> foo
> bar
There are some current limitations: For tables you can currently only apply it to the full table, and for lists the ul/ol-nodes only, e.g.:
* Fruit
* Apple
* Orange
* Banana
* Dairy
* Milk
* Cheese
Previously gordmark-based TOC renderes only `KindText` and `KindString`
This commit expands target node with Goldmark's renderer
I am not sure of what are expected results as TOC contents in some (rare) cases
but Blackfriday's behaviours are fundamentally respected.
For example,
- image `[image text](link)` is rendered as `<img>` tag
- GFM AutoLink `gohugo.io` is rendered as text
* Render AutoLink as <a> tag as Blackfriday does
You can turn off this behaviour:
autoHeadingIDAsciiOnly = true
Note that the `anchorize` now adapts its behaviour depending on the default Markdown handler.
This commit also
* revises the change detection for templates used by content files in server mode.
* Adds a Page.RenderString method
This commit adds the fast and CommonMark compliant Goldmark as the new default markdown handler in Hugo.
If you want to continue using BlackFriday as the default for md/markdown extensions, you can use this configuration: