This means that the current `.Site` and ´.Hugo` is available as a globals, so you can do `site.IsServer`, `hugo.Version` etc.
In the newly consolidated file cache implementation, we forgot that we also look in the theme(s) for assets (SCSS transformations etc.), which is not good for Netlify and the demo sites.
This commits reworks how file caching is performed in Hugo. Now there is only one way, and it can be configured.
This is the default configuration:
dir = ":cacheDir"
maxAge = -1
dir = ":cacheDir"
maxAge = -1
dir = ":resourceDir/_gen"
maxAge = -1
dir = ":resourceDir/_gen"
maxAge = -1
You can override any of these cache setting in your own `config.toml`.
The placeholders explained:
`:cacheDir`: This is the value of the `cacheDir` config option if set (can also be set via OS env variable `HUGO_CACHEDIR`). It will fall back to `/opt/build/cache/hugo_cache/` on Netlify, or a `hugo_cache` directory below the OS temp dir for the others.
`:resourceDir`: This is the value of the `resourceDir` config option.
`maxAge` is the time in seconds before a cache entry will be evicted, -1 means forever and 0 effectively turns that particular cache off.
This means that if you run your builds on Netlify, all caches configured with `:cacheDir` will be saved and restored on the next build. For other CI vendors, please read their documentation. For an CircleCI example, see 6c3960a8f4/.circleci/config.ymlFixes#5404
When run under gccgo, the test looks for the name that gccgo gives to
a thunk method. This name is not normally visible, but can be seen
when using reflect.FuncForPC as this code does. That name changed in Change the test to work with both the
old name "$thunk0" and the new name "thunk0".
This commit also pulls down the log level for a set of WARN statements to INFO. There should be no ERRORs or WARNINGs in a regular Hugo build. That is the story about the Boy Who Cried Wolf.
Since the WARN log is now more visible, this commit also improves on some of them, most notable the "layout not found", which now would look something like this:
WARN 2018/11/02 09:02:18 Found no layout for "home", language "en", output format "CSS": create a template below /layouts with one of these filenames: index.en.css.css, home.en.css.css, list.en.css.css, index.css.css, home.css.css, list.css.css, index.en.css, home.en.css, list.en.css, index.css, home.css, list.css, _default/index.en.css.css, _default/home.en.css.css, _default/list.en.css.css, _default/index.css.css, _default/home.css.css, _default/list.css.css, _default/index.en.css, _default/home.en.css, _default/list.en.css, _default/index.css, _default/home.css, _default/list.css
Long identifiers will give errors on the format:
_default/single.html:5:14: executing "main" at <.ThisIsAVeryLongTitl...>: can't evaluate field ThisIsAVeryLongTitle
Hugo use this value to match the "base template or not", so we need to strip the "...".
`*json.UnmarshalTypeError` and `*json.SyntaxError` has a byte `Offset`, so use that.
This commit also reworks/simplifies the errror line matching logic. This also makes the file reading unbuffered, but that should be fine in this error case.
See #5324
The main item in this commit is showing of errors with a file context when running `hugo server`.
This can be turned off: `hugo server --disableBrowserError` (can also be set in `config.toml`).
But to get there, the error handling in Hugo needed a revision. There are some items left TODO for commits soon to follow, most notable errors in content and config files.
See #5325
See #5324
This commit consolidates the reflective collections handling in `.Scratch` vs the `tpl` package so they use the same code paths.
This commit also adds support for a corner case where a typed slice is appended to a nil or empty `[]interface{}`.
In Hugo `0.49` we improved type support in `slice`. This has an unfortunate side effect in that `resources.Concat` now expects something that can resolve to `resource.Resources`.
This worked for most situations, but when you try to `slice` different `Resource` objects, you would be getting `[]interface {}` and not `resource.Resources`. And `concat` would fail:
error calling Concat: slice []interface {} not supported in concat.
This commit fixes that by simplifying the type checking logic in `Slice`:
* If the first item implements the `Slicer` interface, we try that
* If the above fails or the first item does not implement `Slicer`, we just return the `[]interface {}`
The original implementation of NumFmt did not take into account that the
options delimiter (a space) could be a valid option. Adding a delim
parameter seems like the simplest, safest, and most flexible way to
solve this oversight in a backwards-compatible way.
Before this commit you would typically use `.Scratch.Add` to manually create slices in a loop.
With variable overwrite in Go 1.11, we can do better. This commit adds the `append` template func.
A made-up example:
{{ $p1 := index .Site.RegularPages 0 }}{{ $p2 := index .Site.RegularPages 1 }}
{{ $pages := slice }}
{{ if true }}
{{ $pages = $pages | append $p2 $p1 }}
{{ end }}
Note that with 2 slices as arguments, the two examples below will give the same result:
{{ $s1 := slice "a" "b" | append (slice "c" "d") }}
{{ $s2 := slice "a" "b" | append "c" "d" }}
Both of the above will give `[]string{a, b, c, d}`.
