with the following added languages in anticipation of document expansion:
apache dockerfile dos less php powershell python tex yaml
To reproduce docs/static/js/highlight.pack.js on Debian/Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs npm
$ wget https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/archive/9.0.0.tar.gz
$ tar xzf 9.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd highlight.js-9.0.0/
$ npm install
$ nodejs tools/build.js markdown asciidoc xml css javascript \
ini yaml json go bash diff dockerfile dos powershell makefile \
apache nginx tex http php python ruby django haml handlebars \
scss less coffeescript
Then, copy the resulting build/highlight.pack.js as well as
src/styles/monokai-sublime.css to the appropriate Hugo docs directories.
because our bootstrap-theme.css was originally a customized
core bootstrap.css file from Bootstrap v3.0.0.
This rename helps to avoid confusion with Bootstrap’s official
bootstrap-theme.css files.
The GitHub:buttons JavaScript code docs/static/js/buttons.js
from https://github.com/ntkme/github-buttons was referenced
in docs/layouts/partials/footer.html but never used.
Apparently, the actual code for the GitHub buttons on the upper-left
corner of gohugo.io documentation was written by @spf13 in
The `gh` shortcode has two modes: users and issues. For user mode, pass a list
of `@username` arguments. For the issues/PR mode, pass a list of issue or PR
numbers. PRs link to the "issues/" URL since Github redirects to the correct
Thanks to @ryanclarke for suggesting an improved template.
To prevent "Showcase" from becoming "Showcases",
also to have the RSS feed display correct titles,
i.e. "Showcase on gohugo.io" rather than "Showcase on ".
* Add meta author, description and generator tags
* Add Hugo version beside the logo and in the footer
* Suggest the user to run `go get -u -v` to update dependencies
* Requires Go 1.3+ rather than Go 1.1+
* Improve rendering/formatting in some places
* Add trailing slash to URLs where appropriate
* GitHub redirects all http requests to https, update accordingly
Found on @spf13's Twitter. :-)
Prevent the testimonial dates from wrapping.
Also fix a few minor problems to get the home page
to validate as proper HTML5.
Extracted from https://www.freebsd.org/logo/logo-simple.svg
for temporary use until a future Font Awesome release adds
the `fa-freebsd` glyph (github/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#1116) :-)
Make .fa `display: inline` to prevent unwanted line-wrapping
Also make the menu item "Issue & Help" line up with the others.
- Change "livereload" and "live reload" to "LiveReload";
- Add a `$ ` prompt before example command lines
(not exhaustive, work in progress);
- Remove unnecessary whitespace from partials;
- Revise the blackfriday options table in overview/configuration.md
to make it narrower.
- Manually set the language for highlight.js where appropriate
- Rename "404" to "Custom 404 page", and remove incorrect reference
to "homepage"
- Credit the author of tutorials/github_pages_blog.md
(Similar notes are necessary for other contributed pages where
"I" am not spf13 to avoid reader confusion.)
- Add CSS for `kbd` and `table` etc. to css/style.css;
- etc.
- Add backticks and commas where necessary
- Remove some trailing whitespace
- Add front matter example in TOML
- Fix typo in one of the tags in Showcase
- Add 多说 (Duoshuo) as an alternative to Disqus
- Use internal links (i.e. without gohugo.io) where possible
- Use a colon to set off an example
- Change "it's" to "its" where appropriate
- Use typographical (i.e. curly) apostrophe on the front page
where appropriate
- Capitalize "Github" as "GitHub"
updated installation page of documentation, and changed "Download" button on index.html to scroll to bottom where multiple installation options are featured
getting the scrolldown to work required removing the fixed positioning on #action and on the footer
Among the various changes, most instances of
{{ template "partials/FILE.html" . }}
were changed to
{{ partial "FILE.html" . }}
Also, in main.go, change "2013" to "2013-14".