Merge branch 'b087' into release-0.87.0

This commit is contained in:
Bjørn Erik Pedersen 2021-08-03 12:38:58 +02:00
commit ec1c1c3459
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 330E6E2BD4859D8F
247 changed files with 530 additions and 170 deletions

View file

@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ pluralizeListTitles = false
# We do redirects via Netlify's _redirects file, generated by Hugo (see "outputs" below).
disableAliases = true
keepWhitespace = true
min = "0.56.0"

View file

@ -25,3 +25,7 @@ style = "trac"
lineNumbersInTable = true
noClasses = false
endLevel = 2
ordered = false
startLevel = 2

View file

@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ hugo [flags]
* [hugo check](/commands/hugo_check/) - Contains some verification checks
* [hugo completion](/commands/hugo_completion/) - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
* [hugo config](/commands/hugo_config/) - Print the site configuration
* [hugo convert](/commands/hugo_convert/) - Convert your content to different formats
* [hugo deploy](/commands/hugo_deploy/) - Deploy your site to a Cloud provider.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
title: "hugo completion"
slug: hugo_completion
url: /commands/hugo_completion/
## hugo completion
generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
### Synopsis
Generate the autocompletion script for hugo for the specified shell.
See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script.
### Options
-h, --help help for completion
### Options inherited from parent commands
--config string config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
--configDir string config dir (default "config")
--debug debug output
-e, --environment string build environment
--ignoreVendor ignores any _vendor directory
--ignoreVendorPaths string ignores any _vendor for module paths matching the given Glob pattern
--log enable Logging
--logFile string log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
--quiet build in quiet mode
-s, --source string filesystem path to read files relative from
--themesDir string filesystem path to themes directory
-v, --verbose verbose output
--verboseLog verbose logging
* [hugo](/commands/hugo/) - hugo builds your site
* [hugo completion bash](/commands/hugo_completion_bash/) - generate the autocompletion script for bash
* [hugo completion fish](/commands/hugo_completion_fish/) - generate the autocompletion script for fish
* [hugo completion powershell](/commands/hugo_completion_powershell/) - generate the autocompletion script for powershell
* [hugo completion zsh](/commands/hugo_completion_zsh/) - generate the autocompletion script for zsh

View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
title: "hugo completion bash"
slug: hugo_completion_bash
url: /commands/hugo_completion_bash/
## hugo completion bash
generate the autocompletion script for bash
### Synopsis
Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell.
This script depends on the 'bash-completion' package.
If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS's package manager.
To load completions in your current shell session:
$ source <(hugo completion bash)
To load completions for every new session, execute once:
$ hugo completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/hugo
$ hugo completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/hugo
You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.
hugo completion bash
### Options
-h, --help help for bash
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
### Options inherited from parent commands
--config string config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
--configDir string config dir (default "config")
--debug debug output
-e, --environment string build environment
--ignoreVendor ignores any _vendor directory
--ignoreVendorPaths string ignores any _vendor for module paths matching the given Glob pattern
--log enable Logging
--logFile string log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
--quiet build in quiet mode
-s, --source string filesystem path to read files relative from
--themesDir string filesystem path to themes directory
-v, --verbose verbose output
--verboseLog verbose logging
* [hugo completion](/commands/hugo_completion/) - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell

View file

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
title: "hugo completion fish"
slug: hugo_completion_fish
url: /commands/hugo_completion_fish/
## hugo completion fish
generate the autocompletion script for fish
### Synopsis
Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell.
To load completions in your current shell session:
$ hugo completion fish | source
To load completions for every new session, execute once:
$ hugo completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/
You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.
hugo completion fish [flags]
### Options
-h, --help help for fish
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
### Options inherited from parent commands
--config string config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
--configDir string config dir (default "config")
--debug debug output
-e, --environment string build environment
--ignoreVendor ignores any _vendor directory
--ignoreVendorPaths string ignores any _vendor for module paths matching the given Glob pattern
--log enable Logging
--logFile string log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
--quiet build in quiet mode
-s, --source string filesystem path to read files relative from
--themesDir string filesystem path to themes directory
-v, --verbose verbose output
--verboseLog verbose logging
* [hugo completion](/commands/hugo_completion/) - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell

