This commit adds support for theme composition and inheritance in Hugo.
With this, it helps thinking about a theme as a set of ordered components:
theme = ["my-shortcodes", "base-theme", "hyde"]
The theme definition example above in `config.toml` creates a theme with the 3 components with presedence from left to right.
So, Hugo will, for any given file, data entry etc., look first in the project, and then in `my-shortcode`, `base-theme` and lastly `hyde`.
Hugo uses two different algorithms to merge the filesystems, depending on the file type:
* For `i18n` and `data` files, Hugo merges deeply using the translation id and data key inside the files.
* For `static`, `layouts` (templates) and `archetypes` files, these are merged on file level. So the left-most file will be chosen.
The name used in the `theme` definition above must match a folder in `/your-site/themes`, e.g. `/your-site/themes/my-shortcodes`. There are plans to improve on this and get a URL scheme so this can be resolved automatically.
Also note that a component that is part of a theme can have its own configuration file, e.g. `config.toml`. There are currently some restrictions to what a theme component can configure:
* `params` (global and per language)
* `menu` (global and per language)
* `outputformats` and `mediatypes`
The same rules apply here: The left-most param/menu etc. with the same ID will win. There are some hidden and experimental namespace support in the above, which we will work to improve in the future, but theme authors are encouraged to create their own namespaces to avoid naming conflicts.
A final note: Themes/components can also have a `theme` definition in their `config.toml` and similar, which is the "inheritance" part of this commit's title. This is currently not supported by the Hugo theme site. We will have to wait for some "auto dependency" feature to be implemented for that to happen, but this can be a powerful feature if you want to create your own theme-variant based on others.
A sample config:
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
weight = 10
title = "In English"
languageName = "English"
contentDir = "content/english"
weight = 20
title = "På Norsk"
languageName = "Norsk"
contentDir = "content/norwegian"
The value of `contentDir` can be any valid path, even absolute path references. The only restriction is that the content dirs cannot overlap.
The content files will be assigned a language by
1. The placement: `content/norwegian/post/` will be read as Norwegian content.
2. The filename: `content/english/post/` will be read as Norwegian even if it lives in the English content folder.
The content directories will be merged into a big virtual filesystem with one simple rule: The most specific language file will win.
This means that if both `content/norwegian/post/` and `content/english/post/` exists, they will be considered duplicates and the version inside `content/norwegian` will win.
Note that translations will be automatically assigned by Hugo by the content file's relative placement, so `content/norwegian/post/` will be a translation of `content/english/post/`.
If this does not work for you, you can connect the translations together by setting a `translationKey` in the content files' front matter.
Use the new `RegisterPluralSpec` function to register all defined
languages. This allows the usage of language identifiers which are not
part of the Unicode CLDR standard.