This commit also improves the type handling in the `slice` template function. Now `slice "a" "b"` will give a `[]string` slice. The old behaviour was to return a `[]interface{}`.
This extends the page grouping in Hugo with a template function that allows for ad-hoc grouping.
A made-up example:
{{ $cool := where .Site.RegularPages "" true | group "cool" }}
{{ $blue := where .Site.RegularPages "" true | group "blue" }}
{{ $paginator := .Paginate (slice $cool $blue) }}
All `.Params` are stored lowercase, but it should work to access them `.Page.camelCase` etc. There was, however, some holes in the logic with the old transformer.
This commit fixes that by applying a blacklist instead of the old whitelist logic. `.Param` is a very distinct key. The original case will be kept in `.Data.Params.myParam`, but other than that it will be lowercased.
Hugo Pipes added minification support for resources fetched via ´resources.Get` and similar.
This also adds support for minification of the final output for supported output formats: HTML, XML, SVG, CSS, JavaScript, JSON.
To enable, run Hugo with the `--minify` flag:
hugo --minify
This commit is also a major spring cleaning of the `transform` package to allow the new minification step fit into that processing chain.
Before this commit, you would have to use page bundles to do image processing etc. in Hugo.
This commit adds
* A new `/assets` top-level project or theme dir (configurable via `assetDir`)
* A new template func, `resources.Get` which can be used to "get a resource" that can be further processed.
This means that you can now do this in your templates (or shortcodes):
{{ $sunset := (resources.Get "images/sunset.jpg").Fill "300x200" }}
This also adds a new `extended` build tag that enables powerful SCSS/SASS support with source maps. To compile this from source, you will also need a C compiler installed:
HUGO_BUILD_TAGS=extended mage install
Note that you can use output of the SCSS processing later in a non-SCSSS-enabled Hugo.
The `SCSS` processor is a _Resource transformation step_ and it can be chained with the many others in a pipeline:
{{ $css := resources.Get "styles.scss" | resources.ToCSS | resources.PostCSS | resources.Minify | resources.Fingerprint }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $styles.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $styles.Data.Digest }}" media="screen">
The transformation funcs above have aliases, so it can be shortened to:
{{ $css := resources.Get "styles.scss" | toCSS | postCSS | minify | fingerprint }}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ $styles.RelPermalink }}" integrity="{{ $styles.Data.Digest }}" media="screen">
A quick tip would be to avoid the fingerprinting part, and possibly also the not-superfast `postCSS` when you're doing development, as it allows Hugo to be smarter about the rebuilding.
Documentation will follow, but have a look at the demo repo in
New functions to create `Resource` objects:
* `resources.Get` (see above)
* `resources.FromString`: Create a Resource from a string.
New `Resource` transformation funcs:
* `resources.ToCSS`: Compile `SCSS` or `SASS` into `CSS`.
* `resources.PostCSS`: Process your CSS with PostCSS. Config file support (project or theme or passed as an option).
* `resources.Minify`: Currently supports `css`, `js`, `json`, `html`, `svg`, `xml`.
* `resources.Fingerprint`: Creates a fingerprinted version of the given Resource with Subresource Integrity..
* `resources.Concat`: Concatenates a list of Resource objects. Think of this as a poor man's bundler.
* `resources.ExecuteAsTemplate`: Parses and executes the given Resource and data context (e.g. .Site) as a Go template.
Go developers have undone the breaking API changes
in the following commit:
commit bedfa4e1c37bd08063865da628f242d27ca06ec4
Author: Daniel Theophanes <>
Date: Thu Jun 21 10:41:26 2018 -0700
text/template/parse: undo breaking API changes altered the API for the parse package for
clarity and consistency. However, the changes also broke the
API for consumers of the package. This CL reverts the API
to the previous spelling, adding only a single new exported
Change-Id: Ieb81054b61eeac7df3bc3864ef446df43c26b80f
Reviewed-by: Daniel Martí <>
Reviewed-by: Rob Pike <>
Run-TryBot: Daniel Martí <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
This reverts commit 9f27091e10.
This commit adds support for theme composition and inheritance in Hugo.
With this, it helps thinking about a theme as a set of ordered components:
theme = ["my-shortcodes", "base-theme", "hyde"]
The theme definition example above in `config.toml` creates a theme with the 3 components with presedence from left to right.
So, Hugo will, for any given file, data entry etc., look first in the project, and then in `my-shortcode`, `base-theme` and lastly `hyde`.
Hugo uses two different algorithms to merge the filesystems, depending on the file type:
* For `i18n` and `data` files, Hugo merges deeply using the translation id and data key inside the files.
* For `static`, `layouts` (templates) and `archetypes` files, these are merged on file level. So the left-most file will be chosen.
The name used in the `theme` definition above must match a folder in `/your-site/themes`, e.g. `/your-site/themes/my-shortcodes`. There are plans to improve on this and get a URL scheme so this can be resolved automatically.
