made minor revisions to some of the variable descriptions
to be more informative, e.g. `:monthname` in permalinks use
full English names ("January" etc.)
* Add link to https://travis-ci.org/spf13/hugo
* Correct heading levels in docs/content/community/mailing-list.md
* Mention RFC 3339 as the `date` format set by `hugo new`
* Mention that `hugo new` does not add `draft = true` when the user
provides an archetype
* List short examples of TOML and YAML side by side
* Compact the Math template functions into a table
* Put some notes into a blockquote
General revisions to (hopefully) make the documentation
easier to understand and more comprehensive.
Revise "Strange EOF error" troubleshooting page to say that
a fix is in place for the upcoming Hugo v0.13.
Also add more external links, and cute icons from Font Awesome.