View file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
title: "hugo completion powershell"
slug: hugo_completion_powershell
url: /commands/hugo_completion_powershell/
## hugo completion powershell
generate the autocompletion script for powershell
### Synopsis
Generate the autocompletion script for powershell.
To load completions in your current shell session:
PS C:\> hugo completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression
To load completions for every new session, add the output of the above command
to your powershell profile.
hugo completion powershell [flags]
### Options
-h, --help help for powershell
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
### Options inherited from parent commands
--config string config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
--configDir string config dir (default "config")
--debug debug output
-e, --environment string build environment
--ignoreVendor ignores any _vendor directory
--ignoreVendorPaths string ignores any _vendor for module paths matching the given Glob pattern
--log enable Logging
--logFile string log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
--quiet build in quiet mode
-s, --source string filesystem path to read files relative from
--themesDir string filesystem path to themes directory
-v, --verbose verbose output
--verboseLog verbose logging
* [hugo completion](/commands/hugo_completion/) - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell

View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
title: "hugo completion zsh"
slug: hugo_completion_zsh
url: /commands/hugo_completion_zsh/
## hugo completion zsh
generate the autocompletion script for zsh
### Synopsis
Generate the autocompletion script for the zsh shell.
If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need
to enable it. You can execute the following once:
$ echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc
To load completions for every new session, execute once:
# Linux:
$ hugo completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_hugo"
# macOS:
$ hugo completion zsh > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_hugo
You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.
hugo completion zsh [flags]
### Options
-h, --help help for zsh
--no-descriptions disable completion descriptions
### Options inherited from parent commands
--config string config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
--configDir string config dir (default "config")
--debug debug output
-e, --environment string build environment
--ignoreVendor ignores any _vendor directory
--ignoreVendorPaths string ignores any _vendor for module paths matching the given Glob pattern
--log enable Logging
--logFile string log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
--quiet build in quiet mode
-s, --source string filesystem path to read files relative from
--themesDir string filesystem path to themes directory
-v, --verbose verbose output
--verboseLog verbose logging
* [hugo completion](/commands/hugo_completion/) - generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell

View file

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ link = ""
date = "2017-01-07T00:00:00Z"
{{< /code-toggle >}}
Let's assume you want to grab Tweets from the last two years and present them in a random order. In conjunction with the [`where`](/functions/where/) and [`now`](/functions/now/) functions, you can limit our range to the last two years via `now.AddDate -2 0 0`, which represents a point in time 2 years, 0 days, and 0 hours before the time of your last site build.
Let's assume you want to grab Tweets from the last two years and present them in a random order. In conjunction with the [`where`](/functions/where/) and [`now`](/functions/now/) functions, you can limit our range to the last two years via `now.AddDate -2 0 0`, which represents a point in time 2 years, 0 months, and 0 days before the time of your last site build.
{{< code file="partials/templates/random-tweets.html" download="tweets.html" >}}
{{ range where $.Site.Data.tweets.tweet "date" "ge" (now.AddDate -2 0 0) | shuffle }}

View file

@ -8,23 +8,9 @@ keywords: [numbers]
parent: "functions"
toc: false
aliases: ['/functions/numfmt/']
type: 'template-func'
The default options value is `- . ,`. The default delimiter within the options
value is a space. If you need to use a space as one of the options, set a
custom delimiter.s
Numbers greater than or equal to 5 are rounded up. For example, if precision is set to `0`, `1.5` becomes `2`, and `1.4` becomes `1`.
{{ lang.NumFmt 2 12345.6789 }} → 12,345.68
{{ lang.NumFmt 2 12345.6789 "- , ." }} → 12.345,68
{{ lang.NumFmt 0 -12345.6789 "- . ," }} → -12,346
{{ lang.NumFmt 6 -12345.6789 "- ." }} → -12345.678900
{{ lang.NumFmt 6 -12345.6789 "-|.| " "|" }} → -1 2345.678900
{{ -98765.4321 | lang.NumFmt 2 }} → -98,765.43

