This information was previously scattered around in the forums and
mailing list. Add it to the official docs to make things easier for new
Taxonomy Term pages have variables in addition to those on "node"
pages. Documenting these variables with all the other node variables
makes them easier to find.
Fixes: #1155
Added clarification for RSS doc page.
* a little formatting to make key words jump out
* emphasize that you can create your own
* add how to link to the feed in <head>
* add what .RSSlink does
* added point that a link to an RSS feed should be of type application/rss+xml
Added bit about how the 404.html page has to be set to load automatically - auto on Github but needs config on other web servers.
Also tweaked the text a little to emphasize it's a node type, and explain a little more about where the 404 template should be saved.
Related to @bjornerik 's answer in this discussion: ... I figured I'd make myself useful and add the reference to the index function, on the go template primer page.
Also, I moved the reference links to the bottom.
A general comment: as good as these docs are, the primer at this point makes some assumptions about audience knowledge, so some might find it lacking. Once I understand better, I might make some more clarifying edits.
A couple of edits to clarify that the layout/partials folder can contain arbitrarily-named subfolders, since I found the examples using ``{{ partial "post/tag/list" . }}`` confusing. Some folders are named specifically to work a certain way with hugo, but although the examples use key functional section and taxonomy names like post and tag, it does not matter what they are called. Hopefully this will help other newbs.
* Add meta author, description and generator tags
* Add Hugo version beside the logo and in the footer
* Suggest the user to run `go get -u -v` to update dependencies
* Requires Go 1.3+ rather than Go 1.1+
* Improve rendering/formatting in some places
* Add trailing slash to URLs where appropriate
* GitHub redirects all http requests to https, update accordingly
- Add `safeUrl` template function (Fixes#347)
- Add TestSafeUrl() fashioned after @tatsushid great examples
- Disable `safeHtmlAttr` pending further discussions on its other
use cases because `safeUrl` is a cleaner solution to #347.
(There are also `safeJs` and `safeJsStr` that we could implement
if there are legitimate demands for them.)
- Rename `safeCSS` to `safeCss` (to follow the convention of `safeHtml`)
- Add/expand documentation on `safeHtml`, `safeCss` and `safeUrl`
Hopefully making them more semantic and easier to read,
though it is raw HTML so it is slightly more work to maintain.
Also made minor revisions to some of the variable descriptions
to be more informative, e.g. `:monthname` in permalinks use
full English names ("January" etc.)
Added Version, CommitHash and BuildDate to hugolib/hugo.go and used it in build
Removed commitHash and buildDate from commands/version.go and used hugolib vars
Removed getDateFormat function from commands/version.go
* Add link to
* Correct heading levels in docs/content/community/
* Mention RFC 3339 as the `date` format set by `hugo new`
* Mention that `hugo new` does not add `draft = true` when the user
provides an archetype
* List short examples of TOML and YAML side by side
* Compact the Math template functions into a table
* Put some notes into a blockquote
While following the github pages tutorial I found some issues. These are
the commands I ran that worked.
Added site variables to the docs from the code.
- Change "livereload" and "live reload" to "LiveReload";
- Add a `$ ` prompt before example command lines
(not exhaustive, work in progress);
- Remove unnecessary whitespace from partials;
- Revise the blackfriday options table in overview/
to make it narrower.
- Manually set the language for highlight.js where appropriate
- Rename "404" to "Custom 404 page", and remove incorrect reference
to "homepage"
- Credit the author of tutorials/
(Similar notes are necessary for other contributed pages where
"I" am not spf13 to avoid reader confusion.)
- Add CSS for `kbd` and `table` etc. to css/style.css;
- etc.