This applies two related fixes/improvements:
* The --gc now keeps empty `_resources/_gen/images` etc folders, even if empty. This should have been the behaviour
from the start.
* Also, if removal of an empty dir on Windows fails with the "used by another process" error, just ignore it for now.
This also speeds up situations where you only need the fragments/toc and not the rendered content, e.g. Related
with fragments type indexing:
name old time/op new time/op delta
RelatedSite-10 12.3ms ± 2% 10.7ms ± 1% -12.95% (p=0.029 n=4+4)
name old alloc/op new alloc/op delta
RelatedSite-10 38.6MB ± 0% 38.2MB ± 0% -1.08% (p=0.029 n=4+4)
name old allocs/op new allocs/op delta
RelatedSite-10 117k ± 0% 115k ± 0% -1.36% (p=0.029 n=4+4)
The main topic of this commit is that you can now index fragments (content heading identifiers) when calling `.Related`.
You can do this by:
* Configure one or more indices with type `fragments`
* The name of those index configurations maps to an (optional) front matter slice with fragment references. This allows you to link
page<->fragment and page<->page.
* This also will index all the fragments (heading identifiers) of the pages.
It's also possible to use type `fragments` indices in shortcode, e.g.:
{{ $related := site.RegularPages.Related .Page }}
But, and this is important, you need to include the shortcode using the `{{<` delimiter. Not doing so will create infinite loops and timeouts.
This commit also:
* Adds two new methods to Page: Fragments (can also be used to build ToC) and HeadingsFiltered (this is only used in Related Content with
index type `fragments` and `enableFilter` set to true.
* Consolidates all `.Related*` methods into one, which takes either a `Page` or an options map as its only argument.
* Add `context.Context` to all of the content related Page API. Turns out it wasn't strictly needed for this particular feature, but it will
soon become usefil, e.g. in #9339.
Updates #9339
Updates #10725
Note that this is backed by a LRU cache (which we soon shall see more usage of), so if you're a heavy user of cached partials it may be evicted and
refreshed if needed. But in most cases every partial is only invoked once.
This commit also adds a timeout (the global `timeout` config option) to make infinite recursion in partials
easier to reason about.
name old time/op new time/op delta
IncludeCached-10 8.92ms ± 0% 8.48ms ± 1% -4.87% (p=0.016 n=4+5)
name old alloc/op new alloc/op delta
IncludeCached-10 6.65MB ± 0% 5.17MB ± 0% -22.32% (p=0.002 n=6+6)
name old allocs/op new allocs/op delta
IncludeCached-10 117k ± 0% 71k ± 0% -39.44% (p=0.002 n=6+6)
Updates #9588
Both will of course work, but hugo.toml will win if both are set.
We should have done this a long time ago, of course, but the reason I'm picking this up now is that my VS Code setup by default picks up some
JSON config schema from some random other software which also names its config files config.toml.
So you can do `process.env.HUGO_PUBLISHDIR` in your `postcss.config.js` to figure out where Hugo publishes
its files.
Note that the value will always be an absolute file path and will point to a directory on disk even when running `hugo server` in memory mode.
If you write to this folder from PostCSS when running the server, you could run the server with one of these flags:
hugo server --renderToDisk
hugo server --renderStaticToDisk
We do lazy initialization and (potentially) reuse of an output format's rendered content. We do this evaluation when we
start a new rendering a new output format. There are, however, situation where these borders gets crossed (e.g.
accessing content from another output format). We have a check for this in place for most cases, but not the content
rendering of inner markdown blocks inside shortcodes. This patch applies that same logic to the newly introduced
RenderContent method (which is not available from the templates).
In `v0.103.0` we added support for `resources.PostProcess` for all file types, not just HTML. We had benchmarks that said we were fine in that department, but those did not consider the static file syncing.
This fixes that by:
* Making sure that the /static syncer always gets its own file system without any checks for the post process token.
* For dynamic files (e.g. rendered HTML files) we add an additional check to make sure that we skip binary files (e.g. images)
This issue was introduced in `v0.102.0`.
In 223bf28004 we removed the byte source from the parsed page result, which
meant we had to preserve exact positioning for all elements. This introduced some new `TypeIgnore` tokens
which we, wrongly, assumed didn't matter where we put in the result slice (they should be ignored anyway).
But it seems that this broke the logic where we determine if it's positional or named params in the case
where the paramater value contains escaped quoutes.
This commit makes sure that these ignore tokens (the back slashes) are never sent back to the client, which is how it was before `v0.102.0`.
This commit also fixes some lost error information in that same commit.
Note that this has only been a problem with "raw dates" in TOML files in /data and similar. The predefined front matter
dates `.Date` etc. are converted to a Go Time and has worked fine even after upgrading to v2 of the go-toml lib.
This commit adds a new `.InnerDeindent` method to the shortcode context, which is `.Inner` with any
indendation removed. This is then used in the built-in `highlight` shortcode to prevent the extra
whitespace getting hightlighted.
* Record the leading whitespace (tabs, spaces) before the shortcode when parsing the page.
* Apply that indentation to the rendered result of shortcodes without inner content (where the user will apply indentation).