View file

@ -106,219 +106,306 @@ The following is the full list of Hugo-defined variables with their default
value in parentheses. Users may choose to override those values in their site
config file(s).
archetypeDir ("archetypes")
: The directory where Hugo finds archetype files (content templates). {{% module-mounts-note %}}
### archetypeDir
assetDir ("assets")
: The directory where Hugo finds asset files used in [Hugo Pipes](/hugo-pipes/). {{% module-mounts-note %}}
**Default value:** "archetypes"
: Hostname (and path) to the root, e.g.
The directory where Hugo finds archetype files (content templates). {{% module-mounts-note %}}
: See [Configure Blackfriday](/getting-started/configuration-markup#blackfriday)
### assetDir
: See [Configure Build](#configure-build)
**Default value:** "assets"
buildDrafts (false)
: Include drafts when building.
The directory where Hugo finds asset files used in [Hugo Pipes](/hugo-pipes/). {{% module-mounts-note %}}
buildExpired (false)
: Include content already expired.
### baseURL
Hostname (and path) to the root, e.g.
buildFuture (false)
: Include content with publishdate in the future.
### blackfriday
See [Configure Blackfriday](/getting-started/configuration-markup#blackfriday)
: See [Configure File Caches](#configure-file-caches)
### build
See [Configure Build](#configure-build)
canonifyURLs (false)
: Enable to turn relative URLs into absolute.
### buildDrafts (false)
contentDir ("content")
: The directory from where Hugo reads content files. {{% module-mounts-note %}}
**Default value:** false
dataDir ("data")
: The directory from where Hugo reads data files. {{% module-mounts-note %}}
Include drafts when building.
defaultContentLanguage ("en")
: Content without language indicator will default to this language.
### buildExpired
defaultContentLanguageInSubdir (false)
: Render the default content language in subdir, e.g. `content/en/`. The site root `/` will then redirect to `/en/`.
**Default value:** false
disableAliases (false)
: Will disable generation of alias redirects. Note that even if `disableAliases` is set, the aliases themselves are preserved on the page. The motivation with this is to be able to generate 301 redirects in an `.htaccess`, a Netlify `_redirects` file or similar using a custom output format.
Include content already expired.
disableHugoGeneratorInject (false)
: Hugo will, by default, inject a generator meta tag in the HTML head on the _home page only_. You can turn it off, but we would really appreciate if you don't, as this is a good way to watch Hugo's popularity on the rise.
### buildFuture
disableKinds ([])
: Enable disabling of all pages of the specified *Kinds*. Allowed values in this list: `"page"`, `"home"`, `"section"`, `"taxonomy"`, `"term"`, `"RSS"`, `"sitemap"`, `"robotsTXT"`, `"404"`.
**Default value:** false
disableLiveReload (false)
: Disable automatic live reloading of browser window.
Include content with publishdate in the future.
### caches
See [Configure File Caches](#configure-file-caches)
### cascade
{{< new-in "0.86.0" >}}
Pass down down default configuration values (front matter) to pages in the content tree. The options in site config is the same as in page front matter, see [Front Matter Cascade](/content-management/front-matter#front-matter-cascade).
### canonifyURLs
**Default value:** false
Enable to turn relative URLs into absolute.
### contentDir
**Default value:** "content"
The directory from where Hugo reads content files. {{% module-mounts-note %}}
### dataDir
**Default value:** "data"
The directory from where Hugo reads data files. {{% module-mounts-note %}}
### defaultContentLanguage
**Default value:** "en"
Content without language indicator will default to this language.
### defaultContentLanguageInSubdir
**Default value:** false
Render the default content language in subdir, e.g. `content/en/`. The site root `/` will then redirect to `/en/`.
### disableAliases
**Default value:** false
Will disable generation of alias redirects. Note that even if `disableAliases` is set, the aliases themselves are preserved on the page. The motivation with this is to be able to generate 301 redirects in an `.htaccess`, a Netlify `_redirects` file or similar using a custom output format.
### disableHugoGeneratorInject
**Default value:** false
Hugo will, by default, inject a generator meta tag in the HTML head on the _home page only_. You can turn it off, but we would really appreciate if you don't, as this is a good way to watch Hugo's popularity on the rise.
### disableKinds
**Default value:** []
Enable disabling of all pages of the specified *Kinds*. Allowed values in this list: `"page"`, `"home"`, `"section"`, `"taxonomy"`, `"term"`, `"RSS"`, `"sitemap"`, `"robotsTXT"`, `"404"`.
### disableLiveReload
**Default value:** false
Disable automatic live reloading of browser window.
### disablePathToLower
**Default value:** false
disablePathToLower (false)
: Do not convert the url/path to lowercase.
enableEmoji (false)