Also note that a component that is part of a theme can have its own configuration file, e.g. `config.toml`. There are currently some restrictions to what a theme component can configure:
* `params` (global and per language)
* `menu` (global and per language)
* `outputformats` and `mediatypes`
The same rules apply here: The left-most param/menu etc. with the same ID will win. There are some hidden and experimental namespace support in the above, which we will work to improve in the future, but theme authors are encouraged to create their own namespaces to avoid naming conflicts.
A final note: Themes/components can also have a `theme` definition in their `config.toml` and similar, which is the "inheritance" part of this commit's title. This is currently not supported by the Hugo theme site. We will have to wait for some "auto dependency" feature to be implemented for that to happen, but this can be a powerful feature if you want to create your own theme-variant based on others.
The current full set of options for GA is now:
disable = false
respectDoNotTrack = true
anonymizeIP = true
useSessionStorage = true
Having them in separate files should make maintainance easier.
When adding new or making changes to the templates:
mage generate
This will get the Go code in sync.
A sample config:
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
weight = 10
title = "In English"
languageName = "English"
contentDir = "content/english"
weight = 20
title = "På Norsk"
languageName = "Norsk"
contentDir = "content/norwegian"
The value of `contentDir` can be any valid path, even absolute path references. The only restriction is that the content dirs cannot overlap.
The content files will be assigned a language by
1. The placement: `content/norwegian/post/` will be read as Norwegian content.
2. The filename: `content/english/post/` will be read as Norwegian even if it lives in the English content folder.
The content directories will be merged into a big virtual filesystem with one simple rule: The most specific language file will win.
This means that if both `content/norwegian/post/` and `content/english/post/` exists, they will be considered duplicates and the version inside `content/norwegian` will win.
Note that translations will be automatically assigned by Hugo by the content file's relative placement, so `content/norwegian/post/` will be a translation of `content/english/post/`.
If this does not work for you, you can connect the translations together by setting a `translationKey` in the content files' front matter.
As an example:
{{ $pages := .Site.RegularPages | lang.Merge $frSite.RegularPages | lang.Merge $enSite.RegularPages }}
Will "fill in the gaps" in the current site with, from left to right, content from the French site, and lastly the English.
This means that you can do something ala:
{{ if ge .Hugo.Version "0.36" }}Reasonable new Hugo version!{{ end }}
The intented use is feature toggling, but please note that it will take some time and Hugo versions until this can be trusted. It does not work in older Hugo versions.
- Remove unnecessary space from `figure` tag if no class is specified.
- Update related tests.
- Add test cases for the changes made to the figure shortcode.
- Document the newly added target and rel parameters
- Add more detail to the documentation of all figure shortcode parameters.
The tplimpl package was misusing the TemplateLookupDescriptor.WorkingDir
field from the output package. By incorrectly setting it to the theme
directory instead of the site root, the user is unable to override theme
templates in some situations.
The new lookup order:
1) Page.Params.images if set
2) Image resources: images with name "feature" (priority), "cover", "thumbnail"
3) Site.Params.images if set
This is in heavy use in rendering, so this makes a difference:
benchmark old ns/op new ns/op delta
BenchmarkSiteBuilding/TOML,num_langs=1,num_pages=500,tags_per_page=5,shortcodes,render-4 124551144 107743429 -13.49%
benchmark old allocs new allocs delta
BenchmarkSiteBuilding/TOML,num_langs=1,num_pages=500,tags_per_page=5,shortcodes,render-4 528684 435118 -17.70%
benchmark old bytes new bytes delta
BenchmarkSiteBuilding/TOML,num_langs=1,num_pages=500,tags_per_page=5,shortcodes,render-4 53306848 45147832 -15.31%
This commit adds support for multiple statDirs both on the global and language level.
A simple `config.toml` example:
staticDir = ["static1", "static2"]
staticDir = ["staticDir_override", "static_no"]
baseURL = ""
languageName = "Norsk"
weight = 1
title = "På norsk"
staticDir2 = "static_en"
baseURL = ""
languageName = "English"
weight = 2
title = "In English"
In the above, with no theme used:
the English site will get its static files as a union of "static1", "static2" and "static_en". On file duplicates, the right-most version will win.
the Norwegian site will get its static files as a union of "staticDir_override" and "static_no".
This commit also concludes the Multihost support in #4027.
This commit adds a "cache potential" column when running `hugo --templateMetrics --templateMetricsHints`.
This is only calculated when `--templateMetricsHints` is set, as these calculations has an negative effect on the other timings.
This gives a value for partials only, and is a number between 0-100 that indicates if `partial` can be replaced with `partialCached`.
100 means that all execution of the same partial resulted in the same output.
You should do some manual research before going "all cache".
Add template function that will build a string from the given format
string and arguments, then log it to ERROR. This has an intended
side-effect of causing the build to fail, when executed.
Changes fall into one of the following:
- gofmt -s
- receiver name is inconsistent
- omit unused 2nd value from range
- godoc comment formed incorrectly
- err assigned and not used
- if block ends with a return statement followed by else