: Enable Emoji emoticons support for page content; see the [Emoji Cheat Sheet](
### enableEmoji
enableGitInfo (false)
: Enable `.GitInfo` object for each page (if the Hugo site is versioned by Git). This will then update the `Lastmod` parameter for each page using the last git commit date for that content file.
**Default value:** false
enableInlineShortcodes (false)
: Enable inline shortcode support. See [Inline Shortcodes](/templates/shortcode-templates/#inline-shortcodes).
Enable Emoji emoticons support for page content; see the [Emoji Cheat Sheet](
enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders (false)
: Show a placeholder instead of the default value or an empty string if a translation is missing.
### enableGitInfo
enableRobotsTXT (false)
: Enable generation of `robots.txt` file.
**Default value:** false
Enable `.GitInfo` object for each page (if the Hugo site is versioned by Git). This will then update the `Lastmod` parameter for each page using the last git commit date for that content file.
: See [Front matter Configuration](#configure-front-matter).
### enableInlineShortcodes
footnoteAnchorPrefix ("")
: Prefix for footnote anchors.
**Default value:** false
footnoteReturnLinkContents ("")
: Text to display for footnote return links.
Enable inline shortcode support. See [Inline Shortcodes](/templates/shortcode-templates/#inline-shortcodes).
googleAnalytics ("")
: Google Analytics tracking ID.
### enableMissingTranslationPlaceholders
hasCJKLanguage (false)
: If true, auto-detect Chinese/Japanese/Korean Languages in the content. This will make `.Summary` and `.WordCount` behave correctly for CJK languages.
**Default value:** false
: See [Image Processing Config](/content-management/image-processing/#image-processing-config).
Show a placeholder instead of the default value or an empty string if a translation is missing.
: See [Configure Languages](/content-management/multilingual/#configure-languages).
### enableRobotsTXT
languageCode ("")
: The site's language code. It is used in the default [RSS template](/templates/rss/#configure-rss) and can be useful for [multi-lingual sites](/content-management/multilingual/#configure-multilingual-multihost).
**Default value:** false
languageName ("")
: The site's language name.
Enable generation of `robots.txt` file.
: See [Disable a Language](/content-management/multilingual/#disable-a-language)
### frontmatter
layoutDir ("layouts")
: The directory from where Hugo reads layouts (templates).
See [Front matter Configuration](#configure-front-matter).
log (false)
: Enable logging.
### footnoteAnchorPrefix
logFile ("")
: Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically).
**Default value:** ""
: See [Configure Markup](/getting-started/configuration-markup).{{< new-in "0.60.0" >}}
Prefix for footnote anchors.
### footnoteReturnLinkContents
**Default value:** ""
Text to display for footnote return links.
### googleAnalytics
**Default value:** ""
Google Analytics tracking ID.
### hasCJKLanguage
**Default value:** false
If true, auto-detect Chinese/Japanese/Korean Languages in the content. This will make `.Summary` and `.WordCount` behave correctly for CJK languages.
### imaging
See [Image Processing Config](/content-management/image-processing/#image-processing-config).
### languages
See [Configure Languages](/content-management/multilingual/#configure-languages).
### disableLanguages
See [Disable a Language](/content-management/multilingual/#disable-a-language)
### markup
See [Configure Markup](/getting-started/configuration-markup).{{< new-in "0.60.0" >}}
### mediaTypes
See [Configure Media Types](/templates/output-formats/#media-types).
: See [Add Non-content Entries to a Menu](/content-management/menus/#add-non-content-entries-to-a-menu).
### menus
See [Add Non-content Entries to a Menu](/content-management/menus/#add-non-content-entries-to-a-menu).
: See [Configure Minify](#configure-minify)
### minify
See [Configure Minify](#configure-minify)
: Module config see [Module Config](/hugo-modules/configuration/).{{< new-in "0.56.0" >}}
### module
Module config see [Module Config](/hugo-modules/configuration/).{{< new-in "0.56.0" >}}
newContentEditor ("")
: The editor to use when creating new content.
### newContentEditor
The editor to use when creating new content.
noChmod (false)
: Don't sync permission mode of files.
### noChmod
Don't sync permission mode of files.
noTimes (false)
: Don't sync modification time of files.
### noTimes
Don't sync modification time of files.
### outputFormats
See [Configure Output Formats](#configure-additional-output-formats).
paginate (10)
: Default number of elements per page in [pagination](/templates/pagination/).
### paginate
paginatePath ("page")
: The path element used during pagination (
**Default value:** 10
: See [Content Management](/content-management/urls/#permalinks).
Default number of elements per page in [pagination](/templates/pagination/).
pluralizeListTitles (true)
: Pluralize titles in lists.
### paginatePath
publishDir ("public")
: The directory to where Hugo will write the final static site (the HTML files etc.).
**Default value:** "page"
The path element used during pagination (
### permalinks
See [Content Management](/content-management/urls/#permalinks).
### pluralizeListTitles
**Default value:** true
Pluralize titles in lists.
### publishDir
**Default value:** "public"
The directory to where Hugo will write the final static site (the HTML files etc.).
### related
: See [Related Content](/content-management/related/#configure-related-content).{{< new-in "0.27" >}}
relativeURLs (false)
: Enable this to make all relative URLs relative to content root. Note that this does not affect absolute URLs.
### relativeURLs
Enable this to make all relative URLs relative to content root. Note that this does not affect absolute URLs.
refLinksErrorLevel ("ERROR")
: When using `ref` or `relref` to resolve page links and a link cannot resolved, it will be logged with this logg level. Valid values are `ERROR` (default) or `WARNING`. Any `ERROR` will fail the build (`exit -1`).
### refLinksErrorLevel
: URL to be used as a placeholder when a page reference cannot be found in `ref` or `relref`. Is used as-is.
**Default value:** "ERROR"
rssLimit (unlimited)
: Maximum number of items in the RSS feed.
When using `ref` or `relref` to resolve page links and a link cannot resolved, it will be logged with this logg level. Valid values are `ERROR` (default) or `WARNING`. Any `ERROR` will fail the build (`exit -1`).
sectionPagesMenu ("")
: See ["Section Menu for Lazy Bloggers"](/templates/menu-templates/#section-menu-for-lazy-bloggers).
### refLinksNotFoundURL
URL to be used as a placeholder when a page reference cannot be found in `ref` or `relref`. Is used as-is.
: Default [sitemap configuration](/templates/sitemap-template/#configure-sitemapxml).
### rssLimit
staticDir ("static")
: A directory or a list of directories from where Hugo reads [static files][static-files]. {{% module-mounts-note %}}
Maximum number of items in the RSS feed.
summaryLength (70)
: The length of text in words to show in a [`.Summary`](/content-management/summaries/#hugo-defined-automatic-summary-splitting).
### sectionPagesMenu
See ["Section Menu for Lazy Bloggers"](/templates/menu-templates/#section-menu-for-lazy-bloggers).
: See [Configure Taxonomies](/content-management/taxonomies#configure-taxonomies).
### sitemap
Default [sitemap configuration](/templates/sitemap-template/#configure-sitemapxml).
theme ("")
: Theme to use (located by default in `/themes/THEMENAME/`).
### summaryLength
themesDir ("themes")
: The directory where Hugo reads the themes from.
**Default value:** 70
timeout (10000)
: Timeout for generating page contents, in milliseconds (defaults to 10&nbsp;seconds). *Note:* this is used to bail out of recursive content generation, if your pages are slow to generate (e.g., because they require large image processing or depend on remote contents) you might need to raise this limit.
The length of text in words to show in a [`.Summary`](/content-management/summaries/#hugo-defined-automatic-summary-splitting).
timeZone {{< new-in "0.86.0" >}}
: The time zone (or location), e.g. `Europe/Oslo`, used to parse front matter dates without such information and in the [`time` function](/functions/time/).
### taxonomies
See [Configure Taxonomies](/content-management/taxonomies#configure-taxonomies).
title ("")
: Site title.
### theme
: See [Module Config](/hugo-modules/configuration/#module-config-imports) for how to import a theme.
titleCaseStyle ("AP")
: See [Configure Title Case](#configure-title-case)
### themesDir
uglyURLs (false)
: When enabled, creates URL of the form `/filename.html` instead of `/filename/`.
**Default value:** "themes"
verbose (false)
: Enable verbose output.
The directory where Hugo reads the themes from.
verboseLog (false)
: Enable verbose logging.
### timeout
watch (false)
: Watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed.
**Default value:** 10000
Timeout for generating page contents, in milliseconds (defaults to 10&nbsp;seconds). *Note:* this is used to bail out of recursive content generation, if your pages are slow to generate (e.g., because they require large image processing or depend on remote contents) you might need to raise this limit.
### timeZone
{{< new-in "0.87.0" >}}
The time zone (or location), e.g. `Europe/Oslo`, used to parse front matter dates without such information and in the [`time` function](/functions/time/). The list of valid values may be system dependent, but should include `UTC`, `Local`, and any location in the [IANA Time Zone database](
### title
Site title.
### titleCaseStyle
**Default value:** "AP"
See [Configure Title Case](#configure-title-case)
### uglyURLs
When enabled, creates URL of the form `/filename.html` instead of `/filename/`.
### watch
Watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed.
{{% note %}}
If you are developing your site on a \*nix machine, here is a handy shortcut for finding a configuration option from the command line:

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 184 KiB

View file

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
date: 2021-07-21
title: "0.86.0"
description: "0.86.0"
title: "Hugo 0.86.0: Cascade in Config"
description: "Hugo 0.86.0 adds cascade keyword to site config, much improved \"active menu item\" logic for section pages, and more."
categories: ["Releases"]
This is release is a set of smaller fixes and improvements. Some of the more noteable:
This release is a set of smaller fixes and improvements. Some of the more notable:
You can now have a top level [cascade]( (or one per language, if needed) section in your site configuration (e.g. `config.toml`). This way you can control default front matter values from outside of the content files.
Hugo's [Menu system]( works good, but hasn't been particulary easy to set the active menu state for section pages without a menu defintion. We have had the option [Section Menu for Lazy Bloggers]( That helped for the common case, but we have now made it behave more sensible out of the box: `$section.HasMenuCurrent` will now always return true for any descendant of that section. To support this for menu defintions in the site config, we have added a new `pageRef` option on [MenuEntry](
Hugo's [Menu system]( works well, but hasn't been particularly easy to set the active menu state for section pages without a menu definition. We have had the option [Section Menu for Lazy Bloggers]( That helped for the common case, but we have now made it behave more sensible out of the box: `$page.HasMenuCurrent $sectionMenuEntry` will now always return true for any descendant of that section. To support this for menu definitions in the site config, we have added a new `pageRef` option on [MenuEntry](
@ -54,8 +54,3 @@ Hugo now has:
* Fix default values when loading from config dir [ae6cf93c]( [@bep]( [#8763](
* Fix the deprecation error/warn log levels [a70da2b7]( [@bep](
* Fix transparency problem when converting 32-bit images to WebP [8f40f34c]( [@bep]( [#8729](

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
date: 2021-07-30
title: "Hugo 0.86.1: A couple of Bug Fixes"
description: "This version fixes a couple of bugs introduced in 0.86.0."
title: "Hugo 0.86.1: One Bug Fix"
description: "This version fixes a of bug introduced in 0.86.0."
categories: ["Releases"]
- images/blog/hugo-bug-poster.png

View file

@ -3972,7 +3972,7 @@
"{{ -98765.4321 | lang.NumFmt 2 }}",
"{{ -98765.4321 | lang.FormatNumberCustom 2 }}",

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ publish = "public"
command = "hugo --gc --minify"
HUGO_VERSION = "0.85.0"
HUGO_VERSION = "0.86.1"
HUGO_ENV = "production"
@ -11,20 +11,20 @@ HUGO_ENABLEGITINFO = "true"
command = "hugo --gc --minify --enableGitInfo"
HUGO_VERSION = "0.85.0"
HUGO_VERSION = "0.86.1"
HUGO_ENV = "production"
command = "hugo --gc --minify --buildFuture -b $DEPLOY_PRIME_URL"
HUGO_VERSION = "0.85.0"
HUGO_VERSION = "0.86.1"
command = "hugo --gc --minify -b $DEPLOY_PRIME_URL"
HUGO_VERSION = "0.85.0"
HUGO_VERSION = "0.86.1"

Binary file not shown.


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